Datang little husband

Chapter 33 Li Xin Gets Married (Please recommend, please collect)

Chapter 33 Li Xin Gets Married (Please recommend, please collect)

Du He only taught Du Cai, and Du Cai has mastered the essentials very well. Although it is only the most basic shrimp sauce, it has not been simmered for a long time, but the fragrance has already made people intoxicated.

"Du Cai, you've done a good job, but remember, the proportion of various ingredients in shrimp pumping is very important, but it's also the key to staying alive. At the same time, preservation is also very important. After all, for people in the hotel business, It's important to have seasonings that you use often prepared ahead of time!

After you go back, don’t be afraid of wasting ingredients, try it a few more times, and make some adjustments in the taste according to the feedback from the guests!This is a good condiment that can be used for cooking, understand? "After Du He finished speaking, he looked at Du Cai who was on the side.

"Understood, thank you young master for teaching!" Du Cai immediately replied respectfully after hearing his young master's words.

"Understood, then tonight's dishes are up to you to prepare, and let me taste them. Have you improved your craftsmanship after you have been away for a few months! By the way, this is something about using shrimp extract as the main seasoning. You can take it home and have a look yourself! I won’t teach you personally!” Du He said while throwing a recipe book to Du Cai, and then left without looking back.

Du He who left the kitchen did not return to his bedroom, but went straight into the study to continue his unfinished design project.

After all, only the rough design of the mansion and the village has been completed, and the mansion has only drawn the entire sewer pipe, and the rest has not been completed. This is obviously not Du He's style.

But when he was actually at the desk, Du He was in a bit of trouble again, because he didn't specialize in the design, and he wasn't sure if this water and drainage system would work. Come out, that is futile.

Du He wanted to discuss it with someone, but Zhao Ci, the doctor of the Ministry of Industry, just came here with Wang De today to meet Du He, and it would take a few days before the real work started.

So Du He couldn't find someone to discuss with. In the end, Du He had no choice but to stop the design of the mansion.

Going forward, the whole village, or it is no longer a village, is a small town integrating a village, a college, a workshop, and a market.

It's just that Du He didn't do it for a while, and someone came to tell the young lady to ask him to eat.

Du He heard it and put down his pen. Anyway, the design was not in a hurry, so he went to eat.

After eating, it would be dark. In this age, one can't do anything after dark, so Du He has practiced early on the ability to go to bed after dark.

Early the next morning, Du He got up as usual, washed his face and brushed his teeth, and started his busy day.

It's just that Du He hadn't left his yard today, and suddenly he saw Du Lian get up, and wrapped himself up, asking him to play with her.

Then Du He suddenly discovered that the girl still had residues of vegetables from last night on her teeth, which surprised him.

But I quickly realized that people in this era don't pay much attention to oral hygiene.

A little more attention is to gargle with green salt. Of course, this is for those princes and ministers who have the conditions.

Ordinary people want to clean their mouths, chewing tea leaves or other herbs is the best way for them to clean their mouths.

Of course, more people don't pay attention to it. After all, many people have problems with eating enough, so how can they pay attention to these things.

As for Du Lian, she was still young, and since Du He came here and was pampered by Du He, she was a little lazy.

But now that Du He found out, how could she be like this.

Immediately took her to his room, found her a brand new and unused toothbrush, gave her a small can of tooth powder, told her to use it, and warned her to protect herself the teeth of.

The toothbrush that Du He gave to Du Lian was the way he used pig bristles to clean his mouth after time travel. He made it himself with bristles. The same is true for tooth powder. Anti-inflammatory Chinese herbal medicine, ground into powder, made by adding a little green salt.

It's just that Du Lian obviously doesn't like brushing her teeth, but under Du He's strong request, the little girl still seriously followed Du He's request and began to brush her teeth with a face of reluctance.

But after Du Lian finished brushing her teeth and felt refreshed a lot, she stopped being so repulsive. After all, there is another girl who doesn't like beauty!
It's just that during the whole process, Du He didn't tell Du Lian that the toothbrush she used was made of pig bristles. Du He was afraid that she would resist.

After all, pigs are not very dirty animals in this era.

Even though Du He had already washed, dried, steamed at high temperature, exposed to the sun, washed and other treatments for the bristles, Du He was still afraid that Du Lian would be resistant.

Adding that this girl didn't ask, Du He naturally wouldn't blow himself up.

After Du He finished brushing his teeth with Du Lian, he took Du Lian down to the ground.

In Chang'an City, Princess Changguang's mansion, the entire Princess Mansion has been busy since Maoshi.

The reason for the busyness is that the princess is getting married, or it can't be said to be getting married, but the princess is going to send herself to her husband's house.

"Your Highness, is this really okay?" In Li Xin's boudoir, Rushuang looked at Li Xin who was looking around at herself in the bronze mirror and asked.

"What's so bad about this, isn't it true for so many widows? And this is a good fate, and those who have a bad fate can only live alone in an empty house for the rest of their lives!

Let’s not talk about this anymore, Rushuang, do you think I am beautiful? Li Xin asked Rushuang on the side.

"Beautiful, Your Highness has always been so beautiful!"

"Really? That's great! Rushuang, go out and have a look. When you're ready, let's go!" Li Xin smiled when she heard Rushuang's words, then looked in the mirror again, and ordered Rushuang to come.

When Rushuang heard this, she sighed slightly, and then went out according to Li Xin's order.

When Rushuang went out, Li Xin was the only one left in the room. Li Xin, who had been smiling just now, suddenly changed her expression. She stood up and looked around at everything in the room. reluctance and dare not.

But in the end, all of this turned into Li Xin's deep sigh.

Soon Rushuang came back and told Li Xin that everything was ready.

Upon receiving this news, Li Xin was dressed in a bright red wedding dress, and was supported by Rushuang and other maids to get into the carriage that had been prepared earlier. She took a group of maids and entourage, and set off with her prepared home decorations.

In this way, Li Xin went on the road facing the seldom seen sunrise in winter.

Because the departure time was early, I didn't meet anyone along the way. It wasn't until I arrived at Mingde Gate that I met a large number of people who left the city and entered the city.

And now it was lively, many people recognized that it was the princess's frame, and they saw that it looked like a married woman, but they didn't beat the gongs and drums, and it was this hour.

Thinking about the uproar a few days ago, many people immediately realized who the princess on the frame was.

(End of this chapter)

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