Chapter 73 Adventure!

Chapter 73 Adventure!
Before he finished speaking, he heard a loud noise from the street.Then I saw the people who set up stalls on both sides of the street covering the ground.Wrap the thing in a cloth, put it under the scratching nest, and run this way quickly.

This scene shocked Luo Ming and them.Why is this so familiar?Such scenes are often seen in the old world.Is this the arrival of the city management?
"Hey! Xiao Fei, what's going on? What's going on up front? Is there an urban management team in Beijing?"

The king in the back looked strange and asked Wang Jie in a rough voice.

"Hehe, big brother, don't tell me, it's really an urban management team. But I don't call it that anymore. This is the Wang family's tax team, which collects taxes."

"Ah!" The king couldn't help being amazed, stretching his neck and looking forward curiously.

At this time, through the panicked crowd, a dozen young survivors came from a distance.These men did not have any machetes or assault rifles in their hands.But everyone had a metal bat.He is still wearing a uniform black suit, but there is no tie around his neck, but everyone is wearing a red scarf.

"Look, this is the Wang family's tax team."

Wang Jie whispered beside Li Fei.

At this time, Luo Ming and his soldiers in Jiangcheng also drew to the side of the road.At this time, the survivors running ahead greeted each other.

"Run with a red neck!..."

"If you can't run fast, you'll have bad luck getting caught by a redneck."

"Be careful, you're stepping on my foot!"

The tax team over there are waving bats one by one.Every time I walked to the door of a store, I knocked hard on the ground in front of the store.Make a bang bang sound.

"Pay taxes, pay taxes, pay taxes quickly..."

With the savage cries of these men, there will always be a survivor running from the store with a small bag of bones for them.These people will take a look at the bone and go to the next store.

How similar to the situation in the old world, some shops also ran out some survivors to beg, saying that some businesses were not good and they could not earn bones.Meet this kind of person.These men, known as rednecks, would swing a bat and hit without mercy.

Until you beat people to death and storm into the shop.Take the goods out of the store and throw them on the cart behind you.This kind of atrocity is in broad daylight, but people in all directions are used to it.

"Can they do that?"

Luo Ming couldn't help but ask Wang Jie next to him.

"Of course. If Wang's family goes to BJ again, they will be like the Emperor of Earth. Taxes will be paid, and they will be paid as much as they are required to pay. And these tax teams don't have a fixed time at all."

"It's nice to come to collect taxes again, maybe tomorrow. See? It's already a fortune teller. If you really break your hands and arms, you'll be killed and no one will care."

Wang Jie's words were tinged with anger and helplessness.

Luo Ming listened to his words and saw the arrogance and unreasonableness of those knights.The impression of the Wang family in my mind fell to its lowest point.

Just as they were talking, the red neck on the other side had already come over.

"What do you do?"

A redneck pointed a metal bat at Luo Ming and said rudely.

"We are survivors who have just entered the city..."

Luo Ming felt a little unhappy. He also owns four cities now.Wherever you go, no one dares to speak with your nose like this.

"Damn! Why are there so many newcomers? Have you paid your taxes?"

"We didn't do anything to pay taxes. What kind of taxes do we have to pay?" Luo Ming was a little strange.These people behave really badly.It can be seen that the Wang family is not a good thing.

"Damn, you don't have to pay taxes when you first come in? Don't we need to pay taxes to ensure your safety? Do I need to tell you such a simple truth? Why did you come to the upper city? Why don't you go to such a big place outside the city? "

The man pointed a bat at Luo Ming and taught him a lesson.Seeing this person's attitude so bad and arrogant, brother Zhou Tiantian behind him couldn't help it.Just about to make a move, Luo Mingyong stopped him with a look.But at this moment, Wang said eagerly.

"Do you know Huanglong?"

Hearing Xiao Wang's words, the red neck across the street suddenly trembled. "Really? Huanglong, of course I know. You belong to Huanglong from the Li family?"

Faced with this red-necked questioning expression, Xiao Wang is arrogant, showing a mysterious expression that you can guess.In the eyes of others, this is tantamount to acquiescence.

