Chapter 925
Minamoto Yoshitaka, Kiso Yoshinaka, and Minamoto Yoshike allied against Minamoto Yoshitomo, and the two sides launched a fierce civil war.

Minamoto Yorimitsu and Minamoto Yoritomo were evenly matched and suffered losses on both sides. In the Battle of Kai, Minamoto Yoritomo was severely defeated and lost his troops, but in the Battle of Ueno, Minamoto Yoritomo turned defeat into victory and used General Takeda Nobuyoshi to design and strangle Usui, one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Yorimitsu. Zhenguang.

Of course, Uui Sadamitsu could be one of the four heavenly kings of Raikou, and Wu Yong was still very fierce in his dying counterattack, and killed Minamoto Yoritomo's fierce Kumagai Naomi together.

Kumagai Naomi's death spread to Hirai Weisheng, Hirachimori and others, and wept with joy when they learned about it. No other person was originally a general of the Hira clan, but Lin Zheng turned to join Genji. The Taira lost more than a dozen family generals in that battle, and this person With the style of daring to fight and not afraid of death, he is known as "the first warrior in Kanto".

It can be seen that the spirit of the island nation's "Suiyu" has penetrated into its bones, and Usui Sadamitsu even recklessly adjusted Kumagai Naomi at a disadvantage.

The Ueno battle stopped Minamoto's offensive momentum. Minamoto no longer marched blindly but waited for news from the Allied forces.

As expected, the good news came. Kiso Yoshitaka and Minamoto Yoshitsune, as the second of the original Kamakura shogunate's four famous generals, naturally had two brushes.

Kiso Yoshinaka is tough and brave, and Minamoto Yoshitsune is a smart general with first-class commanding ability. On the contrary, Minamoto Rai, who was sent by Minamoto Yoritomo, has mediocre abilities.

Although the assistant Hojo Shizheng is a veteran of playing politics, Hojo Shizheng is not qualified as a military staff officer.

And the coach Yuan Fan Lai is an honest man who has been fooled by Hojo's political affairs. Although there are strategies on the battlefield, they are all strategic methods, which cannot be replaced by politicians' tricks.

Minamoto Yoshitsune can see all kinds of flaws at a glance. He beat Minamoto Lai and Hojo Shizheng's army back in defeat. Itachi Yuyoshi, Ishi and Nobumitsu and others were killed by Kiso Four Heavenly Kings Imai Kanhei and Higuchi Kanemitsu.

More than ten days later, Minamoto Yoshitaka, Kiso Yoshinaka, and Minamoto Yoshitsune were in Ueno to join forces and prepare to continue to exert pressure on Tokyo.

Minamoto no Yoritomo had no time to blame Minamoto no Yori and sent Hojo Tokisei to the Kamakura base camp. He himself commanded Takeda Nobuyoshi, Minamoto no Yori, Minamoto Yoshikuni, Minamoto Yoshige, Minamoto Yoshitaka, Minamoto Shigenari, and Minamoto Yoshinobu. Waiting for the Kamakura forces to move north to fight against the coalition forces.

Although this group of people seem to have the surname Minamoto, they are not the Minamoto clan. Just as Konoha is composed of the Senju, Uchiha, and Hyuga clans, there are also the Akimichi clan, the Nara clan, the Sarutobi clan, the Nakayama clan, and the Hatake clan. Konoha formed by various small families.

The Kamakura shogunate also has a variety of small samurai groups, such as Minamoto Yoshishige's real name Nitta Yoshishige, Genyoshitaka's real name Mutsu Rokuro, Genshige's real name Sado Shigenari, and Genyoshinobu's real name Hiraga Yoshinobu. Support Genji's small family.

It can be seen that at this time Minamoto Yoritomo has taken out all the last vitality, which is also the core force of the Kamakura shogunate.

But there is a saying that the house leaks happen to rain all night. As mentioned earlier, Da Song is closely monitoring Genji's war. Pang Ji and Zhou Yu always think that this is the best time to attack Genji.

The Wenpin Corps and Zhu Huan Corps divided into two routes to take the important town of Nagoya to the east, while Zhou Yu's Shenhuo Camp and Li Bao's Jinfan Camp also departed from Shikoku and headed for Tokyo.

