Chapter 924 Genji Civil War
The Genji of the Kamakura Shogunate briefly introduces the regime here. The former Time and Space Kamakura Shogunate was established by Minamoto Yoritomo with the support of the Hojo family's relatives after the destruction of the noble Heira family.

Therefore, the early controller of the Kamakura shogunate was named Minamoto, but the later controller was named Hojo.

One important point here is that the Genji of the Kamakura shogunate received the support of the samurai class, but the Genji himself was a noble like the Peace clan.

He was just a minor noble among the nobility. Even after the Genji continued to develop at the end of the Heian Dynasty, he was always suppressed by the Taira.

Therefore, Genji and Heiji's war can basically be understood as a story of a small landlord (little noble) leading a farmer (samurai) to overthrow a big noble (landlord).

The famous "Bushido" spirit of the island country began during the Kamakura shogunate period. It is rumored that the Bushido spirit is a belief that combines Chinese Confucianism, Buddhism, and the native Shinto of the island country.

It's just that this belief was distorted during World War II. If you have seen the early version of Jet Li's Huo Yuanjia, you should know what the original bushido spirit is.

This time and space is more complicated than the original time and space. The Kamakura shogunate is not only the Minamoto and Hojo clans of the Minamoto Yoritomo, but also the ancestor Minamoto Yorimitsu, forming a regime composed of three forces.

To make an analogy, Genji Nakamoto Yoritomo is the Senju clan in Naruto, Minamoto Yorimitsu is the Uchiha clan, Hojo is the Hyuga clan, and the Konoha relationship they jointly created is similar.

The Kamakura shogunate, which originally controlled a large area of ​​land from the west of Nagoya to the south of Fukushima on the main island, has now lost a lot of territory because of Minamoto Yoshimitsu and Kiso Yoshinaka's self-reliance.

The area controlled by Genji is the sphere of influence centered on Kamakura in the southern part of Kanagawa Prefecture and Tokyo in later generations.

Therefore, Minamoto Yoritomo controls the central and southern part of the main island from Tokyo to Nagoya.

Minamoto Yorimitsu also controlled the central and northern part of the main island in the later island countries of Toyama, Shin, Ishikawa, and northern Nagano. However, the terrain was very disadvantageous and became a long snake.

Kiso Yoshinaka's prestige is much lower than Minamoto's. He only controls the northernmost Fukushima bordering the regent Fujiwara, but Kiso Yoshinaka seems to have had contacts with the regent.

During this turmoil, the Kamakura shogunate lost one-third of its actual control of the territory, not to mention the exodus of countless famous generals and talents, and its reputation was also severely damaged. This time the decline of Genji became a landmark event.

Later, when Sima Guang compiled the history, he called this coup the "Zhongguang Rebellion".

Back to Minamoto Yoshitsune's younger brother Minamoto Yoshitsune led 2 people tragically from Tokyo to North Nagano to conquer Minamoto Yoshitsune.

The failure of Minamoto Yoshitsune is an inevitable result. Minamoto Yoshitsune is a famous general who is as famous as Minamoto Yoshitsune. He also has strong generals such as Sakata Kintoki, Bubu Jiwu, Uui Sadamitsu, and Fujiwara Yasama.

On the contrary, Minamoto Yoshitsune has only two fathers and sons under the command of the supervisor, Fujiwara Hidehiro and Fujiwara Yasuhiro. This Fujiwara clan is a branch of the Fujiwara clan in Australia, and has nothing to do with the Fujiwara clan of the regent.

The task of Fujiwara Hidehiro and Fujiwara Yasuhiro is to watch Minamoto Yoshitsune die, and then bring Minamoto Yoshitsune's head back to Minamoto Yoritomo!

Of course, Minamoto Yoshitsune, as one of the four famous generals, naturally has his own supporters. The monks Musashibo Benkei, Nasu Yoichi, and Ise Yoshitsune are the trusted followers of Minamoto Yoshitsune.

Before departure, Musashibo Benkei suggested Minamoto Yoshitsune to seek refuge with Kiso Yoshinaka. Anyway, the two are cousins. Minamoto Yoshitsune was persecuted in this way, and Kiso Yoshinaka would take them in.

No one knows what Minamoto Yoshitsune, Musashibo Benkei, Ise Yoshimori, and Nasu Yuichi plotted before setting off...

