Chapter 23 Package!

Chapter 23 Package!
"Fang Wei, bad news."

"Come on, I didn't hear any good news today." Jack felt uncomfortable all over and put his hand on his back and rubbed it hard.

"No.4 'South Korea' has already caught up with us, and the gap with us is less than 200 points..." Speaking of this, Da Huang's voice was a little weak.

"Damn, why didn't you say it sooner? Isn't this already making people fuck their ass?"

Jack's hand rubbing ashes was pulled out, clenched into a fist anxiously, and hit the other hand.

"It was fine yesterday, and it's like this this morning."

Rhubarb wants to cry but has no tears.

"Damn it, as soon as you hear the broken name, it's taken away by the stick. If they really fucked your ass, I would be sick to death."

"Notify other captains to speed up the search for materials in a certain sea area."

Wei ordered: "At the same time, choose good water quality and go down to pick sand and shells."

"Kayakers should be armed and beware of marine animals attacking other members of the water."

"very good."

After saying all this, Wei Jie waved to Rhubarb.

"Come here, rub it for me, I can't reach this one."

Wei Qiang's strong arm pointed to a spot on his back, but his palm-sized hand couldn't reach it.

Rhubarb's face twitched, swallowed a mouthful of saliva in his throat, and his eyes looked ugly.

"Come here! What are you afraid of? Aren't you usually super brave?"

Jack looked impatient.

The cold sweat on his face quickly slid down, and Da Huang was quick to wit.

"Fang Wei, I have news here."

"speak out."

The diversion method worked as expected, and Dahuang breathed a sigh of relief quietly.

"Probably No.1, that is, the Tibetan Mastiff."

When Jack heard the big face of the Tibetan Mastiff, he immediately burst into curiosity.

"Rhubarb, tell me, who is the head of this Tibetan mastiff? It's too mysterious."

"Where does the comprehensive strength value of 4300 points come from?"

"I searched for a long time and couldn't find it."

"Wei Fangwei..." Rhubarb interrupted the development of his base meat.

"The overall strength of the Tibetan Mastiff has risen by 300 points, and now it is 4500!"

Fang Wei's eyes suddenly widened. He stopped listening to Dahuang's introduction and directly opened the crystal panel on his arm.

"It's really 4500 points. No, it's going to rise again!" This time, it was Fang Wei who exclaimed.

"Increased by 200 points!"

"Damn, what are these guys doing? It's impossible to pick up gold."

Rhubarb analyzed, "I guess they are likely to encounter a wave of supplies and send out a wave."

"It's possible." Wei nodded.

But after that, Jie Jiewei found that Da Huang's expression changed again.

"Wei Fangwei, is it going up again?"


Rhubarb is bitter. "Has the comprehensive strength of the Tibetan Mastiff improved again?"

"In less than 20 seconds, the comprehensive physical strength value increased twice in a row?" Wei asked directly in confusion.

"I also think it's fake."

Rhubarb's cognition has been greatly hit, it is a group of pigs.It takes you 10 minutes to catch them all, but you can get the combined value in 20 seconds.

"Tibetan Mastiff's comprehensive physical strength is now 4600."

ten seconds later


Wei and Dahuang stared at the data panel, watching the overall strength of the Tibetan Mastiff jump by 600 points.

"Why do I feel like I haven't woken up yet?" Wei muttered, turning his head to look at Rhubarb beside him.

Cold sweat broke out from Dahuang's back instantly, and he unconsciously pressed it against Fang Wei's shoulder.

After making a slight movement, Da Huang nodded deeply.

"I didn't wake up either."

In the past 5 minutes, the comprehensive strength of the Tibetan Mastiff remained unchanged at 4900.

Wei patted Rhubarb's shoulder with his big hands, his tone solemn. "Do you think they can, can, possibly?"

"Impossible..." Da Huang shook his head hesitantly, looking at the hand on one side, his neck was stiff.

"Well, it's impossible, it's impossible." Jack came to his own conclusion.

At this time, the number of double panels changes.

Regarding the comprehensive physical strength behind the name of the Tibetan Mastiff, 4900 points slowly disappeared.

The figure of 600 was gradually generated.


Wei Jiakou's eyes were blank, he raised his hand, and closed the crystal panel with a "slap".

