Chapter 91 My brain is not good!
Chapter 91: My brain is not good!

Luo Ming's words made the middle-aged man slightly taken aback.He has maintained a mysterious identity in Shangjiangnan for a long time.I have not been discovered by the five major families, who knows that in this killing game, only when I met Luo Ming was I told that my identity was broken.

"Do you know me?"

Facing his question, Luo Ming shook his head. "I don't know you. But I think you must be the big brother of the Glorious Alliance. You can't be wrong."

"Well, I have a showdown. I am really the big brother of the Glorious Alliance. My name is Milan, and this is my second sister Xu Qin."

This big brother called Milan Brilliant League is no longer pretending, and now there is no one else around.And I came up with this Xu Qin.So my identity is easy to guess and I have nothing to hide.After all, when he stood with Xu Qin, he didn't want to hide his identity in front of Luo Ming.Instead, he wanted to use his identity to gain Luo Ming's trust.

"Hehe, hello, I'm Luo Ming."

Luo Ming said, but did not extend his hand or intend to shake their hands.Now he knows this woman's name is Xu Qin.

"Group leader Xia! First of all, I want to thank you for saving my life."

Xu Qin said to Luo Ming, and respectfully bowed at 90 degrees.

Luo Ming was a little taken aback at this moment.

"You don't have to be so polite... didn't you help me twice later?"

"That's different from Leader Xia. When you saved me first at the slave market, you were saving his life. I was too impatient at the time. If it weren't for Leader Xia, I might have been caught by that Huanglong. If We from the Alliance of Light were caught by them, and only one of us died in the end. So your kindness to me was a lifesaver. Although I thanked you later, it was nothing."

While speaking these words, Luo Ming realized that this woman named Xu Qin was a bit brain-dead.He is the kind of person who recognizes the truth by himself, and what others say is useless.

Under the circumstances, it's understandable that she joins the League of Light.

"Hehe, Team Leader Xia, thank you for accepting Xu Qin! You know, it was her idea to come this time. Otherwise, I would have to hesitate. After all, this killing game is too weird."

Milan said with a smile beside him.

"It's okay. Since you want to thank, thank you."

Luo Ming was powerless against these two people.Now I'm thinking about how to place them.Who knew he didn't have time to think about it?Milan's face turned pale.

"Director Xia, this time, we are not just relying on you. I have brought some news that may be useful to you."

"What news?" Luo Ming was a little curious.

"Well, I got the news. More than 100 people gathered at Fang Wei's Willis Casino. They should have killed those people by now. Those people are very powerful, especially Fang Wei's puppet Liu Xiu. The two King-level abilities added together. Killing an armored wolf is like killing a chicken."

"So there are many weapons in the hands of more than 100 people under his command. It's just the information I got. Not counting assault rifles, there are more than a dozen rocket launchers. There are also a lot of mortars, there should be more than 20..."

"Are you sure about this news? How can Fang Wei have so many men with diamond abilities?"

Luo Ming's first reaction to the news was that it wasn't true.Is this Milan exaggerating?What is his purpose?Is it to scare yourself, just to take him in?
"Group Leader Xia, my information must be accurate, even if there is a slight gap between the top and the bottom. As for your saying that Fang Wei has more than 100 diamond abilities, this is also reasonable. I know that when I was in Jiangnan, I saw his diamond abilities. Not much ability. That’s because those people were appointed by him.”

"After all, he is a big family and manages a lot of land. Once a hundred diamond talents are scattered, nothing will show up. Director Xia can think about it. If he didn't have such strength before, it is impossible to be squeezed by an outsider Enter the five great families in the south of the Yangtze River."

After hearing his explanation, Luo Ming nodded, that's right.

"So where did they go? How long will it take for them to get here." This is what Xiao Liu cares about, and it is what he has been thinking about.

In fact, the last thing he wants to face is that he meets Fang Wei first.If the ideal situation is to find the general first, kill the general directly.In order to end this killing game, he didn't want to spend time with Fang Wei in this killing game.At that time, let the general take advantage of it and kill everyone.What a fart!

