Honestly, I'm going to be the villain

Chapter 92 Is it possible that I am an underground party? Does it have anything to do with my father

Chapter 92 Can I Be an Underground Party? It Has Nothing to Do With My Dad Being an Ancient City

The symbol of the White Lotus Sect is more or less known to all the big men with names and surnames. However, this cult should have disappeared in the long river of time.

How could there still be remnants of crimes stirring up trouble in Shanghai?
Of course, the most important thing now is not whether the White Lotus Sect is hidden in Shanghai, but the safety of Mrs. Huang and Boss Long.

"Consul Muto, how do you ensure the safety of this nightclub? Why was my wife taken away by the White Lotus Sect." Boss Huang was furious when he found out that his wife had been taken away. Sincerity?"

Shio Muto was also a little angry. He didn't know why the White Lotus Sect, which had disappeared long ago, appeared here.

Variable, this is variable.

"Boss Huang, be safe and don't be impatient. We will be responsible for the safety of Boss Long and Mrs. Huang to the end." Muto Shio assured Boss Huang.

He really has to be responsible to the end. After all, the plan of the Neon people is to annihilate all the members of the business group in the nightclub. Now that one of the targets has escaped, and the target's wife has also escaped, how can this plan be implemented?

"I see, you Nihong people have no sincerity at all. If you can't find my wife and Boss Long..." Boss Huang glared at Shixiong Muto, "Then let's not talk about this business, hmph!"

After finishing speaking, Boss Huang waved his hands and walked out of the nightclub.

"Boss Huang..."

Zhixiong Muto is destined not to call Boss Huang back. After all, this nightclub is a den of dragons and tigers at this time.
After Boss Huang walked out of the nightclub and got into his family's car, he breathed a sigh of relief: "It can be regarded as walking out alive, so I have to pity Fang Min."

When he came here, Boss Huang never thought that he would be able to walk out of the nightclub alive. After all, the virtues of the Neon people are well known.

What is the friendship between China and Japan, discussing business, but this is just an excuse to take the opportunity to kill patriotic businessmen like themselves.

Little devil, see if I don't drive you back to Dongyang.

At this time, Boss Huang made up his mind to use all his family's assets to support the country and drive away these neon people.

In the nightclub, Zhuang Xiaoman walked up to Xiao Tu's side.

"Mr. Xiao is really good. Even I don't know where Fang Min is."

"Fang Min really disappeared. I can't find him." Xiao Tu took a deep breath of cigarette.

Ah this...

Is this someone from a fourth party intervening?
"You guys, kneel down for me." Several gendarmes brought in the gendarmes who had been hypnotized by Zhao Zhongyi before, and forced them to kneel down.

"Sir, private は何も知らない" (Sir, we don't know anything).

When Muto Zhixiong heard the soldier's answer, he was furious: "What do you mean you don't know anything? Come, bring that waiter to me!"

After finishing speaking, several gendarmes brought another waiter.

"Tell me, what did you see." Shio Muto looked at the waiter and said calmly.

"It's them, it's them, who lured that luxuriously dressed lady out, and that so-and-so Boss Long, who was also lured out by them." The waiter tremblingly told what he saw.

Zhixiong Muto looked at the kneeling soldiers with eagle-like sharp eyes: "Now, what else do you have to say?"

"We really don't know anything. We only know that when our eyes are dark, we don't know anything. If the consul doesn't believe me, we are willing to commit seppuku."

"Go ahead, give me a seppuku apology." Shio Muto had no sympathy for these people.

It was these people who delayed my major event. If it wasn't for them, I should have sent someone to kill all these patriotic businessmen at this time. But because of them, my plan failed and all these businessmen ran away.

"I directed this scene well. Anyone who wanted to keep it, I kept it." Zhao Zhongyi changed back into Lin Zuer's women's attire, and quietly watched what happened in the nightclub.

Different from the original plot, Xiao Tu's plan to induce Hu Yibiao to take Fang Min away and destroy the Neon people is different. The current situation is that Fang Min and Boss Long were invited away in the name of Muto and others, and then hijacked.

Therefore, the process is different, the result is similar, and the consequences are different.

If the original plot is followed, Wu Teng will naturally suspect Xiao Tu, then arrest Hu Yibiao, and finally Hu Yibiao is imprisoned, and has since become a master of enlightenment.

But the plot is different, and the object of Muto's suspicion is about to change. For example, a certain competitor of Neon, a perverted massacre?
Hirofumi Asano, the relationship between this neon man and Shio Muto is like fire and water.

Although neither of them is a good person, and the ultimate goal is the same, they are both conquering the celestial dynasty, but the means of the two are different.

Muto Shio prefers to cook frogs in warm water, nibbling away at the territory of the Chinese Empire bit by bit, while Hirofumi Asano is a genocidalist, advocating the extermination of the race and the extermination of the people of the Chinese Dynasty.

