The Rise of the Song People of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 914 Military Heart Available

Chapter 914 Military Heart Available
Autumn passed and winter came, and in a blink of an eye, the time came to 209 AD, the seventh year of Kaiyuan in the Song Dynasty.

At the beginning of this year, the people lived and worked in peace and contentment, but the borders of the Song Dynasty were tense.

Even Lu Heng, who was far away in Shouchun, was always worried about the border, and even forced a smile on the Lantern Festival.

Because on the most important day in China, there was a bloody storm on the grassland, Wanyan Aguda and Yelu Abaoji teamed up and sent troops to destroy the Xianbei people.

No one can predict whether the Jurchens and the Khitans will go south directly after successfully joining forces!
Ma Teng of Yumen Pass, Zhang Xiu of Helan Mountain, Guo Jin and Chen Gong of Pinglu City, Zhuge Liang and Du Gao of Hetao Yinshan Great Wall, Gao Shun of Youzhou, Yang Yanzhao of Lulong Sai, Yue Fei of Anbei City, Meng Gong and Wang Shao of Liaozhou, and Yujin of Hanzhou .

The northern borders of the Song Dynasty were all tense, especially in Bingzhou and Youzhou. Once the Jurchens and Khitans went south, they would bear the brunt of it.

The Tianzi Zhongjun in Shouchun, the capital of the Song Dynasty, is also in full swing, ready to go north at any time.

Zhao Defang, the envoy of the Song Dynasty, left the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau again to have a good chat with Boss Cao.

It was not until the spies reported that Wanyan Aguda led the troops back to Daxing'an Mountains, and Yelu Abaoji led the troops back to the Western Regions, and the state of combat readiness relaxed.

But then Zhuge Liang and Du Gao stepped up to repair the Yinshan Great Wall, and Yue Fei was also expanding the scale of Anbei City.

Du Gao even ordered people to build a fortress outside the Great Wall just like Anbei City, fifty miles north of Yinshan Mountain.

And Du Gao named it 'Shoujiang City'!

Because everyone knows that the next time the prairie people will come fiercely!

Lu Heng breathed a sigh of relief when he received the news, but also frowned.

Without him, I paid too much attention to Temujin, and underestimated Wanyan Aguda and Yelu Abaoji!
That's right, with the current strength of the Song Dynasty, they are not afraid to face any of them, but the combined strength of the Jurchens and the Khitans is absolutely comparable to Mongolia, and may even be stronger than Mongolia!
The combination of Wanyan Aguda + Yelu Abaoji can definitely make Lu Heng pay attention.

Naturally, they breathed a sigh of relief because the two didn't go south immediately, but the two of them fought steadily and digested the results of the Xianbei people first, and then it was even more difficult to deal with.

Lu Heng looked at the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau on the world map, hoping that Boss Cao would cooperate.

It's not that Song Dynasty doesn't have the strength to fight Liao, but that with Boss Cao, a powerful ally in the south, the winning rate will be much higher.

When it comes to the national level, any decision is not a child's play. If you can have more confidence, you must strive for more confidence.

No matter what, we have to wait for news from Zhao Defang. Even if Brother Fei sends a letter, we won't know what Boss Cao thinks until spring.

You read that right, it is Feige Chuanshu!

It has been 11 years since Lu Heng traveled to the present, and it took seven years for the establishment of the Song Dynasty to open this technology tree. The difficulty can be imagined.

The biggest difficulty is the flight distance of the carrier pigeon. After years of training, the farthest can only radiate to neighboring states.

The farthest is the distance from Wu County, Yangzhou to Shouchun.

This means that pigeon sites must be rolled out across the country to do a relay to run long distances. The east, south, and north sides can be rolled out first, but it will obviously take time to unify the west side.

The second is the problem of human hunting and raptor hunting.

In this precarious war-torn era, it is impossible to use flying pigeons to pass letters.

I was so hungry, I saw the birds in the sky and didn't shoot them down to eat!
Only if there is no shortage of this ration, coupled with a nationwide government order, can human shooting be prevented. As for the hunting of raptors, it can only be solved by numbers.