Minamoto no Yoshitsune led 2 people and encountered Minamoto no Yorimitsu in Nagano. Minamoto no Yorimitsu didn't know that Minamoto no Yoshitsune was sent to die by Minamoto Yoritomo. Minamoto no Yorimitsu used a large army to stop Minamoto no Yorimitsu and sent Sakata Kintoki and Fube Nobita to divide them into left and right groups. road raid.

Minamoto Yoshitsune's army collapsed at the first touch, Musashibo Benkei took advantage of the chaos and killed Fujiwara Hidehiro with a stick, and then killed Fujiwara Yasuhiro and his father and son with a backhand stick.

Minamoto Yoshitsune took the opportunity to call on his personal guards to break away from the defeated army and run all the way northeast, apparently planning to join his cousin Kiso Yoshimaka.

The moment Minamoto Yoshitsune arrived in Fukushima, he hugged his cousin Kiso Yoshinaka and wept bitterly. The latter immediately called on everyone to turn against Minamoto Yoshitsune, and at the same time sent someone to explain the whole process of Minamoto Yoshitsune's persecution of Minamoto Yoshitsune.

For a time, the battle of the three famous generals to crusade against Genji started vigorously.

Minamoto Yoshitaka, Kiso Yoshinaka, and Minamoto Yoshitsune joined forces, and Kiso Yoshinaka even borrowed troops from the regent to attack Genji.

The Kamakura shogunate of the Minamoto Yoritomo still has some strength, and they are not afraid of the joint crusade against Minamoto Yoshitaka, Kiso Yoshinaka, and Minamoto Yoshitsune. Minamoto Yoshitsune and Regent Fujiwara allied forces.

Minamoto Yoritomo personally led an army to fight against Minamoto Yorimitsu's army.

All this was going on in the autumn of 209, while Zhou Yu, Pang Ji, Jiang Qin, Li Bao, Wenpin, Zhu Huan, several army commanders, and the Ping family who wanted revenge, watched indifferently and were ready to go. Be prepared.

After discussions with Zhou Yu, Pang Ji and others, Jiang Qin cooperated with Pang Ji to attack Minamoto's old nest Xinxian County from the sea from Tocho on the main island. It is to choose to start from Shikoku, and according to the situation, it is likely to go around the Gulf of Tokyo to attack and participate in the war.

Leaving aside Zhou Yu, Pang Ji and others who are ready to go, let’s first look at the encounter between Minamoto Yorimitsu and Minamoto Yoshitomo at the foot of Mt.

The two sides engaged in a life-and-death struggle, and the remaining three of Raikou's Four Heavenly Kings, Sakata Kintoki, Bubu Jiwu, and Uui Sadamitsu, really deserved their reputation. territory.

Sakata Kintoki is known as Kintaro with a big axe. He feels that he has no image concept. Imagine Zhan Momomaru in "One Piece", which is the prototype of this character.

Sakata Kintoki beheaded Yoshihiro Shida with an ax in his hands, and then cut off the head of Hiroto Kamisou. Sakata Kintoki killed two pioneers of Minamoto Yoritomo by himself, and this was just the beginning.

The Three Kings of Raikou seemed to be for competition. Sakata Kintoki killed Shida Yoshihiro and Kamizo Hirojo, Bube Jiwu also killed Doi Shihei and Hatano Yoshimichi, and Usui Sadamitsu killed Ashikaga Yoshiyasu and Hatakeyama Shigetada. .

Minamoto Yoritomo's three-day king beheaded six generals in a row, which gave Minamoto Yoritomo a blow and the former army collapsed. Minamoto Yoritomo retreated to Ueno and this battle was called the "Kai Great Victory".

However, Minamoto Yoritomo's ability to dominate the Kamakura shogunate was not determined by one battle at least. In the Battle of Ueno, Minamoto Yoritomo used the strategy of luring the enemy in depth, and at the same time sent his fierce generals Takeda Nobuyoshi and Kumagai Naomi to encircle and suppress Usui Sadamitsu who fell into the trap.

Uui Sadamitsu was killed by Takeda Nobuyoshi's troops, leaving only the second of the four kings of Raimitsu, and Minamoto Yorimitsu's momentum of victory was also interrupted by Minamoto Yoritomo.

(End of this chapter)

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