players lead the world

Chapter 175 Strange meat of unknown origin?

Chapter 175 Strange meat of unknown origin?

Let the protagonist move to the side of the idol.

Many scenes and objects in the game can be interacted with or observed. For example, this statue can obtain more detailed information through observation.

This information can be obtained by the protagonist from the outside world, or it can be disclosed to the player off-screen by the protagonist recalling the information he already knows, which is Zhou Ze.

[Simply Cthulhu Statue: After the statue of Lincoln in the Lost City was pulled down five years ago, the cultists erected a new statue there, they called it "Altar of the Old Gods"... these damn madmen across the river. 】

Lincoln statue?

Zhou Ze was stunned when he saw this word.

Could it be that this city was under the jurisdiction of the United States in the late nineteenth century?

He had always thought this was the town of Eagle Country, after all, the clothes of this group of people revealed a retro British style.

That's right, the United States didn't become independent for long in the [-]th century. Most of the high-level officials came from the colonial rule of the Eagle Country. It's normal for them to dress similarly to the Eagle Country.

"Ancient God Altar?"

Zhou Ze noticed that there was a slightly smaller yellowish stone platform directly in front of the Cthulhu statue. Looking carefully, it was not difficult to find a large amount of shocking dried blood and some indistinguishable bones and remains on the stone platform.

altar?Hiss... Could it be a living sacrifice?

With the chaos of the world, this creepy possibility is not small.

Follow the direction the Cthulhu statue is facing.

That is, at the edge of the square, you can see a wide river with slow water flow.

The river was covered in thick fog, and the visibility was less than ten meters away. An overturned shipwreck was floating on the reef visible to the naked eye, and some strange tentacles and the back of huge monsters could be vaguely seen protruding from the bottom of the river from time to time.

"How many monsters are hiding under this river?"

Zhou Ze was stunned, he didn't even dare to let the protagonist get close to the river.

But the other residents of the Lost City didn't seem to care about the abnormality of this strange river. Some people simply squatted by the river and threw stones at the place where the tentacles and monsters emerged, but they didn't see these monsters coming out to attack people.

Strange, are the monsters in the river harmless to people?

Despite his curiosity, Zhou Ze still didn't let the protagonist get close to the river bank out of his instinct to avoid risks. It would be a pity if he accidentally destroyed this initial save file, and he didn't have time to do anything yet.

Look back to the square.

There are a few figures wandering aimlessly around the square.

They are not too badly dressed, but their faces are thin and tired, their eyes are lifeless, like walking corpses without souls.

Let the protagonist try to communicate with one of the tired looking men.

The man wrapped his dusty coat tightly, and looked at him anxiously: "Yes, what's the matter?"

【Option ①: What are you doing here? 】

[Option ②: Is the weather nice, sir, my name is Kleiss. 】

At least from Zhou Ze's point of view, the latter option is obviously more polite. The former is closer to questioning than asking. It would be bad if the NPC in front of him is accidentally stimulated.

"The weather is good? What kind of weather is good for you? Do you really think the weather is good? Oh, no, you are also... people?!"

The haggard man's face turned pale with fear: "A lunatic talking nonsense!"

He wanted to escape in a panic, forcibly ended the dialog box, and fled outside the game map at an extremely fast speed.

Zhou Ze was dumbfounded.

I'm just talking about the weather as the beginning of the conversation. Even if the lost city is always dark and cloudy, it's not like just saying that the weather is good and you're scared like this, right?Many people also like cloudy days.

"It seems that I still underestimated the degree of nervousness of these guys, or maybe it's because I don't understand the Lost City too much?"

Zhou Ze shook his head and didn't pay much attention.

Anyway, there are a few other wanderers in the square, so go talk to them at worst.

But before looking for someone to talk to, he plans to follow the main storyline of the game first, to see what is the meaning of Amishus leading the protagonist Cress to the west of the city in the dream, and the key clue to advance the plot should be on it...

Manipulate the protagonist to move forward along the route in the impression.

During this period, Zhou Ze discovered that there were not many residents in this city, and there were only a few that could be seen on the street. Most of the houses in the city collapsed, and the houses that did not collapse were occupied and tightly closed , Few people are willing to go out casually.

The ground, ruins, and walls of the city are covered with a strange blood-red vine, and there is almost no grass other than that.

Some homeless wanderers simply cut down these vines as firewood, threw them into an iron trash can and burned them together, and gathered together to keep warm. There were simple bedding and some disgusting-looking dried meat beside the iron bucket.

"Jerky? Where did the homeless get the meat?"

Zhou Ze was a little puzzled.

In this city that is out of touch with the outside world and lacks resources, where can we get meat?

Moreover, these jerky meats don't look like ordinary meat. The color of the meat is so bright that it is difficult to describe the specific color. It is obviously a large piece without bones, like a mollusk... Could it be the meat of some monster in another world?

Combined with the fact that most of the residents don't seem to be hungry, this possibility is very high.

After all, according to Kleiss’ self-report, the city has been trapped in an unknown world for more than five years. It is impossible for the original supplies to support the residents for a long time, and there is no way to cultivate such a dark place... There is no other way except to obtain food from the outside world. possibility.

The meat of this otherworldly monster seems to be so easy to get, that even the homeless can get a piece of it to avoid starvation.

Probably some kind of large but weak low-end creature in the food chain... Like a sunfish or a silly roe deer, it is easy to be hunted?

Zhou Ze randomly found a homeless person on the side of the road and asked him where the meat came from.

In the end, he found that these homeless people did not know where the meat came from. The other party said that they had received these strange-colored meat from the gangsters, and the gangsters would distribute these pieces of meat to everyone in the center of the city every day.

No one knew where the meat came from, and no one dared to ask.

Anyone who dared to ask about the source of the meat was killed on the spot by Smiley's men.

In the beginning, many residents were reluctant to eat these meat pieces of unknown origin, but later the food ran out, and the residents had to compromise in order not to starve to death... The taste of these meats is actually not bad, but eating too much will make them feel dizzy.

"The gang distributes food?"

Rather than the source of the food, Zhou Ze was more puzzled as to why gangsters engaged in charity.

According to his inquiries from the bar manager, Smiling Face is not some kind-hearted guy, but a moody, sadistic, cold-blooded bully who has no regard for human life.

Of course, distributing food can also be understood as the gangsters don't want the townspeople to starve to death.

After all, if there are no people at the bottom, who will they bully those guys at the top of power in the future?
The class relationship between people is like a biological chain. If vegetarian animals are extinct, carnivores can only eat grass to survive, and finally suffer from malnutrition until they starve to death.

"Then here comes the problem..."

"Since the gangsters dare to let the whole city come to collect the meat every day, they must ensure that their own food is sufficient, and then throw out the surplus 'dross' so that other residents can live. This can even prove that they think that the quantity of these strange meats is abundant. It’s no problem even feeding the whole city.”

"In fact, it is true. The supply of strange meat has not been cut off in four or five years."

"I'm afraid hundreds of elephants are not enough to feed the hundreds of survivors in the city for so long?"

"Where do these endless strange meat come from? What kind of creature's meat is it? How did the gang get it?"

Think carefully.

Behind this inconspicuous thing is extraordinarily weird.

The weirdness of this lost city is deeper than imagined, and there are more secrets.

(End of this chapter)

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