Chapter 26 Final!

Chapter 26 Final!

From Luo Ming's point of view, this island is full of incredible.

The mountains in the middle and upper part of the island are full of ravines and valleys. In the green forest, Luo Ming walked all the way.

Along the source of the stream, when Luo Ming got tired, he stopped and took a handful of stream water to quench his thirst.

After being strengthened, his physical strength recovery is amazing. Luo Ming can regain all his physical strength after taking a short rest.

Halfway up the mountain, it looks very close, but the actual distance to get there is quite time-consuming.

Along the way, Luo Ming even discovered many small animals living in the park.

There are monkeys, snakes, and beetles. The closed environment of the island forms a complete ecological chain.


Along the way, Luo Ming was covered in dirt and leaves.

"just in front."

Luo Ming looked up at the open horizon ahead.

There is a dividing line between forest and mountain.

At the same time, Luo Ming also noticed that as he moved forward, the creatures in the stream were decreasing.

In the clear stream, there is not a single fry left.

I took another sip, and the faint bitterness dissipated from Luo Ming's taste buds.

"The taste of the water has changed."

Luo Ming narrowed his eyes and spit out water.

Don't know what's in it yet.It is best not to drink water.


The bushes swayed, and a hand broke away from the bushes in front of him and moved to the side.

Luo Ming jumped out from inside.

It's finally out!
A tundra, all rocky, with tough grass in a few places.

Luo Ming stood on the edge of the tundra, looking at a completely different world from the mountains.

The living environment here is much harsher.

Looking up slightly, Luo Ming could clearly see the white glowing craters.

Your final destination has been reached.

Walking along the tundra, Luo Ming witnessed the magical scene of natural differentiation.

Desolation and vitality coexist.Magma brings death, but it also brings heat that allows life to multiply.

Unyielding plants grow tenaciously on this tundra.

Such as grass, lichen, or. Paul's land is 10 meters in front of Romine.

That clump of polo vines was so obvious, green, lying on the gravel.

Surprised in Luo Ming's eyes, he quickly came to Paul Wayans' side.

Paul, the size of a human palm, hangs from a vine like a prickly pear.

Not far away, every blast Paul had rotted away.

Risa Takaha is still falling to the ground.

This is where the eagles feed Paul.

This is Paul Wen.

Roots dig deep into rocks to absorb nutrients.

Luo Ming did not move the mother vine, but collected the mature Paul and Paul's seeds on the ground.

【Man!You have Paul*15! 】

[Note: Paul, a common fruit, can add a lot of water. 】

【Man!You get Vampire*50! 】

[Vampire (Normal): Planted in ordinary soil, it can be harvested in 20 days. 】

After reading these introductions, Luo Ming stood up slowly, looking at the crater that exuded a white smell.

That was the last field he didn't set foot in.

After coming here, the creek has disappeared.

In the gravel, countless tiny water systems come together to form the stream that Luo Ming saw downstream.

Luo Ming inserted his palms into the gravel and felt the amazing water vapor below.

and. temperature.

call out!
Luo Ming stamped his feet, leaving deep footprints on the gravel, and ran towards the crater.

Combining this situation, Luo Ming is 98% sure.

There must be hot springs near the crater!

The further you go, the bigger the mist.

It was the sea wind that blew the mist from the crater to Romin.

Luo Ming found a cloth and covered his nose and mouth.

This mist is filled with rich sulfur.

Gradually, the ground below Luo Ming felt scorching heat through the shoes.

Looking down, Luo Ming found that his shoes had melted on the ground.

Every step leaves a residue of melted rubber on the rocks.

Luo Ming shook his head, he couldn't go on like this.

Looking around, Luo Ming found many stones scattered all over the place.


Luo Ming took a stone from [Base Camp].This most basic material is now the most suitable stepping stone.

Using the stone as a link, Luo Ming can move continuously on the stone, approaching the crater step by step.

The heat is getting higher and higher.

There was a lot of sweat on Luo Ming's forehead.

Taking out a bottle of drinking water from the "base camp", Luo Ming kept adding water.

At this time, it was only 50 meters away from the crater.

Luo Ming's ears moved, he seemed to hear the sound of water?

To be precise, it was the sound of boiling water.

This time, Luo Ming took out more than half of the stones in the base camp and placed them in front.

Step by step, Luo Ming approached the crater.

Call up-
Just when Luo Ming was about to arrive, a layer of fog suddenly appeared on Luo Ming.


The scorching mist almost scalded Luo Ming.

Even Luo Ming's strengthened body couldn't resist the steam-like mist.

Luo Ming quickly squatted down, avoiding the direction of the water mist, and touched forward.

The true face of the crater is right in front of you!
The crater is like a big bowl without a bottom.What is boiling inside is not magma, but water!
A ball of water that is always boiling.

