Chapter 31

After choosing an auspicious day, Huang Feihong decided to open the museum on that day.

But what Master Huang didn't know was that the date of his opening was revealed by two apprentices, and the reason was that Huang Shihu invited them to prostitute his girls for free.

On the opening day, Master Huang received guests in the inner hall, and said excitedly to the two staff members, one tall and one fat, "Thank you for your love and love, Feihong has no morals and incompetence, how can he serve as the leader of this moral reformation meeting?" The important task of the president?"

"You don't need to be humble. Young people nowadays don't have any moral values. Where can you find someone who is as young and mature as you?" The tall member said.

"Yes, yes, that's why we specially pressed a plaque for you as a gentleman, congratulating you on the opening of your new building. This is a double blessing." The fat man responded in agreement.

Baozhilin changed the location and reopened, and the landlord Huang Shihu also picked up the excitement and chose to open on the same day.

At this moment, seeing a lot of girls, the apprentices lost their minds on practicing, flirting with the girl next door.

After that is the famous scene.

The tall member said: "Your apprentice is really good at teaching, everyone is alive and well."

The disciples outside the door showed their fiery biceps and pectoralis major to the girl next door.

Fat staff member: "Good appearance."

The disciples outside the door pretended to be ugly to win the girl's favor.

Gao Yuanwai: "The eyes are like the sun and the moon"

Awei squinted his eyes evilly, his eyebrows flickered, and he blinked quickly.

Fat people: "Eloquent"

This is the truth, the saliva of the disciples outside the door really flowed out of a river, they all looked so hungry and thirsty.

Then there was another famous scene, Sister Pomegranate took the lead in singing the general's order.

In a fit of rage, Huang Feihong planned to start the business ahead of schedule and start the business ahead of schedule.

The yellow lion and tiger on the other side also took the opportunity to come out and open the museum ahead of schedule.

However, when the red cloth next door was uncovered, Feihong's master and apprentice were taken aback, and saw three striking big characters on the wide wooden sign, Xiangzhi Pavilion.

Huang Feihong turned around and scolded Liang Kuan: "You actually chose a brothel as your neighbor. This makes the martial arts comrades and the common people think of us. You didn't pack up quickly and moved immediately."

There was a clap of applause.

Yan Zhendong appeared at the right time and watched the big show. Just now those disciples made a fool of himself, and he didn't miss the general order sung by the enchanting Sister Pomegranate.

When watching the play, Yan Zhendong almost rolled off the room laughing.

Being scolded by the master, neither Awei nor Akuan kept silent. This time, I and others did something wrong. For a person like Master who values ​​face and is stingy, I let him make such a big embarrassment. It's not easy.

Huang Feihong took two asshole apprentices into the Xiangzhi Pavilion, ready to go to the theory.

Seeing Huang Shihu, Master Huang directly questioned: "Huang Shihu, your family is..."

When Huang Shihu heard Huang Feihong's question, he replied without thinking: "A high-end entertainment place."

Master Huang: (? Dish?)

Yan Zhendong: Pfft

This girl's yellow lion tiger is really talented, worthy of Bu Layun, Ah Lek is really capable.

Master Huang was frightened and asked, "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

Unexpectedly, Huang Shihu interjected: "Master Huang, I have to say a few words to you. You are the one who opened the museum, and I am also the one who opened the museum. We belong to the same religion, so why do you have prejudice against us? Let's talk , This brothel is a high-end entertainment place, it has been passed down from the ancestors, and it can be regarded as a traditional culture. Think about it, those who learn martial arts have finished their martial arts training in Baozhilin. After they come out, they are tired and tired. How beautiful it is for us to rest and enjoy in the Xiangzhi Pavilion."

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha." Yan Zhendong laughed out loud, his mother Let is a real genius.

Once upon a time, Liu Bei: I have been fighting for a lifetime, so I can't enjoy it?Then play music and dance.

Now student: I have been boxing for a fucking day, so I can’t enjoy it and take a rest?Then play music and dance.

As for the girls: Grandpa, here we come.

