Chapter 74 Collective!
Chapter 74 Collective!

Seeing that these people didn't do what they said, Luo Ming's face became even colder.Bend your arms to keep Wang Ping in front of you.He stretched out his other hand to grab Wang Ping's ear, and pulled it hard.


Wang Ping immediately heard the scream of a pig being killed.

"I repeat, everyone put down their weapons. Otherwise, I will tear you Wang Ping alive."

"Did you hear it?"

In the last four words, Luo Ming let out a deafening roar.He always speaks in a flat, low-pitched voice, and suddenly it rises to such a high volume.Surprised the surrounding survivors.

Both hands couldn't help trembling, and pulled the trigger, "Papa..." Two cups.

The two shots were unbiased, and one of them hit Luo Ming's arm.A shot hit Wang Ping's arm.The bullet on Luo Ming's arm was directly bounced off by the biochemical suit.

There was a pool of blood on Wang Ping's arm.Immediately, Wang Ping let out another scream, cursing non-stop.

"Who the hell dares to hit me! Don't die! I'm in so much pain, just wait for me..."

At this time, Luo Ming smiled and looked at Wang Ping in his hand.He shook his head slightly.

"Look at you boy, this is also a worthless thing. It seems that your life is worthless among these people, and no one surrenders. It seems that I caught you for nothing. Before it is too late, I will kill you of."

"Don't. Don't!"

Wang Ping was completely scared at this time, and one ear was ripped off.I took another cardiotonic shot.This Wang Pingchang has never been in such pain so many times.

"Put down your guns, quick!"

Still Wang Ping can speak.As soon as he spoke, the surrounding survivors threw their guns straight to the ground.

"And you two..."

Luo Ming pointed to the heavy machine gunners on the two armored vehicles with his chin.

"Quick! You fucking jump out of the armored vehicle, you want to wait for me to die!"

Wang Ping was very cooperative this time.Now he only thinks about his own life and nothing else matters.


The gunmen on the two armored vehicles jumped out of the armored vehicles angrily.Finally, Luo Ming trampled the knight to death.This time, without Wang Ping shouting, the two climbed out of the knight.The two jumped off the knight without saying a word.

At this time, Luo let out a sigh of relief.Grabbing Wang Ping with one hand, he jumped directly off the knight, and put his other hand on the knight.This monster, the killer on land, disappeared without a trace.

This scene once again shocked the surrounding survivors.correct.Luo Ming is still a little afraid of this knight.Unless there is a driver in this knight.But the driver was not strengthened by him.There is no way for him to receive it in the castle space.Now both drivers inside have been kicked out by him.He immediately received the knight into the space of the castle.

At this time, without Luo Ming's order, Jiangcheng's soldiers had already rushed out with guns and machetes.Glory once again hangs by a thread.

The soldiers in Jiangcheng were not polite to these people, but everyone's heart was full of resentment, and their gates were bombed.Two other soldiers standing guard in Jiangcheng were seriously injured.This anger was directly sprayed on these survivors outside, and the punches and kicks were light.

There was a scream at the scene.All the weapons on the ground were confiscated by the soldiers of Jiangcheng, they gathered them together, beat the prisoners one by one until their noses and faces were swollen, and they were pushed directly into the yard.Wang Ping was strangled by Luo Ming, so he could only watch in silence.

Two armored vehicles were also pulled into the yard.By the time we reached the gate, there was already a pile of wreckage around the gun pits.Looking outside, these prisoners were almost cleaned up by the soldiers of Jiangcheng.

The king begged for mercy. "Luo Ming, my people have surrendered. Can you let me go?"

Luo Ming didn't talk to him at all.

"Luo Ming, let me tell you, let me go, or you will know when my grandpa comes."

Wang Ping's plea could not be fulfilled, but turned into a threat.Unfortunately, Luo Ming neither eats hard nor soft.Just whispered two words,

"Quak dry...".

Then he squeezed Wang Ping's hand and shook it hard, only to hear a "kaba" sound.He directly broke Wang Ping's neck, and then Wang Ping disappeared and was thrown into the castle space by Luo Ming.

At this time, on the beach in the castle space, more than 200 Huanglongs were surrounded by butterflies, and there was no way to go underground.