Da Huang stared straight, raised his hand and pushed Da Mao's shoulder away, and closed the crystal panel with a "snap".

On the canoe, two people stood side by side, facing the endless sea.



"I remembered that this matter wasn't over just now."

"Fang Wei, I want to be quiet."

"Don't worry, just tickle me first." As he said, Wei Jiakou turned around, revealing a strong back.

"Scratch the itch a little harder here."


"Hiss, this island is very interesting."

Luo Ming climbed up to the window on the second floor of the base camp with one hand, and looked at Eagle's Rest Island through the binoculars.

This is a veritable volcanic island.

Now Luo Ming has come to the other side of the island, and what is presented before him is the boundary between life and death.

The volcano in the center of the island is an intermittently active volcano, and red magma flows out of the crater.

Lava destroyed vegetation along its path, burned through the ground, and melted into a lava flow on the western side of the island.

A large amount of water mist rises, and the icy sea water boils with magma.

The sea is full of fish scalded to death by the hot water.

Dead fish will attract other fish to come here to hunt.One accidentally entered the hot water area, and soon floated up on its belly.

Paradise of free buffets
Surprisingly, 10 meters away from the lava stream, a large number of plants are lush.

Luo Ming even saw small animals moving on the treetops.

"The eagle's gathering place is halfway up the mountain."

There is relatively little vegetation and a lot of rocks.

Through the telescope, Luo Ming observed about 10 eagles nesting in the rocks.

A plan formed in his mind.

"Xiao Bai, feel the creatures under the sea. Are there any threats?"

Luo Ming, be careful.

Luo Ming thought of an idea.Everything Xiaobai handed me has my emotions.

"very good."

Luo Ming touched Xiaobai's unicorn and directed Xiaobai to bypass this area.

"Live in this sea area to prevent the eagle from diving."

One person and one whale come to the confluence of cold and hot water in this sea area. The temperature here nourishes a large number of small fish and shrimp.

Small fish and shrimps attract many predators.

Luo Ming could even see the dense shoals of fish below directly from the sea.

Likewise, this area is also a hunting ground for eagles.

I must take this island myself.

Luo Ming muttered in his heart.

Just saying that the fishery resources here are rich is enough to completely solve the food problem on its own.

Call up-
Taking a deep breath, Luo Ming slid into the water along Xiaobai's back.

【Man!Aquarium masters start! 】

Luo Ming's body was like a flexible fish swimming in the water, moving towards the huge outline in front.

Sea water is indeed warmer than other sea areas.

Feeling the warmth of the seawater separated from both sides of his body, Luo Ming observed the situation on the seabed at the same time.

The large amount of minerals and heat brought by the magma make the marine plants in this area extremely lush.

Algae, seagrass, corals and sponges spread across the seabed.

Luo Ming can name more than a dozen kinds of fish.

That lump is a sea cucumber?

Why is it half a meter long?

There is also a canal shell with a diameter of 2 meters.When the shell was opened and closed, Luo Ming saw two fist-sized pieces of wood inside.

The lobster hidden in the coral, the exposed beard is only more than one meter long, it is not difficult to imagine its remaining body.

Luo Ming looked at the Sea Emperor, his eyes were full of light.

Grouper, croaker, sealfish, ratfish and sardines, on the way to Romin, encounter schools of fish, each with thousands of fish.

Ah, Treasure Island.

Luo Ming speeds up his ocean journey, excited by the successive discoveries.


break out-
On the mangrove beach near the coast, Luo Ming walked flexibly among them.

Looking up at the sky, Luo Ming found an eagle flying overhead.

Strong sense of territoriality.

With the help of the dense jungle, Luo Ming quietly approached their settlement.

Three and 10 minutes later, Luo Ming came to the edge of the dividing line between woodland and grassland.

This distance is fine.

After this trip, Luo Ming also intuitively felt the scale of the island.

Considering the terrain, Luo Ming made an estimate in his mind and arrived at the area near the center of the island half an hour earlier.

The island is about 5 kilometers in diameter and covers an area of ​​20 square kilometers.

This island is one-third larger than the first island.

After calming his beating heart, Luo Ming kept scanning the jungle.

A crooked tree became his target.

Luo Ming shook his hand, and two things appeared at his feet.