At the door just now, he saw Luo Ming tearing Huanglong's tiger skin, and it worked.This time, without waiting for Luo Ming, he pulled Huanglong's tiger skin first.

It's just that no one noticed that Wang Jie's face suddenly sank.

"Well, since you are from the Li family, be honest in the city and don't make trouble. This is Shangjing, not a place where you country bumpkins can run wild."

As he spoke, his neck was red, and he turned his head and drove towards the people next to him.Keep collecting his taxes.But what he said made Luo Ming very angry.

"Who the fuck is a redneck? I'll fuck"

Wait for the group of red necks to walk more than ten meters.Wang Jie said suddenly.

"Sorry, I won't take your job. Please find someone else to be your guide."

"Why?" Luo Ming suddenly turned around in surprise, and looked at Wang Jie inexplicably.To be honest, he had a good impression of this young man, and he spoke cleanly.

"Why not? Since you are from Huanglong, you don't need me at all. Just go to him."

Wang Jie said coldly, then turned and left.


Luo Ming opened his mouth to stop him.

"Why, do you have anything else?" Wang Jie looked at Luo Ming coldly.But the body moved outward, as if making an escape movement at any time.

Luo Ming looked at him a little funny, but still asked seriously.

"You are the tour guide introduced by Li Long, Chu Guoqing. Should I give you money?"

"Oh, you mean this..." When Wang Jie heard Luo Ming mention money, his expression relaxed, and he took out some bones from his pocket and handed them over.

"Li Long gave me money, five bones a day, but he only gave me one day's money, and said that I would ask you for the rest of the money. I quit now, and I will return the five bones to you, so that we will be even. .”

Looking at his outstretched hand, Luo Ming did not answer, but shook his head slightly and said.

"Be honest. Don't know what it's like to go to BJ now. But there is always a bottom line. Even at the end, we still have to be honest. As a man, you have to take responsibility. Since you took Li Long's money, you Your job should be done."

Hearing Luo Ming's words, Wang Jie suddenly stayed where he was, with a hesitant expression on his face, and his outstretched hand was a little embarrassed.

"In this case, I will be your guide for a day. I will resign tomorrow."

Who would have thought that Luo Ming shook very hard.Looking at Wang Jie with a smile.

"Xiao Fei. You may not understand what I mean. I want to ask you, if Li Long knows that you have only been a guide for one day, will he give you five bones in return? Today is over. No need to ask, I know too You and Li Long may not have an agreement or contract at all. Even if you turn around and leave now, no one will care about you. But I see you are still a man. So you have to think about it. Sometimes things are not as simple as they seem. "

In the last sentence, Luo Ming meant something.Wang Jie just stood there.He thought he didn't want to do it anymore, so he quit.Who else can push themselves?I didn't expect to hear Luo Ming say that, as if I did something wrong.

At the same time, he became interested in Luo Ming.

It's been more than two years since the end of the world, and people are paying attention to food.More advanced people focus on strength and seek thrills.He has been in Shanghai for more than two years, and no one has ever told him about being a man and being honest.Seems like a long time ago.

Just then, there were sudden screams and howls from across the street.What happened?The direction there is exactly where Luo Ming and the others came from.A few of them looked up immediately, but there were many survivors on the street.very noisy.I can't even see what's going on over there.

However, the riot quickly subsided in just two or three minutes.Soon from behind the soldiers in Jiangcheng.A soldier ran towards Luo Ming.Come closer and report to Luo Ming in a low voice.

"Leadership. Over a dozen tax collectors in the past were robbed. They took all the taxes they had just collected, and even the bats in their hands. Those people were seriously injured. Either their legs were broken or their heads were broken , basically lying on the ground unable to move."

Hearing Jiang Warrior's words, his face changed slightly.The capital does not seem to be at peace.The power of these five people does not seem to be as great as you think.

"Who did it?"

"We don't know who did it. These men had hoods on their heads. The headdress had 'Light' written on their foreheads. These men were clean, almost one-to-one. All these tax collectors were brought down almost immediately. The whole process It took less than 2 minutes. It certainly wasn’t the first time this kind of thing was done. These people had already escaped from an alley. We didn’t have an order from the leader, so we didn’t send anyone to follow us.”

