players lead the world

Chapter 35 Game Clearance

Chapter 35 Game Clearance
When Zhou Ze rushed out of the secret passage, it was already too late.

The male explorer at the back of the queue let out a shrill scream and was dragged away by the dark roots. The sound soon stopped.

Another male and female explorers crawled out of the secret passage, followed Zhou Ze and ran out of the utility room.

But soon another arm-thick root sticks out from the dark passage, tightly entwining another male explorer's ankle. With a desperate cry for help, the man is quickly dragged back to the depths of the dark passage.

Damn, it's time to drop the rating again!
Zhou Ze knew very well that the root beard monster was almost invincible, and the person caught by it could not be saved, so he could only escape the room with the only female adventurer left.

After leaving the utility room, the scene that greeted my eyes changed drastically.

The utility room that was originally located on the top of the building turned into a dark and gloomy basement, the sound of pattering rain came from above, and the spiral stone steps that were originally downward turned upside down...

That's right, the stairs on this floor are supposed to go up!
They were not on the top floor of any castle from the beginning to the end, but in the basement of the castle!

"My guess was right."

Zhou Ze in front of the screen smiled.

There are many clues in the game that point to this answer.

The sound of upside-down raindrops; the unreasonable damage of the castle; you will get lost in the nether world if you escape from the gate; the note of 'don't go down'; and the explorer's motivation to avoid the rain...

After integrating all doubts, he began to doubt the structure of the castle.

For an ancient castle that has been abandoned for 600 years, it is impossible for the top floor to remain intact when the bottom floor is almost destroyed into ruins... In terms of shelter from wind and rain, only the basement can keep this kind of ruin intact.

The perspective picture at the beginning of the game is also misleading. After entering the castle, it is pitch black and it is impossible to distinguish whether to go up or down. You can only know the distance along the stairs by feeling.

If they were in the basement of the castle from the beginning, it would be impossible to escape from the castle if they continued to walk down, but would fall into a dead end deliberately created!

Once you leave the illusory castle that extends downwards, your soul will be lost in the nether world.

Although I don't know the principle, but going around clockwise in the secret passage in the utility room is the only way to get out of this weird and deadly ghost castle and return to the real castle!

Layers of misleading escape process, it is almost difficult to pass the level by one's life.

Pure reasoning escape games are no easier than other fighting games...

When Zhou Ze manipulated the character to rush out of the basement along the steps, what came into view was the first floor hall of the ancient castle!
Run all the way to the gate of the castle.

The sound of pattering rain gradually became clearer, the bright moonlight shone on me, and the game screen suddenly stopped.

[Escape from the castle and clear the game. 】

[The upside-down castle: Find the secret passage leading to survival alone - 10 points;]

[Incompetent leader: leading only one explorer partner to survive - 40 points;]

[When disaster strikes, we all fly away: explorer partners die a total of 5 times - -5 points (permanently reduced);]

[Score for this mission: 45 points (keep it up). 】

"Only one person was brought out, and the evaluation really failed."

Zhou Ze had already predicted it: "I know without clues that the more explorers who survive, the higher the score will be."

He restarted the game without hesitation.

Since the monster will catch up with them after they enter the secret passage, leave a bait to trap it. As long as they gain ten seconds, they can all escape from the castle without any injuries!

Separate a mirror image clone, order it to stand by in place, and try to lead away as long as the root monster comes up.

Drill into the dark passage again with three explorers.

This time, the monster was indeed distracted by the avatar, and failed to catch up with the person immediately.

Under the leadership of Zhou Ze, the three explorers quickly escaped from the gate of the castle.

This time, all survived and no one was injured.

[Escape from the castle and clear the game. 】

[The upside-down castle: Find the secret passage leading to survival alone - 10 points;]

[Conscientious leader: lead all three explorer partners to survive - 120 points;]

[When disaster strikes, we all fly away: explorer partners die a total of 5 times - -5 points (permanently reduced);]

[Score for this mission: 125 points (beyond the gods). 】

【Is it uploaded as the final result?After uploading, you can get the meritorious service that meets the evaluation level. 】

[Evaluation can only be uploaded once. 】

[The remaining time of this game is 49 hours, 52 minutes and 33 seconds, and the game will be permanently deleted after the time is over. 】

"As long as you find a way out of this brain-burning game, it's not difficult to get a high score."

Satisfied, Zhou Ze put down the handle and took off the earphones, yawned and stretched.

Before I knew it, it was past twelve o'clock in the morning.

A prompt pops up on the scoring interface: [The player has successfully cleared the level and unlocked the hidden bonus item prompt. 】

[Hidden bonus item ①: The more explorer partners survived, the higher the score. 】

[Hidden bonus item ②: Game characters and explorer partners can get the achievement of 'Escape Master' if they survive the game once. 】

[Hidden extra points ③: Find out the cause of the ghost castle and the identity of the monster to add extra points. 】

"Find out the cause of the castle and the identity of the monster? How can this be done?"

Zhou Ze scratched the back of his head: "It was mentioned at the beginning of the game that the three explorers knew the origin of this ancient castle, what kind of historical baron's ancestral home it was, but there was no way to actively communicate with them in the game... the ancient castle I also searched the second and third floors of the building, and they were full of rubbish, and I didn't find any valuable clues."

No, strictly speaking, he did not inspect the entire castle.

He was unable to search the first floor hall of the fake castle or the real castle.

But... Check the hall where the monster is, is it possible?The clone can buy him no more than ten seconds.

It is even more difficult to search the real castle.

Once you enter the secret passage, it means being chased by monsters, and it is too late to run out of the gate. How dare you continue to stay in the castle?Is it really too long?
"A score of 125 is enough. It's two points higher than the score of "The Devil with Thousand Faces". It doesn't make sense to continue to live for a hidden bonus item that I don't know how to get."

He didn't think it was troublesome, but after weighing the pros and cons, he decided to accept it as soon as it was good.

It is inevitable to make mistakes after playing too many times. If the explorers accidentally die a few times, their scores will be reduced.

Besides, in the rest of his time, he still needs to improve his physical strength to cope with the physical examination. If he spends less time on the game, he will have more chances to find a way to fool around.

Select Upload Review.

[The upload of the task evaluation is completed, and 84 points of merit have been obtained, please use it properly. 】

[Obtain the exclusive reward for customs clearance '1-star skill: Flower in the mirror and water moon', the skill slot is full, please change the skill by yourself. 】

[The only chapter of "Castle Escape", 'Ghost Castle', has been closed. Thank you for playing, a small world makes a big difference~~]

(End of this chapter)

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