The Age of Star Sea: I have a synthesis module

Chapter 183 Working on vacation?

Chapter 183 Working on vacation?

Hearing these words, Hong Bing's face really darkened.

Giving the market was already the last condition in his heart, so Su Chang opened his mouth openly, asking for some patents they had in hand.

Although it is still unclear what Su Chang wants, but it is definitely not a simple patent that can be taken by the brat in front of him, and it will definitely make him bleed severely.

From the bottom of his heart, Hong Bing was very unwilling to hand over the patent.

Just kidding, some key patents allow Corona to make money on their own. Not only do they have to use them, but others also have to pay them when they use them.

Even, you can not allow others to use your patent, if the other party forcibly infringes, you can apply to trigger the other party.

Straight to the neck.

After receiving the list from Su Chang, although there were only four patent names, it still made Hong Bing furious.

Just as he thought at first, these things are very critical patents, things that can get stuck.

If they are taken away by Su Chang, they will suffer a lot!

He knew that if he didn't agree, life would be very difficult, but he didn't believe that Su Chang would really fight him to the death.

Just as Hong Bing was about to refuse, Bai Qi, who hadn't spoken for a long time, suddenly said, "Hong Zong, Mr. Zhou asked me to say hello to you. By the way, I'll tell you that Su Chang is someone Mr. Zhou is particularly optimistic about. Our Excellence Group will give him enough money." support."

On the word enough, Bai Qi added the accent.

From her words, you can't hear any jokes, and there is no need to say more about the seriousness.

After a long silence, Hong Bing finally let out a sigh: "Take it, take it."

"Tomorrow I'll have the legal staff connect with you, and that's it."

Like a failed general, Hong Bing slowly left Su Chang's villa.

Looking at the background of these guys leaving, Su Chang vaguely felt that this was not the end of the matter, but rather a new beginning.

These guys have suffered such a loss, is it really possible to pretend that nothing happened and everyone coexists peacefully?
He didn't believe it.

As if knowing what Su Chang was thinking, Bai Qi's soft voice rang in his ears: "Corona Corporation is developing Jiugong No. [-] potion recently, do you know the news?"

"Jiugong No. [-]?" The moment he heard this word, many questions were immediately answered by Su Chang.

"The Corona Company intends to use Jiugong No. [-] to break the arm with me, and wants to surpass Shenzhou No. [-] through Jiugong No. [-], and then regain the dominant market for cultivation medicine, right?"

Bai Qi nodded slightly: "We have no way of knowing the specific situation of Jiugong No. [-]. On this point, the corona company's protection is very strict, and no news can be spread."

"We always prepare for the worst. If Jiugong No. [-] is [-]% better than No. [-], do you think the current Shenzhou No. [-] can compete?"

Facing this question, Su Chang has his own answer.

"If their costs can also be reduced, then I can only say that Jiugong No. [-] can directly kill me."

"If their costs are still there and remain high, then I should still be able to work in the low-end market, but it will no longer be possible to compete with the corona."

Bai Qi obviously probably guessed such an answer, so she didn't express much other expressions, but just nodded: "It is said that there are still half a year to a year left, can you figure it out?"

Regarding this, Su Chang slightly waved his fingers, showing a mysterious feeling: "Don't say it, don't say it."

"I'll give you an answer then. I won't feel sorry for myself or money."

"Okay," Bai Qi showed a beautiful smile: "Mr. Zhou is very optimistic about you, and I also hope that our cooperation can be longer, so I hope you will work hard."


Bai Qi is a busy person in the Excellence Group. Now that Hong Bing and the others are leaving, she certainly won't stay for long, and her front and rear feet disappear from Su Chang's sight.

Then, only Su Chang and Zhou Hai were left in the room.

Zhou Hai had been watching from the sidelines just now, and now seeing only himself and Su Chang left, he asked curiously, "Brother Su, can you really handle it?"

"Hehe, I don't even have a clue now, the research team hasn't come up yet, and the project is still in my stomach. Do you think I can handle it?"

If Su Chang is really a pure freshman without a synthesis module, he will definitely admit defeat now.

Want to make a brand new potion with 100% increase in half a year to a year?
The difficulty here is almost the same as stepping on each other with two feet and going directly to the sky.

But under the premise of synthesis modules and synthesis recipes, the answers to many things will have a slight change.

Zhou Hai understands Su Chang's difficulties, but of course he doesn't have the ability to help Su Chang solve his troubles right now, so after a moment of comfort, he also leaves Su Chang's villa in the virtual universe.

Suppress these worries a little first, anyway, as far as the present is concerned, Su Chang is absolutely successful.

Shenzhou No. [-] showed such power that it directly stirred up the cultivation medicine market, created a brand new world, and made a large number of companies make way for him and someone like Su.

In the future, there will be a steady stream of distributors and factories joining in to contribute to Su Chang's Shenzhou Company.

Then, taking over the market of companies such as Corona, the sales of Shenzhou-[-] will open up in an instant, let alone one or two planets, with a high probability that it will cover the entire Federation.

Withdrew from the virtual universe, Su Chang called Han Li and gave him an overview of the current situation.

After a while, Han Li offered his help.

He has a total of four project teams on hand, keeping one for himself, and getting the remaining three to Su Chang's Shenzhou company.

Among them, there is also Han Xue who is very helpful to him.