A pole is covered with aw.m banana leaves, and a handmade Gillies outfit is threaded with silk thread.

Luo Ming is going to implement the plan to be attacked.

Luo Ming tested the dead eagle and found that the desert eagle's bullets can kill the prey even at a distance of 200 meters.

With the Desert Eagle equipped with a silencer, Luo Ming is sure to wipe out the flock of eagles without knowing it.

Let's go!

Luo Mingxian will once again check the safety hazards around the hiding place, remove all poisonous insects, etc.

And found a lot of branches to surround themselves.

"The wounded eagle is dead."

On the ground, Romin watched the eagle colony through the scope.

The eagle, who insisted on flying back, landed in the nest with its neck crooked.

Several other hawks surrounded it in the middle and scrambled to share the corpse of its companion.

Luo Ming frowned and pulled.The index finger on the plane exerted a slight force.

No, where is the leader of the clan?
Luo Ming has knowledge of wildlife groups.When eating, the leader usually eats first.

Luo Ming removed the gun from several eagles and moved it to a higher place.

found it!
The eagle is standing on a higher rock with its eyes fixed on a certain direction.

And that direction, that is, Luo Ming's previous position has not changed direction!

Luo Ming's heart is stable, and the leader is vigilant.

It seems that the dead eagle still passed some news to its kind.

It's really different from other low-level counterparts who only know blood sucking.

Luo Ming praised it in his heart.If it weren't for the ugly eagle head, he would have thought of raising it.

If this thing is to be taken out, isn't it more eye-catching than those stupid big trees in the Middle East?
But that's it for today.

Luo Ming's gun moved slowly, and the crosshair in the scope was aimed at the head of the eagle leader.

Must kill with one hit if necessary.

Luo Ming was worried that hitting other parts of the eagle leader would not kill him immediately.

If you signal to your people, your plans will fail.

Luo Ming's ears heard the crackling sound of the Desert Eagle gun being fired by the firing pin.

call out-
Ripples in the air!
The bullet hit the eagle chief's head.

The eagle head on the rock guard only felt his feathers stand on end, and the threat of death came instantly.

Biological instinct makes it fly.

But before it could open its wings, a bullet penetrated its head from the side.

The watermelon-sized head exploded, revealing something that looked like watermelon pulp.

The meat crown on the top of the head is dying at this moment.

The decapitated eagle's head was thrown heavily from the rock, and blood seeped into the sand.

And the people it guards with its life are still fighting for the corpses of the same kind

Luo Ming's heart skipped a beat, and he took out the gun from Eagle Chief's body in satisfaction.

Luo Ming picked off a blade of grass and put it in his mouth.

This time, the hand test was successful, and Luo Ming was more confident in killing those ordinary eagles.

Feeling the bitterness on his tongue, Luo Ming concentrated his attention.

Start killing from the outside.

In the sight of the Desert Eagle, the cross cursor landed on the head of a slightly larger eagle.

Bullets turned into weapons of death, and blood spattered in the blink of an eye.

The eagle beside him didn't panic when he saw his companion die, and flew away immediately, but opened his mouth to peck at the scattered flesh and blood.

But it was these five seconds that made Luo Ming kill two eagles again.

At this time, the eagles began to panic.

They flapped their wings, shouted, and tried to fly into the sky.

Some looked to the top of the mountain, looking for the leader.

boom! boom! boom!
If you mess up, it will kill you.

Three bullets were fired one after another. Luo Ming hid in the bushes and calmly fired one after another.

The last eagle found that something was wrong, and its leader hadn't made such a loud noise.


The inexplicable death broke their cognition.

Only three heads of more than 10 eagles were left. Their white feathers were stained with the blood of their own people, and they were struggling to take off.

Luo Ming rested his chin on the gun, staring at the eagle that was taking off.

With a little anticipation of its next location, pull the trigger with your finger.

Bloody fireworks bloom in the sky!

A landing plan relying on top thermal weapons has been narrowly completed.

Luo Ming took off his camouflage uniform and took the Desert Eagle back to [base camp] and out of the desert.The eagle is in his hand.

Step by step out of hiding.

Check the battlefield.

When Luo Ming set foot on the eagle's colony, he immediately felt that the temperature here was a bit abnormal.

Luo Ming squatted down and stuck his hand into the sand.


