Chapter 142
"Little uncle, I still don't understand why you did this. Officials have never been in business since ancient times. You are like this..."

"You are stupid! Why do officials not do business? Isn't it because they are afraid that they will collude with officials and businessmen and make a fortune! But now this matter is agreed by your father, who is your father? What kind of government-business collusion is there!
And what I want is their collusion between officials and businessmen!If they don't do this, they and we may have a head-on conflict with people of five surnames and seven families!If they don't confront each other head-on, how can they force the family to jump over the wall.

And you remember, sometimes, the county magistrate is really not as good as the current one, and these ministers can do this, their ability is really not bad!

So it would be great to use them wholeheartedly to attack the family!

If the aristocratic family really did such a thing of killing people and stealing goods, your father will be able to cut off one of the aristocratic family's legs with absolute justice!It will not be criticized!

As for whether it will make these official families bigger and become a new family!

You don't have to worry about this at all, I have already said before, let them send a son of their family to become a businessman!This is morally limiting them.

And our biggest back-up is that we have all the raw materials and formulas in our hands. If they still want to do this business that is risk-free and profitable, then they must behave!Otherwise, if their raw materials are stopped, they won’t be able to do anything.

So the raw material workshop and the rough processing of raw materials, this needs to be managed by you, second brother, yourself!I'm in charge of making a recipe! " Du He glanced at Li Chengqian, and then analyzed the matter to him one by one.

Of course, there are still many small details in it, and the ideas are still immature, and even the mistakes in expression, but this does not prevent Li Shimin on the side from thinking!With just these words, Li Shimin understood that Du He had another meaning that he didn't say, so Li Shimin stared at Du He with a half-smile.

"Second brother, do you think that all of you are like this when you are emperors? If there is anything you can't say clearly, you have to be like this!

I said, there is another purpose for me to do this, which is to greatly improve the status of the merchant. I have told you about this before, and what I am doing now is just to clear the obstacles in the court.

And why do you do this? It doesn't mean that I am a businessman, so I must do it!
The main reason is that the emergence of businessmen can really drive the economic development of the entire country!

Just like this ice powder, it was originally a good product for relieving summer heat, but without a merchant, it would be troublesome even if you can make it yourself, and it may not be delicious, but turning ice powder into a commodity allows merchants to Sales, not only the price is lower, the taste is also good!
In this way, the common people can have a cool and thirst-quenching drink in this scorching summer.

At the same time, it can also provide many unemployed people with a job that can support themselves or even support their families. Isn't this a good thing?

Therefore, the improvement of the status of merchants is not necessarily a bad thing!

As long as those in power understand that the essence of business is to revitalize the economy, to allow surplus materials in one place to appear in places where materials are poor, and to give surplus labor an extra income, this is the essence of business!

Of course, no matter how much you say, as a person in power, especially Gao Ming, you must always remember that whether it is a businessman or an official, it is all about making the people live well, because only when the people live well can your position be stable!
Water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn it.This is not a joke! "After Du He finished speaking, he looked at Li Shimin.

Seeing Li Shimin's expressionless face, Du He hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, it's my minister who overstepped the limit! Please forgive me, Your Majesty!"

"My brother-in-law said it very well! We are all a family, and there is no such thing as how outsiders can overstep! But there is one clever thing, your uncle didn't tell you, that is, as a person in power, the love of the people is only one aspect. You should hold your position firmly, but if you want to hold on for a long time, you must not lose the military, because only a strong military strength is the last barrier to protect a country from being invaded by foreigners and putting you in danger!" Seeing this, Li Shimin didn't blame Du He, but comforted Du He a few words before speaking to Li Chengqian.

But obviously Li Chengqian still can't understand why he wants to break the social order that has been formed for thousands of years.

Du He and Li Shimin glanced at each other.

Then explain to Li Chengqian why he did this.

What Du He and Li Shimin said this time is very straightforward, because Li Chengqian is the prince, it doesn't matter how the division of scholars, farmers, and businessmen is, but in front of him as the prince, scholars, farmers, industry and commerce has never been an iron order that cannot be broken!
For the prince and prince, he can use whatever is more beneficial to his own rule. It is a good thing to follow the tradition, but it is very difficult to follow the tradition blindly, especially when the traditional order is out of date or even on the verge of collapse. stupid thing.

Of course, Li Shimin would also have such thoughts, and he was largely influenced by Du He. From approaching the Eastern Turks, Li Shimin saw a different path, one that could win more land and more living space for future generations. path of.

But to do this, money and supplies are a very headache. In addition, during this period of time, Du He has made so much money with his family, and has also driven countless people. This invisible increase in taxes, Li Shimin is very clear.

So now he can understand the meaning of what Du He said before!
Now that it is implemented to educate his son, Li Shimin will so agree with what Du He said.

At the same time, Li Shimin also understood that it is obviously not appropriate to blindly use Confucianism to educate the prince of a country, because the prince educated in this way will always be a sheep, and the prince of a country has never been and cannot be a sheep.

Of course, this is not to say that Confucianism is bad, but that even the best Confucians always have their own strong personal thoughts when they teach, which will affect a person's thinking virtually.

The crown prince should read more books, and should accept the education of various theories, and let him find the most suitable path for him.

So after thinking about all these things, Li Shimin is now teaching Li Chengqian with Du He, telling him that even the best way to deal with things is like this, and telling him with a lot of examples.

Although this is a bit of a force-feeding education, Li Chengqian is not stupid. Li Shimin and Du He talk about many things, and he can ask them by analogy.

Although Du He said some things that were unrealistic, and was refuted by Li Shimin, these rebuttals and debates also greatly improved Li Chengqian's knowledge and insight.

Moreover, Du He and Li Shimin's explanations and arguments were all in vernacular, and Li Chengqian understood it easily. Although it was only a short night, it really benefited Li Chengqian a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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