Honestly, I'm going to be the villain

Chapter 91 Accidental Appearance

Chapter 91 Accidental Appearance
It's been a long time since I changed into men's clothes, not to mention, it's quite comfortable to change into men's clothes suddenly.

After changing into men's clothing, it is natural to change the original appearance. After all, it is not like this. Anyone who is not blind can tell that this is Lin Zuer pretending.

Seeing their young master coming, the subordinates of the Xingrong Gang definitely couldn't stop them. If it was an ordinary person, at this time, they definitely couldn't let strangers in casually, but this is the young master after all, so they definitely couldn't stop them.

For 10 minutes, Xiao Tu thought of a way to save the business group without sacrificing Fang Min.

To save the business group, there are two elements.

The first is the death of members of the business group, but this so-called death is unnecessary, and no member needs to sacrifice his life
Second, the prisoner must have contact with the Japanese and be able to leave a handle for the business group to create conflicts.

Of course, there is the last question, how can Xiao Tu achieve these two elements without revealing his identity.

Xiao Tu looked around, and finally saw two people, Ding Lixi and Hu Yibiao. After repeated choices, Xiao Tu chose Hu Yibiao.

After all, Hu Yibiao has an eye for money, and as long as he promises enough benefits, he can successfully use Hu Yibiao.

Unlike Zhuang Xiaoman, the people in the secret service department don't actually know the actions of the Japanese. They only know that the Nihong people invited the wealthy businessmen to discuss business cooperation between the two parties. They don't know that the Japanese want to kill the business group. member's.

The asymmetry of intelligence gave Xiao Tu an opportunity to take advantage of it.

That is to say, after this incident, the world has lost a man named Hu Yibiao, and gained a master who is enlightened by Dharma.

However, with Zhao Zhongyi around, Xiao Tu's plan would be useless.

Zhao Zhongyi has his own plan, a plan with a little bit of intelligence and a little bit of force.

First of all, it is necessary to find a few subordinates to help yourself.

Members of the Xingrong Gang can't be chosen, they are all my subordinates in the future, and they can't be moved, so who else can I choose?
Zhao Zhongyi looked around the entire Great Shanghai Nightclub, saw a few figures standing at the door, and had an idea.

Quietly walking out of the back door, Zhao Zhongyi followed the alley to the front door of the nightclub.

There, there are several neon gendarmes.

This is the helper Zhao Zhongyi will choose.

First of all, change to Lin Zuer's face.

Zhao Zhongyi sighed, and now he had to change his appearance to a female appearance.

Picking up a pebble, Zhao Zhongyi hid in a corner, cleverly revealing a jade arm and a face that is alluring.

Just looking at one arm and one face, anyone who sees it will think it is a woman who is all over the country.

That's what a gendarme who was stoned to the ground thought.

Zhao Zhongyi hooked his fingers and showed a charming smile: "Taijun, come."

The gendarme had never seen such a beautiful woman before, so he raised his pants and walked towards Lin Zuer.

"Flower girl, Wada Siwa is here."

With the expectation of a good body, the military police walked towards Lin Zuer, looking forward to a relationship between Guan Bao and Bao Bao.

However, the reality is cruel, Guan Bao's friendship is doomed to be impossible.

Seeing the so-called "woman" in front of him, with her daughter's face, woman's hands, and man's clothes, the military police immediately wanted to shout loudly to summon their companions, and at the same time drew out their guns to shoot at the "woman" in front of them.

However, no matter how well-trained this soldier is, his speed of drawing his gun is not as fast as that of a martial artist who has practiced martial arts for 200 years.

A strong sense of suffocation came from the neck, and the soldier felt that he could not breathe.

Gradually, the palms of the soldiers became stronger, the soldier's neck became red, the veins burst out on the forehead, and his feet kicked randomly. hands.

"Hush, keep your voice down, you are my helper." Zhao Zhongyi put his finger to his mouth, making a gesture of silence.

After finishing speaking, the pupils in Zhao Zhongyi's eyes disappeared, leaving only the whites of the eye sockets.