As for Zhou Yu on the northern line, Pang Ji was entrusted with full authority.

Just when Minamoto Yoritomo gathered all the strength of the Kamakura shogunate and confronted Minamoto Yoshinaka, Kiso Yoshinaka, Minamoto Yoshitsune, and the regent Fujiwara allied forces.

The army of Wenpin and Zhu Huandong was divided into two.

The Jingzhou army led by Wenpin, Liu Pan, Huang Zhong, Qin Ming, Huo Du, and Huo Jun besieged Nagoya, an important town in the west of Genji, and confronted the guards Nasu Zilong, Sato Tsushin, Sato Tadanobu and others.

Zhu Huan led the Huainan Army of Gao Huaide, Ling Cao, Xu Sheng, and Qiao Rui. They separated from Wenpin in Gifu County and went all the way east to Nagano County, where they seized the descendants, and arrived in Kai County. They joined the war at any time according to the situation.

The first contact with the Kamakura shogunate was of course the Nagoya garrison. The garrison Nasuzi Takashi was originally a branch of the regent Fujiwara clan, but instead took refuge in Genji. This is actually very common in the history of the island country.

When Wenpin led Huang Zhong and Qin Ming to the Nagoya city, there were soldiers on the city shouting: "The blood demon old demon and Shuten boy are here!"

The city walls are full of local aboriginal islanders, and they also speak the local language. Anyway, Huang Zhong and Qin Ming can't understand what those people are screaming. They just feel very frightened.

In the face of Wenpin's order to set up the usual tactics of the Song Dynasty, set up a catapult and prepare to attack the city in three days.

When boulder bombs soaked with fire oil hit the city wall of Nagoya one by one, the defenders collapsed and shouted: "The blood demon has cast a spell! Shuten-douji has cast a spell!"

The reason for shouting this is because according to the rumors in the island country, Shuten Doji is a monster who is addicted to alcohol and can spit out a mouthful of demon fire. Now the big stone bomb of the Song Dynasty is a giant fire bomb soaked in kerosene, which makes the superstitious locals believe Huang Zhong and Qin even more. Bright legend.

In fact, hundreds of catapults are now throwing hundreds of flaming boulders at one time. This scene is much more terrifying than Shuten-douji's demon fire. Since the blood demon old demon can drive Shuten-douji, it is even more powerful. It is not surprising that the witchcraft.

What is even more frightening is that the fire oil has a characteristic that a fire contaminated with fire oil will not be extinguished when it meets water. When the guards Nasuji Takashi, Sato Tsushin, and Sato Tadanobu commanded people to put out the fire, they found that the fire stained with black mud would be poured out no matter what. Indestructible.

A fire that cannot be extinguished by water, what is it if it is not demon fire?This is completely demoralized!The natives threw down their weapons one after another and began to scatter for their lives.

Wenpin, as a famous general in the Three Kingdoms period and the number one general in Jingzhou, saw the chaos on the city wall beyond words, so he knew the opportunity was not to be missed and ordered to attack the city immediately.

Although the city in front of me is an important town in the island country, the city wall is only two feet long and it is not as tall as the city in the Central Plains. In Wenpin's eyes, it is not a strong city at all, let alone a chaotic enemy army.

Brothers Huang Zhong, Qin Ming, Liu Pan, and Huo saw the chaos of the enemy army, and their own soldiers easily climbed the city wall and began to attack the city in person.

But when Huang Zhong climbed up the city wall with his red blood knife, ghost cut around his waist, and Qin Ming with a mace, and found where the two were going, the chaos over there became more and more serious.

The enemy soldiers saw that Huang Zhong and Qin Ming were trembling, and their bodies trembled visibly, especially when Huang Zhong beheaded Nasuzi Takashi, Qin Ming smashed the head of Sato Tsushinho, and another general dropped his weapon directly Calling like crazy.

If someone can understand his bird language now: "The blood demon old demon has taken the head again, Jiu Tun-douji has broken the head again, monsters! They are all monsters!"

Wenpin won the important town of Nagoya with little effort. After the war, he learned about the translation from several generals of the Ping family. It turns out that the names of Huang Zhong's Gorefiend Old Demon and Qin Ming's Jiu Tun Douzi have already frightened them. Native Aboriginal.

(End of this chapter)

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