Chapter 22 is missing!

Chapter 22 is missing!
Their prey is hiding in the building and this strange creature appears.

The biological intuition told them that Luo Ming carried a powerful threat.


In the air, the three strange birds came to some sort of tactical agreement.

I saw two big birds with closed wings swooping down from the sky towards Luo Ming.

Another strange bird was watching from a distance in the air, in case Luo Ming escaped.

Luo Ming felt a gust of wind blowing on his scalp, this is the wind from two strange birds swooping down and sticking together.

Seeing these strange birds, Luo Ming wondered why they took the little starfish as food.

As big as baby starfish are, they're not worth snacking on.

Thinking, Luo Ming didn't stop.

Seeing the strange bird rushing towards him, Luo Ming raised his wrist, ready to desert.The eagle flew out.


The bullet passed through the air and reached the belly of the strange bird.


The strange bird moved quickly. The moment Luo Ming took action, its wings spread out, and its body that was originally swooping vertically twisted and deformed in the air.

A feather fell from it, but did not hurt its body.

But this bullet scared the strange bird, and the shape of the previous dive immediately pulled up and returned to the sky again.

At the same time, the second big eagle was approaching Luo Ming's back!
Its claws under its wings had already stretched out, and the claws as big as two hands were about to clasp Luo Ming's shoulders.

This is how they hunt.They encountered large creatures, controlled them with their claws, and then took them hundreds of meters into the air and smashed them into the sea.

At this drop in altitude, the controlled creature will be seriously injured even if it dies.

Immediately I will be successful.
In an emergency, a cold light iron gun appeared in Luo Mingkong's right hand.

As soon as the iron gun appeared, the tip pointed upward.

Luo Ming shook his head slightly, hung the iron gun upside down, and raised his hand in the direction of the strange bird!
At such a close distance, the strange bird's chance to react has been lost!

It's like giving Luo Ming Tie Gun his belly.The eagle was stabbed by an iron gun. Although it spread its wings, it still desperately slowed down!
At the same time, Luo Ming sent the Desert Eagle into [Base Camp], stepped on Xiaobai's back with his feet, and sent himself 3 meters away.

With a movement of his hand, he held the iron gun at the end of his arm. The iron gun came out of his hand, and was brought into the strange bird's body by Luo Ming's huge strength.

The iron spear pierced the skin on the strange bird's back, the bloody spear tip emerged, and dark red blood dripped from the blood groove.

"Quack quack—"

Now, the strange bird's cry sounded much more terrifying.Because of blood loss, the cry was weak.


"Bang! Hey!"

Luo Ming coldly raised the gun 3 meters away.He opened his mouth and fired three shots at the fallen and struggling strange bird!
The first bullet hit the strange bird's abdomen, blasting a hole the size of a bowl, and the internal organs gushed out.

The second bullet hit the strange bird's ugly head, and it was directly fried into meat sauce.

The third bullet.
Yes, Xiaobai has released an enhanced version of "Real Skin" at Luo Ming's request.

It now appears that the enhanced version of the "armor skin" bulletproof effect is excellent.

Otherwise, Luo Ming was afraid that he would hurt Xiaobai during the battle.

Luo Ming no longer looked at the mortal bird. He changed his tone and looked at the sky seriously.
It took only 4 seconds to dive down from the two strange birds, and Luo Ming resolved and killed one of them.

The strange bird that was pulled back into the air readjusted its posture, only to find that its companion had died in Luo Ming's hands.

"Quack quack—"


Seeing this scene, the two strange birds in the air exchanged calls and circled continuously in the air.

The strange bird stared fiercely at Luo Ming, then at his dying companion, and suddenly began to accelerate its flight.

Two strange birds circled into an "S" shape in the air, which made Luo Ming lose his target.

At the same time, it kept a distance from Luo Ming, not allowing itself to enter a dangerous distance.

Luo Ming's eyes narrowed slightly, realizing that their intelligence had surpassed that of ordinary birds.

Know how to communicate and have obvious hierarchical relationships.Among the three strange birds, the one watching was the first one who could get so much information from the first dead companion.

The intelligence of the creatures here cannot be underestimated.