Then, a black dot appeared in the middle of the white of the eye, and the black dot gradually expanded to the surroundings, forming a circle, and then continued to repeat, the black dot became a circle, and then surrounded by circles.

At first glance, it looks like the eyes of reincarnation, but Zhao Zhongyi really knows that this is not the eye of reincarnation, it just looks more like it at the time.

Skill: [Blood-patterned Eyes]

If it's a skill, it's better to say it's a bloodline, or should it be called a blood inheritance limit?
This is indeed the bloodline from that world, and it is a skill from 2000 years after the era of Naruto and Heshigi.

In that world, a ninja boy who was obsessed with scientific research accidentally read the history of 2000 years ago, and was inspired by it, and wanted to research the same eyes as the family that was exterminated.

After spending his whole life, this boy succeeded and developed a pair of eyes. However, when manpower was limited, although he developed a pair of eyes, compared with those legendary eyes, what he developed was really nothing. .

These eyes are named [Blood Streak Eyes]. They have the same dynamic vision, the same hypnotic ability, a little bit of ability to strengthen the body, and hereditary ability. Besides, there is no limit to that legendary blood successor. Same feature.

And this boy has been working hard to study this pair of eyes even after he was old, and even when he was dying, he wanted to let the descendants who inherited the eyes study this pair of eyes hard, restore the pair of legendary eyes, and even surpass the legend s eyes.

This is the last world, the bloodline/skill drawn by Lin Yaozu, for him, the only useful thing is a hypnotic ability, after all other abilities, he already has it, so naturally he doesn't like it.

Zhao Zhongyi's eye lines changed, and the gendarme who was strangled by his neck also changed from kicking his legs indiscriminately, to limp hands and feet, with dull eyes, and soon became the same eye lines as Zhao Zhongyi's, but the gendarme's eye lines were different. It means he has blood-streaked eyes.

The military police were hypnotized and became Zhao Zhongyi's subordinates.

Later, Zhao Zhongyi repeated his old tricks, and the remaining five gendarmes were also hypnotized to become Zhao Zhongyi's subordinates one by one.

When Zhao Zhongyi brought people into the arena, Xiao Tu had already disappeared, and Hu Yibiao might not be there at the same time.

Needless to say, Xiao Tu and Hu Yibiao must have gone to discuss kidnapping Fang Min.

Find a member of the Xingrong Gang and send him to attract Fang Min.

The reason to attract Fang Min is naturally the reason of "meeting an old friend".

According to Fang Min's understanding, it must be Xiao Tu who made an appointment with him. After all, he didn't know anyone in the nightclub.

Seeing that Fang Min was easily tricked out, Zhao Zhongyi was happy, but for some reason, his neck felt a little heavy.

"Long time no see, Min'er."

Zhao Zhongyi leaned against the wall and greeted Fang Min.


Fang Min saw that it was Zhao Zhongyi who came to see him, and he was a little lost.

"Min'er, I'm very disappointed. You are my fiancée, but you think of other men, even for other men. You left Teacher Xia behind, ran to Shanghai alone, and even became someone else's wife." The moment he saw Fang Min, Zhao Zhongyi was a little disappointed, "Am I really not as good as Xiao Tu?"

Fang Min: "..."

For a while, the two looked at each other speechlessly.

It wasn't that Fang Min didn't explain, it was that he really didn't know how to explain it to Zhao Zhongyi. Indeed, he came to Shanghai alone for Xiao Tu, not to find Zhao Zhongyi, but he, he just wanted to know the answer.

"Okay, Fang Min, you've seen Xiao Tu too. Being a traitor is very fun, so you don't have to worry about him." Zhao Zhongyi said with a blank look in his eyes.

Disappointed, very disappointed, especially after seeing Fang Min, Zhao Zhongyi was even more disappointed.

His eyes are full of concern for Xiao Tu, but he doesn't feel any concern for his fiancé who has a marriage contract.

