players lead the world

Chapter 59 The Strange Blood Formation

Chapter 59 The Strange Blood Formation

"The rancid smell is getting stronger and stronger, it's not like the corpses of kittens and puppies can emit..."

There was a strong and pungent stench lingering on the second floor. Zhou Ze frowned slightly and had a subtle premonition that was not good.

Shouldn't there be a murder case?
This kind of abandoned house in the wilderness, where people rarely come, is indeed a good place to throw corpses and commit crimes.

"The smell is so strong, uncle, do you have a tissue or handkerchief, lend me some."

Lu Chujun covered her mouth and nose with her sleeve, with an unnatural expression.

"Here." Zhou Ze took out a pack of wet wipes from his pocket and handed it to her.

He is used to bringing a pack of wet wipes with him every time he goes out. If he gets dirty anywhere on his body, he needs to wipe it. Wet wipes are much more convenient than ordinary paper towels. The only disadvantage is that they are a bit expensive for regular use...

But if you think about it carefully, it seems that being too expensive is not a shortcoming of the item, but his shortcoming.

Lu Chujun covered her mouth and nose with a wet towel, timidly followed behind Zhou Ze, and looked around the dark and dilapidated mansion.

Many doors of the old mansion that has been abandoned for more than ten years are sealed or damaged, and the ground footprints extend to a bedroom on the far left side of the mansion, and the stench is getting stronger and stronger, which is enough to prove that the owner of the footprints It has nothing to do with this rancid smell.

"How about turning around and walking away as if nothing happened?"

Zhou Ze turned his head and asked Lu Chujun, he really didn't want to get into troubled waters, especially with his real identity.

"Not so good?"

Lu Chujun also realized that the matter was not simple, she hesitated and took out her mobile phone: "If something really happens, we will call the police, we can't just sit idly by."

Zhou Ze frightened her: "What if there is a highly decomposed corpse in front of me? Do you know the giant view? It's very scary."

"Then you can't sit idly by."

There was a trace of fear on Lu Chujun's face, but her eyes were firm.

Unable to see that this little girl was very principled, Zhou Ze originally thought that she would be frightened and turn around and leave.

"Then let's go and have a look."

Even a little girl has acted so fearlessly and noblely, if he shrinks and shirks, he will look too unmanly, so let's take a little risk, anyway, he has passed the medical examination, and it doesn't matter if he gets more attention.

Follow the footsteps to the bedroom on the far left of the corridor.

This bedroom is different from other rooms, the wooden door is relatively intact, and a strong stench seeps from the cracks in the door.

Turn the doorknob and push it, but it still won't open?

"Locked?" Zhou Ze muttered.

Lu Chujun asked, "Do you want to find something to smash it open?"

"No, you stand far away."

Zhou Ze flexed his muscles, stepped back a few steps, and slammed his shoulder against the door with all his strength.

His physical strength is at least twice as high as that of ordinary people. If he can't even break through this dilapidated wooden door, then don't mess around.

Bang bang bang!
The wooden door was knocked down and fell to the ground.

Zhou Ze was able to maintain his balance with ease and was not knocked down by the wooden door.

A strong stench that was so strong that it would make people faint rushed towards the face, making people's brain ache, and the scene that greeted them was even more horrifying and weird.

In the center of the room, there was a complex magic circle outlined with dark red blood. Countless rotten and smelly organs and flesh were scattered around, including shapeless corpses of cats and dogs, as well as crushed and plucked bird corpses.

The shape of the scarlet magic circle is somewhat similar to that of a western magic circle.

In the center is a triangle with a concave arc, and the outer ring is three ovals like eyes, as well as some complex and changeable geometric patterns, wrapped in a large circle...

If one had to use words to describe the first impression of this magic circle, it would be evil.

It is very similar to the cult rituals in film and television works.

"Blood array?" Zhou Ze was dumbfounded.

This weird scene is far more powerful than a human corpse. Lu Chujun was so frightened that her face turned pale. She hid behind Zhou Ze, not daring to look directly at the twisted and dirty animal remains in the room. .

The two didn't linger in front of the door of this room, they quickly covered their mouths and noses, and fled the smelly area tacitly.

"Uncle, have you seen it? That room is full of corpses of kittens, dogs and birds! There are at least a dozen or twenty corpses!"

Lu Chujun tried not to vomit, fearful and indignant: "Could it be that there is a twisted pervert who has been secretly abusing animals here? Will the police take care of it if we call the police?"

"I see, I'm not blind."

Zhou Ze recalled what he had just seen: "They were all animal carcasses, and I didn't see any remains that looked like humans... It would be useless to call the police. Our country's animal protection law only protects precious wild animals, and it is not illegal to torture and kill stray cats and dogs."

"Then, what to do then?"

Lu Chujun's face was not very good: "Can't we just let that kind of scum continue to do evil?"

"Do you only focus on cats and dogs?"

Zhou Ze gave her a strange look: "Are you not surprised at all about what that blood array is?"

"Yes." Lu Chujun finally realized: "There seemed to be a pattern painted in blood on the ground, but I didn't pay much attention at the time."

"Although we can't call the police in the name of animal cruelty, we can use the words that someone held a cult ceremony here to attract the attention of the police, and we can also call a few news stations to ask them to report the incident and attract public attention. .”

What Zhou Ze said was clear and logical.

"Uncle, you are so smart!" the girl exclaimed.

Zhou Ze is modest: "Everywhere, it is set off by peers."

"I feel like you're hurting me." The girl was suspicious.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and call the police, the guy who tortured and killed animals may come back at any time."

Zhou Ze urged: "You call the police first, and I will check the hotline of the local news network for you. Read it as I said later, and try to call more reporters to report this matter."

Lu Chujun just pressed 110, and asked doubtfully, "Why do I have to make all the calls?"

"This publicity is not suitable for me, a migrant worker who has set foot in society... Besides, don't you want to be famous?"

Zhou Ze was persuasive: "If you can be on the TV news as the first witness, maybe the mysterious knight can see you too. Isn't it great to be followed by idols?"

Of course he was unwilling to take the initiative to call the police and the news hotline.

What if you are asked to appear in a news interview?What if I was taken to the police station for a record?It's troublesome and time-consuming, and receiving too much attention will make it inconvenient for him to stay at home and play world games.

If you are not developed in the early stage, you have to be wretched. It is enough for you to be famous for your vest, but it is better for your body to be silent and make a fortune.

After hearing his explanation, Lu Chujun really believed it.

After reporting to the police, Zhou Ze instructed the little girl to call several news hotlines, calling all the reporters from the local news network and news station.

The police are still very concerned about cult ceremonies, and the authorities have been more sensitive to such incidents recently, so they immediately dispatched as soon as they received the police.

Journalists, on the other hand, pay more attention to whether there are any hot spots that can attract people's attention. There are three elements: deserted and abandoned houses, cult rituals, and animal cruelty. scrambling to come.

(End of this chapter)

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