"Boss Li, look what that is...?"

Suddenly, someone pointed to the sky and exclaimed.Huang Long looked up, and there was a person in half the sky, like a shooting star, actually fell to the ground.

"Damn! Trapezoid"

Before Huanglong's voice fell.The man crashed straight into the sand. With a sound of "dong", half of his body was pierced in.The key is that the big head only has the upper and lower legs, which are just exposed outside.

"what's going on?"

Huang Long was even more confused.What happened in this half day is too bizarre.He had no idea what was going on.Still, he was curious about the more than 200 people.

"Who is this? Boss Li."

"Who the hell? Anyway, this kid probably won't survive. How could he fall like this? The big head rushed down and hit him on the head, and he smashed all the melon seeds."

Huang Long scolded, but somehow he felt better.This is what the man looks like when he is unlucky.When he saw another person who was more unlucky than himself, he felt less unlucky.

"Old Zhang's shoes look familiar... ah"

At this time, a guy had already walked over, fiddled with a pair of leather shoes of the man on the ground.After this reminder, Huang Long also felt that the pair of leather shoes looked familiar.

"These shoes look familiar to me. Do they look handmade in Italy? It seems that Wang Ping likes them very much."

When Huang Long said this, everyone around him was surprised.

"no way.!"

"What the hell can't you do! Pull that person out quickly."

Huang Long was also a little anxious at this time.Why do these legs look so familiar to him?These white khaki blue pants.This is what a slut looks like.Does anyone else wear it besides Wang Ping?

Immediately, several people walked over and pulled the man out.

"Wang Ping..."

Huang Long let out a scream, it really was Wang Ping.The neck is twisted into twists, and the hair is washed after melon seeds.The whole person is lying on the beach, with his face really facing up, and his eyes are very big.Staring at Huanglong with dissatisfied eyes, it's too fucking scary.

Huang Long was shocked, "Oh my god..." He took two or three steps back and almost fell on the beach.The whole person's past is like losing his soul, and there is only mumbling in his mouth.

"The sky is broken, the sky is broken! This mom poked a hole in the sky."


After Wang Ping was strangled to death, he was thrown into the castle space. Luo Ming turned his gaze coldly to a corner of the street.

At that time, there were already brave survivors looking around here.Luo Ming knew without asking that this must be a spy from every family.I believe it won’t be long before the news that I arrested Wang Ping and others will fly all over Shanghai like wings.

He didn't watch the spies, but there was a female survivor.He recognized the man, wearing a giant mask with glasses.Although he couldn't see what he looked like, Luo Ming could be sure.She is the member of the League of Light who assassinated the fat man in the slave market this afternoon.

The man and Luo Ming looked at each other for a few seconds, then shook their hands suddenly, and something flew up with a whoosh, hitting Luo Ming directly.

Luo Ming didn't hide or avoid it.He holds it in his hand.Almost at the same time, the female survivor disappeared into the corner in an instant.Luo Ming looked at it, and after a few seconds, it spread out its contents.

It is a stone wrapped in a piece of paper.The stone is a very common piece, picked up casually on the side of the road.It is nothing special.Luo Ming threw it on the ground.Open the paper, there are only two big characters clearly written inside.


Luo Ming looked at these two words and pondered for a while.At this time, another person came from another direction, very fast, with a hat on his head and a mask on his face, it was impossible to see what he looked like.

The man went straight to Luo Ming and said in a low voice. "Boss, I'm late..."

It was Li Long who came. Luo Ming didn't say anything, but gave instructions in a low voice.

"Come in, let's go in and talk about anything."

The two of them walked directly to the door one behind the other.At this time, Zhou Tiantian's brothers also greeted him.Several people walked into the yard together.

"I'm sorry, Chief, I brought people over immediately after I received the news. I didn't expect to be one step behind that Wang Ping. When we arrived, he had already surrounded the place."

When Li Long walked into the yard, he first apologized to Luo Ming, but Luo Ming did not blame him.After all, I just arrived here and my foundation is very shallow. It would be great if Li Long could arrive in time.

"Forget it this time. Starting tomorrow, you have to quickly arrange the people around the glorious community. Arrange eyeliner yourself. We can't let people come to the door, and we also know that this is too passive."