So, is his position in Fang Min's heart so humble?

"Whatever, Fang Min, if you want to pursue your happiness, I won't stop you. When I see my teacher again, I will discuss with him and dissolve our engagement." Zhao Zhongyi took a deep breath , as if a huge decision had been made, "We owe nothing to anyone, so let's part ways."

"Loyalty, I..." Fang Min saw the frustrated man in front of him, and didn't know how to answer him.

"I'll save you one more time. I hope you can tell your teacher that you are loyal to me and you have no chance to be father and son with him when you arrive at the rear."


Fang Min only felt a pain in his neck and lost consciousness.

Holding Fang Min in his arms, seeing her beautiful face, Zhao Zhongyi sighed: "It belongs to me, it will be my own anyway, not my own, after all, I have nothing to do with myself. Goodbye Fang Min, I hope that we will meet again one day." When the time comes, you will not sacrifice yourself for Xiao Tu."

They called a hypnotized neon gendarme and ordered him to put Fang Min in his car, and planned to find a time to send Fang Min out of the city.

Then, it should be that boss Huang.

Zhao Zhongyi looked at the fat rich businessman, his eyes flashed.

Unlike Zhao Zhongyi's plan, Xiao Tu's plan was going crazy.

The stage has been set up, the supporting roles are in place, and the heroine himself is ready, but now the heroine is gone.

Without Fang Min, how would I implement my plan, and how would I save the business group?
Xiao Tu became worried, and at the same time, Hu Yibiao, who was smoking non-stop because of impatience, was also worried.

Similar to Xiao Tu, Hu Yibiao also started to worry, and the worry was also that Fang Min had disappeared.

It's just that, unlike Xiao Tu, Hu Yibiao is worried that his ransom will be lost.

In order to save people and the business group, Xiao Tu came up with a way to get Hu Yibiao to kidnap Fang Min, and then framed Hu Yibiao, allowing himself and the business group to escape at the same time.

In the end, what about me, Fang Min?I am so good-looking, where is Fang Min who is so beautiful?Where is my childhood sweetheart, Fang Min, who loves each other?Where did it go?
Zhao Zhongyi: (# ̄~ ̄#)

There is no play, no matter if it is the protagonist or the villain, everyone is very anxious.

Zhuang Xiaoman was also anxious when she heard the news from Xiao Tu that Fang Min had disappeared, she was also anxious.

After all, Fang Min is an indispensable role whether it is the plan he made before or the plan Xiao Tu came up with later.

However, this role is gone now.

What to do?You won't really want to attack other members of the business group, that is, those wealthy businessmen?
Zhuang Xiaoman carefully considered the feasibility of this plan.

"Action is always accompanied by sacrifice" is true, but it depends on who is sacrificed?
Shangfeng exhorted thousands of times, saying that those members of the business group should be protected. These businessmen, one counts as one, all made great efforts for the party and the country to be able to fight against Japan with all their strength. As a result, I now know that the Neon people But because of the lack of a key, these patriotic businessmen will be killed by the neon people.

Zhuang Xiaoman is very unwilling, the current situation is not what she wants.

"Miss Zhuang, Fang Min is gone, what should I do now?" Xiao Tu was a little anxious. After all, the reason why he chose Fang Min was to ensure that his identity would not be exposed, and at the same time complete the task of saving the business group.

Hearing Xiao Tu's question, Zhuang Xiaoman rubbed the center of his brows and forced himself to calm down: "Mr. Xiao, don't worry, there is still some time before the Neon people's plan starts, and we still have some time. I will send our people to Let's find it."

"Well, I see, please Miss Zhuang." In this situation, Xiao Tu has nothing to do.

blah blah blah!
The sound of the leather shoes hitting the ground reached Xiao Tu's ears.

Hu Yibiao! ! !
That's right, the person who came was the captain of the Special Service Division Operation Team——Hu Yibiao.

Hu Yibiao came here in a hurry, not because of anything else, but because of Fang Min.

