Honestly, I'm going to be the villain

Chapter 64 There are gangsters, stop trading

Chapter 64 There are gangsters, stop trading
OCTB, the full name of the Organized Triad Crime Investigation Bureau, referred to as oji

In the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station at this time, all the police officers with Huang Zhicheng as the first police officers are here.

These people got together for no other reason than tonight was Han Chen's trading time.

At this time, Hong Kong Island is considered to be in a turbulent state.

In a transaction, the three parties gathered together.

Han Chen and the Thai are on the side, O Ji is on the side, and Guan Zu is on the side.

Compared with the previous two parties, Guan Zu's biggest advantage is that he knows the place of the transaction, and has already ambushed with weapons in advance, and will wait for the opportunity to grab the goods.

As the senior inspector of the intelligence department, Liu Jianming must be present at this moment when O Ji is guarding such a big case as Han Chen. After all, Han Chen has a clue, so he can only serve as an undercover agent for him.

Putting on the earphones, Liu Jianming focused on the screen in front of him.

On the screen, Han Chen led people to the second floor of a residential house, where he did business with Thai people.

Han Chen, as a cunning, careful and bold black boss, naturally knew that he was being monitored by the police at this time, but so what?

As long as the police don't know their delivery location, they can't do anything about themselves. After all, this world is about evidence.

Soon, the Thais are coming.

After a brief exchange of pleasantries with Han Chen, the Thai took out the "souvenir product" he brought from Thailand - cigars.

But everyone knows what cigars to bring when doing business with Han Chen.

So this cigar is not a cigar at all, but a sample - "white flour".


"Hey, Mais, what's the matter?" Azu turned on the phone and answered the call from Mais.

Liang Maisi, who was squatting on the opposite side of Han Chen's residence, looked at the screen on the monitor, and wanted to report to Azu: "Azu, Han Chen has already started checking samples with the Thais, and it is estimated that the transaction will start soon. .”

After hearing Liang Maisi's report, Azu smiled lightly and said, "Maisi, you are still too young to trade directly after inspecting the samples. You know they are trading, and the police know it too. Your task now is to Keep an eye on Han Chen, if they start trading, call me and prepare to cut off the signal at Longgutan, it won't take too long, just 3 minutes."

"Understood, Azu." After Liang Maisi replied, he hung up the phone and stared at the screen.Be ready to report the situation at any time, and let Azu and Huobao start to grab things.

After hanging up Mais's call, Azu thought for a while, picked up the walkie-talkie and called Huobao again.

"Hey, hot, how is your side? You can see clearly."

"Don't worry boss, Xiaoyi, the latest night-vision infrared high-power mirror, guarantee that no one can get close to the goods except you, come one, I'll make one."

"Well, I got it, it will be fine to injure all of them at that time, but points will be deducted for killing."

"Don't worry, boss, my score will definitely be number one."

"Well, let's do this first. I'll call Ah Tian and ask him about the situation over there."


"Hello, Tian."

"What's the matter? Azu."

"How is your deployment going?"

"Don't worry, the roadblocks and oil barrels have been deployed, and they will definitely not be chased by them."

"Okay, let's wait for the signal from Ah Tian."


Chen Yongren opened the cigar, poured out the "white noodles" inside, shredded it skillfully with a card, then divided it into three sections, rolled up a Hong Kong dollar, covered one nostril, and took a puff.

"AA+." This was Chen Yongren's comment after the inspection.

make a deal!

Hearing Ah Ren's comment, Han Chen hugged the Thai instantly, looking like real brothers.

After inhaling, Ah Ren skillfully picked his teeth with his hands. He has used this inspection method countless times. He is really tired of this kind of life, even boring.

"I hope Huang Sir and the others will move smoothly." Chen Yongren prayed silently in his heart.

In fact, he also knows that he can only do his best to do what he can do now, and the rest is up to Huang Zhicheng and the others.

Just inexplicably, a bad idea appeared in Chen Yongren's heart.

"This operation will not fail?"

After Ah Ren saw the earbuds that Han Chen was wearing, he felt that something was wrong.

After confirming that the samples were correct, Han Chen called his boss, Ma Dilu, and his younger brother, Shaqiang, and told them they could pick up the goods.

When the GTR started, Sha Qiang was inexplicably excited. He couldn't tell whether he was excited because he was riding a car or doing business, but he knew that if he successfully picked up the goods this time, he and others would get bonuses.

I really want to go to the sauna!
Sha Qiang, who was sitting in the co-pilot, thought so.

The enemy has already been dispatched, and after receiving the report from his subordinates, Huang Zhicheng immediately sent someone to follow up, but he also knew that this was a mutual test between him and Ah Chen, and this first confrontation would definitely be fruitless, the key It still depends on what happens next.

The first fight ended in a draw, and neither Huang nor Han took any advantage.

