The Rise of the Song People of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1041 Hunting down the Khan

Chapter 1041 Hunting down the Khan
Facing the siege of Song, Jin, and Liao, Genghis Khan led the Mongolian Chinese army to break through to the north.

In the north, it is the Fengqi Battalion and Lei Qi Battalion led by Zhao Yun and Tai Shici who are blocking the frontal confrontation!

Under the fighting of Tai Shici, Yang Miaozhen, Zhou Shao, Jiang Yi, Wang Yu and other generals, as well as Fengqiying and Leiqiying.

Zhao Zilong, the white horse and silver spear, finally charged in front of Temujin. Single-handedly, Zhao Yun was not afraid to kill the five Mongolian generals and the deputy marshal Tuo Lei!
Facing the attack of Kubilai, Genghis Khan's guard, with a feint, he mounted his horse and rushed towards Temujin to kill him.

The top BMW horse among the Yezhao Jade Lion Warhorses threw Kubilai several positions away in an instant.

Kubilai was chasing anxiously, but he couldn't catch up to Zhao Yun, but Zhao Yun still caught up with Temujin's personal guards and entered the formation.

Even Temujin's personal guards, in front of Zhao Yun's silver spear, were no different from paper, but they still prevented Zhao Yun from chasing and killing Temujin.

Relying on Temujin's personal guards, Kubilai caught up with Zhao Yun and aimed at Zhao Yun's vitals with a spear in his hand.

Facing Kubilai's killer move, Zhao Yun dodged calmly, waved his long spear, and the Seven Detective Coiled Snake defended airtightly.

From time to time, the smart spear reaped the life of an enemy soldier!

Just when Kubilai wanted to cooperate with Temujin's personal guards to kill Zhao Yun, "Whoosh!" There was a sound of piercing through the air, and Kubilai's dancing iron spear stopped immediately.

The man stared blankly at the arrow that suddenly appeared from his throat, and the next moment he fell off the horse, and one of the four dogs must come and die in battle!
Seeing the strongest opponent being killed, Zhao Yun raised the silver spear in his hand and at the same time drew out the Qingyun sword, killing Temujin's personal guards and falling off his horse in a sweeping sweep.

"Zilong leave these miscellaneous soldiers to me! Your horse is about to kill Temujin!" Tai Shici roared and rushed into the guards.

That's right, it was Tai Shici who attacked and killed Kubilai!
Tai Shici is fighting against one of the four masters, Borhu, who is famous for his martial arts. This king's martial arts are indeed comparable to Kubilai's, but Tai Shici is also a veteran master of the Song Dynasty. Although he is constantly surpassed by rising stars, it does not mean that Tai Shici is weak. , but extremely spicy.

Bo Erhu and Tai Shici fought fiercely for more than 30 rounds. Seeing that the situation was unfavorable, Tai Shici was forced to retreat and wanted to find Temujin. After being caught up, he fought fiercely for [-] rounds and killed him with one move.

The arrival of Tai Shici allowed Zhao Yun to get rid of the entanglement of Temujin's personal guards. He quickly searched for the 'Jiuyu Baizhu' and immediately rode after him. There was also a difference between a BMW and a good horse. There is still a huge gap between the lions.

This is just like the later generations, all sports cars, and there are brand differences.

However, Zhao Yun's Yezhao Jade Lion is a top-notch BMW horse, but Temu Zhengui is the overlord of Genghis Khan's grassland, so how could he not have a top-notch horse?
When Temujin saw Bor suddenly died in battle and killed another enemy general, he completely activated the escape mode that he hadn't activated for a long time.

Both sides are top-level BMWs. At this time, Temujin was killed and separated from the army. The guard horses around him could not catch up with Temujin, and Zhao Yun chased and killed him with two shots. Bai Qi also fell to the ground.

Zhao Yun and Temujin chased each other for a long time. Both sides shot at each other but were dodged by each other. Zhao Yun saw that he couldn't catch up with Temujin, so he aimed his bow at the latter and counted arrows. This time, Zhao Yun used his unique skill of continuous arrows.