For these researchers who entered the Shenzhou company, Su Chang certainly cherishes them very much, those who deserve promotions, and those who deserve salary increases.

Han Xue was even hired by him to be the general manager of the research department, responsible for directly reporting the situation of the research department to Su Chang.

The office space will remain unchanged for the time being, but Su Chang will buy another building in the future to be used by Shenzhou Company, and will also set up its own offices and branches on various important planets.

These things are very expensive, and Su Chang still has to wait until the official share of Shenzhou No. [-] is obtained.

People in other idle parts of the company have also begun to recruit, but after all, it is a technology research company, and the demand for other departments is not too large at present, and it is quite easy to solve.

As for the subsequent price of Shenzhou No. 120, Su Chang still restored the original price of 100 million, but sold it for [-] million.

Corona had no choice but to lower the price of Jiugong No. 120 to [-] million.

It looks the same as Shenzhou No. [-], but it is not discounted.

For Suncoron, there is nothing they can do about it. Such prices are already their limit. They can’t really keep suppressing distributors and factories to prevent them from making money, right?

And they also need to have enough funds to carry out the research and development of Jiugong No. [-]. If there is no money, the research and development of No. [-] will be interrupted. What are they playing?The last hope was directly shattered, and they could just say a word and withdraw from the competition in the pharmaceutical market.

In order to guarantee the research and development funds of Jiugong No. [-], Corona even cut off four other projects.

Being able to stay in such a situation is pretty good, at least the interests of all parties can be satisfied, the most is that their situation suddenly becomes not very good, and their income is greatly reduced.

For Su Chang, the previous price was considered a leak. After all, it was an act of commercial competition, so he had nothing to say.

Then, is the most important follow-up development.

It was named by Su Chang as the Shenzhou No. [-] development project.

During this period of time, Su Chang had come into contact with a lot of medicinal liquids, and of course various synthetic formulas also appeared.

Before that, it was because Shenzhou No. [-] had entered the final stage. Of course, it was impossible for Su Chang to abandon Shenzhou No. [-], which was about to be completed at that time, and turn his energy to other places.

But now it is different. The Jiugong No. [-] on the corona is under development, which has already brought huge pressure to Su Chang. If he doesn't know how to work hard now, he will not know if he will have the opportunity to work hard for someone Su in the future.

Taking out three synthetic formulas and turning them into different research directions, Su Chang handed over the three directions to three different project teams, and Han Xue took care of the overall training direction.

Of course, Su Chang had to deal with the specific research progress and situation, so as to ensure his mastery of Shenzhou Company.

After doing all this well, Su Changcai finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The situation here has barely stabilized. If we continue according to the development progress, there will always be a result.

Specifically, it depends on the results of the time.

Then, what greeted Su Chang was the holiday.

That's right, Xinghai University has finally entered the holiday period. In fact, many people have left the school in the past two days. Su Chang just didn't pay attention to this matter because of the Shenzhou No. [-] drug.

Now that the situation is stable, of course we have to go on vacation.

To be honest, for Su Chang, he doesn't have any family members, and the New Year's Eve has always been just a concept for him.

Chinese New Year means that he has grown up by another year.

But if you insist on talking about the reunion festival, Su Chang can only say that he has never received the so-called family warmth in his life since he was a child.

So for him, there is not much difference between being in school and not being in school. He would rather stay in school and continue studying.

It's a pity that he is such a studious student, but because of the holiday, the teacher had to leave, so he didn't have the opportunity to stay in school to continue studying.

The teacher also has a family member and wants to go home for the New Year.

On the contrary, Su Chang was very curious, if people from Xinghai Yili left in large numbers, would the native monks of Tianhe Star have any reaction.

In this regard, the explanation given by Hanli is.

There was a similar situation before. A certain force in Tianhe thought that the departure of Xinghai University was a retreat, so they wanted to enter Xinghai University and occupy it.

Then, he was beaten by the garrison who had been in the outer space of Tianhe Star.

The entire sect was razed to the ground, with no life left.

The rest of the people in the school even went to burn a few sticks of incense, which was regarded as a super-salvation for them, and hoped that they would pay more attention in their next life.

For this, Su Chang expressed his understanding.

Xinghai University has a holiday, but the federal garrison does not.

The beating is still going to be beating.

Just when Su Chang was thinking about doing something on vacation, Qian He made a phone call to Su Chang's brain.

During this period of time, Qian He and Su Chang have not lost contact, so everyone still looks familiar.

"Hey, Brother Qian, what's your order?"

"I heard that your kid has made a big noise in the cultivation potion market recently. Even the people on my side have heard about it and are very interested in you."

"Don't, don't, I know you guys are all strong men, don't be interested in me, I'm afraid."

"Huh? Shouldn't you be getting more and more excited?"

For this sentence, Su Chang just pretended that he didn't hear it or understand it, and immediately started to play dumb: "Called to ask something?"

"That's not true," Qian He finally revealed his intention for coming: "I actually want to ask you, is there any good place to go during the holidays? If not, you can come to me to work during the holidays."


 Plus the update in the early hours of the morning is about [-] words today, the man really wants to push himself, otherwise who knows where his limit is.

  I am still very grateful to the readers who can see this book. The grades of this book are not good, or even poor, such as [-] collections of sparse subscriptions, but I still think it is my problem. I am very grateful to everyone who can see this, I hope everyone's wishes come true ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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