Chapter 27 Flat peach!

Chapter 27 Flat Peach!
【Man!VCRs are made! 】

【Man!Congratulations on starting a new production project! 】

In front of Luo Ming, there were rows of brand new production pages.

"Equipment warehouse, water storage tower, automatic granary, watchtower, watchtower..."

Instead of the previous sporadic gadgets, a series of large instruments appeared.

Before Luo Ming finished digesting it, the third reminder came.

【Man!Congratulations on completing the production building and getting your first blind box copy! 】

A small blind box appeared in Luo Ming's base camp.

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Luo Ming guessed what would happen next.

【Man!You have completed the construction of the video recorder, Xiaobai gets 20 points of glory! 】

Under Luo Ming's character panel, Xiaobai's data has changed.

Pet: Xiaobai, the first stage of Advanced Moving Castle (1/5)
Current advanced point: 133/500.

Ability: Armored skin, master of the sea clan.

Among them, the eagle head killed by Luo Ming also contributed 10 points of glory.

Xiaobai's body swayed in the sea, growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It has a darker pattern on one horn on its head.

After the dust settled, Luo Ming placed the two video recorders not far from the steel base camp.

I raised my hand to summon the first blind box, and Luo Ming chose to open it.

A white light flashed, and one of the unique things caught Luo Ming's attention.

【Man!You get a building upgrade card! 】

[Building upgrade card: You can use William's base camp, which can greatly improve the quality of the building after use! 】

[Validity: 24 hours! 】

Luo Ming held a scale 1 base camp model in his hand and looked at his two-story base camp.


I thought to myself, and saw Luo Ming's base camp model flying out of his hand with a "swoosh".

The model continues to hover in the air, gradually increasing in size until it is the same as the base camp.

Suddenly, the base camp model becomes unreal, blending with the actual base camp.

Every time they merge, the appearance of the base camp will change.

One minute later, a base camp that was exactly the same model as the previous base camp appeared in front of Luo Ming.

Luo Ming's mouth opened slightly.

"The result was exactly the same as the base camp model."

【Man!William's base camp has been upgraded successfully! 】

【Man!You have a villa by the sea! 】

In front of Luo Ming is an exquisite three-story building.

Exquisite marble walls, slightly sloping eaves, transparent sawdust.

It is exactly the same as the luxury villa in the last rich area in the world.

Luo Ming pushed open the door and walked in.

The first floor is the living room with everything.

On the second floor, there is a five-room lounge and study.

The third floor is a lounge, and there is a semi-open swimming pool at the other end.

This configuration is the most suitable place to live when others are still sleeping in the open air.

In the research, the things that Luo Ming placed before were preserved.

【Man!Get 5 advanced points for Xiaobai! 】

This is thanks to the advancement points that come with base camp upgrades.

Luo Ming walked around the house in satisfaction, and then went back outside.

Next, the main event came.

Build your own video recorder and get ready for the next step.

Reaching out and clicking on [Manufacturing] in the list, Luo Ming quickly locked on the item [Craft Workshop].

This diagram is like a small windmill building, but requires a staggering amount of building materials.


Fortunately, I have both!

Luo Ming felt a slight pain in his flesh, which was the most expensive material in his history.


Countless supplies poured out from the base camp and kept intertwining in the air.

The prototype of a building begins to be born.

"Place it next to the Iron Base Camp."

Luo Ming chose the location in advance, "I hope it can surprise me."

Luo Ming stared at the sky expectantly.

Over time, with the classification of the last core, the technical workshop is completely completed!

With a dull sound, the technical workshop landed steadily.

【Man!Technical workshop is complete! 】

[Technology Factory: brings you many new technologies, artillery research room, textile factory, meat factory, and forging room! 】

[Note: Develop its functions slowly, surprises always need to be explored. 】

"So, the gunpowder scroll is just the beginning, and the artillery research room behind it is the focus."

Luo Ming's heart moved slightly.

This technical workshop is a necessary building to deepen the various means of production.

"Well, I'll make gunpowder first."

Seeing that all the conditions were met, Luo Ming replaced the "Gunpowder Scroll" from the system.