Bubbles the size of a millstone continued to burst, and water mist rose.

Luo Ming witnessed this spectacular scene and turned around.

Behind him is a large expanse of tundra.

Beneath the tundra is a vibrant rainforest.

The rainforest is surrounded by a circle of white sandy beaches.

Outside the beach is the endless sea, and the sea in the distance reflects the sparkling white light.

The edge of the sea disappears into the dark sky.

"Is it raining there?" Luo Ming came up with an idea, looking at the dark clouds in the distance.

Due to his limited vision, Luo Ming couldn't tell what was going on there.

Luo Ming looked back at the crater.He found a large number of red transparent stones scattered on the rim of the crater.


The long-lost hook appeared in Luo Ming's hand.

I raised my hand and Luo Ming threw it at a rock.

"Fortunately, the craftsmanship is not lost."

The hook was firmly hooked on a stone, and Luo Ming quickly pulled it over.

When the redstone is in hand, Luo Ming will find that there is an astonishing temperature inside.

【Man!Congratulations you have won a gold coin! 】

[Gold coins (rare): Can be used as a mysterious shop to exchange materials, heating materials, and small mechanical energy! 】

Rare Grade Ore!
Luo Ming quickly put the gold coins into the base camp, and continued to hook other stones within range.

Another bubble burst and a lot of fog rose.Luo Ming clearly saw that as the bubble burst, a red stone flew out of it.

Hot stones fell in the distance.

It turns out that this is how gold coins appeared.

Luo Ming acted quickly. He needed to hook out more gold coins before the stones he had laid were assimilated by the high temperature.

Two, three, four, a gold coin was in Luo Ming's pocket, and the stone under him began to heat up.

Can't stay any longer.

Glancing at the few gold coins around, Luo Ming got up and planned to leave.

But at this moment, Luo Ming noticed that the mist in the distance had dissipated.

At the bottom, there is a red box!

The red box is covered with lines, with red light swimming on it.

Luo Ming took a deep breath, enlarged the fishing rod line to the maximum, and threw it towards the box like a full moon!
The hook whistled, passed a third of the crater, and landed on the strange box.

Luo Ming quickly checked the distance with his eyes!
A little more!
Luo Ming suddenly stood up and jumped forward!
The hook is stuck on the side of the box!
Call up-
Luo Ming leaned halfway outside the crater, spitting out a mouthful of dirty air.

Because the weather was too hot and he couldn't open his eyes, Luo Ming tightened the hook and stepped back.

The red box was pulled out of the water bit by bit.

【Man!Congratulations on winning the Mountain Chest! 】

When Luo Ming heard the prompt, he didn't have time to read more, and hurriedly stuffed it into the "base camp".

I can't stay here any longer.

The heat passed, and the stones couldn't stop it.

Looking at this natural wonder again, Luo Ming turned and left.

This exploration is not without meaning.

"That's enough! That's enough! Eat here again!"

Luo Ming wore an apron made of banana leaves around his waist, and was standing on the high-grade soil, pointing fingers.

His cool pink summer dress was hung on branches to dry in the treetops.

The breeze blew and the leaves fluttered.

Luo Ming felt a chill under his butt.

"One of them needs heatstroke on a day this hot."

Muttering to himself, Luo Ming stared at the group of cattle and sheep in front of him, who were eating on the weeds.

I want to eat kebabs myself.

Looking at these sheep, Luo Ming felt like he was seeing lamb kebabs going hand in hand.

At present, there are still half of the advanced reclamation areas that Luo Ming has completed.

After searching the entire volcanic island, Luo Ming plans to use it as his own food supply base.

I now have cotton seeds, banana tree seeds, coconut tree seeds, potato seeds, cabbage seeds, vampires, and a lot of cattle and sheep, plus there are abundant materials here.

Xiaobai's remote area can't accommodate so many things to grow.

This fixed island has a suitable climate, and Luo Ming is confident of turning it into a stable logistics base.

After taking a sip of drinking water, Luo Ming found a cool place to sit down.

With a move of the hand, the red box from the crater appeared in front of him.

Staring at the fine lines on it, Luo Ming reached out and touched it lightly.

【Man!Mountain Treasure Chests are special items that require 2 Glory points to open! 】

When the reminder sounded, Luo Ming was not too surprised.

From the outside of this box, you can see how extraordinary it is.

"Mountains...and oceans..."

Luo Ming pondered, thinking of the two ocean treasure chests he dug up from the seabed mines.

"That is to say, special treasure chests will be bred in special terrain."

"And they're worth far more than ordinary treasure chests."


Luo patted the treasure chest, "Open it!"

The glory value of 70 points jumped to 68 points.

A red light bloomed in front of Luo Ming, the box shook, and cracks appeared on the edges of the 12 fragments.

