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Chapter 156 Can't Procrastinate Anymore

Chapter 156 Can't Procrastinate Anymore

Fortunately, Fang Han is not an ordinary person. He has really good water properties, and with the help of the energy in his body, his breath is much more melodious and longer.

Under such circumstances, Fang Han did not panic and subconsciously shake off and struggle like normal people who are entangled.

It is undeniable that if they were ordinary people, both of them would have drowned in the water based on Lin Keer's subconscious behavior just now.

Fang Han didn’t!After being entangled by Lin Keer, Fang Han seized the opportunity to take a deep breath, hold his breath, and let Lin Keer feel for him...

How do you feel?A normal person who falls into the water... will subconsciously want to keep surfacing when panicked. Lin Keer is like this. The reason why Fang Han didn't move is because Lin Keer's instinctive consciousness dominates his thinking now. The movement caused Lin Ke'er to move more violently, and the nerves that were already on the verge of collapse were completely trampled, and it was also because Fang Han had too much experience.I vaguely remember the content of chatting with those lifeguards when I was a part-time waiter in a seaside tourist area.

There is a general consensus among lifeguards that when rescuing a drowning person, they must not come up and take the lead to break the rhythm of survival of the drowning person. Otherwise, it is easy for the drowning person to suffer mental breakdown blindly and deteriorate the rescue environment.

Fang Han is following this method at this time, anyway, he is not afraid of sinking water, let alone this little power.

After a moment of silence, Lin Ke'er finally stabilized her pear-blossoming and rainy face on the surface of the water under Fang Han's efforts to keep her body still. .

At this time, Fang Han stretched his arms to hug Lin Ke'er's trembling delicate body, and at the same time sent his head out of the water.

As soon as Fang Han's head appeared, Lin Keer hugged him subconsciously.

There was no way Lin Ke'er's hands were fluttering in the water just now, and she was trying to grab Fang Han randomly, and her body strength had already been exhausted.

Seeing Fang Han's head come out at this time, he hugged him instinctively, and when he maintained his buoyancy, he gasped...

Because the two were hugging in the water, Fang Han couldn't see Lin Ke'er's expression, but one thing is certain, Lin Ke'er definitely had a look of undecided shock and lingering fear after being frightened.

"How to do how to do!"

At this time, Lin Ke'er looked at the shallow water beach that seemed far away, let out a panicked cry, and murmured.

Fang Han knew very well what happened. He could tell from the strength of the undercurrent he felt when they entered the deep water area. At this time, the two of them had been washed far away.There is no way... that shallow beach is made of rocks. If it were not covered by sea water, it would be a flat stone platform on the back of the mountain!After the sea water came, the huge undertide force hit the stone platform and bounced back a lot under the surging waves.

It seems that the waves are always surging towards the shore. In fact, the surging force of the rebound is more terrifying than the vortex... It is true that the sea water beats the land, but it is more reflected on the water surface. Once it enters the water, the "rolling" force of the sea water It is also very scary.

At this time, if nothing unexpected happened, he and Lin Ke'er would have been "rolled" a long way away by the sea water.

Subconsciously turned around to look, sure enough... Guan Xuanxuan and Sima Jinglan were anxiously shouting at them.Guan Xuanxuan was holding the swimming ring in her hand, but she couldn't throw it out in the end. Guan Xuanxuan couldn't throw it at such a long distance.Because it will be pushed back by the waves while still on the sea surface, this has not considered the wind force at sea.

After successfully stabilizing Lin Keer's mood, Fang Han stretched out his arms first, and waved his arms soothingly at the second daughter on the shallow water beach in the distance, expressing that the two of them are safe and sound, and then smiled against Lin Keer's neck. He comforted him and said, "It's okay! I'll take you back right away... Remember, don't panic, I'm here! Don't be afraid, don't be afraid!"

Fang Han's expression was calm, his eyes were still full of seriousness, but Lin Ke'er couldn't detect this kind of hug with head and neck intertwined.

With such an expression, Fang Han adjusted his tone and replied: "Okay! You are the eldest lady who listens to you... It's a pity, I don't know when this kind of beauty in my arms will happen again. ...Hey! Poor me, this hero, after saving the beauty, I didn’t even get a damn, so I lost money.”

Fang Han said it very frivolously, but his expression was solemn. However, just such frivolous words made Lin Keer completely relax her nerves. She smiled "chi" and actually tilted her head to face Fang Han when he was stunned. She kissed Fang Han's face, and then Lin Ke'er blushed like a monkey's butt and hid her head behind Fang Han's head again, and replied angrily: "Is it okay now? Go back quickly, otherwise Xuanxuan , Jinglan is almost dying of anxiety! I’m not allowed to tell Xuanxuan about kissing you, otherwise! Otherwise... I want you to look good anyway. Huh!"

She really kissed?But... am I really just helping her relax?Is she really dear?
Fang Han, who was bewildered by Lin Ke'er's kiss, thought in such a messy way.

But at this moment, a huge undercurrent surged in again, forcing Fang Han to break free from his reverie.

Why did Fang Han have such a serious look on his face.

Because he knew that he might not be able to rush to the shallow water beach from the position where he entered the deep water area just now. If he was alone, there would be no problem, but now that Lin Keer was hanging on his body, there were too many unknowns.

Compared with ordinary people, Fang Han is indeed a pervert among perverts, a monster among monsters.

But in the face of pure nature, even a pervert would appear very powerless, which is why Fang Han felt so heavy.

no way!The undercurrent in the sea is too strong, and it is a big problem to rush back against the force of the back wave, and Lin Ke'er has to carry the burden again!The chance of success is very small, so Fang Han prefers to go around to the intersection area between the shallow water beach and the surrounding islands. Once entering that area, the undercurrent in the sea will be relatively reduced by half!After all, there are surrounding islands and reefs to dilute and buffer the undercurrent.

But in this way, the straight-line distance must be broken, and the distance to the back is at least five times higher than the straight-line distance!Fang Han doesn't know if his strength can support him to swim so far alone, he can't count on anything right now, and his cell phone is on the yacht. From his swimming appearance, he knew that this fairy could not be counted on.

The big monster on land, after all, has limited abilities after reaching the sea.Since ancient legends, no land goblin can cross the waters. Snakes are a different kind. Snakes belong to the dragon family, and then become dragons. This is a legend...

There were some thoughts in his mind that were running around for a while, Fang Han knew that he couldn't procrastinate any longer, so after taking a few deep breaths to adjust his emotions, Fang Han felt that Lin Keer's heartbeat tended to stabilize, and then he opened his mouth and said: "Now I'm going to take you back. Let go of your hands first, and hug my shoulders from behind. Don't press down, just grab my shoulders! Just keep your head above the water. Don't move around... Once you can't support it and feel that you can't hold it, you have to call me in advance, do you hear me clearly?"

When Fang Han spoke, Lin Ke'er was a little panicked, but in the end she nodded and followed Fang Han's instructions and slowly loosened the arm wrapped around Fang Han.

(End of this chapter)

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