my followers are horrible

Chapter 88 A Just Death

Chapter 88 A Just Death

[I thought the church would look better as the residence of God. 】

Lyfar is outspoken and speaks out her inner thoughts.

Pastor Liu smiled when he heard this, and walked forward with Lyfar.

[This is Xin Ziming, his mother has gone to work, and we are helping to take care of the child. 】

【She had leukemia herself. When her husband heard the news, he ran away, leaving her and her child behind. 】

[She works part-time while making ends meet. 】

[Because there was no money to buy medicine, when the church member Fang Liang saw her, she was lying on the ground, almost unconscious. 】

【Our mother rescued him and did not make him an orphan. 】

Pastor Liu took Lifaer to the lounge, and introduced to her the story of Xin Ziming who was following Galio.

[That is Aunt Tao Yue. Her son and daughter-in-law died in a car accident the year before last, leaving her and her grandson behind. 】

【Grandson was diagnosed with leukemia last year. The house, car, and compensation money were all used for medical treatment. 】

[Later, when I had no money and was desperate by the Huangpu River with my grandson in my arms, a church member Zhu Zheng saw it and joined the church.

【The person with inconvenient legs and feet is Zhu Zheng. 】

[Because of an accident, the person was disabled. 】

Galio waved to Zhu Zheng who was eating.

Zhu Zheng smiled, and raised the bowl in his hand to Pastor Liu as a greeting.

Lyfar vaguely knew what Pastor Liu wanted to say, and she understood what Pastor Liu meant.

An abnormal red color rose on his face, and Lifal suddenly felt ashamed.

[Actually, we have only moved in for a few days in this place. 】

[The place was also provided to us by Zhu Zheng. 】

Pastor Liu pushed open the door with the rest room written on it.

Bringing Lifaer, Lu Yiyi and Wang Jia came in.

As for Galio, he was still playing with Xin Ziming, and Pastor Liu didn't call him.

[Do you know, friend Lyfar. 】

[Actually, I didn't believe in the Lord of the Rings from the very beginning. 】

Pastor Liu, Lu Yiyi, and Li Faer sat down, and Wang Jia went to make tea.

[I started out as a pastor of other gods. 】

Pastor Liu's words made Lyfar's eyes widen.

【what? 】

【Then why did you choose to believe in the Lord God? 】

Lyfar couldn't help asking.

Not to mention her doubts, Guo Teng was also very surprised, why Lao Liu didn't become a good church pastor, but came to believe in himself.

Because of his big face?

That is of course impossible.

So what is the reason?

Guo Teng, like Li Farr, was waiting for Pastor Liu's answer.

【At first, I felt that God loves the world. 】

[Later, I discovered that I was wrong, very wrong. 】

[How can an illusory, man-made fictional thing be able to love and guide the world. 】

Pastor Liu said calmly, and Lyfar and the other three listened calmly.

[The statue of the church is high above, overlooking the sufferings of the world. 】

【However, they never spread the Gospel and let people break free from the sea of ​​suffering. 】

[When I knew that Lu Yiyi and the others were saved by our gods. 】

[I feel that serving this false thing again will really make my heart uncomfortable. 】

Pastor Liu gave an answer that was reasonable but unexpected to Guo Teng.

[In other words, do you first know that God really exists in the world, and then believe in the Lord God? 】

Lyfar's question made Pastor Liu shake his head.

[I chose to believe in him because I saw the gods choose to save the world. 】

[When I received the gift from the gods and went to save others for him, I felt that my chaotic decades of life had meaning again. 】

The reverence on Pastor Liu's face made Lyfaer lose his mind.

[Church Lifar, why did you choose to believe in our god? 】

Pastor Liu's question was so sudden that Lifal couldn't help but blush.

[This question is a bit difficult to ask. 】

Compared with Pastor Liu's missionary mission to save people, Lifaer felt that her purpose of joining the religion was too simple.

[There is nothing difficult to say, you and I are brothers and sisters in the church, so don't worry too much. 】

Lifal's face turned red, but in the end she couldn't resist Pastor Liu's direct gaze and told her the purpose of joining the religion.

[In order to restore the item. 】

[It's magic muffins, magic bread, and magic water. 】

[I am a witch. In my world, the price of these recovery items is too high, and my financial resources cannot afford me to buy these items, so I choose to believe in Lord God, hoping to get these free recovery items. 】

Lyfar told her purpose of becoming a teacher, and felt much more at ease.

【It turns out that’s the case, what’s so embarrassing about this, haha. 】

Pastor Liu laughed out loud, making Lyfar's face turn red again.

[These things were originally given to us by our gods, so there is nothing to be embarrassed about. 】

[As long as you join the church, you can pray for these things. 】

Wang Jia explained to Lyfar.

【Ah, that's it, hehe. 】

Lyfar laughed awkwardly, feeling embarrassed.

[It seems that you have a very happy conversation. 】

Galio walked into the lounge, moved a chair randomly, and sat next to Lifar.

【Pastor Liu, let's continue our unfinished topic. 】

[God's wrath. 】

Galio's words completely wiped out the harmonious atmosphere in the room just now.

Several people in the room looked at Galio, remembering the purpose of him and Lyfar coming from other worlds.

Find a place for the beaten believers.

【Our God, what do you mean? 】

Pastor Liu sat up straight and asked Galio.

Galio and Lyfar came from another world, they must have been sent by their own gods.

They also knew what God wanted them to do.

[I want to hear your opinion first. 】

[Because in this world, you are the spokesperson of the gods, the Patriarch of this world. 】

Others don't know, but Galio definitely knows that Pastor Liu has become a devout believer just now.

From the news I found out in the courtyard just now, Pastor Liu's words and deeds have all fulfilled God's will
He is definitely the only candidate for Patriarch of the world.

Others, compared to Pastor Liu, are far behind.

When Galio asked this question, he was not playing football, but considering Pastor Liu's identity.

His own god is a multiverse god.

Every world has its own way of running the rules.

Although he can use violence to crack this method, he still has to consider the opinions of the local church believers.

Lord Almighty has issued an order, and he will definitely carry it out to the end.

But he still wanted to ask Pastor Liu what he meant.

[I, can the law judge them. 】

[I don't know what your world is like, but in this world, I still hope to abide by the law and let the law carry out a just trial. 】

Pastor Liu thought about it and gave the answer in his heart.

【law. 】

Galio pondered for a moment, feeling that Pastor Liu's words were far from the oracle of the Lord Almighty.

[The law, can they die justly? 】

Galio asked something that left several others speechless.

【cannot. 】

[Like them, at most they will be locked up for a few years. 】

The last time he went to deal with He Yiqiang, Zhang Wei talked about the punishment issue for the beating.

Pastor Liu shook his head, and what he said disappointed Galio.

(End of this chapter)

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