Kaka, Kaka-
The six sides of the box collapsed, and a red mass floated in front of Luo Ming's eyes.

【Man!Congratulations Blessing of the Earth (Sculpture)! 】

[Earth blessing (wonder): In your territory, the growth rate of all animals and plants is accelerated by 50%! 】

Luo Ming Tao Tao pricked up his ears, thinking he didn't hear clearly.

Speed ​​increased by 50%!

Crops that mature in 20 days will mature in 10 days with it!

Livestock grown in 60 days can grow in 30 days!

Luo Ming swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

This effect has also been exaggerated.

Stretching out his hand, Luo Ming caught the statuette.

The statue is in the shape of a terracotta statue, naked and tattooed.

It holds a red gemstone in its hand.

Soft light shines on the gemstone.

【Earth Blessing (Wonder): Please choose a suitable place for placement, and the effect will take effect immediately after placement. 】

Ignore the distance, ignore the area, Luo Ming thought.

It's better to put it on Xiaobai's back.If I put it here, it would be embarrassing if other survivors found out and took it away.

With it, one's own food accumulation will be accelerated again.

Luo Ming brought it back to the base camp full of joy.

Proceed to take out the second thing.


Gold coins, both belong to mineral deposits, No. 1 reward in the comprehensive strength list.

I collected about 100 gold coins by myself, plus a 50% bonus, it directly became 160.

Holding this hot stone in his hand, Luo Ming couldn't help but think of the word hand warmer.

Unfortunately, it cannot be used in summer.

[Gold coins (rare): Can be used as a mysterious shop to exchange materials, heating materials, and small mechanical energy! 】

Looking at the prompt, Luo Ming's expression changed. He had not visited the mysterious store today.

I don't know what strange material emerged from it.

After thinking about it, Luo Ming tapped the crystal panel on his arm.

[The next opening time will be in 4 hours, so stay tuned (material rotation)]

Luo Ming scratched his head.The 24-hour cooldown of the mystery shop is not over yet.

Then look at the role of gold coins as heating materials.

Luo Ming opened the "Production" column, and a large amount of production materials passed before his eyes.

Luo Ming kept turning his head, staring at a device called "Advanced Heating Furnace".

[Advanced Heater (Advanced): The required materials are fine steel 0/5, fine copper 0/5, fine iron 0/10, coral 0/1, consumable materials, 1 gold coin per day. 】

[Advanced heater (Advanced): With it, you can live more comfortably in the frosty sea. 】

"Frost sea area?" A new question appeared, Luo Ming thought, his current situation is so hot, this is definitely not a frost sea area.

Could it be that somewhere in the sea, there is still the same environment as the polar region in the last days?

But I explored the corner of the sea myself.

With a sigh of relief, Luo Ming will continue to put this incident behind him.

This time there are materials such as fine steel and fine copper.

This is also the first time Luo Ming has seen them.

Pointing at these, Luo Ming clearly saw the introduction above.

[Steel: Only a smelter can make it. 】

The latter's refined iron and refined copper require a smelter as a prerequisite.

Luo Ming once again pointed the finger at the smelter.

[Smelter: It can refine various high-grade metals. 】

【NOTE】Generator and tech workshop required! 】

Looking at these, Luo Ming's eyes showed a hint of understanding.


After silently counting his materials in his heart, Luo Ming became more confident.

From the shade of the tree, Luo Ming quickly ran towards the sea.

Most of my own materials are kept in the steel base camp on Xiaobai's back.


Luo Ming stood on the surface of the sea, put his hands in his mouth, and shouted like a trumpet.

After a while, there was a response from the other side of the sea.

A high waterline was approaching the shore, and there was a small white noise.

The small black dots move from far to near. When the small black dots are close, they look like a hill.

"Hahahaha, Xiaobai, are you full?"

Luo Ming tore off the banana leaf from his waist and jumped into the sea.

The water mist sprayed on Luo Ming's face, and Xiaobai expressed his happiness to him.

Luo Ming climbed up from Xiaobai's tail.

"Xiaobai, we will have new changes soon."

Luo Ming said excitedly.

Standing in front of the steel base camp, Luo Ming pushed the door and walked in, waving his hand.

"Two generators, build!"

Countless substances flew out of the grid and combined continuously in front of Luo Ming.

【Man!It takes 4 hours to make a much is it worth]

Without waiting for the prompt tone to finish, Luo Ming directly spoke to confirm.

[Consume 30 glory points to complete the construction immediately! 】

【Man!The generator is built! 】

Two tall red metal machines lay quietly in front of Luo Ming.

The deep metallic color and cold mechanical texture are incompatible with the scenery of this world.

"Pretty!" Luo Ming sighed.

As the generator was completed, a prompt sound reached Luo Ming's ears.

(End of this chapter)

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