The body temperature of a normal person is around 36 degrees, but the hand feels warm, indicating that the temperature of the gravel has exceeded 36 degrees, or even close to 40 degrees.

Is there lava flowing down here?
Luo Ming walked forward and came to a nest made of rocks.

Inside the nest, several eggs are covered with sand and gravel and arranged in a radial pattern.

Luo Ming understands that the eagle uses geothermal heat to hatch its offspring.

No wonder there is no vegetation in this area.

A dozen eagle carcasses were converted into raw materials, and Luo Ming got feathers*80, meat*20, beak*5, and claws*10.

Aside from these basic materials, Luo Ming will be the highlight.

Bypassing the boulder, Luo Ming came to the corpse of the giant eagle leader.

Although it is dead, its power is still there.

The huge claws resemble car tires, and the black nails are more than 30 centimeters long.

Each feather is nearly half a meter wide and tight, much better than other eagles.

Squatting down, Luo Ming silently picked it up.

【Man!You kill the eagle head (rare) and get high-grade feathers*30, high-grade meat*20, and high-grade claws*2! 】

[Advanced Feather: Can be used to make special clothing. 】

[Advanced meat: Creatures of rare level and above can immediately add glory value*5! 】

[Advanced Claw: Can be used to make the weapon "Claw Iron Gun (Rare)".There are currently no design drawings and cannot be produced. 】

Luo Ming, put away those things that sound advanced but are of little use to you.

At this time, Luo Ming caught a glimpse of a red thing on the ground not far away from the corner of his eye.

It is the meat crown of the eagle's head.

The coronet had been away from the body for some time, but it still kept its light.

Luo Ming looked down at the brain-shaped crown, feeling a twinge of pain in his heart.

It looks disgusting.Do you want to put it away?

After all, it was a rare biological explosion.

When Luo Ming touched the meat crown, he immediately had a reminder.

【Man!Obtain the meat crown of the eagle head*1! 】

[Yingkui meat crown (advanced): advanced material, after eating, it can greatly increase the spiritual value! 】

【Note】Spirit value can increase the duration of various skills! 】

This is a good thing.

Luo Ming strongly condemns himself for judging people by their appearance.

This time, all materials from Eagle Head's body were searched and cleaned.

Luo Ming put down a stone in his heart and quietly waited for the next thing.

If I'm right, this eagle head is probably-
【Man!The guardian creatures on land are dead! 】

A rich smile bloomed on the corner of Luo Ming's mouth.

[It can occupy land! 】

[The land is your independent territory, and you have all the right to dispose of it! 】

【Man!You kill the Eaglehead creature that guards the island, completing 2/10 of the Monster Hunter (Junior) achievement.Rewards are being distributed! 】

Luo Ming had his last experience and thought silently, "Occupy the land!"

[Take 30 points of glory to occupy the land! 】

[Successful land occupation! 】

[Earth (Advanced): It can produce common material cores, banana leaves, watermelons, and cores.

Can produce advanced materials Sulphurite, Advanced Soil, Drinking Water and Rubber Trees! 】

【Man!You captured the second land and completed the Ocean Explorer 2/10 achievement.Rewards are being distributed! 】

Luo Ming almost laughed out loud.

Don't waste yourself following such a long road, this time you have harvested a piece of high-level land.

Advanced soil!
Even rubber trees have drinking water!
Luo Ming looked around and looked at the lush island, unable to restrain his joy.

These treasures are scattered here, waiting for them to find them themselves.

Until then, turn on the achievement rewards.

【Man!Monster Hunter 2/10 rewards have been released.Please check it out at base camp. 】

【Man!Ocean Explorer Achievement Awards 2/10 have been awarded.Please check it out at base camp. 】

With the following two achievements, Luo Ming is ready.

Two packages appeared in front of Luo Ming.

The package delivered by the achievement unlocked still has mysterious lines, and Luo Ming chooses one to open it.

【Man!Congratulations on winning the Livestock Population Blind Box (Advanced)! 】

[Blind box contains goat population*30!Cattle population*30! 】

[Opening condition: You must have at least one advanced land. 】

Then, a hint came from Luo Ming's ear.

【Man!Congratulations, it has been detected that you own an advanced land building.Do you want to open it? 】

(End of this chapter)

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