Li Long firmly agreed.Of course he knew the seriousness of the problem.Then Li Long said to Luo Ming.

"Chief, I have already sent people to guard outside. I got the news that the owner of the Li family has sent people. I believe they will arrive soon. I have notified our Jiangcheng soldiers to gather here. This time, he will not There will be a surprise attack."

"Well, okay, then we are here. Waiting for the master of the Li family. After all, Wang Ping of their family was arrested, and the younger one should come out. It's just that it's getting dark, and the head of the Li family can't wait until tomorrow."

"Chief, according to the information I received, only Wang Ping, a precious grandson, is the owner of the house here. Everyone else died at the end of the day. Always watching like a baby. This time you caught Wang Ping Of course he can't wait until tomorrow. Besides, it doesn't matter at night. This is Shangjing, not the wilderness."

"You're right. You did a good job just now. If you hadn't harassed me behind my back, I wouldn't have caught that Wang Ping as easily as you. Wait a minute, the young master of the Li family is here. You let the outside Soldiers get ready. Take him out of the pot if necessary."

Luo Ming said casually, but Li Long was confused and asked Luo Ming with some doubts.

"Chief! What are you doing well? I just ran over and did nothing."

"You didn't do anything? Aren't you the ones behind Wang Ping's man who shot and threw the smoke bomb just now? Oh, by the way, where did we get the smoke bomb?"

At this time, Luo reacted.He had the foresight just now, and there was no one else in the capital.Only Jiangcheng soldiers led by Li Long will help themselves.So he always thought that it was Li Long who helped him just now.Now that I think about it, I, Soldier Jiang, don't have any smoke bombs in my hand.

"It's not the leader. I saw those people just now. They are not our people at all. They are more than a dozen people from the Light Alliance. Those people are all wearing hoods with the word 'bright' written on them."

"I understand……"

Only then did Luo Ming figure out the whole story.No wonder the woman from the League of Light threw a stone just now, and there were two words written on the stone.

Previously, in the slave market, the steel ball I popped saved her life.Now she leads the Alliance of Light to help herself.The snipers and smoke bomb throwers behind Wang Ping turned out to be hers.It's kind of a tit for tat.

"It's really interesting, kind, and so fast. Li Long, you entered the city three days before me. How much do you know about this Alliance of Light?"

Seeing that the leader was interested in the Light Alliance, Li Long said quickly.

"I don't know who the people behind this alliance of light are. It's quite mysterious, but what they do is a bit like ancient knights. Stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. It's daytime. Those survivors who robbed the rich and gave to the poor. At night I will take advantage of the darkness, Give some of the looted items to the survivors who can't survive. Sometimes, the evildoers will be assassinated. Generally speaking, the five major families in Shangjing hate this League of Light. But among the survivors who are not well mixed Among them, the reputation is excellent.”

"Actually, I also sent Jiang's soldiers to inquire. The fighting power of the Light Alliance is not strong at all. And the weapons and equipment are not good. But they benefit from one shot to another, which is elusive. Those poor Survivors will cover them everywhere. So we can always be active in Shangjing. Not wiped out by the five major families."

"Well, it sounds good. You can arrange for soldiers from Jiangcheng to contact them, and if necessary, you can win them over to our side."

Luo Ming also had a good impression of this Alliance of Light.Li Long nodded, "Chief, that's what I mean. I've already done so. It's just that these guys are so elusive, I'm afraid it will be difficult to contact them for a while."

"Don't worry, take your time. Since the master of the Li family is coming, we have to prepare no matter what..."

As he spoke, he waved his hand again, and a monster appeared beside Li Long.This is the knight he just took into the barren space valley.

"I remember you can drive a knight? Check if there is any disease, and there are still a few shells."

"Okay!" Li Long was already very anxious after hearing Luo Ming's words.To be honest, in Li Long's heart.But I like knights very much.Otherwise, he would not have chosen the Knights when he was in the army.He quickly climbed onto the knight, opened the top cover and got in.

At this time, Luo Ming turned his head and looked at his brother behind Zhou Tiantian. "The two of you arranged for Jiang's soldiers to drive two armored vehicles, one on the left and one on the right, to guard the gate. In addition, let the soldiers equip all the captured weapons."

(End of this chapter)

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