Chapter 65
How to deal with Han Chen's batch of goods, Azu has no idea yet. After all, today is different. In the Qing Dynasty or Song Dynasty, it was okay to do extensive reading by yourself, but not in modern society.

After all, at that time, I wanted to grab Han Chen's goods, but I didn't want him to continue to use these things to harm people.

But the trouble is, how to deal with it after grabbing it is now a big problem.

It's definitely not good to resell it by yourself, it's not good to return it to Han Chen, it's not good to give it to Huang Zhicheng, it's not good to give it to Chen Yongren?Don't be funny, the speeding car robs the police target with guns, and the justice undercover Chen Yongren will never allow a person like Azu who endangers public order to exist.

I don't know how to deal with it, so Azu piled up the goods in a corner of the warehouse, leaving them to eat ashes.

Because it has not been dealt with, Hong Kong Island is now crazy about black and white. They are all looking for this batch of goods, and there are even Thais involved.

That's right, the two younger brothers who came from Thailand to deliver the goods were killed, who would be happy to put it on whom?After all, the one who died was his younger brother, so it's okay for the older brother not to vent his anger on the younger brother?
The underworld is also looking for this batch of goods. Apart from the owner Han Chen, there are people from other forces looking for it. After all, this is Han Chen's goods, and the value is definitely not low. If they find it, they will definitely not be able to return it. Only in this way can Hei survive.

Bai Dao is the person from O Ji who is looking for him. As long as they find it and cooperate with the undercover testimonies, they can directly nail Han Chen to death.

The forces of the three parties are so anxious that the ants on the ordinary hot pot are called a circle.

As for our culprit, Mr. Guan Zu, he is considering his next move.

It was already impossible to snatch Han Chen's goods. Now that this batch of goods has not been found, how could Han Chen get the next batch?

So, after much deliberation, Azu decided to rob the gold shop.

The feeling of being a robber is really cool, especially when you run away after the robbery, and you can still mock the people behind you while running, that feeling is very exciting. (Crime leads to a dead end, the novel is written, if it is true, it will lead to a dead end)
Tse Sui Lun Gold Shop, one of the top ten gold shops on Hong Kong Island, is mainly engaged in jewelry design, retail, export and manufacturing.

And there are branches in major cities in Asia.

The branch chosen by Azu is in Wanchai District.

It is still the same old action plan, stepping on the spot, setting the time, preparing weapons, and preparing the escape route.

Because only A Tian and A Zu were dispatched when robbing Han Chen, there was no chance to use the large-capacity Wuling Hongguang.

But it's different now, the whole shop must be mobilized to rob the gold store, can this be done without Wuling Hongguang?

Since it was about to be robbed, he couldn't act while the night was dark and the wind was high like before.

That night, it was to prevent the police from finding traces of myself and others, but now it is different, there is no need to prevent the police at all, it is reckless to rush in, the hammer is the wealth code, and it is over.

For this operation, Azu decided not to wear a hood. After all, Pikachu's hood is too eye-catching. If he is accidentally discovered, he will be surrounded by three parties. I have no problem. God, Su, Mais, let them go It won't work.

Since you choose not to use a headgear, then choose the makeup technique of the four major Asian magic arts to cover up your true face.

It is written in the guide of women's clothing tycoons that women's clothing tycoons must not only have similar voices, but also have similar clothes and faces.

What's the face like?Naturally, it is time to make up, as long as you make up, you can change from male to female, from female to male, as you like.

Azu asked Zhou Su to bring a bunch of cosmetics and started his first journey of makeup.

This is the first time for Azu to put on makeup. Whether it is in the drama world or in the real world, he has never tried it. Now is the wonderful journey of Azu's makeup.

The first is to make a foundation. Azu, as a white and handsome young man, among other things, no matter in ancient times or in modern times, he is one of the best in ten miles and eight villages.

So since you want to change your face, you have to change your skin color first. Now that tanning is impossible, so I use cosmetics to make my face look darker and rougher.

The skin color change is definitely not finished, but some changes must be made on the face.

For example, fill in some scars on the flawless face to make the whole person look more vicious, trim the eyebrows, and then add a beard to the chin, making the whole person look more than 20 years old.

