players lead the world

Chapter 34 The Weird Secret Passage

Chapter 34 The Weird Secret Passage

The castle as a whole is not that big, covering an area of ​​less than [-] square meters at most, with a pyramid structure. The three-story top floor where the utility room is located only has an area of ​​about [-] square meters.

In addition to the utility room on the third floor, there are several rooms. The walls of the partitions have already collapsed, and they can be seen through at a glance.

The entire third and second floors of the castle were searched, but no valuable clues were found. They were all messy garbage. The castle had been abandoned for hundreds of years, and the decorative furniture had long since decayed. Nothing was left.

The patter of raindrops.

For some reason, Zhou Ze noticed that the patter of raindrops was coming from the sky, not the ground.

At first he thought that the sound was the sound of raindrops falling on the stone wall of the old castle, but after listening carefully, it didn't look like it.

During the exploration process, he found that the sound of raindrops was the loudest on the top floor of the castle, and became weaker on the second floor, and hardly heard the sound of raindrops in the lobby on the first floor, although he could clearly see the raindrops falling through the gap in the wall , but can't hear the sound...


He remembered that when he bought this game, there was such a reminder:
'What you see with your eyes may not be true, and what you hear with your ears may not be false. Don't rush for success. '

Listening may not be false?Could there be some deep meaning behind this strange sound of rain?
"There is the sound of rain on the top floor, but there is no sound of rain on the bottom floor. The gate is a dead end..."

Zhou Ze thought of another question: "Why did the explorers run to the utility room on the roof to shelter from the rain? Shouldn't the normal situation be that the lower floor is warmer and sheltered from the wind? This is also a suspicious point."

He manipulated the game character to re-inspect the third floor, second floor, and hall of the castle, and came to an unbelievable conclusion.

The bottom floor of this castle is even more dilapidated than the top floor!

Except for the stone walls at the edge of the castle hall, almost all of them are collapsed ruins, and the second floor is also full of cracks and gaps that leak wind and rain. Only the utility room is barely sheltered from wind and rain.

This is very illogical.

Generally speaking, the upper floors of buildings are exposed to more wind and sun, so they are generally more dilapidated than the bottom floors.

The strange structure of the castle in front of us should have collapsed long ago. With the bottom layer so damaged, how could it still withstand the pressure of the superstructure?
"This place is really weird."

Zhou Ze integrated these doubts.

After concentrating for a moment, I guessed an absurd and amazing answer!

He manipulated the character to run back to the place where he first woke up, turned on the flashlight and began to search in this dark and narrow utility room, and the perspective moved inch by inch along the wall bricks, without missing any details...

In this neglected initial safe point, he finally found the first clue of this ancient castle!
A small yellowed note was stuffed in the gap in the corner of the stone wall.

[Do you want to read the unknown note? 】

Click on it, and there are only four words in dark red on it, 'Don't go down'.

The font seems to be written in blood, it has dried up for an unknown period of time, and the age cannot be judged.

"It seems that the door in the castle hall is a real dead end."

Zhou Ze frowned slightly: "If you can't go down, then how do you go, should you go up?"

The utility room is on the third floor of the castle, and there are no higher floors. Do they need to climb to the roof outside the castle in the rain to clear the customs?

More than this, he actually suspected that the way out was hidden in this humble utility room.

Some games always like to set escape points in the most unexpected places, don’t they?old routine...

Zhou Ze kept pressing the interaction button around the wall, and he found another clue!
[I found a suspicious wall with a knocking sound that is hollow. Do you want to remove the stone bricks to check the situation? 】

If you don't look carefully, it is not easy to find that there is a small gap on the edge of the stone slab in the corner, which makes a dull thumping sound when struck.

Click OK, the character squats down and pulls the stone slab forcefully and clicks it off, revealing a one-meter-square secret passage that can only be passed by one person.

"I didn't expect that the way to survive was at the initial awakening point. There was no need to go downstairs to explore. This game has been misleading from the beginning."

Finally finding the suspected route to the way of life, Zhou Ze let out a long breath.

He shone the flashlight into the dark passage.

This secret passage goes inward only a few meters before you need to turn outside and go forward. It is impossible to see clearly where the secret passage leads from the entrance of the cave.

[Do you enter the secret passage? 】

[Friendly reminder: You cannot return after entering, are you determined to go alone? 】

unable to return to...

If this secret passage is the way to survive.

After he left alone, the three explorers left behind were sure to die.

If this secret passage is a dead end.

He brought the explorer, and his score may drop after he goes in...

Since there is a half probability of losing the score anyway, why does he not choose the former?
Betting on this secret passage is a way to survive. If you win the bet, you can directly pass the level. There is no benefit in winning or losing the other bet.

Wake up three fellow explorers.

The group of foreigners followed him obediently after being confused for a few seconds.

[First entry: open the way]

[Last entry: After the break]

A new option appears before entering the dark passage.

The risk factor of these two options is actually not much different.

If you open the way ahead, you may encounter unknown dangers, but if you stay behind, who knows if there will be any weird things behind... Especially there is a root monster downstairs.

Zhou Ze hesitated for a moment, and chose to 'open the way'.

He felt that it was more valuable to see what happened on the front road than to stay behind, and it was more conducive to his intelligence collection.

The game character holds the flashlight in his mouth, bends down and dives into the dark, narrow passage.

The next three explorers followed closely behind and got into the dark passage one by one. The light from the flashlight illuminated the dark passage, so they wouldn't be able to move forward in the dark.

The secret passage is not long, but it is winding and needs to keep turning every few meters, and every time it turns to the right, this makes Zhou Ze, who has been memorizing the number of turns in his heart, secretly startled.

One turn is normal.

Turning the corner twice is a coincidence.

Turning three times is not normal.

Even the other explorers sensed something was wrong on the fourth turn.

In particular, they can clearly feel that the distance between the second turn and the third turn is almost equal to the distance between the third turn and the fourth turn!
For the first time, the explorers took the initiative to speak.

The female explorer said fearfully: "My God, why does this secret passage seem to be twisting and turning? Do we really want to keep going... or should we go back the same way we came? (English)"

Zhou Ze didn't understand the English she spoke, but fortunately there were subtitles on the screen.

【Continue to go】


"Keep going, don't stop."

Now that you're in, there's no reason to turn back.

He wanted to see where the secret passage hidden in the corner of the utility room led. Even if it wasn't a way of life, it couldn't be a way of death.

The explorers did not question Zhou Ze's decision and continued to follow him deeper.

The terrain in the secret passage is flat, without any downward or upward fluctuations, as if it is really turning around in circles.

Not far ahead, and sure enough, we ushered in the fifth turn.

The distance of this tunnel is still the same as the distance of the previous two turns.

Just point the flashlight forward and you will be able to see the position of the sixth turn.

Turn five times in a row in the tunnel on the same level, except for the one when you just entered the dark passage, the remaining four times exactly draw a square... This is not a circle, this is what it is.

But is it really that simple?

Zhou Ze frowned: "I remember that the secret passage can only be reached by turning right, and there is no passage on the left."

If they circled around at the same distance, then they should be facing a dead end instead of continuing to make a sixth turn.

Confusing and weird.

Before he had time to think about it, he heard a dull dragging sound coming from the secret passage behind him.

This voice...damn it!That damn thing downstairs is catching up!

In desperation, Zhou Ze didn't bother to think about whether the secret passage was weird or not, so he hurriedly accelerated the speed of the character's crawling forward, and soon reached the sixth turning position, and he saw the exit!

(End of this chapter)

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