The difference in philosophy has caused the two people to have disagreements. They have different opinions, so people disagree, and the two people often trip each other up.

So, maybe the undercover Asano Hirofumi planted beside him interfered with the plan?It seems that we need to investigate these people around us.

Shio Muto thought so.

Then ask Xiao Tu not to work in the Muteng Mansion for the time being. After all, there may be an inner ghost. Xiao Tu is suspected, and the people in the Muteng Mansion are also suspected. Therefore, first exclude Xiao Tu, whom you trust, and investigate bit by bit.

It is impossible to doubt Xiao Tu. After all, Nihong people will not obey the orders of a person from the Celestial Dynasty, even if he is the secretary of his Muto mansion.

Naturally, Hu Yibiao will not be arrested like in the original plot.

Naturally, Hu Yibiao would not let out news of the Communist Party in Muteng Mansion.

Sun Zuming did disclose to Hu Yibiao that there was a communist party in the Muto mansion, but he did not say who it was.

Xiao Tu is not the only Chinese person in the Muteng Mansion, but Xiao Tu is the only high-ranking Chinese man in the Muteng Mansion, so the Communist Party is not necessarily Xiao Tu.

"If you randomly identify Xiao Tu as the Communist Party, if you don't, you will offend Xiao Tu. How can you get on with Consul Muto?" Hu Yibiao is not stupid. Although he is greedy for money, he is not a fool. Fullness is clearly defined.

Of course, Hu Yibiao didn't confirm Xiao Tu's identity because Sun Zuming didn't say the whole thing.

Sun Zuming also has ideas. After all, he intends to replace the civet cat with the crown prince, and he wants to replace the identity of "Wasp". If the name of "Wasp" is exposed because of his information, how can he replace him?

It can only be said that Xiao Tu has not been exposed at this time, thanks to the greed of human nature, otherwise Mr. Xiao should have been taken to the dungeon to torture and extract a confession.

Something happened here, everyone present went back to their respective homes, each went to find their own mothers, after all the "guests" have left, how can this Hongmen banquet be held?

At midnight, because of the curfew imposed by the Neon people, no one dared to go out casually on the street, only Xiao Tu was left, leaning against the street lamp to smoke.

"Fang Min, where did you go?" This was Xiao Tu's thought at this time.

Zhuang Xiaoman, dressed in a long red dress, walked up to Xiao Tu, and also lit a cigarette: "Mr. Xiao has a good plan, and he was able to hide from the eyes of our military commander. Boss Long was found by us and has been sent away safely." It’s Fang Min instead, we don’t know where Mr. Xiao is hiding.”

"Miss Zhuang, I didn't arrange this plan." Xiao Tu exhaled a smoke ring, "Fang Min, I don't know where I went."

Where exactly Fang Min went is a mystery.

"Didn't Mr. Xiao take Fang Min away?" Zhuang Xiaoman smoked a cigarette, thinking about Fang Min's whereabouts,
"By the way, where did you find Boss Long?"

"A beggar gave me a note and told me the location of Boss Long, and then I found Boss Long unconscious in a car."

"Is there no news about Fang Min?"


Now that the matter has come to this point, Xiao Tu doesn't know what to do: "Okay, I understand."

Xiao Tu's eyes dimmed.

"By the way, Mr. Xiao, do you know the source of Captain Hu's news?" Zhuang Xiaoman suddenly thought of something.

"I would like to hear the details." Xiao Tu continued to smoke.

"Since half a year ago, Captain Hu has obtained a lot of information about the underground party in Shanghai, and then he was promoted and raised his salary. However, our military command has not found out where this information came from."

It seems that Zhuang Xiaoman didn't say anything, but the answer has already been told to Xiao Tu.

Hu Yibiao asked himself if he was an underground party. Half a year ago, a large amount of information about the underground party began to be leaked. All of this told Xiao Tu that there was an insider in the underground party who betrayed his own people.

"We should tell Mr. Sun about tonight's situation quickly." Xiao Tu thought so.

After bidding farewell to Zhuang Xiaoman, Xiao Tu hurried to the Jiren Library to look for Mr. Sun.

As soon as Xiao Tu left, Zhuang Xiaoman had to go back to report, and then found Fang Min who Zhao Zhongyi was hiding in her car.

Zhuang Xiaoman knew how to deal with Fang Min. He knew everything. He must be sent to the rear to take Fang Min out of Shanghai. (Zhao Zhongyi changed back to Lin Zuer, said that he was too drunk, so he told Zhuang Xiaoman that he went home first)

What I want to talk about now is naturally about Xiao Tu going to the library, and it just so happens that Lin Zuer also quietly followed.

In Jiren Library, Xiao Tu and Mr. Sun are reporting the information they have obtained?
"I think my identity may be exposed, or has already been exposed." Xiao Tu said with a heavy tone.

