Chapter 1042
In the 18th year of the Kaiyuan period of the Great Song Dynasty and 220 AD, Mongolia went south for the second time to attack Liao and Jin. However, because the emperor of the Song Dynasty, Lu Heng, made up his mind to unite with Liao and Jin to defeat Mongolia first, the Song did not announce the war, which made Mongolia suffer. Perhaps the first fiasco so far.

The Mongolian Central Army's breakout army was cut off by seven soldiers led by Gao Chong, Cao Kerang, Yang Zaixing, Lu Wenlong, Yue Yun, Situ Yunlei, and Ling Tong!
Each of these seven people is in an unparalleled state, and each of them can fight his way into a bloody existence, making the breakout Chinese army unable to support their Genghis Khan.

Zhao Yun single-handedly pursued and killed Temujin, while the Mongol Central Army was in a desperate situation.

Yue Fei, Wanyan Lou Shi, and Xiao Dilu commanded the Song Army, Jin Army, and Liao Army. Yan Heng, Gao Mohan, Xiao Aguzhi and other famous Jurchen and Khitan generals.

Not to mention that there are Tao Sanchun, Jintou Niang, Jiang Feixiong, Jiang Cuiping, Huang Fengxian, Hu Yanzan, Hu Yanzhuo, Hu Yantong, Gan Ning, Xiyun Xiaomei, Wu Shangzhi, Xu Ning, Wang Gui, Yang Miaozhen, Huang Song on the Song side. A large number of fierce generals including Zhong Zhong and Chen Liqing fought.

In the end, Zhebie used all his personal guards to rush forward and drag Huang Zhong, finally got rid of Huang Zhong's entanglement, and saw the situation of the Mongolian army.

"Blow the horn to break out, follow my Minhan Nayan to scatter to break through!" Jebe's face was very ugly at this moment.

Because Jebe discovered that there is no one commanding the Mongolian army now, and if it is divided and eaten by several armies and continues to fight, the entire army will be wiped out.

This person has a bad guess. According to Jebe's understanding of Genghis Khan and Tuo Lei, he should have issued an order similar to his own, but he has not acted for a long time and let the Mongolian army fight on their own. Obviously, the Supreme Commander has a huge crisis. question.

As for the specific issues, Zhebie doesn’t dare to think about them, and he doesn’t want to think about them either!
Jebe's feeling was right, and he could even be said to be extremely accurate. The coach Temujin was hunted down by Zhao Yun, and the deputy coach Tuo Lei had already turned into a dead body. Who could give such an order?

Below Tuolei, there are only a few people like Jebe, Subotai, Borhu, Mu Huali, Chilaowen, and Arla Borshu who can give such an order.

Among them, Borhu was killed in battle, Mu Huali and Subotai were chased and killed by Gan Ning and He Yuanqing respectively, and Chi Laowen had long since become Hua Rong's dead soul.

"Woo~ woo~ woo!" With the unique sound of the horn, all the Mongols looked for their Minhannayan (thousand commander) from the mud of melee, and if they didn't have it, they looked for Zawinnayan (centurion commander). ), start with a scatter breakout.

The order given by Zhebie was very correct. After all, the battlefield was in the vast grassland. No matter how strong the troops of Yue Fei, Wanyan Loushi, and Xiaodi Lu were, it was impossible to surround and kill the opponent in a place where there was no advantage in terrain.

Although Song, Liao, and Jin have many troops, Mongolia also has a lot of troops. If you want to break through, you can always fight from weak areas.

Zhao Yun contributed a lot to the situation of being surrounded, divided, and fighting on their own!
It was Zhao Yun who cut down the Thunderbolt Array and chased and killed Temujin so that the Mongolian Army lost its command and fell into a situation of fighting on its own.

Ordering the Mongolian army to find their own commanders one after another, Gan Ning and He Yuanqing had no choice but to give up Subotai and Mu Huali. A large number of Mongolian troops gathered at the two of them, so that Gan Ning and He Yuanqing had to avoid the edge temporarily.