"Well, I know. Go home by yourself."

With a simple conversation, Luo Ming already knew what happened.Said in a low voice.

"Wearing a hood with the word 'bright' written on it, is that the so-called bright bandit?"

"They are not bandits of light, they are the alliance of light. It was organized by some ambitious people. They did not grab the red necks of the tax collectors for themselves. What they took away will find an opportunity to return to these merchants at night."

Wang Jie said eagerly at this time.Seeing his excited expression, Luo Ming nodded slightly and began to walk forward.

These guys are fun.Where there is oppression, there is resistance. "Xiao Fei, do you know these people? Tell me."

For some reason, Luo Ming felt much better.What I saw before was the absolute monarch of one of the five major families of BJ.Moreover, according to Xiao Fei's description, these five families seem to control various industries in Shangjing respectively.He still worries, but now with this clever robber.

It means that these people do not exist in a day or two.In this case, the upper city is not monolithic, so it is convenient for you to make trouble here.

"Actually, I don't know much about these people in the Alliance of Light. But I know that these are good people who never bully ordinary survivors. Every time they appear, they help survivors. Moreover, they assassinate some heinous perpetrators. Ordinary people in Shanghai Among the survivors, the prestige is high."

Wang Jie's tone was very excited.When talking about this bright alliance, he didn't even mention that he just quit.

Luo Ming glanced at him and said with a slight smile. "Xiao Fei, you can't. Are you from the Alliance of Light?"

This startled Wang Jie, who was eloquent, and quickly waved his hands.

"Don't talk nonsense. I'm not a member of the Alliance of Light. I'm just a confused person with no ambition."

No way.

Luo Ming said two words coldly in his heart, but his interest in this Wang Jie became stronger and stronger.This trip to Beijing is getting more and more interesting, just after entering the city gate.Expose him to so many things.

"Xia Shouling, go this way. There is a house not far from here. It's very beautiful. Take a look."

Wang Jie pointed to an alley next to him.It's not exactly an alley.It should be a small street with two motor vehicle lanes and two non-motor vehicle lanes.Not too narrow.

They followed Wang Jie inside, and the soldiers behind the river had a clear distance, which naturally made them a neat team.Attracted the attention of the surrounding survivors.After walking more than 200 meters, we stopped in front of a row of shops.

"Captain Xia is here. You see, this used to be a row of shops. A room was demolished here and converted into a row of seven-story houses behind the gate. The two sides were blocked by walls, forming a separate courtyard. The entire building The area is not small, it should be enough for 500 of you to live in."

Wang Jie pointed forward and introduced Luo Ming.

Luo Ming looked at his brow, but frowned slightly.The place here is not bad, but it can't accommodate 500 of them.The key is that the isolation zone between this store and the back building is too short, only 20 meters.He has [-] soldiers in Jiangcheng, and he doesn't even have a place to train soldiers.

He cannot simply stay here.His soldiers in Jiangcheng have quantitative training every day.Such a house is simply impossible to realize.

"Xiao Fei, this house is nice, but the yard is too small. I don't have to go in to see it. I can see it from the outside. Is there a bigger yard?"

"Team leader Xia does, but the price may be more expensive. I think this yard and this building have four units, which can accommodate 500 of you."

Wang Jie seemed to be thinking about saving money for Luo Ming, but Luo Ming smiled and shook his head. "You are not afraid, the main reason is that the place is relatively large."

"Okay, let's go in."

Wang Jie and Luo Ming walked forward again.At this time, Luo Ming discovered that this is a huge community.There are dozens of such buildings.They are all seven stories high.

After walking forward for more than 300 meters, I just arrived at the original gate of this community.The door has now been opened and thrown aside.Everyone followed Wang Jie to you.Not far away, I saw a dozen people on the left working there.It's like building a wall.

Wang Jie immediately shouted loudly, "Old Ding, Lao Ding, come here!"

Following his shout, one of the dozen or so people standing with his back to Luo Ming looked back at him.Then he shouted, "You all work quickly, speed up the progress. The wall is not good today, and there is no food tonight."

ps, vote, favorite, one must!

(End of this chapter)

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