The Age of Star Sea: I have a synthesis module

Chapter 150 Is the Child Sensible?

Chapter 150 Is the Child Sensible?

Fleeing all the way from the outside, Su Chang went all the way according to the predetermined direction, bypassing a whole deep mountain pit, and was about to reach another area.

Their fighter planes were stored in that place. The purpose of everyone's separation was to sneak through different paths and reach the fighter planes.

Anyway, as long as you reach the fighter plane, there will be no more troubles, at least your life will no longer be threatened.

On the brain, Zhou Hai sent a message: "Brother Su, how is the situation with you!"

The message was sent because Zhou Hai was afraid that the phone call would affect Su Chang's situation.

Of course, the information can be read as long as it can be seen, and it will not be affected if it cannot be seen.

Putting the connected earphones of Zhinao into his ears, Su Chang dialed the phone directly.

On the other end of the phone, Zhou Hai's voice appeared first: "Brother Su, are things okay? The three of us have arrived, but you and Jiang Shan are still there."

"There was a small problem, and the people from the Shanlan Sect closed the mountain."

Su Chang narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the seemingly calm mountain in the distance, and stopped immediately.

Others may not be able to see the truth from it, but Su Chang can clearly see part of the heat map inside with the thermal imaging on hand.

At a glance, there are at least NO.20 people.

This is only for some people, and the real situation will definitely be more forceful than this.

And according to Su Chang's judgment, these guys are slowly walking towards them, as if they are going to conduct a carpet search along the way.

Zhou Hai's voice became anxious in an instant: "Then what should we do, we are here to pick you up now."

"No need," Su Chang's tone was quite indifferent: "I still have a way out here. You go and take Ye Jiangshan first, and his situation will not get better."

Zhou Hai can understand that Su Chang asked them to take Ye Jiangshan first. After all, we are all teammates. Ye Jiangshan's situation is not good, and they are also very worried.

It is true that things have a priority.

But Su Chang said one by one that he had a way out, which really made Zhou Hai and others puzzled for a while.


"There is a town to the west. I hid in it. They couldn't find me for a while."

"Go get Ye Jiangshan back first."

After Su Chang's words fell, Zhou Hai and others were speechless, and immediately said that there was no problem. After hanging up the phone, they went straight towards Ye Jiangshan.

Su Chang glanced at the Shanlan Sect monks who were constantly searching in the distance, and sighed in his heart that they really underestimated the strength of the Shanlan Sect.

Xinghai Yiyi and the federal government's deployment of Tianhe Star as a whole and large-scale forces is obviously not bad, and they must have a fairly complete grasp and control of their situation.

But for these small and medium-sized forces below, it is unlikely that there will be so much energy to manage and care about them.

For example, the information of Shan Lanzong has obviously not been updated for quite some time, at least the enemy they face is stronger than their initial imagination.

Now Shanlan Sect can actually find so many people to seal the mountain and collect.

When we collided outside the warehouse before, Shanlanzong also had such a group of Qi training monks, which shows that the foundation is indeed not weak.

Su Chang was taken aback for a moment. He realized that if these small and medium-sized forces in Tianhe Star, which are not considered by Xinghai University and the Federation, enter the barbaric growth period, their strength will start to increase rapidly, but the Federation will not update their information. , failed to grasp their situation.

In this way, will it be a loophole.

Is it possible that when a new round of Tianhe war breaks out in the future, these small and medium-sized forces will pose a threat to the Federation to some extent.

This is not impossible. After all, there are countless forces like Shanlanzong on Tianhe, and the number of them is beyond the comprehension and imagination of most people.

And what kind of situation and level they are at this stage, I am afraid no one can say clearly.

Su Chang is not a murderous person, but now it is a collision between two civilizations. Since we cannot integrate, war can only break out.

Of course, Su Chang's ass is sitting on the side of the Federation. He is a real Blue Star human being. Of course, there is no need to say more about what is going on in his mind.

Exhaling a breath, seeing the people of the Shanlan Sect who were approaching gradually, they finally stopped hesitating and headed straight for the small town below.

The Shanlan Sect has been mining here for so many years and has been working hard for so many years. Of course, it has already grasped the town below and has also blocked the town.

Su Chang could only go towards places that were not considered tight, climbed over the low wall, and entered the small courtyard of others.

The yard is small, but it is not overgrown with weeds. Although the field inside is barren, it is also planted with various seedlings.

Su Chang glanced coldly, and roughly analyzed the situation inside. Su Chang knocked on the door: "The disciples of the Yunlan Sect are carrying out their duties, open the door quickly!"

As soon as the three words Yunlanzong came out, the people in the house seemed to panic all of a sudden, a small fire appeared in the house immediately, and a thick-looking woman quickly opened the door and lowered her head: "Come on... Shangxian, what's the matter?"

"Some important criminals entered the town and searched every house."

Su Chang looked into the house, and looked at the woman coldly: "There should be no criminals here, right?"

"of course not."

"It doesn't matter if you say it or not, I have to see it myself."

After speaking, Su Chang pulled out the sword, held it tightly in his hand, and walked towards the house.

A very simple house, the layout inside is quite simple, and the items are old and simple.

On the only broken bed in the house, two boys were sitting, looking at Su Chang in fear, hiding in a corner, not daring to say a word.

Su Chang found a place to sit down casually and asked the woman to close the door without any intention of moving again.


"If someone comes to check later, just say you haven't seen it, understand?"

"The child is still young, and I can see that you cherish this family very much. Sometimes a small decision can change your life, understand?"

Su Chang glanced at the dilapidated house: "I can leave here today, and I will leave a sum of money for you before I leave, so that you can live a better life."

"If something happens, I don't know if I can leave, but you will never survive."

"Whether my life is more precious, or being loyal to the Misty Cloud Sect is more important, can you tell the difference?"

Su Chang's voice doesn't contain much emotion, what can be interpreted is only endless coldness.

He looked at the family in front of him. Some of the words he said were very direct, but it was this kind of words that had the most impact.

The woman nodded immediately, expressing her understanding immediately.

"Is the child sensible?"

"Although he is young, he already has adult experience!"

"They know that I have children at home, if they don't see them, they will be suspicious!"

(End of this chapter)

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