The Age of Star Sea: I have a synthesis module

Chapter 151 Even death without regret?

Chapter 151 Even death without regret?
Su Chang nodded with a smile on his face: "Where did you think, I am not a good person, but I am not bloodthirsty, and I would not do anything to such a young child."

"Do you also light the lamps at night on weekdays?"

The woman shook her head and said, "Of course not... Kerosene is expensive..."

"Then you are lighting the lamp now, do you want to tell the people of Shanlanzong that I am here?"

When he said these words, Su Chang had a rather approachable sense of sight, and his voice was not gentle, but there was also a kind of softness that made people feel good.

This feeling is good, but women don't feel that Su Chang won't attack them because of this.

On the contrary, after hearing this sentence, he was startled immediately, apologized frantically, and then quickly blew out the oil lamp, and the room fell into silence again.

Su Chang narrowed his eyes slightly and stretched his waist: "I'm going outside for a stroll, it's in the backyard."

Su often wants to go out, of course women can't stop him.

Immediately nodded yes.

When Su often went out, the women didn't dare to make any movements. They just sat on the side of the bed with the children, coaxing them, trying to make them fall back asleep slowly.

There are more and more movements outside, and the search of Shanlanzong has slowly come down from the mountain with the passage of time, and officially entered the small town.

This small house is located in a remote location, but obviously it will not be let go.

A moment later, there was a knock on the door outside: "Shan Lanzong is searching, open the door quickly!"

"If there is no movement within five breaths, we will break the door by ourselves!"

They were talking outside the outermost courtyard gate, and it took more than five breaths to walk from the small mud room to the courtyard gate, not to mention that it is night now, and people want to rest, and they are all in bed.

It also takes time to wake up and react.

Obviously, from the very beginning, the group of people from Shanlanzong never thought of asking you to respond properly, their idea was to break the door directly.

There was a loud door breaking. Although the woman panicked, she seemed to be used to it. She hurriedly got out of bed and opened the door.

To the disciples of the Shanlan Sect in front of him, he said, "Shang... Shangxian, what can I tell you?"

"Have you seen any strangers today? Is there any outsider besides your family in the house?"

"If you provide information, you can get a reward of one hundred taels. The children in the family will directly enter my Shanlanzong to learn magic techniques, become a monk, and one day become a god."

The bounty is one hundred taels, and the disciples in the family can also enter Shanlanzong to study.

To be honest, such conditions are already quite high for people in small towns.

Needless to say, the bounty is one hundred taels, [-]% of the people in this town have never seen a tael of gold in their life. The gold reserve in this world is less than that of Blue Star, so the value of gold will be much higher.

For these ordinary people, the temptation can be imagined.

More importantly, join Shanlanzong.

The class gap in Tianhe Star is extremely large, powerful monks directly rule ordinary people, if they can change their destiny at once, how many people will refuse?
To be honest, even Su Chang felt a little guilty when he heard such words.

He had already made the plan that the woman would betray him, so he quickly thought and judged how to take the road ahead.

What he didn't expect was that although the woman was submissive, she still shook her head firmly: "Shangxian, you know about our family's situation..."

"Okay, okay," the Shanlanzong monk who came to ask the question frowned: "Don't talk anymore, we don't have time to waste here with you."

After finishing speaking, he left straight away and headed towards the next house.

The woman didn't say anything, and naturally began to check the courtyard door.

After being kicked by the monks of the Shanlan Sect, the courtyard door was obviously useless, so the woman could only move two stones to block the broken wooden door.

In the middle of the night, there was no other way but to deal with it in such a hurry.

After finishing all this, she blew out the oil lamp in the room and walked out with the child.

When they met, they knelt directly in front of Su Chang.

"Shangxian, I come from a humble background, and I know that I have no future prospects, so I will just linger on in this life and live on."

"The Shanlan Sect is not here. Our town was originally peaceful and quiet, but because of the sudden arrival of the Shanlan Sect, the laborers in our town were forcibly recruited, beaten and scolded when they moved, and ignored even if they were exhausted. They just found a mass grave and threw them down. .”

"The Hongdu government has already collected taxes, and they have to collect them again."

"My husband, their father, was captured by the people of the Shanlan Sect to serve as a civilian husband, and then thrown into a mass grave by the people of the Shanlan Sect. They didn't even give a cause of death. When we found him, his bones had already rotted ..."

There were quite a few emotional fluctuations in the woman's heart, but there was no expression on her face, as if she had already calmed down.

Or habit.

She has long been able to bear any suffering that life brings her. Perhaps for this rural woman, anyone who tramples on her can be tolerated by her.

Living at the bottom may be such helplessness.

The woman lowered her head and clenched her fists slightly, as if she was unwilling: "But these two children of mine are smart people, I don't want them to be like me, wasting half of their lives, just wasting the time of their lives, I hope to have a A better future."

"I don't want any money, and I don't need rewards from the gods. I just hope that the gods can leave a future for the two children, so that they don't have to spend their lives in this small place, and live a humble life."

Then, just kowtow.

Su Chang looked at everything in front of him calmly, and then looked at the two children: "Your mother said that you have the wisdom of adults? What do you think in your heart?"

The child is young, but determination is also written on his face.

The two children threw themselves to the ground: "I hope the god will take you in!"

"In the future, the lives of the two of us will be decided by the Shangxian! Whether we live or die, it will be up to the Shangxian!"

Su Chang suddenly became interested.

At first, he planned to give the money and then leave, but now that they came here, Su Chang was indeed a little surprised.

But he can understand the practice of women and children.

They live at the bottom of the cultivation society, and normally, they don't have any chance of turning over.

This is a world where the strong crush everything. If you want to resist, the only thing that will greet you is death.

An "extraterrestrial demon" took in two natives of Tianhe Star?
What's the matter.

"Do you know who I am?"

"Follow me, you may be fine, or you may be chased and killed by countless people, become the target of public criticism, and die miserably."

"At that time, you may miss your current life even more, and you will wish that you never met me."

Su Chang was very sincere when he said these words.

Indeed, if the natives of Tianhe star found out that the two children in front of them took refuge in the "outsider demon", they might be tortured into what they would be like.

But the eyes of the two children are still firm: "I will die without regret."

"Hahahaha," the two children said these words are really interesting, Su Chang continued: "Where did you learn it?"

"Occasionally there will be a storyteller in the town. We will listen to stories and learn from the storyteller."

(End of this chapter)

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