"Hmph." Huang Feihong flicked his sleeves and left angrily.

Seeing that Master Huang left just like that, Huang Shihu became anxious, and said to Ah Wei and Ah Kuan, "You two, why is Master Huang leaving? I'm still planning to worship him as my teacher and learn two martial arts."

Awei: "Who is he?"

Ah Kuan: "I don't know."

Huang Shihu: "You?"

Ah Kuan: "Who are you?"

Awei: "Nong Sanin?"

Youdao is that the present report came quickly, just now Awei and Akuan pretended not to know Huang Shihu, but they immediately slapped them in the face.

The reason is that I met the girl from the Xiangzhi Pavilion, that is, Huang Shihu's god-sister, Nine Girls.

These nine girls look like the younger version of the shopkeeper, except that they don't say "I cut you off with a single knife, and your face is full of peach blossoms", they are exactly the same.

Seeing that Xiangzhiguan still has such a character, both Ah Wei and Ah Kuan got to know Huang Shihu again in an instant. It's a pity, how they treated Huang Shihu before, Huang Shihu also treated him the same way, pretending not to know.

Ah Kuan and Ah Wei saw that no one paid any attention to them, so they had no choice but to go back to Baozhilin in despair.

After a few people left, Yan Zhendong thought about it, came out from the dark, and stopped Huang Shihu.

Yan Zhendong waved his hand and said loudly: "Huang Shihu, walk slowly."

Hearing someone calling him, Huang Shihu turned his head and looked at the person who stopped him, with a questioning expression on his face: "Who are you? Why do you feel so familiar?"

It's not that Yan Zhendong's reputation is not good, it's that Yan Zhendong doesn't make public appearances as often as Huang Feihong.

Huang Feihong, who opened a medical gym, also opened a martial arts gym part-time.

The benevolence of the doctor, the authenticity of Shaolin, and the excellent fists and feet are all evaluations of Huang Feihong.

Let’s look at our master Yan, although he is known as Foshan Xiongda, nicknamed King Kong Invincible, although this name is very bluffing, but once you hear this name, you know that he is a rough-skinned and thick-skinned master, and Master Yan often sees the head and sees the tail , Hang around in the brothel Goulan.

Yes, Master Yan does have his own martial arts gym, but his martial arts gym is not like Master Huang's martial arts gym, which teaches himself the famous stunt. Yan Zhendong's famous stunt is an iron cloth shirt, which consumes a lot of medicinal materials and consumes a lot of medicine. With a lot of money in martial arts, taking all Yan Zhendong's money out can only cultivate one or two full-level iron cloth shirts, so it is doomed that Yan Zhendong's martial arts gym cannot teach him his famous stunts.

Without fame stunts and bullet-stopping iron cloth shirts as a gimmick, those who came to be famous just left. Besides, what does Yan Zhendong's martial arts school teach?In addition to teaching some close combat skills, the teaching is more about gun shooting.

The first thing for apprentices to do when they enter the martial arts gym is to learn how to use guns, so that they don’t have to fight close to the enemy. When they come up, they are just a wave of AK47 ripples. The average person can’t stand it. Of course, the AK rifle ripples are open to the rich. In the courses, you need to charge money to shoot guns, and the poor can only learn close-to-body combat skills.

In this way, unless they are very poor or very rich, no one will practice martial arts in Yan Zhendong's martial arts gym. The Yan family's close-fitting fighting skills are not majestic at all.

Besides his personal image, Master Huang has sword eyebrows and star eyes, full of heroism, and looks like a gentleman.

What about Yan Zhendong?With a bald head, a bunt, a lumpy body, and a serious face, he is simply a villain.

Although for Huang Feihong and Thirteenth Aunt, they had been together for a long time and knew that Yan Zhendong was a serious person on the outside and a sand sculpture on the inside, but the others didn't know.

Just Yan Zhendong was in a good shape, and when he stood in front of others, he thought he was going to steal money.