But looking at the situation, Fang Wei was different from what he thought.

"I got the news. It's been a while. If I guessed correctly, it should take more than half an hour for Fang Wei to come to see you. It won't take more than 40 minutes for them to arrive."

Milan's words are very calm, and he speaks with confidence.Luo Ming looked at it and nodded secretly. It seemed that this glorious alliance could be under the siege of the five major families.Survive, this Milan is also a character.It's just that his intelligence capabilities are above his own.

Luo Ming is in pain now because the time it took to enter Shangjiangnan was too short.Except for one Wang Jie, his men knew nothing about Shangjiangnan.So this message is his fatal flaw.Luo Ming also knows his shortcomings and always wants to make up for them.Unfortunately, this problem takes time.

"Half an hour, there is still time..."

Luo Ming nodded, but Yu Jiade shook his head next to him.

"Director. No, but Fang Wei's people forced me. Moreover, the generals from the west also gathered around. They were far away from the leader, and it took about two hours to get here. By the time I got the news, the generals had been completely destroyed. The Han family. Not only Han Dakui died, but also his twin children Tian Mi and Mina. They also died at the hands of the general."


This news startled Luo Ming.The Han family is one of the five major families in Shangjiang.Is it so easy to be destroyed by the general?Luo Ming asked incredulously.

"Chief, don't forget. This general is with these monsters, that is to say, in the same camp. And according to my reliable information, this general can even command these monsters to a certain extent. Especially those armored wolves .After all, this is his trial task. He has to face all the diamond abilities in the entire upper Jiangnan area."

At this time, Luo Ming discovered that he seemed to have underestimated the general.He had never met the general, and he always imagined that he was on the same level as Liu Xiu, Fang Wei, and Fang Wei.Now I think I was wrong.This general is stronger than all three of them.

It makes sense when you think about it.Otherwise, why would the general start the trial mission in advance?Does this mean that the general is stronger than himself?

When I think of Luo Ming, I feel an inexplicable pressure, which I think I can easily overcome.It seems that I am too optimistic now, this general is definitely not an easy person to deal with.This should be a big boss.And it is the ultimate boss that is very difficult to defeat.

"By the way, what about Yang's? How are they doing?"

He remembered that Luo Ming was suddenly taken aback.If according to what Milan said, the general released the Han family and came by himself, wouldn't he be in the middle with the Yang family?

"This..., Captain Xia, I'm a little sorry, when I received this news. The person who gave me the news only saw the general and destroyed the Han family. He doesn't know the rest, whether the follow-up general is or not. Go Yang family,"

"But you can guess it. The general's opponents are all green men. How can he let the Yang family go?"

Hearing what he said, Luo Ming's heart tightened.At this time, he secretly rejoiced that Yang Jing didn't strengthen her into a diamond ability because of her illness.

When he entered the game, Yang Jing was just a golden ability user.So now Yang Jing should be safe in Shangjiangnan.But he is also worried about Fang Wei, Sunday and Sunday.All three are diamonds.Hot weather.They should all be in this killing game now, but I don't see any of them right now.This made Luo Ming faintly have a bad premonition.

Seeing that Shen Yin was silent, the person standing next to Xu poked Milan and signaled to him.

Milan saw Xu Qin's expression and turned to Luo Ming and continued.

"Director Xia. We decided to help you. If you need anything, you can tell us directly."

By this time, he had also expressed his position directly.After all, in this killing game, his subordinates only have a dozen diamond abilities.Luo Ming in Fangwei.This general will always be in front of the strength of hundreds of diamonds.Some are really not enough.

"You don't actually need to help me. You can find a place to hide. When it's over, you can return to Shangjiangnan with peace of mind. Isn't that safer?"

Obviously, Luo Ming still doesn't believe them.

"Hehe..., Team Leader Xia, I understand what you mean. I came with these people, and suddenly turned to you, which was a bit abrupt. If I were you, I wouldn't believe it so easily. After all, we didn't know when we were in Jiangnan Middle School. I have met before. Even with Xu Qin, it was only two encounters. But Director Xia..."