Two strange birds were flying and suddenly stopped "communication".

Their slender necks writhed and balls bulged from their bellies.



Two puddles of viscous yellow liquid gushed out from their mouths, forming a large yellow net in the air.

Off the net is Luo Ming.

"There are also biochemical attacks."

Luo Ming held his breath, he began to smell a pungent smell.

"I'll have to clean up later."

With a mutter, Luo Ming moved quickly, leaped forward, and jumped out of the net.

call out-
The highly corrosive gastric juice fell on Xiaobai's back, emitting white smoke.

Luo Ming stood after landing. Looking back, he found that the strange bird was chasing him, spraying thick gastric juice all the way.

"Disgusting." Shaking his head, Luo Ming reappeared in the hands of the Desert Eagle.

"Bang!" Two bullets failed, and the ripples disappeared behind the strange bird.

They missed, but the gunshot affected them, and the strange bird's flight slowed down for a second!
One second is enough!
"Xiaobai, it's all yours."

Luo Ming raised his foot and gently stepped on Xiaobai's back!
Low voices of singing and shouting came from below the surface of the sea, and the originally calm sea was shaken into ripples.


Just below the two strange birds, a towering water column appeared!

At this moment, Luo Ming really heard the muffled thunder.


A strange bird was completely enveloped, and only let out a shrill scream, and all its bones were shattered under the impact of the powerful current.

In the air, it turned into a parabola, hit the wall of the nearby Iron Base Camp, and slowly slid down.

Another strange bird's body was hit by a small amount of water, causing it to lose balance in its flight.After a few turns in the air, it regained its balance.

This time, the strange bird that had recovered its life did not look back at its companion, and ran away dragging its injured body.

"It's the first one." Luo Ming could see that the one headed by him was slightly bigger than the other two.

"Full score for cooperation." Luo Ming smiled and praised Xiaobai.

His marksmanship was not sure that he could hit the strange bird that moved very fast at a long distance, so Luo Ming thought of the small white jet of water.

Facing oneself, a small white water column can draw a rainbow; facing the enemy, a small white water column is a living cannon.

Seeing that the strange bird was still within sight, Luo Ming touched Xiaobai's corner.

"Fly a kite and follow from afar."

After that, Luo Ming stretched his feet towards the two dead strange birds.

"It's ugly."

Staring at the dead body of this strange bird, Luo Ming's intuition told him that it could not be used as food.

"Alas..." They cannot be used as food, which means they have lost 90% of their value.

"Huh? What is this?"

At this time, Luo Ming's eyes fell on the strange bird that was blown away by him.

In the outflowing entrails, in the ruptured food pouches, appeared what looked like fruit seeds.

Luo Ming took out a bottle of drinking water from [Base Camp], took out a wooden board, and peeled the seed-like thing from the miniature stomach sac.

After washing away the excess gastric juice, Luo Ming reached for a seed the size of a garlic clove.

【Man!You get the seed of a banana tree! 】

[Banana Seed (Ordinary): Sowed in ordinary soil, it can grow into wood after 20 days. 】

Luo Ming looked at it slightly, and continued to pick up the second seed.

This seed is black and has been corroded by gastric juices most of the time.

But what Luo Ming wanted to know was its type.

【Man!You get a vampire! 】

[Vampire (dead): Unable to sow seeds. 】

Luo Ming took a deep breath and felt that he had met a big fish.

Xiaobai was still closely following the fleeing strange bird, while the strange bird in the air was bent and flew in a fixed direction.

Leaving the vampire's hand, Luo Ming smiled.

You guessed it yourself.

Seabirds are present in this airspace and there must be somewhere nearby where they live.

Seeds found in the stomachs of the monster birds suggest they ate the fruit of the plant.

Habitat for seabirds, fruit of plants.

Everything points to what Luo Ming is looking forward to most - the island!

Luo Ming continued to rummage in the stomach of this strange bird.In addition to fruit, there are undigested fish, shellfish and crustaceans.

It makes sense that small starfish would be considered food by them.

After a while, the board in Luo Ming's hand was corroded by stomach acid, leaving only one piece.

Frowning, Luo Ming threw the board away.

