Chapter 92 Management!

Chapter 92 Management!
After listening to his words, Zhou Tiantian wiped away her tears fiercely. "Yes, uncle, you are right. I must kill the general to avenge my father."


Now, the general's eyes were like fire, and his face was full of ferocious and tyrannical expressions.It only takes one punch to headshot the first survivor, the green fluorescent one.

His fist is covered with a bone scale shield.Because he is a tester of this killing game, the system hereby allows him to keep his weapon.Of course, he left without hesitation, using the familiar bone scale shield himself.

This bone scale shield can be attacked or defended.Closed on the fist is the invincible glove.After unfolding, it can form a full-body shield with amazing defensive power.

Usually, this kind of bone scale shield glove is used to hit a survivor with diamond ability directly in the head with one punch.Blood exploded directly in front of his eyes, and countless blood dots sprayed on his face.Let him see more bloody violence, like a murderous demon coming out of the abyss.

But the general sticks out his scarlet tongue, and a few drops of blood stick to his mouth. "Crack!" Mouth.More ferocious face, ferocious face, like a ghost.


Endless killing.

Bring him the highest excitement in his heart.

It turns out that killing can be so exciting and so sweet.

A man's head is like a sweet fruit, all it takes is a swipe.You can take it off and play.This feeling made the general addicted, and he wanted to kill the next survivor.

"Full speed ahead. We should get rid of these damn bugs ASAP without letting any of the green survivors go."

The general opened his arms and shouted, and around him, a hundred survivors clad in black responded in unison.Someone's voice echoed in the night sky like a tsunami.

What kind of leader brings out what kind of soldiers, cruel and easy-to-kill generals, and these men brought out are demons who kill without blinking an eye.

This was always the case in Jiangnan in the past, not to mention the current killing game.Completely inflate the deepest malice in everyone's heart by a hundred times and a thousand times.In their eyes, human life is not as good as a piece of green grass.

All they have to do is lift their feet and crush those lives under their feet.

"General! I found that many green survivors in front seem to gather together, rushing this way."

A man in black ran over quickly, and by looking at his figure, he knew he was a man of speed.After hearing this person's report, the general was not surprised, but an excited expression appeared on his face.

Like a gluttonous person, eager to hear where there is a gluttonous feast.

"Then what are you waiting for? Young will kill me and leave no one behind."

Shouting, the general took the lead and was the first to rush out.Behind him, these men in black were like black demons, roaring loudly, following the general along the road like a tide, killing him directly.

On both sides of the road, on the ruins of the three-story building, there are countless armored wolves gliding with their knives.It comes from both sides.The dense sound makes the scalp tingle.

Of course, the person opposite him was not Luo Ming, but Fang Wei who worked so hard to kill Luo Ming.

Fang Wei was also at the forefront, and Liu Xiu was beside him, expressionless, but his hands were often attacked.Kill every real wolf you see.

The rest of the cheetahs and monkeys don't need him to own.Naturally, those people behind can completely solve it.

Along the way, you can see that Fang Wei's men have plenty of ammunition.Various rockets and mortars were fired.All kinds of bullets rained on the surrounding monsters like there was no money.

Likewise, he received a report that he had a general before him.You don't even have to go near it.Just look at those men in black and you know they are generals.

Fang Wei was slightly taken aback after listening to the report.He turned his head and asked Old Wang next to him.

"What happened, second child, where did Luo Ming go? According to the information, he shouldn't have met Luo Ming, right? How could he have met the general? Could it be that Luo Ming has already been killed by the general? It's so evil, I thought He's a character, unexpected and vulnerable."

Ming Wei, Lao Wang just nodded with a smile, but he didn't think so in his heart.

He also silently counted the time in his heart.If Luo Ming was eliminated by the general so easily, he didn't believe it.There is no half hour in between.After all, Luo Ming has hundreds of diamond abilities under his command.How could he not hold on for half an hour?

But now it is obvious that Fang Wei has entered the invincible mode of self-satisfaction and he will not listen to anyone.Lao Wang simply shut his mouth.

"Brother, what shall we do...?"

Lao Wang didn't speak, but the fourth master next to him asked.Who knew Zhou Tiantian next to me interjected.