Han Chen didn't disclose his delivery location, Huang Zhicheng called his subordinates back, and didn't continue to waste time doing useless work.

Now the two are waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity for the other to let go!


"Mace, what's going on with them?"

"Here, Chen Yongren has notified Huang Zhicheng that the delivery location is at Longgutan. Huang Zhicheng has already sent someone there, and Han Chen also sent Shaqiang and the others to Longgutan to receive the goods."

"Well, I see. When I send you a message, I will directly block the signal here."

"Oh, I see."


Han Chen called Di Lu and asked, "How is it?"

Di Lu watched the speedboat approaching from the sea, and replied, "Brother Chen, they're here."

"Ask Ah Qiang to order something to see if it's enough. Check to see if there are any policemen around."

"Hey, there's not even a ghost here."

After inspecting the goods, Han Chen ordered to receive the goods, and Sha Qiang got close to the shore in a speedboat.

Both Han Chen and the evil Huang Zhicheng thought they had the chance to win, but they didn't know that the mantis was catching the cicada and the oriole was behind.

On the other side, Azu, who was squatting in the grass, saw Dilu hang up the phone, quickly dialed Maisi's phone, told him to block the signal from Longgutan, and at the same time told Huobao on the walkie-talkie, kill that A few Thais wounded everyone who tried to get close to the cargo, and asked Ah Tian to get ready and take cover.


Mais sat on the chair, clacking and typing on the keyboard with his hands, and finally pressed Enter.

So without the knowledge of everyone in Longgutan, their mobile phone signals were all blocked.

At the same time, the signal from Oji Police Station, the signal from Han Chen, and even the message from Liu Jianming were all blocked by Mais, and they were intercepted directly. The message was sent to Han Chen.

Biu! Biu!

After receiving the news from the boss, Huo Bang shot immediately, aiming at Sha Qiang's thigh and arm.


Silly screamed, fell to the ground, and dropped the bag in his hand on the beach!

Blood gushed out.

"Those who ride horses, you want black and black!"

When Di Lu saw that Sha Qiang was shot, he reacted instantly, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to touch behind him.

It's just that Dilu took a chance. He came to do business tonight. Brother Chen didn't let him bring a gun, so he didn't bring it either.

Shaqiang was shot and fell to the ground. Apart from Shaqiang and Dilu, there were also two Thais on the speedboat who were shocked.

Biu! Biu!

Another two shots, the two Thais have no chance to find out who shot in the back!

What the hell!

At this moment, Di Lu also understood, it's not that the Thais want to cheat, it's that other people want to steal the food from Brother Chen!

Ignoring the cargo thrown on the ground, Di Lu hurriedly pulled up Sha Qiang and hid behind the speedboat to prevent being attacked by the sniper in the dark.

Han Chen's subordinates were dumbfounded, and Huang Zhicheng's subordinates were also dumbfounded. Isn't this plot right?Why are there still snipers? o The thing I wrote down has nothing to do with the Flying Tigers. It seems that the boss didn't notify the Flying Tigers to come. What's going on?
It was too late to say, but it was too soon, and the situation in the field changed in an instant.

Those who responded quickly from the police had already notified Huang Zhicheng.

Can't get through! ?

Not only can't get through with the police, but also can't get through with Dilu.

A roar of stepping on the accelerator came from the dark, and a GTR rushed out of a bush.

This GTR is fast, and it rushed beside the speedboat in the blink of an eye.

"Boatman, let's sail, we can retreat now, the rest is up to the boss." Huo Bang put away the sniper rifle in his hand, and said to Zhou Su behind him.

"Say it, don't call me a boatman, bastard!"

Although he was cursing, Zhou Su still knew what he was going to do, so he stepped on the accelerator, and the speedboat sped away!

The car door opened, and a person in the co-pilot's position stepped out and put a bag on the ground.

This person is dressed in black and black trousers, wearing a bright yellow knitted hat with red lips, as ridiculous as he wants, but Di Lu, who has been in the world for many years and has killed countless people, knows that this person is not easy to mess with!

"Hehehe, Amu, I drove the GTR you want to buy, but I can't drive it because you look like you!" Seeing Shaqiang who fell on the ground, Azu sighed.

"Who are you?" Dilu asked tentatively.

"Does it have something to do with you? We are here to snatch your boss Han Chen's goods. I...fuck you, Golden Retriever, drive quickly." Azu gave a strange cry, calling for Liu Tian, ​​who was wearing a red mask, to drive.

Azu clearly saw that there was already a policeman wearing body armor and rushing over with a pistol. Someone had already reacted, and turned on the lights of the police car, trying to see Azu and others clearly.

This shipment cannot be lost!

Whether it is for Han Chen, Huang Zhicheng, or Guan Zu, it is very important!

Ah Tian kicked the gas pedal down, bringing up a large amount of sand, all of which fell on Di Lu and Sha Qiang.