After thinking for a while, Luo Ming put his palm on the strange bird.

Here comes the tune.

【Man!You get an Eagle (Normal)! 】

[Eagle (common): Omnivorous animals, living in groups, usually 5-15 animals form a group. 】

[Note: They are extremely crazy birds, usually flying in flocks, and are notorious aerial robbers. 】

【Man!Disassemble the eagle to get feather*20 and meat*1! 】

"Decompose it." Luo Ming curled his lips. Such a big body can only get this kind of material.

Resource conversion rate is too low.

Standing up, Luo Ming came to the second eagle's body.

This one was sprayed down from the air by Xiao Bai, its bones were all broken, and it slumped on Xiao Bai's back like noodles.

Black blood flowed from the eyes and nose, and there was no life.

Luo Ming cut open his stomach pouch with a steel knife, and found five banana tree seeds and a group of corrupted vampires inside.

After cleaning up, Luo Ming put his hands on the eagle's body again.

【Man!You get an Eagle (Normal)! 】

【Man!Decompose the eagle to get 10 feathers, 5 meat, 1 beak, and 2 claws! 】

This time something new appeared.

Luo Ming kicked his hands a few times.

[Bird's beak: a common material that can be used as clothing decoration. 】

[Claws: Ordinary material, but used to make iron guns, the puncture effect is good. 】

【Feather: It can be used for decoration and making warm clothes. 】

This sentence made Luo Ming keep it in mind and pay attention to warm clothes.

The climate here does not seem to be static.

Looking at her pink beach-cool suit, Luo Ming wonders what her next outfit will look like.


A lone figure flies in the spotless sky.

The figure was a big bird, its body fell from the air several times, and it pulled up desperately, staggering and struggling to fly.

Blood dripped from the big bird's legs into the sea
Half of its body was seriously injured, with ten feathers on its body, its muscles were torn, and its flesh was bloody.

In the flight of the fugitive, there is no turning back.


"Xiao Bai, you can slow down a little."

Luo Ming stood on Xiaobai's back, holding a small gadget in his hand.

This is a simple telescope made of copper and sawdust.

"That strange bird is already at the end of its battle."

Luo said while observing, the corners of his mouth curled up a little.

"Hopefully it will stick to its nest but not fall into the sea."

Luo Ming looked at the strange bird expectantly.

Anticipating a strange bird is more like anticipating the location of its nest.

The kite flying plan worked very well.So far, one person and one whale have been tracking the strange bird for 20 minutes.

Several times, Luo Ming almost thought that this strange bird would die on the road.

Taking out the sea map, Luo Ming will check his location.

About 20 kilometers from the location he had previously identified.

According to Xiaobai's full speed, there is no major problem.


Meanwhile, Nana returns to the aquarium.

At the same time, Luo Ming was asked to move the aquarium to the steel base camp.

Steel Base Camp, a solid square box, is like a very safe big shell for the little starfish.

Not only can they live, but they can also eat.

When he's hiding inside, he can smell the food from those grids.

This place gives crabs a sense of security.

When you grow up, you must let Luo Ming give yourself this big shell.

The little starfish was lying in the fish tank, blowing bubbles from its mouth.

Peas stared at the condescending stronghold, like a pair of their own eyes.


Five minutes later, the telescope in Luo Ming's hand moved with the movement of the strange bird.

"The flight path has changed!"

Luo Ming started to get excited.

"Little Bai, speed up."

Nothing was seen in the sea ahead, and Luo Ming was afraid of missing key targets.

The strange bird's flight altitude began to drop, and it began to wander in circles.

"Quack quack—"

Luo Ming who was approaching could hear its chirping.

At the same time, a lush island appeared in Luo Ming's vision!
There really is an island!

Luo Ming held his breath and ordered Xiao Bai to stop.

Aiming the telescope at the strange bird, Luo Ming saw that the strange bird had lost its power and was spinning in the air.

"Quack quack—"

At this moment, in the dense jungle below, a giant eagle with a size of more than 5 meters soared into the sky.

The giant eagle is not only huge in size, but also has a scary voice.

Luo Ming noticed a fleshy crown growing on its bald head.