Speaking of this, Milan stopped, with eager light in his eyes.

"Although Leader Xia doesn't know me, a little person, I started to send people to collect information about you based on Leader Xia's strength against Jiangnan. It can be said that I know everything that Leader Xia did in Jiangnan..."

"Oh, you have a heart."

Luo Ming's eyes suddenly turned cold.It's really hard for everyone to be looked at like this.Milan also saw Luo Ming's expression, and quickly said with a smile.

"Xia Zhouling, don't get me wrong. I don't have any malice, I'm just used to it. As you know, I don't have much strength to form this small Alliance of Light. The only advantage is that there are many people. The survivors in Shangnanli are quite supportive, so the news is better than Others are slightly more informed.”

Hearing this, Luo Ming's heart was moved, this Milan was right.They do have a large number of supporters at the bottom of Jiangnan.In this case, it is very convenient to intercept some external messages.Isn't this exactly what you need?Thinking of this, Luo Ming's face softened.

This subtle change also fell into the eyes of Milan, and continued to walk.

"Group leader Xia, actually, judging from what you did after entering Shangjiangnan. I admire you very much, otherwise I wouldn't have the cheek to say that I would help you today."

"You say this, after I entered Jiangnan, I killed people all day long. What is there to admire? I first occupied the Li family's territory. There was another dispute with Fang Wei...."

"No, no, I don't know that Liu Xiu sent his people to bully the weak. To capture the survivors who managed to survive first and make them slaves is basically a matter of the anger of the people and gods in the south of the Yangtze River. After all, the survivors at the bottom cannot be saved. , They will be targeted by Liu Xiu that day."

"So when it comes to the five major families in Shangjiang City, the most hateful one is Liu Xiu. And leader Xia knocked Liu Xiu unconscious when he came up. It can be said that he is very popular. There is another factor that I admire the most. Leader Xia After entering Jiangnan, fighting broke out. In fact, it didn't kill many people. On the contrary, it placed most of the survivors under Liu Xiu's rule. This is what I admire the most about Leader Xia, but there are more than 4000 prisoners in Guangrongyuan. Leader Xia didn't kill a few people, but stayed behind."

"What makes Yu even more admirable is that Master Xia actually took them all under his command. In this case, no matter what, these people saved a lot of fire for mankind. When the end comes, mankind will wither. From the top of the food chain To the bottom of the food chain. It is difficult to survive. I think every survivor is a precious asset. It is difficult to survive and let our human civilization and fire continue. This is what we should do."

"Fang didn't take the opportunity to bully other survivors like that. It was just to satisfy his own selfish desire..."

When Milan said these words, his face was impassioned and a little excited.


Luo Ming could see that he was telling the truth.Combined with their Alliance of Light, steal from the rich and give to the poor, and help the poor survivors get by.Luo Ming somewhat believed him.

"Brother, I'm not as noble as you said, I just do my best. You don't have to say so much. Now I know, the general is in the house in Xiangyang. I have to rush to help the Yang family."

Luo Ming finally interrupted Milan, now he had made up his mind.We must help the Yang family immediately.After all, it is the home of the Yang family.I can't be at this time, from destruction.

"Hehe, it really is Team Leader Xia. You don't have to call me Big Brother Yu so politely, just call me Lao Yu. I dare not be Leader Xia's big brother."

"In this case, Team Leader Xia, what's the matter? Let's just say it. I will do my best to help Leader Xia kill the general. After all, this is why we entered this killing game, isn't it?"

While speaking, Luo Ming had already formed a complete set of plans in his mind.When he saw Milan say that, he welcomed it.

"So, I'm too old to ask Wang Jie to follow you, and you take your people to harass Fang Wei! Guerrilla warfare must understand that as long as he can't get here as soon as possible, I need a certain buffer time."

Luo was right, it was only half an hour away from him now.If so, organize Jiang's soldiers yourself.So Fang Wei is basically behind his own backside.If you fight with the general, Fang Wei will stab himself in the back.That would be an attack from both sides.

As soon as he said this, Milan immediately understood what Luo Ming meant.nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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