Charcoal, saltpeter, and sulfur disappeared into the technical workshop along with the "gunpowder scroll."

【Man!It takes 1 hour to research and develop gunpowder! 】

"Consume 1 point of glory!"

Luo Ming said something lightly.

【Man!The development of gunpowder was successful! 】

The system quickly gave an answer.

Krypton is cool.

Luo Ming glanced at her secretly, and then walked to the technical workshop.

A bright light curtain appeared.

[Can make: bombs, water, mines, artillery, desert eagles, city defense guns, siege guns, flames, injectors. 】

Luo Ming was delighted that his resources were well spent this time.

And just like that, I unlocked the artillery system.

If these things are created, Xiaobai's attack power will be greatly enhanced.

After thinking about it, Luo Ming decided to upgrade Xiaobai's long-range defense system first.

The existing four Desert Eagles cannot form all-round fire coverage.

Backed by two continents, I am rich.

"Create water, thunder*50, city defense gun*20, flame, injector*4!"

After a little planning, Luo Ming began to deploy the defense system.

Landmines are scattered around the land to prevent sea monsters from landing.

Ten city defense guns were placed on the mountainside to deal with enemies coming from the sea.

The remaining 10 city defense guns and flame, spray and launchers are placed on Xiaobai's back, making it a steel fortress.

【Man!You are short of supplies!Lack of core and steel! 】

At this time, the system sends a prompt tone.

Luo Ming was stunned. Before he knew it, you had consumed all the materials you had put in before.

Infrastructure is indeed a huge investment.

But it doesn't matter, just go to the island and collect it yourself.

Before leaving, Luo Ming thought that the blessings he received from the earth had not been placed.

"Put it next to the attic."

After finishing speaking, the little idol was sold out and rose against the wind.When it landed on Xiaobai's back, it was already level with the third floor of the attic.

"Really? Big enough..."

Luo Ming muttered to himself, facing the sun, the gems on the idol's hand shone brightly, and the red luster enveloped all the crops.

【Man!The idol effect is in effect and all crops grow faster! 】

"This statue has done me a huge favor!"

At this time, Luo Ming was already standing in front of the planting box, looking at the thriving crops.

【Man!The earth blesses the idol effect, and the potatoes are still one day away from maturity! 】

【Man!The effect of the earth blessing idol is effective, and there are still 9 days left for the cotton harvest! 】

The potato seedlings in the planting box have pushed the soil away, exposing their round heads.

Baked Potatoes, Mashed Potatoes, Salt Baked Potatoes, Potato Stew with Pineapple
Thinking of this, Luo Ming salivated frantically.

The same goes for the cotton on the other side.Among the lush leaves, flowers and bones started to turn green, which would soon provide Luo Ming with a lot of clothing materials.

Looking at her dark skin, Luo Ming planned to wait until the cotton harvest to make a few more clothes.

Take turns wearing it!
Get dressed and throw away!

I have advanced soil, I have idols, I can be so willful!

On the island, Luo Ming changed into dry clothes.

"Fill in the basic materials first."

The so-called basic materials are the core defined by Luo Ming himself, iron ore, stone and so on.

Once completed, Luo Ming's base camp has bottomed out.

This island is just a temporary foothold, there are endless places in the ocean waiting for Luo Ming to explore.

Luo Ming marked the location of the island on the map with his fingers, and Luo Ming calculated it.

The first island I captured was about 100 kilometers from this volcanic island, and my deposit was in the middle of the route.

At present, only a small part of the territory exploration mission has been completed.

Always be dragged down by these "accidental discoveries".

But Luo Ming is still looking forward to more "accidents".


Four hours later, Luo Ming swallowed the drinking water in his hand.


Wiping the sweat off his face, Luo Ming looked at the numbers in the base camp with satisfaction.

After several twists and turns, Luo Ming finally filled up the 3000-capacity steel base camp.

Enough for a long time on its own.

Then come to the planting area with high-grade soil, Romin will get plantain seeds and vampires planted by area.

After more than 10 days, the crops mature under the influence of idols.

