Chapter 915
Chapter 9, please ignore the wrong chapter number!
Zhou Yu, Jiang Qin, and Pang Ji who were stationed in Dongzhou sent a memorial to Song Emperor Lu Heng, making Lu Heng look from the north to the east.

In recent years, the island country has not been peaceful. As mentioned earlier, the Heira clan, the Kamakura shogunate, and the regent Fujiwara clan are fighting each other.

Among them, the regent Fujiwara annexed Ashikaga Takashi and became a new tyrant instead.

The Kamakura shogunate was originally not weak, and the Ping clan was the weakest because of a big defeat, just like Shu Han in the Three Kingdoms.

The Great Song seized Kyushu Island and Shikoku Island, forming a pattern in which the Great Song Dynasty was in the east, the Ping family was in the eastern part of the main island, the Kamakura shogunate was in the central part of the main island, and the regent Fujiwara was in the northwest of the main island and Hokkaido.

Of course, it does not mean that the entire island country is divided up by these four forces. There are still other local forces, large and small, which are regarded as wild existences by the people of the island country.

Only the navy cannot capture the entire island country, and that is why Lu Heng transferred the Pang Ji army to Dongzhou to help Zhou Yu and Jiang Qin.

In the past two years, several major events have happened. First, the Fujiwara family wanted to make trouble, and took the opportunity to attack the Ping family from the sea, and sent troops to Shiqiaoshan. They were defeated and fled north in a hurry, which made Ping's family think that it had recovered a wave of blood.

The defeated Fujiwara clan secretly and actively engaged in diplomacy to win over the Genji side of the Kamakura shogunate to seek an alliance.

Probably the situation is that the Ping family is equal to Liu Daer who just won the big victory in Hanzhong, and then the Fujiwara family is approximately equal to Cao Wei, and the Kamakura shogunate is Soochow. In this way, the alliance between the Fujiwara family and the Kamakura shogunate is equivalent to the alliance between Cao Wei and Soochow.

But the good times didn't last long, and the Taira clan was about to expand its results to counterattack the Fujiwara clan, but was confronted by the Kamakura shogunate and the Fujiwara clan's coalition forces in Fujikawa.

This battle can be roughly equivalent to Guan Yu's loss of Jingzhou, but what Ping's lost was not the pivotal Guan Erye, but the leader Ping Qingsheng.

As a result, the huge Taira clan has no leader. Minamoto Yoritomo, the leader of the Kamakura shogunate, saw that Kiyomori Hira was dead.

Taira general Hirai Weisheng led a [-]-strong army of the Taira clan to resist the attack of Kamakura shogunate Minamoto Yoshinaka (also known as Kiso Yoshinaka).

In the battle between the two sides at Kurikaroka, Minamoto Yoshinaka defeated the Ping family with a fire ox array, and was killed on a cliff. The Ping family lost most of the army, and the Ping family lost a large piece of land on the island and fled westward to the abandoned house island.

This battle was about the same as the battle of Yiling in the Shu Han. Ping Weisheng completely defeated the Ping family's vital forces, including Ping Zhongsheng, Ping Zhongdu, Ping Zhengsheng, and Ping Zhong, and another group of Ping died in battle.

At this time, the Ping family was also facing a critical situation just like the Shu Han after the Yiling War. There were two major differences within the Ping family.

The third son of Hiraki Kiyomori, Hirazumori, as the leader, gave full play to the single-mindedness of the islanders, thinking that they should fight to the death.

Ping Weisheng, as the marshal who resisted Yuan Yizhong's crusade before, has a high status in the Ping clan. Although his reputation was damaged due to the defeat of Kurikaroka, he still has some support within the Ping clan.

Ping Weisheng felt that Ping Zongsheng's willful self-destruction would put the Ping family in a place of burial, so the family general Fujiwara Tadakiyo escorted his wife Shindai Nayanju and his son Ping Liudai to Shikoku Island to seek asylum in the Song Dynasty.

And Ping Weisheng himself is actively wooing people headed by Ping Zhongdu and Ping Zhidu to save himself, because Ping Weisheng's purpose is the same as that of Ping Zongsheng, and the two sides temporarily focus on resisting the Kamakura shogunate.

