Chapter 89
[The law stipulates this, and there is nothing I can do about it. 】

Pastor Liu felt that killing those villains was not a big deal.

Whether it is God's will or his inner likes and dislikes, he hopes that those villains will be severely punished.

But in fact, the legal punishment they received was nothing compared to the crimes they committed.

Now in this world, the great evils are gone, but the small evils are constantly there.

Lesser evils are far more difficult to cure than major evils.

Pastor Liu was also very helpless, as defined by the law.

Galio's question also surprised Guo Teng.

Originally thought that Galio would kill him directly, but he didn't expect him to ask Pastor Liu's opinion.

In fact, it is more direct to ask Lu Yiyi for his opinion.

But Galio also said that Pastor Liu is the spokesperson of God in this world.

In other words, in a world where I am not the god of medicine, he is equivalent to myself.

What I 'myself' say contradicts what I say.

It feels so badass.

Guo Teng's anger has dissipated, next, let's see how believers solve this matter

[Actually, we don't need to be so entangled. 】

[If the law cannot judge their crimes. 】

[That requires our own efforts to achieve justice. 】

Lyfar's speech made everyone's eyes focus on her.

【what do you mean? 】

Galio doesn't know what Lyfar wants to do.

[The curse can make life worse than death. 】

Lyfar took out a scarecrow.

[If I get the hair or blood of those villains, I can cast a curse and make them gradually die. 】

Lyfar placed the scarecrow on the round table for everyone to examine carefully.

Wang Jia reached out to pick up the scarecrow to have a look, but Lu Yiyi poked his waist.

Lu Yiyi shook his head, signaling Wang Jia not to touch this thing.

[It's okay, when the magic is not activated, this scarecrow is the same as an ordinary straw weaving figurine, and there is no danger. 】

Lyfar and everyone explained it this way.

But even if she explained it this way, Wang Jia just leaned over and looked at it without touching it.

Guo Teng's gaze also focused on the scarecrow.

"Could it be a production problem with Lifal? She looks like a stick figure."

He felt that if the scarecrow was painted black, it would really become a stick figure.

Galio's expression was unnatural.

In the education he received, the curse was not done by the king.

In his opinion, the methods of using non-positive means such as curses belong to heresy.

But Lyfar was also his church member and sister, so he had no choice but to hold back his unhappiness and bury this matter in his heart.

[Can your curse be activated after the law judges them? 】

Pastor Liu's words made Li Far feel puzzled.

Murder, but also after the trial?
【Human crimes first need to be judged by law. 】

[If the legal judgment is unfair, we will find the inner justice by ourselves. 】

[I don't want us to become thugs like them because of our inner likes and dislikes. 】

Pastor Liu's words made Galio couldn't help but nod.

【Pastor Liu, what you said is very good. 】

Seeing the change in Galio's attitude, Lyfar was even more puzzled.

[Aren't we going to kill those guys? 】

The will of God she received just now was to get rid of those bastards and vent God's wrath.

[Of course we want to kill those villains who bully the congregation. 】

[But Pastor Liu is right. The judge of their crimes is the law first, and our hearts second. 】

[If we ignore the law and judge others based on our inner likes and dislikes, one day we will degenerate like them and become wanton bastards. 】

[Law represents order, and when we ignore order, the operation of society will change. 】

[In general, this kind of change usually develops to a bad place. 】

Still puzzled after seeing Lyfar, Galio added one last sentence.

[This does not conflict with our goal of coming here this time. 】

[The law judges first, and then we go to execute the divine punishment. 】

[Then what's the point? 】

【Our final result is still to kill those bastards? 】

Lyfar wondered if Galio was doing too much.

"Actually, I just want you to kill those bastards quickly and then go back to your respective homes."

Guo Teng felt helpless seeing the believers circling around here.

He also wants Galio to teach other believers, and it's not a problem for you to stay there.

When will you be done.

If you stay here, you will consume your faith, you know that!
[Lifar, you need to know that the law is first of all the rules made by people. 】

[It was not made by our gods. 】

[It is a tool used to maintain our order. 】

[We believe in God, but we are still human beings, and we are still subject to legal and moral constraints. 】

[If the law sentences those bastards to death, then you don't have to do it.Likewise, order will not be disrupted. 】

[Our God can indeed ignore the law and judge anyone. 】

[But we can't, we don't have the right to judge others at will. 】

【When we commit crimes, we shall also be punished, instead of avoiding the punishment of the law as believers of God. 】

【Because we are human beings, not gods. 】

Lu Yiyi and Wang Jia on the side were almost fainted.

I just want to express my anger for Lu Yiyi and Fang Liang, so why bother?
Wang Jia heard that Lu Yiyi was attacked just now, and he wanted to kill those bastards who beat Lu Yiyi.

Now that the anger has subsided, I can't help being afraid when I hear them discuss murder and the law.

[It feels so troublesome, you guys have the final say, anyway, I am the executor. 】

Lifal's words made Galio and Pastor Liu couldn't help but shake their heads.

[Master God, do you know what the believer Galio and the believer Pastor Liu mean? 】

Li Ya asked Guo Teng a question.

"I understand a little, but it feels weird."

Guo Teng knew what Galio and Pastor Liu meant.

The law is the rule and the yardstick.

Laws bind men, not gods.

God can wantonly trample on the rule of law, but man cannot.

If a person is within the bounds of the law, he must obey it.

You can choose to break the law, but you also have to suffer the consequences of breaking the law.

[Not quite right, it's a little bit off. 】

"Sister Nalia, can you tell me the correct answer?"

Guo Teng didn't want to be like Lyfar beside him, his eyes were full of circles, and he had fallen into the teacher's hypnosis in class.

【The answer to this question, you need time to realize it yourself. 】

【Let me tell you, you may be in the same state as believer Lifar. 】

Guo Teng looked at Lyfar beside him, the girl's eyes were still confused.

Not to mention her, Lu Yiyi and Wang Jia on the side also don't understand.

In the lounge, only Galio and Pastor Liu knew what they were thinking.

[Back, hey, who are these two? 】

Zhang Wei pushed open the door, followed by He Yiqiang, Zhang Ziwei, and Fang Liang who ran back.

Looking at the two extra people in the room, he asked questions.

 Thanks to book friend 148161 and book friend 317214 for the monthly pass.Thank you all for your votes, thank you very much! ╭(●`●)╯

(End of this chapter)

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