Earth Survival Guide

Chapter 663 Dang... Dang Dang... Dang Dang...

Chapter 663 Dang... Dang Dang... Dang Dang...

Gu Tao is actually a very courageous person, he really let go when he said to let go, and the impact he made on the base suddenly was a mess, everyone started to toss around like headless chickens.

The only thing he is staring at at the base now is the Red Devils. This guy... can really hide. Every time he catches up to his butt, he disappears in a blink of an eye. Although the range is getting smaller and smaller, he still keeps catching Can't live with this loach-like thing.And he is still killing people, killing people constantly, like a provocation, Gu Tao wants to kill a wave directly, but he still can't do that anti-human thing, so he can only rely on human flesh to track down a little bit.

Others say that the invincible Sect Leader Gu has so much trouble dealing with this thing...

Gu Tao is really helpless. To tell the truth, whoever comes and tries it, that thing is not human at all, okay? He has a thinking ability beyond normal people, has a variety of abilities, and has all kinds of hidden things. means.How do you catch such a person who is ruthless and has excellent survivability?In Fast and Furious, it was extremely difficult for the US government to catch Jason Statham, but that was still a movie.And the grandson of the Red Devils is much more terrifying than Jason Statham. It is already very remarkable that Gu Tao can lock his approximate location when he cannot be hunted on a large scale.

And from another perspective, how did Mr. Red Devil, who was so powerful in the past, become a bereaved dog now?Did he go bankrupt by himself?From drugs to faith, which one did not Gu Tao pick him out bit by bit?Theoretically, Gu Tao has already won a complete victory, but now he is short of the final kick. After all, he hit the goalpost with his previous kick, so there is no way.

Now the base is actually a bit jittery, and there are rumors that there may be a wave of layoffs. As for the way of layoffs, no one knows, but this storm does not seem to be groundless. First of all, the base overnight Twelve branches have been divided, three of which are of an enterprise nature and nine of which are of a functional nature. It is not clear what the specific purpose is, but one thing is certain, the personnel will be diverted.Some dawdling positions will definitely not be retained, but everyone knows exactly who is dawdling.

And this reorganization can be considered turbulent. Everyone in the base is discussing this issue, but at this moment Gu Tao doesn't care about their anxiety at all. He just sits in front of the Heavenly Snake King with a city planning map in front of him. He explained to him how to plan the city.

"Your Majesty, the functional facilities here are different from those of His Majesty the Dragon King. Most of your domain is swamps and forests, which are actually not suitable for large-scale construction, but we can find another way. Look here." Gu Tao used The pen was pointing there: "Although this area is not suitable for building high-rise buildings, it can become an important throat connecting the four areas. This river is divided into three here and runs through the three areas. The upstream is His Majesty the Dragon King. territory, but the only way for transportation is in this place.”

The Heavenly Snake King carefully looked at the drawings, very seriously.

Gu Tao is indeed fooling people, but the things he brings out are always genuine and have been inspected on the spot. Every detail can withstand scrutiny and is genuine, and it can even be said to be worth ten thousand dollars.

These kings, none of them are easy to fool, and if they don't come up with something, it's like letting them into a trap?dream!
"Building the city here is not only because of the fertile soil of the alluvial plain, but also because of the convenient transportation. You can count money even while lying on the bed. But I don't recommend you count money while lying on the bed, but vigorously develop Water transportation industry, there are three things in your territory that are most valuable, one is the fertile black soil, one is the waters extending in all directions, and the other is the beautiful scenery."

"Oh? Let me tell you."

"Fertile soil can sow the best food. Food is hard currency no matter where it is. If you have this, you have a big treasure. Your side is not rich in minerals and wild animals and plants like Dragon King. , but your agricultural product resources are unique. In the future, industries such as grain processing, agricultural by-product processing, wine making, and breeding can be developed. The primary industry is the foundation of any emperor."

"There is... something." The Heavenly Snake King twisted his beard and nodded: "Continue."

"What does the waters extending in all directions represent? You know that the transshipment of goods requires huge costs, right? Time costs. Then you can be here, here, here, here, here and here." Gu Tao drew several on the map A circle: "Build large-scale ports in these places, and a large amount of goods will be transferred here. This is in the interests of Baide."

"If they just stay, what profit do I have?"

Gu Tao smiled and said: "Your Majesty, please pass a piece of fat meat to me, and I will pass it to others. The meat is not yours, but what do you have in your hand?"

"Grease." The Serpent King slapped his head: "I understand."

"The third industry is the supporting industry. You have beautiful scenery, simple people, and enchanting snake girls. In addition to the increase in businessmen in the future, your place is the only transit place, so how do you put their money into it?" Your pocket?"