"What does it matter, obviously that Luo Ming is dead. As long as we kill the general, then we can go back to Shangjiangnan. At that time, who will fight against our boss in Shangjiangnan? Our boss will be the leader of Shangjiangnan." host."

At this time of the week, I actually felt a little regretful in my heart.He shot Romin before.Although the chances of winning are sure, Luo Ming may be headshot, so his weight in front of Fang Wei is self-evident.

This is a good thing, but an accident happened, and Luo Ming did not die.Instead, he killed one of Luo Ming's men.In fact, Zhou Tiantian knew in his heart that he and Luo Ming had formed sworn enemies.Don't say that you are in this killing game now, or you will go back to Jiangnan Middle School in the future.Luo Ming will not let himself go.

Although she did this secretly, she immediately left the sniper point, but she didn't think Luo Ming couldn't find herself.After this is over, all kinds of strange abilities are nothing more than finding someone to do something.

So now she firmly supports Fang Wei in killing Luo Ming.At the same time, in her heart, she tended to believe that Luo Ming was dead.

When these words reached Fang Wei's heart, Fang Wei smiled happily.I touched Zhou Tiantian's face with my hand and said happily:
"Look, Zhou Tiantian still understands my thoughts. Kill me."

Following Fang Wei's order, the survivors under his command let out a hyena and rushed over.

View from above.On the broad street, a billowing black stream and a green stream of people collided quickly and violently.

What aroused was bloody wind and broken limbs.Sad cries came from far away in the night sky, like ghosts crying and dogs howling.The final battle of the killing game has finally begun.Who will survive?The answer to this question is about to be revealed.

The horrific cries and extremely painful roars before dying suddenly sounded like a bloody Shura hell!Under such circumstances, almost everyone was very excited, and Lao Li was no exception.He is a powerful man with a shotgun in his hand.This shotgun is great for close quarters combat.

Lao Li, brandishing a shotgun, would rush forward with everyone, roaring excitedly.

He is also very emotional.Maybe simple minded people are like that.They are not good at thinking, but like to go with the flow.Who knew that before he rushed over, he felt that his arm was now being grabbed by someone.He looked sideways, and it was Lao Wang who caught him.

"Old Wang, why are you arresting me...?"

Although Lao Li's voice was loud, it didn't attract much attention from others amidst the shouts around him.Lao Wang listened to him.He quickly covered his mouth with his fingers and gestured to him to silence him.look around.

Seeing other people rushing towards Fang Wei, even Zhou Tiantian followed Fang Wei with a sniper rifle.I cursed secretly in my heart.

"This bitch is very smart, knowing that he will follow Fang Wei to death, but smart is smart, but not smart enough."

No one around noticed them, Lao Wang took Lao Li's arm and walked aside, took two steps.Making room for the survivors of the charge behind them, standing in a dark corner by the side of the road, Old Wang Cai said slowly.

"I'm afraid the third thing is going to be worse..."

When Lao Wang said this, Lao Li's excited expression suddenly calmed down.He is Pharaoh's best friend.He always felt that Lao Wang was smarter than him, but his brain was really not enough.So I have always followed Pharaoh's command.Such a long time also proved that he was right to do so, and he did not suffer from following Lao Wang.

"What's the matter, Lao Wang? There's nothing to break."

"Do you really think Luo Ming died like them?"

"It should be almost dead, otherwise why didn't we see Luo Ming? We have been killing along the way."


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Lao Wang looked at Lao Li and shook his head, looking like he hated iron but couldn't make steel.

"How can you be as stupid as them? Although it's just a road, it doesn't prove that Luo Ming was killed by the general. Look at the houses on both sides. The ruins of the mall are not high. Can't he hide someone in the dark ?”

"Why is he hiding in the dark? It's too dark, and there are monsters in the dark. It's dangerous..."

Old Li obviously still didn't understand.He still hasn't figured out what's going on.

"Hiding in the dark, isn't it more dangerous for us to pinch the general back and forth? Don't say anything, I think Luo Ming must be hiding in the dark now, waiting for us to fight the general. In a war with the general, both sides will suffer, you can figure it out .At that time, Luo Ming will descend from the sky like a heavenly soldier and kill us by surprise."