When Zhou Yu received the letter from Tadaki Fujiwara and Ping Weisheng's wife and children, he immediately felt that this was an excellent opportunity to invade the island's forces.

Zhou Yu told Jiang Qin his analysis, and went to the Four Kingdoms to persuade Pang Ji, the supreme commander of the Four Kingdoms' defenders, as well as Dong He, the governor of Dongzhou, and Li Hui, the governor of Zhizhong. This is why Lu Heng wrote this memorial.

Lu Heng knew nine out of ten things about the history of the island country. If Oda Nobunaga, Akechi Mitsuhide, and Tokugawa Ieyasu knew something about it, I really don't know who this bunch of people with the surname Hira and Minamoto are.

However, Lu Heng had absolute trust in Zhou Yu's judgment, and with a wave of his hand, he transferred the Wenpin and Zhu Huan armies that originally wanted to be transferred to the north to the east to support Zhou Yu.

Zhou Yu received a letter from Fujiwara Chukiyoshi sent by Ping Weisheng in September of last year, Lu Heng received the news in January of the following year, and Wenpin and Zhu Huan's army gathered and set off in February after the Chinese New Year.

It was at this time that Minamoto Yoritomo, the leader of the Kamakura shogunate, was afraid that Minamoto Yoshitsune and Minamoto Yoshinaka had made too much contribution and sent Minamoto Rai to attack the Taira family. This decision also bought time for Zhou Yu.

Yuan Fanlai's ability is far inferior to Yuan Yizhong and Yuan Yijing's ability can only be said to be mediocre, and although the Ping family has retreated steadily, there is still a existence like Zhuge Liang after Liu Bei's death.

Ping Jiangmen exposed Yuan Fan Lai's feint attack, but it was actually a strategy of attacking from the rear. Fukuhara Kyo (later Kobe).

Minamoto Yoshitomo saw that the situation was wrong, and immediately dispatched Minamoto Yoshitaka and Minamoto Yoshitsune to rescue them. On the contrary, Hira Shomen stepped forward but did not gain the trust of Hiramune Sheng.

Although Ping Jiangmen was born in the Ping family, he is known as a genius of the Ping family, but his character is upright, stubborn, arrogant, rebellious, talented and unpopular. As a genius of the Ping family, he is not used in any way, but is suppressed everywhere.

If it weren't for the life and death of the Ping family, Ping Zongsheng would not have adopted Ping Jiangmen's opinion at all, and let him go with the idea of ​​asking for his own destruction, but he didn't expect to hit the right way.

That's right, in Ping Zongsheng's mind, Ping Jiang's goal is just right!

The deeds of this king will not be introduced in the original space-time Heira Shomon, but during the prosperous period of the Hera family, in the era of the emperor in the island country, the only time he openly rebelled against the emperor's regime in Kyoto, and the one who established himself as the emperor was the only one in the history of the island country.

Roughly equal to China's Chen Sheng and Wu Guang!It is also the second of the four major grievances in the island country that has been passed down to the present.

It can be seen how deviant Hera Shomon is. Hei Zongsheng didn't believe in Hera Shomon's suggestion that Genji would definitely send a large army to rescue him, so he had to encircle and fight first. A fierce quarrel broke out between the two sides.

In a rage, Ping Zongsheng put Ping Jiangmen under house arrest, and changed his generals just before the battle to wipe out Yuan Fan Lai's army, so Genji must also be hit hard.

Ping Zongsheng ruined an excellent opportunity created by Ping Jiangmen. When Yuan Yizhong and Yuan Yoshitsune arrived and saw that Ping was still attacking and surrounded Yuan Fan Lai, he aroused the mood of the army to resist desperately, but did not rush to rescue Yuan Fan. Lai broke the boat, and Pingzong Sheng, who suddenly united internally and externally and killed again, was defeated.

At this time, Lu Heng, who was far away in Shouchun, and Wenpin, Zhu Huan and others who were already on the East China Sea route did not know that when they were about to arrive in Dongzhou, the Ping family experienced another big defeat and had already fallen into a desperate situation.

This is also the golden opportunity for Zhou Yu to invade the island!
(End of this chapter)

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