"Eat, drink and play."

Gu Tao: "Let's do the math for you, assuming that the four royal cities connected to your area, each city generates 100 yuan of profit per year, and their total is 400 yuan, right?"

"So now, on their way back and forth, how much is the ten yuan that each person spends with you? That's 40 yuan, and then the water transport charges them another five yuan, which is 60 yuan. Then as long as the grain industry creates A profit of 20 yuan, and each of them only needs to buy food for five yuan from you, so their 100 yuan becomes your 80 yuan, and they only lost 20 yuan but bought happiness, convenience and food .Can’t we do this business?”


The Heavenly Snake King breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes became brighter, he had worked hard for a year, and as long as he did his own thing as usual, he only needed to smear some oil on the people who came and went, and he was actually as rich as them?
"This is the principle of trade circulation. The port city has no output, but why is it rich? Do you know?"

"Ah, sir, you are a great talent."

Really, no matter how much Gutao is praised, at least the Heavenly Snake King thinks so, he can not only make what he wants, but also explain the truth to himself, and even formulate the most suitable plan for them according to local conditions.

Not to mention, it's just this dedication, the Heavenly Snake King knows why the old Dragon King keeps this person tightly covered, but he just refuses to let him out.This not too much to have the seal of the six kingdoms, really.

"Then what's Old Man Peacock's method?"

"Sorry, Your's not convenient to say this right now."

"I understand, I understand, but I'm curious. The old guy's place is steep and steep, and the climate is abnormal. Can you do it?"

"As long as the mind doesn't slip, there are always more solutions than difficulties."

"Hahahaha, naughty!"

Just as Gu Tao was about to turn around and leave, the Heavenly Snake King suddenly stopped him.

"Sir, wait a minute."

Gu Tao turned his head to look at him: "Do you have any questions, Your Majesty?"

"That's right, I'm really a bit shy about this, and I don't have anything to give sir, but seeing how hard-working you are, if you don't show it, it will appear that I'm not as good as the old dragon." The Heavenly Snake King sighed, Then he untied the token from his waist: "You take this token, the snake clan in the world, whether in this mountain and sea world or in this world, seeing this token is like seeing this king in person. This is also the king's promise to Mr. printed."

Gu Tao took a step back and waved his hands again and again: "It's important, Your Majesty, I also have selfish intentions."

"I have it too, keep it." The Snake King gave Gu Tao the token, and then took him to the window, looking at the misty clouds outside: "Sir, please see, my snake feet have been looked down upon since ancient times, and there are more thefts and plunders." I feel uncomfortable for the generation of robbers, but the mountains and seas are no better than the present world, and the snake people are smart and slippery but not good at production. I hope that you can change the impression of other people's people on us."

After saying that, he took a few steps back and bowed to Gu Tao: "Everything depends on you, sir."

Gu Tao also bowed to him: "Your Majesty is serious. Since I took this job, I will definitely do it well."

"Hey... Sir, I don't know if you are married, I have a daughter..."

"No, no, Your Majesty is too polite, my child is two or three years old..."

"Oh, it's a's a pity."

The Heavenly Snake King sent Gu Tao away with a sigh, and Gu Tao sat on the green bull cart, looking back at the Snake King who had been staring at him for a long time, suddenly filled with emotion.It turns out that no matter in which field, as long as there is civilization, the status of knowledge is so lofty that it is unimaginable.

Whether it's the Heavenly Snake King or the Dragon King, it's like playing to kill Gu Tao in the mountain and sea world. Gu Tao may not even have the ability to resist, but the degree of politeness they treat Gu Tao makes him feel that these people are treating him What a strange idea.

But now he understands that this group of people does not respect Gu Tao but respects knowledge. As long as a civilization respects knowledge, it will definitely be able to rise, really.Gu Tao looked at the vast water area and smiled.And behind him unknowingly, there were several young people who followed him all the way. Gu Tao didn't ask, but presumably they were people who wanted to follow him to learn all the way, and judging from the pattern on his forehead, they were all It's noble.

Of course, Gu Tao didn’t mean that it was comfortable and easy. The reason why he didn’t use the battle armor but took the bullock cart was to follow this line, to see the local conditions and customs here, and to see the feasibility of this place. He does his job, and he loves it.

"Are you tired?" Gu Tao hugged his knees and looked at the young people walking behind him: "Why do you have to endure this hardship?"

"Sir." A young man stood still and bowed: "I will no longer endure hardship for my descendants."

"Yes." Gu Tao laughed: "Let's go to the front and take a rest."

(End of this chapter)

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