Datang little husband

Chapter 141 1 Move Idle Chess

Chapter 141

It's just that Du He's claim was very puzzling to Li Shimin, but there are so many people at present. Although these people are his confidantes, Li Shimin saw that Du He had been giving him winks, so he didn't ask.

After that, they stayed in the field for a while, picked a few more watermelons by the way, and then they went back.

After all, they can't help much in the field now, so Du He has already arranged everything, just wait for a few months later, when the potatoes are ripe, they will be promoted in the two counties of Wannian, Chang'an, and they will try to realize it within two years. Potatoes can be grown north of the Yellow River, that is a great achievement.

Although it can't help, Li Shimin is not ambiguous at all that he should send someone to protect him.

After finishing these things, Li Shimin and the others returned to Du He's new house and continued to soak in the swimming pool, while Du He continued to work in the kitchen.

When the food was ready, Du He served the food to the women and children in the inner courtyard first, and then went to inform Li Shimin that they could eat.

It's just that this group of ancient people who have been tortured by the scorching heat for so many years did not leave the swimming pool without saying anything, so Du He had no choice but to send food to them.

But this sumptuous dinner still frightened the most powerful men in the Tang Dynasty. Even Cheng Yaojin and Li Chengqian, who had already eaten once, were one after another when faced with a sumptuous meal than they had last time. Show surprised eyes.

"Don't look at me like that. This was delivered recently. I didn't expect the fishermen on the beach to catch so much seafood, so this time you are lucky! Don't be dazed, first It’s not enough to eat. I’ve prepared a charcoal fire over there, and I’ll cook it for everyone in a while! The taste of the roast is also very good. Although I didn’t eat fresh and delicious directly, but this is my condition, everyone You're welcome!

Your Majesty, come and try these oysters, steamed with garlic, great tonic!And this abalone tastes good too! "Du He greeted everyone to eat and explained to them.

It’s just that Du He’s Versailles-style declaration made many people have the urge to beat him up. After all, there are many people here who are standard inland people. They don’t know what the sea looks like, let alone Said that these seafood they have never seen before.

Moreover, many of them still abide by the etiquette of monarchs and ministers, so it is naturally impossible to do it directly so presumptuously.

But Li Shimin was not in the list. Seeing that Du He said it was so delicious, he tasted it according to what Du He said. Then Li Shimin was overwhelmed by the deliciousness of this delicious steamed oyster with garlic, and he ate it four times in one sitting. indivual.

Then, after he ate another piece of sea cucumber with green onions, seeing that everyone was looking at him, he asked them to taste it quickly, and said bluntly that Du He is the master here today, so you are welcome if the master asks you to eat it.

Following Li Shimin's order, these top dignitaries of the Tang Dynasty were soon conquered by the delicious food on this table.

Although Du He didn't provide drinks, it was a joy to eat all of them. It's just that they ate like this, and finally everyone was full.

Even when they left, they all said that they would come to visit Du He again if they had the chance.

And also because of this, each of them put away the appearance of the elders, and regarded Du He as their peers.

As for Li Shimin, he had already ordered not to return to the palace tonight, but to stay at Du He's house tonight.

For Li Shimin's arrangement, the happiest thing is Li Lizhi and the others.

But some people are happy and some people are worried, and the one who is worried is naturally Sun Simiao. He was originally interrupted by Li Shimin and others to continue to ask Du He for medical advice. Now Li Shimin brought Du He and Prince Li Chengqian to Du He He went to discuss things in He's study.

This naturally made Sun Simiao very unhappy, but he couldn't help it. Finally, under Du He's arrangement, he stayed here first.

"Your Majesty, come and taste the taste of this newly researched fried tea!" When Du He brought Li Shimin and his son to the study, he took out his whole tea set and performed a new style of tea making for the father and son on the spot. Tea skills, and invited them to drink the first cup of bubble tea in their lives.

Originally, the father and son were somewhat resistant to this uncooked tea soup, but when the boiling hot water was poured into the tea bowl, the fragrance of the fragrance came out, and the father and son were gradually attracted and intoxicated by it.

When they took a sip, it was different from the various flavors of the tea soup, but the taste of the tea itself filled their mouths.

They slowly fell in love with this new style of bubble tea.

"Brother-in-law, you really have a lot of good things! But why are these things for eating, drinking and having fun!" Li Shimin asked after taking a sip of tea, looking at Du He.

"Your Majesty, I don't have much ambition in the first place. To be able to eat and drink well is my biggest pursuit. Other powers are nothing but floating clouds in my eyes!

After all, I don't have the ambition to benefit the people of the world and expand the territory like Your Majesty!So that's fine! "After taking a sip of tea, Du He said to Li Shimin lightly.

Faced with Du He's answer and everything he did, Li Shimin also agreed with his thoughts, but he didn't show it on the surface, but stared at Du He for a while, and then slowly put down the teacup.

Du He couldn't see what Li Shimin was thinking about this, he just kept refilling Li Shimin's tea silently.

"Brother-in-law, there are no outsiders here. Can you tell me why you did that in the field before? Was it to deal with the family?" Li Shimin looked at Du He after finishing speaking.

"Your Majesty, you are really wise. Yes, I did that just to deal with the aristocratic family. After all, if they don't make it easier for me, then naturally I won't let them go!
But for now, before His Majesty takes action, it is obviously impossible for me to shake the foundation of the family!

Naturally, I have to find some helpers, and there are the best helpers in the whole world for these high-ranking ministers!So naturally I would pick them! "After Du He finished speaking, he first showed a smile.

"Do you really believe that they will help you deal with the noble family for you?" Li Shimin looked at Du He and asked Du He in a scrutinizing tone.

"Of course they won't deal with the family because of me, but they will do it for money! When they make money from ice powder and lo mei, if anyone dares to touch their things, they will naturally dare to fight with anyone!

Of course, Your Majesty can also rest assured that although they earn a lot, the raw materials are in our hands, and they can't afford to make any waves!
To put it bluntly, they are just an idle game I played to deal with the aristocratic family.

One step so that they can make some money, still miss me, and disgust the family's idle chess! " Du He said to Li Shimin with a smile.

It's just that Du He's smile is somewhat evil in the eyes of Li Shimin and Li Chengqian, and Li Shimin even thinks that Du He should have a backup.

(End of this chapter)

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