I'll collect it myself then.

Patting the dirt on his palm, Luo Ming suddenly thought of something.

There is still a large unused area on Xiaobai's back.Can you transfer some advanced soil to Xiaobai's back?

Since then, I am no longer restricted by soil resources, and I can freely develop and plant on Xiaobai's back.

In my head, Romin was on the move.

The "Crafting" column exchanged three gems for a shovel.

Luo Ming chose a place to start digging and shoveling.

As soon as the shovel went down, Luo Ming silently said "Put it away"

【Man!You get 1 unit of premium soil! 】

[Note] High-grade soil can be used to grow high-grade crops, and ordinary crops can significantly increase the yield! 】

"A unit, about a quarter of a cubic meter."

Luo Ming was thinking in his heart.

Xiaobaiback has a usable area of ​​more than 1000 square meters.You can build a growing base of at least 300 square meters, excluding the area of ​​the living quarters and large facilities.

The 300-square-meter planting base uses high-grade soil!
Luo Ming suddenly became more energetic.



Luo Ming signaled Xiaobai to stop near the edge of the sea.

Luo Ming jumped into the water and popped up not far away.

Climbing up Xiaobai's tail, Luo Ming trotted all the way, and finally chose to build a planting base at the lower part of Xiaobai's forehead.

On the one hand, in front of my attic, I can check the growth of the crops at any time.

Second, the area here is relatively open and can fully enjoy the sunshine.

Standing on Xiaobai's broad back, Luo Ming took out pieces of wood and erected them to delineate the boundaries of the site.

After setting up a 10*10 planting grid, Luo Ming began to pour out the high-quality soil in the "base camp".

When the first high-grade soil hit Xiaobai's back, a reminder suddenly sounded in Luo Ming's ears.

Luo Ming's expression changed, he stopped what he was doing, and listened carefully.

【Man!High-level land blessing idols detected! 】

【Man!Your pet Xiaobai has triggered the growth mechanism! 】

【Man!Start Xiaobai's growth mechanism! 】

【Man!Growth mechanism - move the land and start evolving! 】

【Man!Please pet owners consume all high-level soil! 】

Luo Ming quickly acted according to his words, and a large amount of high-grade soil was dumped on Xiaobai's back.

A miraculous scene happened, Xiaobai disappeared instantly after touching the soil to trigger the growth mechanism.

It was like being absorbed by Xiaobai.

"How do you feel, Xiaobai?"

Luo Ming quickly contacted Xiaobai in his heart.

A very pleasant thought arose.


Luo Ming touched Xiaobai's big head, quietly waiting for the follow-up.

When all the advanced soil is absorbed, Xiaobai's back begins to change!

Many yellow spots began to appear on Xiaobai's back.

The spots quickly coalesce and bulge outward.

The raised spots begin to turn lime-grey and the veins of the stone appear.

For a while, Xiaobai's entire back was changing.

"Xiaobai, can you still hear me?"

And Xiaobai just fell asleep, no matter what Luo Ming called, he didn't respond.

Luo Ming took a deep breath, knowing that this system would not hurt him.

He stood quietly, carefully observing the changes around him.

Those spots are not Xiaobai's illness.

Instead, it seems that a piece of land is being born!
Luo Ming turned around and looked at everything that had appeared.

This place is a hill.

That place is flat.

There is a part in the distance that gradually forms a hill.

The changes are still going on, and Luo Ming can see all this more and more.

A miniature pentagonal island appeared on Xiaobai's back!
Finally, trading stopped.

The scenery around Luo Ming completely changed.

There is a hill on Xiaobai's head, and on the top of the mountain is Xiaobai's unicorn.

The mountain descends into a plain where Romin intends to establish a growing area.

Further back, along the spine in the middle of Xiaobai's back, a dividing line of hills appeared.

There are hills of different heights on both sides of the mountain.


Luo Ming shouted again.

Xiaobaimeng woke up and responded to the confused Luo Ming.

"You have changed a lot!"

Now Xiaobai can be called a mobile land.

Although there are only a few plants on it, Luo Ming still has many seeds in his hand.