"How do you say that?" Mr. Sun frowned.

"Hu Yibiao once asked me if I was a Communist, and recently Hu Yibiao obtained a lot of information from our side and arrested a lot of our comrades."

"What do you mean?" Mr. Sun made a thoughtful gesture.

Xiao Tu took a deep breath: "I suspect that there is an inner ghost here."

A strange noise came suddenly, startling the two people who were discussing.

"Don't move here, I'll go and have a look first." Mr. Sun motioned to Xiao Tudao, and then went to the source of the sound alone.

Xiao Tu suddenly felt a wind in the back of his head, and then a sharp pain came, his vision dimmed and he lost consciousness.

Weak chicken Xiaotu, 100% of the battle is defeated, as long as it is about force, no one can beat it.

Joey Lam:_

Xiao Tu has no brains at all, he found something wrong, so he was not careful, his combat power is still so rubbish, alas ╯﹏╰.

No eyes, no eyes.

While Lin Zuer was covering his eyes, Sun Zuming and his son had already come out of the dark, took out a rope and tied Xiao Tu up.

After a while, Xiao Tu woke up from the coma. Looking at the situation where he was tied up, he didn't know, so he looked at Mr. Sun and said, "Mr. Sun, this?"

"Xiao Tu, thank you for your contribution to the revolutionary cause, but you actually left the Muto mansion in order to help the military commander, almost revealing your identity. What are you doing to lurk? It's absurd, absurd." Mr. Sun righteously Words said.

Xiao Tu didn't know what happened for a while, but Lin Zuer in the dark knew.

Old thief Sun is trying to commit a crime, there is nothing wrong with it, he has made up his mind to kill Xiao Tu, what revealing his identity, and not being able to continue lurking are all excuses.

"Dad, why are you talking nonsense with him? As long as he is dead, we will not be traced for betraying the information." Sun Zuming urged.

Good guy, good guy, I just said that Sun Zuming is an idiot.

Stupid is really stupid.

"So, you have been lying to me? He is Hu Yibiao's informant! And you..." At this moment, Xiao Tu understood everything.

"Xiao Tu, I never thought of killing you. After all, Wasp has made great achievements, but you have too many things. I told you, don't come to me. My son, I can't be ruined because of you." Old thief Sun He said earnestly.

"Father, it's been really difficult for you these years." Sun Zuming looked at old thief Sun and said.

Seeing Xiao Tu who was tied into rice dumplings under his feet, Sun Zuming knelt down and patted Xiao Tu's face: "Mr. Xiao, don't worry, I will inherit your identity well."

"Why? Aren't you going to be a member of the Communist Party? Why do you want to do this?" Xiao Tu didn't understand why people who promised to work for the Party would turn out like this?

"It's nothing. I did this to prove that my being an underground party has nothing to do with my father being an ancient city." Sun Zuming said righteously.

Shameless →_→.

"You must die, Xiao Tu, we are leaving Shanghai too." Old thief Sun looked at Xiao Tu, "However, since we are leaving, we have to deal with some documents."


A woman's voice came from the stairs.

"Who!!!" x2
Now is a critical moment, so the Sun and his sons are all extremely vigilant.

"Mr. Xiao, where is this place? Why are you tied up, and who are these two people?" Jiaohua Lin Zuer looked at the three people under the stairs with a confused expression.

Catch her!
Without words, as long as they looked at each other, the Sun father and son understood what the other meant.

"You guys, what are you going to do?"

"Why, why did you tie me up?"

"No, don't block me with that rag... Mmmmm."

In an instant, the ears of Sun's father and son became clear, and this woman was really nagging.

After Lin Zuer was tied up, Sun Zuming could take a closer look at the arrested woman.

"Dad, I've seen this woman." Looking at it, Sun Zuming saw the problem, "It's this woman who kicked my ass to pieces that time."

Upon hearing this, the old thief asked, "Are you sure?"

Sun Zuming nodded.

"It's just right, let's kill her to avenge you." He was as cruel as an old thief, only thinking about killing and killing.

When Sun Zuming heard it, he originally wanted to agree with his father's decision, but before that, he touched Lin Zuer's chin inadvertently, which made Sun Zuming think differently.

"Perhaps, can I have a refreshment before I leave?" Sun Zuming thought of doing it.

"Dad, leave this woman to me first, and let me take revenge." Sun Zuming showed a wicked smile.

The old thief naturally agreed to his son's request, after all, he owed his son too much.

Then under Lin Zuer's frightened eyes, Xiao Tu's unbearable eyes, Sun Zuming's evil eyes, and the old thief's determined eyes.

Lin Zuer was dragged into the back room of the secret room.

Then came Lin Zuer's crying, the tearing of fabric, and Sun Zuming's laughter...

(End of this chapter)

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