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Chapter 147 Powerful Perception

Chapter 147 Powerful Perception

It was late at night, and the lights in the surrounding villas had dimmed a lot!It is not difficult to tell that in the numerous villas and small buildings where tired visitors live, except for the security personnel who stayed behind, all the owners have fallen asleep.

Standing alone by the window at the back, Fang Han looked at a group of patrolling troops of the Zheng family who had gone away, with a flash in his eyes, he jumped out of the window lightly... Using his feet, he climbed up the courtyard wall with a height of more than two meters in one vertical jump, Quickly disappeared around the courtyard wall.

"The patrol time in the manor is 8 minutes, and the patrol team outside is about 15 minutes. As long as we don't rush to this time, we should not be discovered. Thirty trees? It won't take too long." He muttered. , Fang Han stabilized the little guy who was almost thrown out because of his vertical jump, and took advantage of the night to hide or hide among the Zheng family's bodyguard team patrolling the perimeter of the courtyard wall, and slowly sneaked out of the Zheng family's manor.

After leaving Zheng's manor, Fang Han went straight to the hillside behind the manor!

It is undeniable that this island is indeed not small!And there is a raised hillside in the center of the island.

Sneaking into the hillside silently all the way, Fang Han didn't talk nonsense!Facing the thick trees halfway up the mountain, several adults began to cut them down.

It is true that Fang Han does not have any tools for felling trees, but the victory lies in the power of this pervert.

The machete in his hand was almost put away, and he chopped a huge tree directly.

At this time, Fang Han's eyes could not help but flicker, because he was not sure how much space such a whole tree would occupy.

There are only a few grids in my item space!Don't be cheating if you can't pretend at that time.

The good thing is, after putting the tree into the system item space with the mentality of trying, it only takes up one grid!And both trees are in the same item space grid, but the tree next to the grid becomes X2.

Since it can be superimposed, it is naturally a good thing.

"It seems that this item space is indeed powerful enough. How much space is a grid? Forget it... don't worry about it. It seems that this item space can't hold too many types, but the same type of things can be superimposed on each other."

With this thought in mind, Fang Han sped up his movements... But when he cut the No. 18 root, Fang Han suddenly stopped and turned around to look at the little guy who was sleeping in the backpack in confusion.

You must know that the little guy was nervous and restless when he came to the island, and he settled down after arriving at the Zheng family's manor. When he went up the mountain just now, the little guy was a little restless. It can be seen that the breath that made her uneasy It's just outside Zheng's manor.On the other hand, what is very strange to Fang Han is... Unlike the little guy who felt uneasy when he came out of the manor safely, Fang Han felt depressed when he entered the manor, but felt a lot more relaxed after leaving the manor.

I don't know what happened.

But there is one thing, Fang Han can be sure that there is a special existence inside and outside the Zheng family's manor, otherwise he would not have such a completely different feeling from the little guy.

So what happened to the little guy who suddenly jumped out of the backpack at this time?

Fang Han didn't understand, so he could only stare at the little guy with puzzled eyes to see how she behaved.

The little guy seemed completely unaware of Fang Han's gaze. After getting out of the backpack, his little eyes shone with a faint green light. A special breath.

"what happened?"

Hearing Fang Han's inquiry, the little guy hesitated for a moment, then turned around and jumped into Fang Han's backpack, and muttered through the system: "There are high-quality medicinal materials not far nearby. I remember you told me that you took a Is the mission right? Take out the mission tracker and track it... I smell like astragalus, how old is it? I’m not sure where it is, but if it meets your mission requirements, the tracker will definitely track and locate it.”

Looking at the news from the mobile phone system, Fang Han's eyes lit up...

500-year-old snow lotus, 300-year-old astragalus, both are precious medicinal materials!I believe you can find them on the market, but if you buy them with money, you don’t know how much they will cost. Since they are available here, you may save a lot of money. If you have this money, you can buy them for your parents. Wouldn't it be nice to find a good house for my sister?

With this in mind, Fang Han took out the mission tracker.

Because the tree was cut down before, because the task only required the trees in the world, and did not specifically refer to any kind of tree!So Fang Han started the task tracking lazily at all, anyway, he would submit it when he got [-] coins, and there was no saying that he didn't meet the requirements.

At this time, I took the mission tracker with me, and sure enough... When I confirmed the current mission tracking, there were mission targets all around. Don’t the densely packed tracking points represent the countless trees around?
Then Fang Han switched the task that needs to be tracked to the follow-up task received by the Demon Realm...

One 300-year-old Astragalus membranaceus is enough, the search... is completed, and the 23-year-old Astragalus membranaceus is detected, which meets the mission requirements and is 0.7 kilometers away from the mission goal.

Behind this line of information is a compass pointing the way. The pointer clearly points to the east, which is obviously the direction of the top of the island.

While lamenting his luck, Fang Han also inexplicably had a little more confidence in the little guy's perception ability.

0.7 kilometers, a distance of more than a mile, the little guy can be sure that it is astragalus just by his nose?I have to admit that a goblin is a goblin...

However, it is precisely because of the little guy's powerful perception ability that Fang Han feels a little more entangled in his heart at the same time.

Because the little guy has a strong perception ability, and his perception is not abnormal, so the problem comes.

What exactly exists on this island, in the Zheng family's manor.Will they have such a perception when one of them is completely contradictory?

This doubt is like a lingering phantom, always lingering in Fang Han's heart.

However, the precious mission props are not far away now, and Fang Han has no reason to let them go.

His hands quickened his movements, and in just a few minutes, Fang Han cut down another twelve large numbers, placed them in the item space and successfully delivered the task. After receiving the task reward, he headed towards the top of the mountain with the little fox behind him on his back.

Following the mission tracker, Fang Han ran all the way... At his current body speed, he could jump more than two meters in one vertical jump, so some difficult roads were not a problem for Fang Han at all.

To say that the mountains on this island are indeed rugged and difficult to walk, with many cliffs and many broken rocks.

Fortunately, Fang Han was not an ordinary person. It took almost half an hour for Fang Han to finally reach the top of the mountain at his fastest speed.

The top of the mountain is a piece of bluestone, and on the sunny slope opposite the bluestone is a piece of grass.

At this time, according to the mission tracker, Fang Han had already found the location where Astragalus was located for the past seven hundred years. When he got close, Fang Han took out the shovel and started digging towards the grass...

The roots of the seven-hundred-year-old Astragalus membranaceus are really deep enough. Even with Fang Han's physical fitness, he dug for more than 20 minutes. When he actually took out the Astragalus membranaceus, Fang Han himself was shocked.

A big pit about seven or eight meters deep, thanks to the fact that Fang Han had already prepared some corresponding tools in the item space. Although things like shovels don’t have much combat effectiveness at all, it is undeniable that the old saying of being prepared is a bit of a problem None, isn't this... it's used now.

(End of this chapter)

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