players lead the world

Chapter 58 The Abandoned Mansion

Chapter 58 The Abandoned Mansion
The situation of the game is getting better and better, the weather is getting late, late at night and early in the morning.

Zhou Ze took out the spirit stone and breathed it out, and set an alarm on his phone for 09:30 tomorrow.

The night passed quietly.

Washing and changing clothes the next day, he wore a low-key black hoodie, he looked a little younger on the outside, and replaced his skill slots with 'Blast Liver Power' and 'Tracking' in advance, if something really happened Easy to deal with.

The purpose of tracking is to ensure the safety of Lu Chujun. If he is alone, it is normally the best choice to bring a 'mirror image clone'.

At ten o'clock, Lu Chujun came to look for him as scheduled.

This little girl is also wearing a black jacket and sweatpants today, I don't know if she is imitating his waistcoat outfit, well, both of them are all dressed in black, standing together, the original low-key black clothes are particularly eye-catching up.

"Wow, uncle, do you understand well?"

Lu Chujun was overjoyed when he saw Zhou Ze also wearing black clothes.

"Don't say that." Zhou Ze suddenly regretted wearing black: "I have graduated from the second grade disease long ago."

Lu Chujun tugged at his sleeve, excitedly: "Let's go, let's go!"

Although they were both dressed in black, they looked like a pair of brother and sister from outsiders, and they didn't attract much attention when walking on the street.

They took a bus to the southernmost end of Jingwei Street in the southern suburbs of the city, and soon they walked along the sparsely populated street to the deserted mansion on the edge of the abandoned construction site of the second phase.

This house looks like a dangerous building that may collapse at any time, full of withered creepers and nests built by chaffinches on the roof, but the birds have long since disappeared.

Behind the mansion is a messy forest. The area to the south of the city is close to the Qinling Mountains. Usually few people come here, so it is very deserted.

"I don't think the mysterious knight will end up here."

The corners of Zhou Ze's mouth twitched. Even if he had no place to live, he would not be able to stay in such a crappy place.

"I don't want you to think, I want me to think."

Lu Chujun decided stubbornly.

"as long as you are happy."

Zhou Ze shrugged and walked to the main entrance of the old house first.

Anyway, he didn't feel any strange smell from the house, at worst, he would accompany her around the ruins, and go home as soon as possible.

He pushed open the dusty gate of the mansion, creaking and dusty everywhere, if ordinary people could not push the almost rusty gate without much effort, no one had been here for at least several years.

The two people covered their mouths and noses as they entered the mansion. What they saw was all the scattered garbage. The valuable items had been moved away long ago, and only some tattered wooden furniture and garbage remained.

"Yeah! Uncle, why are you patting me on the shoulder all of a sudden?"

Lu Chujun suddenly screamed because Zhou Ze patted her shoulder with his hand.

Zhou Ze shrugged and smiled without saying a word. He secretly attached a mental mark to her body. Even if the little girl disappeared within an hour, he could still find her specific location through tracking skills.

When the smoke cleared, he could smell a faint rancid smell in the house, which made him vigilant.

Lu Chujun wrinkled her nose slightly: "Did you smell something stinky?"

"I smell it, it's a bit like carrion, and there's a bloody smell..."

His sense of smell after I Ching washing is far stronger than that of ordinary people.

Lu Chujun was trembling, but he pretended not to be afraid: "Uncle, don't scare me. The smell of blood? Why didn't you say there were corpses here?"

"Maybe there is."

Zhou Ze's expression was serious.

He wasn't kidding. The rancid smell was so strong that it made people feel sick, and the faint smell of blood was a bit like what he had smelled at the murder scene before...especially when he found something left on the stairs on the left side of the mansion. human footprints.

Lu Chujun blinked: "Maybe it's a wild cat or a dog? There used to be stray cats in our school who got sick and hid in the corner of the playground. When they were found, their bodies were rotting. It was very pitiful."

"hope so."

Zhou Ze glanced at her: "Are you sure you want to continue exploring? It's too late to give up now."

"Of course we have to explore!" Lu Chujun was very determined: "We have come to this point, how can we give up halfway?"

Zhou Ze urged: "Then hurry up, don't leave ink marks at the door, I'm closing the door." After saying that, he pretended to close the door.

Lu Chujun hurriedly pressed his hand: "Don't! Don't close the door, keep it open."

The two were playing around as if they were on an outing. Zhou Ze scanned the main entrance hall of the mansion, and soon found some interesting clues... This seemingly deserted mansion is indeed inhabited.

"Did you see it? There are shoe prints over there, proving that someone did not pass through the main entrance, but entered through a window from another part of the mansion. Judging from the messiness of the surrounding dust, this person has at least entered and exited many times within a few days." .”

With the insight and logical thinking of a "famous detective", he is also very capable of observation in real life.

Lu Chujun ran over to observe: "Could it be the footprints of the mysterious knight?"

"Do you think the mysterious knight will live in this kind of place for several days in a row? Among other things, he was saving people abroad some time ago."

Lu Chujun couldn't hide his disappointment: "You are right. It seems that these footprints are unlikely to be clues to the knight idol."

A child is a child.

Usually, he is as smart as a monkey. When it comes to idols, he likes unrealistic whimsy. I heard from other places that the old mansion has clues to mysterious knights. I really believe it. After a little thought, I can know that it is impossible, otherwise the country would have sent people to investigate. Well, where is her turn?

She quickly cheered up again and pulled Zhou Ze's sleeve: "Let's go upstairs and have a look."

Zhou Ze glanced at Lu Chujun: "Maybe the homeless people nearby have used this place as a temporary residence. Are you sure you want to go upstairs to check? It would be embarrassing if you meet someone sleeping."

Lu Chujun giggled and said, "Isn't it because you're here? At worst, I'll give you ten yuan to apologize."

"I don't have cash with me."

Zhou Zen wondered, "What are you so persistent about going upstairs? Now that you have confirmed that the person living here cannot be a mysterious knight, your goal has been achieved, so it's time to call it a day."

Lu Chujun said: "Isn't there a rancid smell upstairs? It may be the corpse of a stray cat or dog. I want to bury it in the ground for safety."

"...Don't ask me to come, do it yourself."

"Hey, uncle, why are you so sympathetic?"

"Okay, let's work together, I'll be in charge of digging the hole and you'll be in charge of bringing it out."

"Uh, can I change it?"

"You're welcome. The physical work of digging holes must be left to adults."

"Uncle, you are so thick-skinned."

"I am over-flattered."

The two of them were bickering as they walked up the creaking stairs toward the second floor of the house. The wooden stairs were so decayed that it was doubtful whether they would break if they stepped on them too hard.

Although there are many separated rooms under the mansion that have not been explored, the rancid smell is clearly coming from above.

(End of this chapter)

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