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Chapter 146 The Only Mercenary

Chapter 146 The Only Mercenary
"I'll just go out for a walk, pay attention to your surroundings! By the way, find out the people living on both sides as soon as possible! The main entrance is facing the Zheng family's ancient castle, and there are many Zheng family elites patrolling the manor, so don't pay too much attention! Check more Windows, something easy to miss."

Hearing the question, Fang Han smiled, replied casually, thought for a while and ordered a few words, then walked to the main entrance of the villa while several security personnel nodded in response, looked around at the Zheng family who were preparing for supper, After confirming that there was nothing wrong, he stepped out the door.

The servants of the Zheng family didn't seem to take Fang Han's words seriously at all, let alone being distracted by the security behavior of the security personnel who checked the surroundings after hearing the words. Careful precautions have long been a habit.

After leaving the villa, Fang Han calmed down a lot under the strong night wind blowing on the island at night. Under the watchful eyes of the surrounding patrol personnel, he walked calmly to the fish pond behind the side of the villa where he was located, and looked into the pond. All kinds of fish swimming in the sea casually patted the sleepy little fox curled up in his coat, who looked very sleepy after nightfall.

"You really can't feel anything in this manor?" Feeling the intuition of crisis in his heart, Fang Han looked at the little girl whose eyes were full of resentment after being woken up. guy, asked aloud.

In response to Fang Han's question, the little guy rolled his eyes.Don’t even bother to answer!

Because she had already answered the same question once.

The little guy thought to himself, "If you feel something, why do you ask? Why don't I tell you directly!"

I don't know if it's because of his strong confidence in his own spiritual perception, or what, the little guy directly attributed Fang Han's behavior to the mental illness of "unfamiliar environment crisis illusion consciousness", and closed his eyes and simply ignored him...

Although the little guy didn't speak, his expression had conveyed the message she wanted to express to Fang Han.

Fang Han, who had always felt uneasy, felt much better for some reason when he saw the little guy's appearance.He touched his nose, laughed awkwardly a few times, and let the little guy retract his little head into his clothes and continue sleeping.Fang Han reached out and grabbed a handful of fish food from the side of the large fish pond and threw it into the fish pond... Looking at the fish of various colors swimming over, Fang Han felt that the feeling in his heart was relieved a lot.

Looking at the fish!Fang Han suddenly heard a pleasant notification sound from the mobile phone that had not appeared for a long time.

In an instant, Fang Han's eyes lit up!Because this voice is nothing else!It was the task reminder that was set separately in the system. The appearance of this sound meant that the system had been refreshed again, and the tasks he could accept at his current rank.

How scarce are the available missions at your current military rank?Fang Han is deeply aware of this. At the beginning, there were some tasks that appeared intermittently, but now... except for a follow-up task that has been taken out of the box, there is nothing else.

A "precious" task appeared, of course Fang Han would not let it go easily, so he quickly grabbed his phone...

Level 1 mission in the world of heaven and earth requires the rank of conscript (white)
Task Employer: A nine-rate little carpenter from the East Lihou Kingdom of the Celestial Realm
Task requirements: Thirty pieces of fresh trees above five meters in the human world.

Task description: This little carpenter, by chance, got the technique of making wooden dolls. He specially released this task to collect wood from the world for his own practice.

Mission reward: 35 experience points and 20 points.Doppelgänger (white) x5
Clone Doll: It can be divided into clones of the host, and each clone has one-tenth of the combat power of the host, and the existence time is half an hour.

Looking at the task information, Fang Han's eyes flickered inexplicably. This task is a low-level task in the world of heaven and man. It is true that the experience points and points given are very limited, but this seemingly tasteless avatar item is for Fang Han. But strong enough.

Perhaps there is no shortage of great monsters and monsters who use the system. For those monsters and ghosts living in other worlds, such clones are indeed dispensable and useless items.

But it is completely different for Fang Han, he is the only mercenary in the world!At present, his physical fitness has reached the level of a perverted evildoer. At least under normal circumstances, as long as he doesn't meet those extremely terrifying guys hiding in other people's houses, his combat power can completely crush everything.Each of these five dolls has one-tenth of his combat power?Isn't this just five more powerful helpers?

And this task requirement is not too difficult. Trees over five meters long can be easily gathered on the island without specifying what kind of trees are needed.But it's not surprising if you think about it, this little carpenter in the world of heaven and man probably doesn't know what kind of trees there are in the world, right?

Looking at the mission prompt, Fang Han glanced around...

It is not difficult to complete this task at present!Just avoid people!Otherwise, cutting down trees by yourself is likely to be regarded as mentally ill... you can only cut down one by one!After chopping, put it into the item space, and deliver the task props directly in the item space after waiting for [-] pieces.

For Fang Han, thirty trees was nothing more than a short effort.

But in Zheng's house on Longtou Island, it's better to be as concealed as possible!At least it can't be done in the manor... Otherwise, there will be too many people, and others will see Fang Han chopping down trees, don't they think he is crazy?

After pondering for a moment, Fang Han turned around and returned to his villa.

Although the identities and backgrounds of these people who came to the manor are not simple, but one thing is for sure... It was already late at night when we arrived at the manor, except for the few members of the Zheng family who were able to meet each other in the various villas of the manor. Other than the greetings from the guests, the real big shots didn't show up.It is said that they will come out in unification tomorrow morning to welcome everyone.

So the visiting guests went to sleep after tidying up briefly. After all, they were tired enough after wandering at sea for so many days.

Back to the villa, after going upstairs, Fang Han found that the three girls had already gone back to their rooms to rest.

On the contrary, after Fang Han returned to the room, Guan Xuanxuan called and explained a few words, just to make Fang Han pay attention to some explanations.

Put down the phone!Fang Han thought for a while and put on a relatively light and loose sportswear!He stared out the window intently, just waiting for the lights of the surrounding villas to go out.

The relative location of Fang Han's room is relatively favorable. There is a window overlooking the courtyard wall outside the manor... It is very convenient to enter and exit.No way... Who asked Fang Han to take on a task of collecting trees?The trees in the manor must not be moved...

The little guy was already very sleepy, but it seemed that she knew that Fang Han had accepted the task, so she tried her best to hold her eyelids and wait with Fang Han.

Looking at the little guy's demo, Fang Han smiled, and reached out to take the backpack he bought before the trip!Put the little ones in a backpack!Stand up this time.

There's no way I'm in the Zheng family now, and I have to be careful in everything. The little guy's demonic aura was noticed by Bai Yan'er on the cruise ship. It can't be ruled out that this mysterious Zheng family has an expert. Fang Han can only take the little guy with him. Guys, after all, the jade pendant is on Fang Han's body, so it must be guaranteed to cover up their aura of one person and one fox.

(End of this chapter)

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