"Mr. Xiao, didn't you say that you knew Mrs. Huang? Where did Mrs. Huang go, do you know? Didn't you agree that I, Mr. Hu, would kidnap Mrs. Huang? It wouldn't be Mr. Xiao who you wanted Take the ransom alone?"

There was no one around at the moment, only himself and Xiao Tu, so Hu Yibiao opened up and said something. [Zhuang Xiaoman took a step first and sent someone to track down Fang Min's whereabouts, so only Xiao Tu stayed where he was, and was stopped by Hu Yibiao]

Upon hearing Hu Yibiao's guess, Xiao Tu immediately denied it: "Where is Captain Hu? I, Xiao Tu, am alone. How could I swallow the ransom? Captain Hu is overthinking. Without you, how can I make money from those wealthy businessmen?" Woolen cloth?"

Hu Yibiao nodded after listening to Xiao Tu's explanation: "That's right, Mr. Xiao is a senior officer of the Muteng Mansion, how could he do such a thing? Yibiao is reckless, please take care of Mr. Xiao."

"Where is Captain Hu, we all work for Consul Muto, earn money together, and enjoy happiness together. The friendship between Captain Hu and I is brotherhood." Xiao Tu chatted with Hu Yibiao.

While chatting, Hu Yibiao suddenly seemed to think of something, slapped his thigh and said: "By the way, Mr. Xiao, Yibiao recently received a message saying that Consul Muto may have Communists lurking under him, and I don't know about Mrs. Huang's Is the disappearance related to the Communist Party, and it may even be an opportunity to do some shameful things?"

Tick ​​tock!

A drop of cold sweat ran across Xiao Tu's forehead, and flowed down his handsome face to his chin.

"Captain Hu is joking, how could Consul Muto have a Communist Party?" Xiao Tu grinned, unable to believe it.

"Well, what Mr. Xiao said is also true. Is there any Communist Party that can hide from Consul Muto's discerning eyes? Even if you, Mr. Xiao, are the only Chinese under Consul Muto, you cannot be a Communist Party. After all, the information provided by Mr. Xiao , but let Hu Mou catch a lot of underground parties." Hu Yibiao said to himself.

"Hahaha, that's true, as long as Captain Hu knows." Xiao Tu yelled, "We work for Consul Muto, and that's for self-protection. If it's really the Communist Party and an undercover agent, how can I be caught by the anti-rape team?" Chasing and killing, but also attacking my teacher?"

After chatting for a while again, Hu Yibiao and Xiao Tu turned around and walked in the same direction.

Only through the light on the wall can it be seen that the expressions of the two people are very dark.

Xiao Tu secretly discovered that his identity may have been exposed, and the person who was exposed may even be one of his own. On his side, an inner ghost appeared.

Hu Yibiao was gloomy, because he completely doubted Xiao Tu's identity. After all, judging from Xiao Tu's reaction just now, it was very unnatural. This person must have something to hide from him. It may be the Communist Party, but Hu Yibiao is not in a hurry for the time being, the future will be long, and he will look for evidence first.


something big happened!
This is what Xiao Tu and Hu Yibiao discovered after returning to the banquet hall.

The crowd on the dance floor had already dispersed, members of the business group were all frowning, Mr. Xu and other members of the Xingrong Gang all looked worried, and Shixiong Muto also frowned.

Hu Yibiao and Xiao Tu leaned forward to take a look, and happened to see a letter on the table, a blackmail letter.

After seeing this letter, Xiao Tu and Hu Yibiao were both shocked.

Someone implemented their plan? X2
Contents of the letter:

Boss Long and Mrs. Huang are both in my hands. If I want to redeem them, I have to hand over a large amount of ransom. Once the ransom arrives, they will be released naturally.

There is no signer's name, and there is only a white lotus flower in the place where the sign is signed.

White Lotus Sect! ! !
But, hasn't this sect been broken up long ago, and has been integrated into the Qing Gang, Hongmen Xiaodaohui or something?How come there are still remnants?

For a time, people panic!
(End of this chapter)

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