In short, the Flying Pigeon Book Passing had to overcome the above difficulties before it could be put into trial operation 11 years later. Anyway, Lu Heng didn’t know how other time-traveling peers did it, so they started flying Pigeon Book Passing in only one state.

In 209 AD, if the Battle of Chibi had ended in the original time and space, it would soon transition to the Three Kingdoms era and Liu Daer would also rise rapidly in the past few years.

Now that history has been completely rewritten, Lu Heng's Great Song Dynasty has completed the unification of China, 73 years earlier than the original time and space when Jin destroyed Dongwu.

And in these 73 years, the Chinese people don't need to use two to three generations to continue the war, but can live and work in peace and recuperate. The rise of the Wuhu is already an impossible existence.

There are many reasons for the five chaos, such as the corruption of the aristocratic family, the chaotic government of the Sima family, the rebellion of the eight kings, and so on.

But it is undeniable that the nearly a century-long war between Wu, Shu, and Wei was also an important reason!
This year, Ling Tong, Zhou Shao, and Jiang Yi have all grown up, and the stinky brat who followed Lu Heng back then no longer exists.

This year Ma Liang, Dong Yun, Fei Yi, Gao Tanglong, Xiang Chong, Wang Chang, Lu Ji, Lu Shang, Zhang Jing, Zhang Dun, Bu Jing, Wei Xi, Tian Cong (son of Tian Feng), Zhuge Jun and others successively became officials. , The talents of the new generation of Song Dynasty have begun to sprout.

At the same time, Lu Heng also received an invitation from Wenpin to defend Jingzhou, such as Liu Pan, Huang Zhong, Qin Ming, Huo Jun, and Huo Du, and Zhu Huan from Gao Huaide, Ling Cao, Xu Sheng, Qiao Rui and other generals to fight. The soldiers represented hoped to go to the north to defend the border for the country, instead of staying comfortably in the hinterland of the Song Dynasty.

"The minds of the people are fixed, but the minds of the army are available!" Lu Heng sighed slightly.

With the unification of the Song Dynasty and Cao Cao's withdrawal from China, Jingzhou, a dangerous place connected in all directions, became a complete hinterland. Neither Wenpin stationed in Jingzhou nor Zhu Huan stationed in Nanyang were able to muddle through.

The situation at the northern border is actually not a secret among the soldiers of the Song Dynasty, so there are these two memorials.

If Zhang Yun hadn't been stationed at the southwestern border to prevent Siam, he might have sent a memorial requesting to go north to fight the prairie people.

Since Han Wu destroyed the Xiongnu, sealing wolves and living in Xu against grassland nomads has been the main theme of China for thousands of years.

The Huaxia soldiers are proud of fighting against the grassland nomads!
No matter it is Wang Changling's "but let the dragon city flying generals be there, don't teach Huma Du Yinshan!" '

It's still Yue Fei's "drive a long car and break through the gaps in Helan Mountain"!
Or Xu Xilin's "Only solve the battlefield to die for the country, why return the corpse of the horse leather", and Lu You's "The building boat crosses Guazhou in the night snow, and the iron horse breaks up in the autumn wind" are all expressing this kind of emotion.

But what is ridiculous is that later generations of politicians, for various reasons, have obliterated the centuries-long pride of Chinese soldiers.

Lu Heng was very positive about Wenpin and Zhu Huan's request for war. Just when he was about to transfer the two legions to Hanzhou in the north, he received an urgent report.

Zhou Yu, Jiang Qin, and Pang Ji joined forces to request Lu Heng to send a support army to support their military operations, and major changes occurred in the island country.

Seeing Zhou Yu, Jiang Qin, and Pang Ji's memorial, Lu Heng raised his eyes slightly, and immediately ordered Wenpin and Zhu Huan to integrate and set off from the Jingzhou Navy to Wu County to change ships and prepare to go to sea.

Wenpin's Jingzhou Army and Zhu Huan's Huainan Army are suitable for fighting in places like this island.

(End of this chapter)

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