Because the goal is to worship Huang Feihong as his teacher, Huang Shihu still has some understanding of the people around Huang Feihong, just like he knows that Huang Feihong has four direct disciples, and also knows that there is Yan Zhendong who is as famous as Huang Feihong, but this What Yan Zhendong looks like is unknown.

Yan Zhendong saw La Ge's confused face, cupped his hands and said, "I'm going down to Shandong Yan Zhendong."

After saying this, Huang Shihu's eyes lit up and he had an impression, so he replied, "Nong is Master Yan who is Vajra Invincible? Ala has admired him for a long time. I don't know why Master Yan is looking for me?"

Yan Zhendong didn't mean anything, he likes people who are long-winded, so he went straight to the point and said: "I think your Excellency has exquisite bones, which are suitable for practicing my Yan family's kung fu, so I want to accept you as an apprentice. I don't know what you think." how?"

Huang Shihu frowned after hearing this: "Master Yan, are you sure you're not playing a liger?"

Huang Shihu has traveled all over the world, and he has also learned about the rules of accepting disciples in some martial arts halls. I will not talk about those who need to have martial arts background. Even if they do not have martial arts background, at least they should not be too old. Afraid you are not kidding yourself?

Yan Zhendong also saw Huang Shihu's thoughts, and quickly said: "Don't worry, Your Excellency, I, Lao Yan, am not a person who likes to lie, I am serious."

It's not that Yan Zhendong is fooling people and fell in love with the girls in other brothels, except that Ah Le is really funny, in fact, it is this Ah Le Huang Shihu who is really suitable for practicing his Yan Zhendong's martial arts.

The martial arts that Yan Zhendong wants to teach is naturally the iron cloth shirt of the high martial plane.

This iron cloth shirt has said before that it needs a lot of natural resources and earthly treasures to cultivate, but that is just a training method, and this iron cloth shirt has another training method.

Relying on natural materials and earth treasures is the method of external training, and another training method is the method of internal training.

This iron cloth shirt basically cultivates one's own qi and blood, strengthens one's own qi and blood, and then uses the power of qi and blood to nourish the body, making the body indestructible.

Why do you need a lot of geniuses and earth treasures? That is because you need external objects to nourish yourself, strengthen your own blood, and then use the power of blood to nourish your body, so as to reach the level of indestructibility.

In addition to using the method of Tiancaidibao, there is another kind of person who can practice directly.

This kind of person is the kind of person who is born with strong qi and blood, full of qi and blood, can directly practice the Iron Cloth Shirt Kungfu, transforming qi and blood to nourish his own flesh and blood, and this kind of person can use less natural materials and earth treasures , Even without the treasures of heaven and earth, you can cultivate the iron cloth shirt well.

This yellow lion tiger is a person who was born with full of blood, but he didn't practice martial arts since he was a child, so his blood accumulated and turned into fat on his body, and because of the full of blood, he even opened the two meridians of Huang Shihu's body up.

People in this world accept apprentices based on their age and body, and Master Huang also sees it in the same way. This is just a low-level world. If it were changed to the world where the iron cloth shirt is located, the yellow lion and tiger should be from various sects. Those who rushed to accept apprentices, unfortunately, had no chances, so Yan Zhendong picked up the treasure.

Seeing Yan Zhendong's serious look, Huang Shihu scratched his head: "But, but Master Huang said that I am too old to practice martial arts?"

Yan Zhendong smiled disdainfully: "He's lost his mind, but even if he doesn't lose his mind, he can't teach you, so I can only do it."

Huang Shihu said with a serious face: "Master Yan is serious?"

Yan Zhendong nodded: "Really."

Huang Shihu asked again: "Really?"

Yan Zhendong nodded: "Sure enough."

Huang Shihu asked again: "Then..."

Yan Zhendong saw that the yellow lion and tiger was so verbose, so he turned his head and left, pouted: "Made, there are quite a lot of nonsense, if you don't learn it, don't learn it, I won't teach you anymore."

Seeing Yan Zhendong turn his head and leave, Huang Shihu was in a hurry. He didn't expect that Master Yan was still a person with character, so he hurriedly called Yan Zhendong: "Master Yan, stop?"