The last thing is the hairstyle. The clean and tidy inch hair needs to be changed, and it happens that I still have a prop that can be used at this time.

[Name: Zhang Dongsheng's Headgear]

[Effect: Change a person's temperament and appearance]

[Introduction: Mr. Zhang is near middle age, in addition to the crisis of marriage, there is also the crisis of losing his head. How can he be bald and lose his head as a teacher?A perfect wig headgear can solve the middle-aged baldness crisis and make you look ten years younger. 】

[Remarks: As a middle-aged person, there is no choice but to soak goji berries in a thermos]

"When you put on the golden hoop, you can't stick to the lust in the world. If you are emotional, the golden hoop will be tightened until you can't speak."

Azu faced the mirror, put on the hood, and muttered while wearing it.

"Brother Zu, let's talk about Hotness, you just wear a hood, don't imagine yourself as Monkey King." Hotshot appeared behind Azu and said quietly.


Azu didn't use to look at the fire directly, but just squinted at him.

In an instant, Huo Bao only felt that the one in front of him was not that big brother, but a ferocious beast.

"Okay, okay."

Fierce and trembling withdrew.

After going out, he patted his chest with lingering fear, scaring the baby to death, brother Zu's makeup skills are really amazing, he couldn't see the face of the creamy boy from before at all.

Azu: "As ruthless as I am, Xiao Xiao retreats!"

Wan Chai District, Tse Sui Lun Gold Shop in Central.

In addition to the original staff, there are only a few people in the store.

That's right, today is Monday, and it's in the morning, which is when ordinary people go to work. If they don't really have money and leisure, who can visit gold shops on this big Monday?
There were only two men and a woman in the store, and the woman was on the phone asking her lover what ring to choose.

A man is shopping for gold jewelry.

As for the remaining man, it was Comrade Azu who was dressed a little rustically and wore a dirty suit.

Although Azu's appearance at this time was rustic, he was very proud.It's really done--trench, earthy and luxurious.

Originally seeing the sloppy Azu, the clerk refused to let him in, but whoever let Azu in took out his membership gold card.

Isn't this considered as a father's support?Even if he was fired by the boss on the spot.

He couldn't bear to let the child not be caught by a wolf, Azu was not short of money, but just liked to experience the excitement, so he specially bought a membership gold card.


The warrior's intuition alerted Azu a little. He quickly looked outside, only to see a red dot flashing on the top of an armored vehicle outside.

Time bomb!

"Get down!!!"

Azu let out a loud cry, then quickly pulled the woman on the phone and covered her with his body.

boom! ! !
On the bustling streets of Central, there was a sudden loud noise, and the Bank of America mortgage car was blown away.

"Ah Tian, ​​what are you doing? Isn't it a gold shop?" Azu stood up and shook the broken glass on his body.Immediately called Liu Tian and roared loudly.

"Azu, it's not me. We haven't started to act yet. We encountered real robbers. Just now, the cash truck at the gate of Xie Ruilin blew up." Liu Tian replied on the phone.

"Made, it's true! Grass!" Azu cursed secretly, then dragged the woman who was stunned by the aftermath of the explosion aside, and carried the other injured people in the store to one place, and used the table After blocking, Azu was about to walk out of the gold shop in his gray suit, and chatted with those gangsters who dared to do things with his fists.

"Jiayi, Jiayi, what's wrong with you?"

Azu picked up a phone at his feet, and a man's voice rang from it.

"Hey, brother, your girlfriend is fine, but she was fainted by the aftermath of the explosion. I put her in place, Xie Ruilin store in Central, you can come and find her." After finishing speaking, Azu hung up the phone and walked out. Gold shop.

It was the first time he let someone else put a bomb beside him to explode, and Azu never suffered this kind of grievance.

Bang bang bang!
Gunfire continued.

A man wearing sunglasses and a windbreaker, holding a pistol, was shooting at the escort who was wounded in the armored vehicle.

At the same time, five men and one woman fought from the car in the corner, and also started attacking passers-by with guns.

After Azu saw clearly that Wei was alone, he exclaimed, "Wolf Warrior, what is your retirement life all about? Is that all?"

(End of this chapter)

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