Is he the leader of the Eagle Group?

The giant eagle spreads its wings, uses its body to prevent its companion from falling, and then spreads its talons to grab the companion.


After a long howl, the giant eagle fell down together with its companions.

Luo Ming witnessed all this.

"It's faster, it's more powerful, and it has good intelligence."

Luo Ming analyzed the characteristics of the giant eagle.

They were almost in the center of the island compared to where they had just fallen.

Luo Ming picked up the binoculars and saw a rising mountain in the center of the island.

Over the dense forest, bursts of white smoke can be seen fluttering.

"There's a half-chance it's an island formed by a volcanic eruption."

"The fire is sleeping."

It's another thing for Romin to speculate, and to be excited about that speculation at the same time.

If there are volcanoes, I think I have a chance of getting natural sulfur ore!

I've come to collect the last fire and medicine stuff that bothers me!
"Xiao Bai, keep this distance and swim around the island."

"Be careful and don't let the eagles find you."

Luo Ming's chair leaned against Xiaobai's unicorn, planning the landing site in his mind.

[World Chat] The channel is as lively as ever.

All kinds of news emerge in endlessly.

make friends, fish, complain, show off
In addition to sharing daily survival information, there have been more discussions about survival groups these days.

There has been no movement since the survival group caused an uproar two days ago.

"It's been two days and I haven't seen any of those survival groups come out to recruit people."

"What are you thinking? Can they still recruit people every day?"

"Unfortunately, I didn't have enough materials to add in at the time..."

"What do you mean upstairs is that there are enough supplies now? I have a big business here. Do you have a private chat?"

"what business?"

"Project with extremely high return rate."

"Hey, another fool, cheated."

"As long as I'm poor enough, no one can fool me."

"You are only on the first floor, and they are on the fifth floor. One is to bet on the only chance not to be fooled, and the other is to bet on the only chance to be fooled by the other party."

A philosopher downstairs spoke.

"Big news, big news!" A message came out suddenly.

"Say it quickly, don't hold your appetite."

"The name of the survival group comprehensive strength list has changed!"

"It turns out that No.3's 'Superman in Green Underpants' pushed down No.2's 'Dungeon Unchief'!"

"So fast? No.2 in just two days!"

"Brother, can you explain in detail?"

This news successfully ignited everyone's emotions.

"Do you know what their overall strength is now?"

"'Green Lingerie Superman' is now worth 650 points!"

"It has risen so much, it seems that the recruitment wave has worked."

"Wait, I seem to have seen your ID card somewhere."

"Rong Yong? Aren't you the leader of the 'Green Pants Superman'?"

"Are you going to pull someone out of the car yourself again?"

"Blow your own melon, hahahaha."

I said, "Why did you mention this when you first came up?" "

Everyone in the group burst into laughter.Rong Yong just sent a series of ellipsis, but did not speak.

For a moment, the group was filled with happiness.

When everyone was laughing, Rong Yong continued to talk.

"So, we are continuing to recruit people, five people, and those who want to come in will soon sign up."

Everyone's emotions were high, and they were very enthusiastic about the leader of the survival team who was already ranked second but had no airs.

"I, I, I, I, join, I have enough supplies now."


"Hmph, a bunch of rabble."

In another stretch of water, a large group of canoes gathered together.

A man in his mid-thirties snorted disdainfully.

"None of the members pulled over like this have real skills."

"Looking at the number of people, you will eventually be overwhelmed by the number of people."

After saying that, the man looked away.

"Awei, where is our new 'monkey'?"

"Boss Wei, the situation is not optimistic."

A man named Awei rubbed his temples and opened the crystal panel on his wrist.

"Of the 20 recruits we recruited this time, 7 died at sea due to various accidents..."

"Two people showed a strong desire to quit smoking."

"The remaining 11 people, optimistically estimate that half will be able to get here."

Call up-
Both of them sighed at the same time.

"too difficult."

Wei continued to scratch at his messy hair.

"Where is our ranking?"

"The ranking is still No. 3, with a comprehensive strength value of 2200 points, which has increased by 100 points."

Rhubarb froze for a moment, then frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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