This time, the emotions that Xiaobai passed on to Luo Ming fluctuated.

"You said you got a new ability?"

Luo Ming's eyes lit up.

Luo Ming thought of Xiaobai's slightly proud thoughts.

Just 10 meters in front of Luo Ming, where there was originally a plain, a hill gradually rose up.

The mountain stops when it reaches a height of 10 meters.

"Xiao Bai, is your new ability to freely change the terrain on your back?!!"

Full of surprises, Luo Ming stepped forward to observe the newly baked mountain buns carefully.

Give Xiaobai a clear answer.

This is awesome!

Luo Ming patted the rock and felt the real touch.

This ability to freely transform the terrain allows you to plan the site at will.

"Xiaobai, remove this hill and restore the flat land here."

Luo Ming was full of joy. "Divide the flat land into small squares of 1 meter square."

This can save yourself a lot of effort.

Xiaobai had a conscious communication with Luo Ming, and soon understood what Luo Ming meant.

Orderly small squares appeared on the ground.

"The remaining 25 Chinese cabbage seeds have all been sown!"

"Paul seed sows 15 seeds!"

"Plant 20 plantain seeds!"

"And the fast-growing coconut saplings I got last time!"

Feeling the heat, Luo Ming put his hand on his forehead, looking for a suitable planting place.

"With the bonus of the Earth Blessing Statue, coconut trees can grow in 15 days."

That's when delicious coconut milk is ready to drink.

Finally, Luo Ming planted banana and coconut trees around Xiaobai's back.

There are shade trees.

No need to hide in the house every day to cool down.

After planting the existing seeds, Luo Ming looked around at the bare "island".

something is missing
Looking at the lush volcanic island opposite, Luo Ming knew what he had missed.

Lack of grass!

Some flowers and shrubs lack decoration!

"Xiaobai, wait for me here."

Luo Ming returned to the volcanic island and began to collect whole plants from unnamed flowers and trees.

【Man!What you harvest is ordinary grass flowers*20! 】

【Note】Non-toxic, it can be eaten in an emergency to satisfy hunger.Excessive consumption is not recommended. 】

【Man!You get normal shrubs*30! 】

[Note: It is not edible, it can be used as a fire starter after drying. 】

【Man!You get Grass Seeds*150! 】

[Note] Wild grass species with strong vitality can survive even in long-term water shortages. 】

【Man!You get Bracken*50! 】

[Note] Young stems of ancient plants with strong vitality are edible.Unfortunately, it has passed its expiration date. 】

Luo Ming walked in one direction, collecting all the plants he saw along the way, and entered the "base camp".

【Man!You get a chameleon! 】


Luo Ming looked at the plant in his hand suspiciously.Where is the chameleon?
The system prompts an error?

Luo Ming shook the plant vigorously, and the last green leaf moved on it.

good to eat!

A palm-sized chameleon fell to the ground.

Luo Ming grabbed the chameleon by its tail and lifted it up, looking at the little guy in front of him.

The little one fell to the ground and was smashed, limping in the air.

A green, eyes that can rotate 180 degrees, palm-shaped forelimbs, and slow movements.

It might be better to keep it.

Bring it to Xiaobai.It can be Nana's companion.

Poor Nana, she still doesn't know that she is on Xiaobai's back.

There is a big brother like Xiaobai.

Luo Ming held the chameleon in his hand and put it away in another direction.

【Man!You get a bunch of bamboo! 】

[Note] Bamboo shoots can be eaten, bamboo poles can be used as simple living materials, and can also be used as fire starters! 】

This volcanic island is truly a treasure.

Luo Ming did not expect to see bamboo here.

Maybe I can make a rocking chair after the bamboo is harvested.

"It's a good stone. Take it back for decoration."

"This flower is also very beautiful. When you dig it up, uh, why is it so smelly!"

"Hey, there are mushrooms. Pick them up and eat them. It hurts and is corrosive."

Not all the gains were satisfactory, at least Luo Ming suffered a lot.

In the process, Romin will replenish some lost cores.

(End of this chapter)

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