Four arrows flew out in a row, but they flew in two directions, up and down. There was only one arrow at the top, but three consecutive arrows at the bottom. Temujin is also a master of archery, otherwise he would not have been in a stalemate with Zhao Yun until now, and saw another arrow flying Come and dodge subconsciously, but it obviously feels wrong!
The arrows in Temujin's eyes were not four but two, aiming at his throat and the back of his heart respectively. Temujin supported the horse's back to avoid the arrow in the throat, and could only shoot the second arrow with his hand. Diaobao bow to resist.

Although the bow is not a melee weapon, resisting arrows like this will damage this precious bow, but now Temujin is running for his life and has no time to care about so much.

"Do! Do!" Temujin felt that something was wrong when he opened the first arrow, and there was another arrow behind him. Temujin, who was on the line of life and death, burst out and blocked the second arrow, but saw that there was a third arrow. His face turned pale when he shot the arrow.

"Pfft!" With the sound of arrows entering his body, Temujin's precious archery bow fell off his horse. After getting an arrow on his back, Temujin didn't dare to take any chances anymore, and began to use the last resort to bleed the horse's blood!

Sweating profusely, Temujin pulled out his scimitar with difficulty, aimed at the buttock of his most beloved sweaty BMW, and the painful horse began to gallop and quickly gained speed.

The top-level sweaty BMW is not sweating but blood this time, and the speed of the explosion under the pain, even the Yezhao Jade Lion can't catch up. Zhao Yun watched Temujin's every move, but let Zhao Yun face his own horse. This time, I couldn't let go for a while.

Just like that, Temujin was eating the painful bloody BMW. When Zhao Yun hesitated for a moment, the distance that existed before disappeared in a blink of an eye. Zhao Yun knew that even if the horse blood was injected, he would not be able to catch up, so he had no choice but to prepare to return to the battlefield.

Zhao Yun chased and killed Temujin and ran for hundreds of miles. The BMW horse traveled thousands of miles every day. It was not just bragging. It had already left the battlefield. The Nine-White Banner was acquired by Zhao Yun.

Leaving aside the fact that Genghis Khan, who was shot in the back with an arrow, was taken away by the bloody BMW, look back at the encircled battlefield of Mongolia.

When the three armies of Yue Fei, Gan Ning, and Wanyan Loushi encircled the Mongols, the outcome of this Mongolian army was already very obvious.

Genghis Khan personally led his men to break through, but was quickly separated by the Wind Cavalry Battalion and the Thunder Cavalry Battalion. Even Temujin himself was chased off the battlefield by Zhao Yun, and his deputy commander Tuo Lei was beheaded by the formation.

The disappearance of Temujin and the death of Tuo Lei became the last straw that crushed the Mongols, although famous Mongolian generals including Jebe, Mu Huali, Chilaowen, and Subotai wanted to stabilize the situation.

However, most of these famous generals are hard to protect themselves. For example, Subotai was hunted down by He Yuanqing's double hammer.

Zhebie was firmly locked by Huang Zhong, and now felt hats have long since disappeared. If the arrow didn't dodge quickly, it would not be the felt hat, but the arrow that flew away!

Mu Huali was hunted down by Gan Ning. Gan Ning went to the Mongolian army and found that there were almost no big fish in sight. Mu Huali, who was thrown behind him with a slap on the head, should be the only big fish left. Go to Muhuali with Jiuqu boring.

At this time, the Mongolian army was in chaos, and Gao Chong, Lu Wenlong, Cao Kerang, Yang Zaixing, Yue Yun, Situ Yunlei, Ling Tong and other fierce men blocked the way to break through.

That's right, the Chinese army in the Mongolian charge was in chaos, and Zhao Yun was able to chase and kill Genghis Khan on his own. These seven unparalleled warriors also made great contributions.

It was these seven arrows that led troops obliquely into the Mongolian central army and cut off the breakout army, so that the follow-up troops could not support Temujin!
(End of this chapter)

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