Hearing this, Lao Li's eyes widened.

"Then why didn't Lao Wang tell the boss quickly...?"

"Tell the boss, do you think the boss will listen to me if I tell the boss?"

Old Wang smiled coldly, looking at the fiery battlefield not far away.

"Originally, the boss has always been arrogant, but who knew that bitch Zhou Tiantian was shamelessly asking about it. This is killing the boss. Do you know what this is called? This is called beauty troubles. Look, now the boss has beaten him to death. He didn’t listen to anything I said.”

Lao Wang's tone was a little lonely.He is just a counselor.The old ghost has weight when he listens to his thoughts.If Fang Wei doesn't take him seriously, he is nothing.

"Then what do we do now?"

Lao Li still had no doubts in Lao Wang.He felt that Lao Wang was much smarter than himself, and what Lao Wang said should be right.No matter what others think, anyway, he believes what Lao Wang said.Seeing Lao Li's great confidence in him, Lao Wang felt a little relieved.

"We don't do anything, we just stay here."

"Do nothing, that's not okay."

"Why not? Look at the commotion here. Do you think Fang Wei can handle you? Have you rushed to kill someone? Can Fang Wei know?"

Seeing that Lao Li was very satisfied with his obedience, Lao Wang felt a little better.He took out two cigarettes in the dark, lit one and said.

"The two of us are hiding here and watching. It's none of our business to let them kill him. If Luo Ming was really killed by the general. If Fang Wei can kill the general, then the two of us will hurry to find the man in black." . Slashed twice, you will get blood all over your body. If you go back to the south of the Yangtze River like this, you will still be in Fang Wei's hands."

"Of course, if Luo Ming rushes out for a while. If you kill the general and Fang Wei..."

Having said that, Pharaoh stopped talking, put the cigarette in his mouth, and took a puff.The third master couldn't help asking beside him.

"Then what shall we do? That Romin?"

"What to do, we don't surrender to Luo Ming. Hanging out with someone is not hanging out with someone. If we can follow Fang Wei, we can't follow him in Luo Ming."

"Old Wang, I mean, can Shana's strong wind bring us in?"

"Why didn't he take us in? After all, the two of us have no grudge against him. Recently, there is no grudge. Everyone is a survivor in the end. His contradiction is that Fang Wei has nothing to do with us. Have you offended Luo Ming?"

"Why didn't he take us in? After all, the two of us have no grudge against him. Recently, there is no grudge. Everyone is a survivor in the end. His contradiction is that Fang Wei has nothing to do with us. Have you offended Luo Ming?"

Lao Li thought about it carefully and shook his head. "I haven't even spoken to him yet. What have I offended?"

"That's not it. Looking at Zhao Tian and Lao Liang, both of them are dead, so the two boys add together. Isn't it a bear?"

Taking advantage of Lao Wang's finger, Lao Li looked over, and sure enough.Zhao Tian was shot and half his head was gone.The man was even worse. He was bitten by a real wolf and his legs were swallowed into his mouth.Seeing that his eyes were white, he almost died.But his mouth screamed at the top of his lungs, and the screams spread far in the night air.

Doing so consumed what little power he had left in his body, plus the unstoppable blood.Seconds later, he gasped for the last time in violent convulsions, unable to move any more.

Seeing such a tragic scene, Lao Li was frightened for a while.Fortunately, I didn't rush over.Otherwise I'm really not sure.At this time, he secretly admired his decision, and it was right to follow Lao Wang.

At this time, the scene was very chaotic, and Fang Wei ordered Liu Xiu to tear the man in black in half.This is not tearing in the descriptive sense, but actual hand tearing.

This Liu Xiu now has a king-level ability, which will form a field of more than ten meters after his field.The assault rifle bullets that were fired just stopped in the air one by one.He is like the protagonist in "The Matrix", walking in the battlefield full of shouts and killings.

And the man in black who entered his field was easily torn in half by his hands and thrown on the ground, blood was everywhere everywhere he passed.

"Haha, General, I found you. Long time no see, General!"

(End of this chapter)

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