The surviving Mongolian senior generals such as Jebe, Subotai, Muhuali, Aerla Borshu, Belgutai, Bolu, Wulianghetai, etc. led the Mongolian army to break out in different directions.

However, most of the Mongolian generals chose to attack in the direction of the Jurchen and Khitan legions!

It wasn't that the Mongols were frightened by the Song soldiers, but that Jebe, Subotai, Muhuali and others knew that the reason why the Jurchens and Khitans were able to stop them in the front must be to surpass them at any cost. Their horses Physical strength has long been exhausted and it is impossible to catch up.

As for the war horse of Song Dynasty, it is too similar to their Mongolian horses, with such good stamina, who knows when they will be able to get rid of the pursuit?
Yue Fei, Wanyan Loushi, and Xiao Dilu naturally wouldn't let the Mongols escape easily, and started chasing them one after another.

However, at this time, the rift in the relationship between the Song Dynasty and the Liao and Jin countries was also reflected, because the Mongols broke out in the direction of Jurchen and Khitan, and the Song army naturally pursued them in this direction if they wanted to pursue them.

However, whether it is Wanyan Loushi, Wanyan Zongbi or Xiao Dilu, they are not sure whether the Song army will take this opportunity to take them as well, because the state of the Jin and Liao armies is not very good now.

After fighting the Mongols for a long time, they did not hesitate to pursue them quickly. On the contrary, the Great Song Army was a new force!
For the sake of their own nation, Wanyan Loushi, Wanyan Zongbi and Xiao Dilu all gathered their legions. Large-scale legion gathering takes time, and Yue Fei also considered not to cause misunderstandings with the Jin and Liao countries, so he chose to take a detour and delay the pursuit. for some time.

It was also these times that gave Jebe, Subotai, Mu Huali and others the chance to escape with the Mongolian army.

There is almost nothing to describe in the pursuit battle. The Mongols in the vast grassland fled all the way north and were hunted down for thousands of miles. They gave up the pursuit when they were about to reach Lake Baikal.

In this battle, when the Mongols were surrounded, there were Zhuochi Hesaer, Hulinchi, Wei Daer, Suoerhan Shila, A Shihei, Mangwuer, Bo Luohuan, and Daisun. , Wudutai, Butu, Wuluchi, and Kuoliejian were beheaded, and countless Minhannayan and Zawinnayan were beheaded.

Among them, Wei Da'er, a scumbag, died unbelievably under Yang Miaozhen's gun. Maybe Wei Da'er never dreamed that he would be beheaded by a woman one day.

Zhuochi Hesa'er was injured in one hand, and was shot and killed by Huang Zhong when he broke through, and Hu Linchi was killed by Bi Zaiyu.

It is worth mentioning that Mangwuer is the son of Weidaer, Suoerhan Shila is the father of Chi Laowen, father and son both fell in this battle together, and Bubal and Ah Shihei are also Genghis Khan's son-in-law.

Daisun was mentioned in the previous article as Mu Huali's younger brother. Although this gentleman escaped from Gan Ning's hands, the latter still took his younger brother Daisun away.

In addition, Borjijin Uluchi and Borjijin Kulejian are the fifth and sixth sons of Temujin, and they are also Tuolei's younger brother who was beaten by Wanyan Jinzhu when he broke through the encirclement. One became meat, and the other was beheaded by Gao Mohan.

So far in World War I, Jebe and others fled to the shore of Lake Baikal to escape the pursuit. In the end, several scattered legions of Subotai, Mu Huali, and Arla Borshu joined up. Belgutai and his people did not know where they fled , everyone only knew that he must have escaped.

After the Mongols broke through, more than [-]% of their soldiers and horses were lost, and only [-]% of the Mongols fled back to Mobei. Even with the scattered army of Belgütai, it was only [-]%. The most important thing is that Temujin and Tuo Lei are missing ...

(End of this chapter)

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