Datang little husband

Chapter 34 "Mistress" is here (please recommend, please collect)

Chapter 34 "Mistress" is here (please recommend, please collect)
After the people entering and exiting the city recognized Li Xin's bicycle frame, many of them dared not say it clearly, but they were filled with emotion in their hearts.

Some women even gave birth to an inexplicable sadness, so what about the princess of the Tang Dynasty, what about the emperor's favorite sister, because she is a widow, so she is the same as ordinary women.

There is also no husband's house to welcome, and the same goes to her husband's house alone with Xiruan.

Most of the women who expressed such emotion were widows like Li Xin, or had been widows at one time. After all, it was only a few years since the founding of the Tang Dynasty, and they had experienced many natural and man-made disasters, as well as foreign wars.

These things are all young and strong men at the forefront, which naturally caused many women to lose their husbands.

Some of their in-laws are more enlightened and let them remarry, but more women can only guard their children at a young age.

But these orphans and widows have to suffer so much staring and starvation to survive. If something happens during this period, it will be a catastrophic event, so they disguise themselves as shrews one by one, Just to protect myself and my children's life.

It's just that Li Xin, who is a princess, is being treated like this now, which completely wipes out the little unknown thoughts in their hearts.

And all this was also seen by interested people. Among them were the people sent by Li Shimin. They were not only sent by Li Shimin to protect Li Xin, but also to pass on information to Li Shimin. After Li Xin left the mansion, they sent people immediately. Report to Li Shimin.

At this time, Li Shimin, who got the news, came to the outermost gate of the imperial city and looked in the direction of Mingde Gate from a distance, his eyes were full of guilt and apology.

In this way, Li Shimin stood there for almost half an hour, in order to send his sister to get married.

Because of this, Li Shimin was late for the first time during the small court meeting. You must know that since he came to the throne, he has never been absent from the court meeting for any reason, but today he made an exception.

At the same time, in the Laiguo Duke's mansion, a housekeeper hurriedly returned. As soon as he came back, he found the general manager of the mansion and reported the situation in front of Mingde's gate one by one.

The manager who heard the news immediately came to Liu's house and reported the news.

When Mrs. Liu heard the news, her expression was calm, as if she had already understood it. After pondering for a while, she reached out and took a sterling silver hairpin from her head and handed it to the maid at the side, asking her to pass it to the housekeeper, so that other Sending the hairpin to Du He and giving it to Princess Changguang is also her recognition of the new daughter-in-law.

At this time, Du He, who didn't know Li Xin's arrival, was explaining some key points of grafting to Zhang Ming, and even demonstrated the grafting technique himself.

What Du He wanted to graft was a delicious pear he ate in autumn.

It should be known that pear trees that grow up simply with pear tree seeds or pear saplings not only have a long growth cycle, but the quality of pears cannot be guaranteed.

However, those obtained through grafting not only have guaranteed quality, but also can bear fruit in the second year after the grafting survives. At the same time, this is also the best way to select fruit tree varieties.

The root plant Du He chose for grafting this time was a three-year-old wild sour pear branch. After the transplant survived, Du He cut off its main trunk, then made a hole in the center of the upper trunk and cut it. Select the young branches of the pear tree and process them, cut a slanted opening at the bottom and insert it into the opening above the main trunk of the root plant, and then seal it with the prepared rosin and beeswax.

In fact, to be honest, it is not the best time for grafting at all. In the north, the best time for grafting is after the beginning of spring. At that time, not only the weather is warm, but the trees are also growing rapidly, so that the wounds of both roots and shoots can grow faster. good.

But when I suddenly mentioned this today, Du He also became interested, so he simply took Zhang Ming to test it first. Anyway, Du He transplanted a lot of roots in this field. up.

But a good student who is eager to learn and willing to learn is hard to find!I taught Zhang Ming a lesson today, so next time he won't have to do it himself.

Today, the grafting technique Du He handed over to Zhang Ming is called split grafting, which is a very suitable method for grafting new roots and fruit trees.

However, if you want to replace old fruit trees with new varieties, but keep a certain original variety, split grafting is not as easy to use as bud grafting.

Moreover, the method Du He used today is completely inappropriate for splicing, because he used scions made of branch buds.

Of course, Du He has such obvious cognitive problems, mainly because he doesn't know much about this. His knowledge of such a grafting method is mainly due to his previous life. When he was a child, there were grafted fruit trees at home, and he followed curiously to see them. Yes, I know a little bit about it.

So he is teaching Zhang Ming's technology now, rather than doing experiments.

But it is undeniable that if this technology is really successful, it will be a huge progress for the entire era.

While Du He here is busy with the finishing touches, Li Xin's frame team over there has arrived not far from his manor, and it is almost here.

"Young master, young master, the carriage of the mistress has arrived at the intersection, and it is less than five miles away from us, what should we do?" Liu Fu hurriedly found Du He, wanted to report to Du He and asked them what they wanted us to do.

But at this time, Du He obviously hadn't figured out the situation, so he casually replied, "The mistress is here, so the arrangement will be over. Why do you come to ask for such a simple matter! You're free!"

"Then young master, when the mistress enters the door, should she go through the side door according to the rules, or..."

"Uncle Fu, wait a minute, are you out of your mind? My mother came to me, and you let her go through the side door, and your head was squeezed by the door! It's still the rules, tell me, this is the rule of that house ?” Before Liu Fu finished speaking, Du He looked at Liu Fu in disbelief, and then began to curse there.

At this moment, Du He had a thought in his mind that Liu Fu seemed to have drunk fake wine in the morning and lost his mind.

At this time, Liu Fu also understood that his young master had obviously misunderstood, so he hurriedly explained, "Master, it's not the old lady who is here, but Princess Changguang is here, young master, we..."

"What? What did you say? Princess Changguang is here? Can't you! Liu Fu, are you drifting away? Are you making fun of your young master this early in the morning?" Du He heard Liu Fu say that it was Princess Changguang. Yes, Du He sat down on the ground, and then half-jokingly questioned Liu Fu with an expression of disbelief.

But before Liu Fu could answer, Du He gradually understood from his expression that what Liu Fu said was true, Princess Changguang was here.

And just now I obviously misunderstood, thinking that the mistress Liu Fu mentioned was my old mother, but after thinking about it carefully, I now live in a separate family, and Princess Changguang is my daughter-in-law, so it is not wrong to be called the mistress!

(End of this chapter)

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