"Attention those who escaped and hijacked goods in front, you are surrounded, put down your weapons and surrender!"

Someone shouted with a loudspeaker in the back, and at the same time there was the sound of the vehicle starting.

scare me?Am I intimidated?
"Ah Tian, ​​where is the oil barrel?"

"Both sides of the road are covered by grass."


Azu, who was wearing a Pikachu headgear, smiled charmingly and got out of the car window.

"Everyone, sir, be careful, bullets don't have eyes!" Azu shouted from a distance, then pulled out his AK47 and shot at the raised haystacks on both sides of the road.




The sound of explosions came one after another, it was the sound of oil drums being exploded.

The sound of the explosion stopped the chasing police cars in an instant, but after thinking about it, they were unwilling to reconcile, and immediately started the vehicles, ready to continue the pursuit.

But before driving far, they were forced to stop one by one because the tires burst.

The moon is dark and the wind is high, no one is around, the lights are dark, and the spirit is tense. Who can see the tire tying device on the roadblock that Azu deliberately blacked out on the road?
So they were stopped one by one, the one in front stopped with a puncture, the one behind made an emergency stop, and then got stuck in the middle.

I could only watch the black GTR drive away, and a group of popular people stomped on the spot.

After learning the news of Azu's success, Mais unblocked him directly.

So the mobile phones in Tsim Sha Tsui received two messages.

"There is an insider, terminate the transaction!"

"There are gangsters, stop the transaction!"

The first one was naturally sent by Liu Jianming. He wanted to carry out the spirit of being an undercover agent and deliver the news to his boss.

The second message was sent by Liang Maisi. He felt that since he and others had acted, he had to make a name for himself, so he imitated Liu Jianming and sent a message.

After receiving the first text message, Han Chen must have called Di Lu immediately to tell them to destroy the goods. After all, the person who could send this text message must be his undercover agent in the police department.

But after the second message was sent, Han Chen gave up calling. After all, Huang Zhicheng brought someone to the door, and he had no time to find the ghost.

Huang Zhicheng was also deceived. The younger brothers at Longgutan called and told him that Han Chen's goods had been robbed. You said that Han Chen ordered people to take the goods into the sea, and his old Huang also admitted, but you said they were robbed. What do you mean?
The enemy drives an unlicensed, unmarked GTR.

With a rifle in his hand, he exploded several oil drums and placed a large number of roadblock tire puncturers.

Han Chen's idiots were broken by sniper rifles, and two delivery Thais were shot dead by snipers in the dark. Is it outrageous?

Is it my sniper?I have so much power?
Huang Zhicheng: (___)ノ|
Han Chen: (°ー°〃)

In the base, Azu asked Mais to calculate everyone's scores.

"Azu made a plan and snatched the goods with his own hands, 200+300, 500 points."

"Su is in charge of driving the boat, 100 points."

"Fire kills two Thais, injures Sha Qiang, 200+200+100, 500 points."

"A-Tian set up roadblocks, drive a car, release oil barrels, provide vehicles, 200+100+100+100, 500 points."

"As for me……"

"Mai Si blocked the signal of Longgutan, and at the same time added the omissions in my plan, blocked the signal of the police and Han Chen, and sent text messages to mock at the same time, 200+100+100+50, not bad." Azu took Mai Si's words said the head.

The ratings are fair and just, how many things have been done, how many ratings have been obtained, but because this action is too simple and not exciting, Azu decided to save the video for the time being, and use it when there is another action later.

"Then what about these goods?" Ah Tian pointed to the bag on the ground.

"Han Chen's 4000 million goods can't be wasted. Let me think about it first and see how to use it."

Azu stroked his chin, thinking about how to use the "white flour" waste on the ground.

Three days later, the video of Azu and others snatching things in a speeding car made the news, but it only said that Azu and the others were a speeding gang who stole a batch of important things, but did not say what it was.

Right now, both black and white are offering rewards to find those speeding gangsters who snatch the goods.

After Huang Zhicheng got it, he directly sued Han Chen for extensive reading.

Han Chen sold the goods after he got them, and after catching those bikers, he chopped off his arms and legs and threw them into the sea.

【Ding! 】

[The task is completed once. 】

[Rewards start to be drawn...]

【Extraction is complete! 】

【please check! 】

After Azu completed the task, he lay down on the bed and started to draw the lottery. Looking at the rewards, they are really good.

[Name: Offal Scissors/Sword (Peak of Excellence)]

[Effect: mobilize internal force, release sword light, chop everything in front of you]

[Introduction: This is the strongest assassin of a certain Xuanwu Kingdom who made a living by selling offal after his downfall. This does not prevent him from realizing a scissors trick from the daily life of cutting cows. This trick is both a scissors technique and a swordsmanship. With one scissors swung out, everything in the world will be cut into pieces.]

[Remarks: The sword light is like me, cut off all the bullshit]

really not bad! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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