Yan Zhendong turned around and said in a low voice: "The owner of the Huangshihu Pavilion has decided?"

Huang Shihu nodded hurriedly and said: "It's decided, I'll learn, please master Yan teach me."

Then Yan Zhendong smiled all over his face and said, "Oh, apprentice, wouldn't it be better if you promised earlier?"

Yellow Lion Tiger:? ? ?

Seeing the appearance of his new master, Huang Shihu was at a loss, and asked tentatively, "Then when will we start practicing martial arts, Master?"

But Yan Zhendong waved his hand, walked slowly into the Xiangzhi Pavilion, and replied: "Don't worry, this is a secret technique of our school. I will teach you tonight. Let me come to your Xiangzhi Pavilion to play first."

Seeing the bald head walking into the Xiangzhi Pavilion, Nine Girls quietly pulled Huang Shihu beside her, and whispered: "Brother, is the master you worship reliable?"

Looking at Yan Zhendong with the girl on the left and the girl on the right, Huang Shihu murmured: "It should be reliable!?"

Seeing my brother like this, Miss Jiu stomped her feet anxiously: "Brother, are you not afraid of being deceived?"

Huang Shihu shook his head: "Don't be afraid, at most, this Master Yan has been prostituted for nothing. My brother has been in the rivers and lakes for so many years, and he still has a little sense of seeing people. This Master Yan should not be lying."


Let's say that after Yan Zhendong had a good time whoring that night, he directly asked Huang Shihu to make a grand gift of apprenticeship under the gaze of all the girls, and he himself drank the apprenticeship tea and named Huang Shihu as Yan La, and then he retreated from everyone and taught Huang Shihu Liger martial arts.

Afterwards, Huang Shihu saw his master imparting skills, and he said that he had made a lot of money, and the regret of not being able to worship Master Huang as his teacher was gone. With this master Yan as his master, it would be gone if Master Huang was gone.

This night, Yan Zhendong was also very satisfied. He did not expect that the newly recruited disciple was really talented. He could cultivate his iron shirt to the second floor in just one night, and the ninth floor of the iron shirt was the full level. , so to be able to practice to the second floor in one night, Ah Le Huang Shihu is definitely a genius.

The iron cloth shirt on the second floor is definitely impossible to resist bullets, tear devils by hand, etc., but the resilience of the body has been greatly enhanced.

In order to make Ah Lek believe that he has cultivated to the second floor, Yan Zhendong also took a knife and cut Ah Lek's hand. Unexpectedly, it was completely healed in less than 1 minute without leaving any traces. The most important thing is that refining After getting his own energy and blood, Ah Le became a little thinner, and even more handsome.

After seeing the changes in himself, Ah Lek shouted that he had made money. Later, when he realized that his master’s iron cloth shirt can be cultivated except the master himself and himself, Ah Lek swelled up, especially when he knew Even Huang Feihong's master Huang couldn't wrinkle this iron shirt, so Ah Lek was really floating.

The price of floating was to challenge Ah Kuan and Ah Wei the next day, and then they were beaten up by the two, and then healed up after a while, and fought with them again, and finally the three were tied
When Awei and Akuan came to the Xiangzhi restaurant with two dark circles under their eyes, but Huang Shihu looked calm, the nine girls were shocked. It's unbelievable that the old brother even played one to two to a tie.

That's right, Gao Wugong is so unreasonable.

After learning about the miraculous skills of Master Huang, Master Huang also wanted to learn, and used his shadowless foot and tiger-crane double-shaped boxing in exchange for it, but after seeing the skills and knowing the story of Yan Zhendong But he said that he couldn't practice.

This exercise is true, and it is also true that Master Huang could not practice it, but the story Yan Zhendong made up at that time was false.

At that time, the content of the nonsense compiled by Yan Zhendong was: his Yan family used to be the largest family in Shandong. After he got the iron cloth shirt, the Yan family disappeared. Yan Zhendong juggled, begged along the street, and finally came to Guangdong to beg for food.

(End of this chapter)

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