Chapter 30

Without receiving Aunt Thirteen, Yan Zhendong and Huang Feihong returned to Baozhilin.

In Baozhi Forest, Liang Kuan is leading Baozhi Forest's disciples to practice Kung Fu Fist.

Because the venue is small and there are many disciples, the practice of this boxing method is crooked, not like a boxing technique at all.

Yan Zhendong picked up a cup of tea, took a sip, and then sighed: "Master Huang, why bother? At the beginning, I wanted to help you open Baozhilin in Guangzhou. What did you tell me that a gentleman doesn't eat cheap food, and you refused me? Looking at it now, this place is not open at all.”

Ah Wei put his hands in his hands and said, "Yes, master, Master Yan said he wanted to help you at the beginning, but you still didn't accept it. Now the patients who enter our Baozhilin will be hurt more than before they did not enter."

Huang Feihong scolded Ah Wei: "Master, what are you talking about? Go down and stand for two hours. I haven't practiced the Crane Fist until now. I've been idle with Ah Kuan all day long. He has foundation, you have no foundation, and you are not diligent." , go stand up."

After Master said so, Awei had no choice but to hang his head and stand up.

Now only A Kuan and A Wei, A Su and A Rong are staying with Master Huang. One continues to sell pork in Foshan while controlling the militia. Baiyao is gone.

Yan Zhendong and Huang Feihong chatted one after another, and then discussed the boxer monster who fled to Guangzhou recently.

Yan Zhendong feels that these three altar owners just came to Guangzhou to explore the way, and the real big event is yet to come.

It's a pity that Ye Wen is not here, he was sent to Tianjin to suppress the red light, and he can't come back for the time being.

The White Lotus Sect is now in the hands of Yan Zhendong, and demons such as Yihequan are scattered all over the place, but there is an organization of Yihequan in Tianjin, that is, the red light, and the demon moths are more fierce recently, so Yan Zhendong decided He sent Ye Nalan Yuanshu Xiahouwu Wen to suppress the red-light photos. He said it was suppression, but in fact it was subdued.

Yihequan has nothing to do with the White Lotus Sect, but the Red Lantern Illumination has something to do with the White Lotus Sect, and can even be regarded as a branch of the sect, but the leader of the Red Lantern Illumination, Huang Liansheng's mother, is close to Yihe Boxing, so for Yan Zhendong at that time, "Bailian Guiyi" The imperial edict is not interested.

That is to say, Yan Zhendong didn't have the heart to take care of the red light at that time, otherwise he would kill the Madonna of Huanglian on the spot and take over the red light. After all, it is also an armed force and cannot be lost. Even if they are all women, women hold up half the sky , With a gun, it is not inferior to a man.

While chatting, one person sent a letter to Master Huang. After reading the letter, Master Huang frowned.

This person was sent by the landlord, and the letter also came from the landlord's rent increase letter, and the rent was tripled.

Yan Zhendong can secretly control prices, but not real estate. Master Huang rejected him, so he will not be hot-faced and cold-ass. At worst, when Aunt Shisan and Master Huang get married, he will give them a big yard to open Baozhilin Enough.

Yan Zhendong left, and was going to find a brothel to have a good time. When people are free, they tend to want to do something.

Asking what love is in the world is a promise of life and death, so Yan Zhendong dare not be emotional, only daring.

Thus, Uncle Yan, who was having a lot of fun, was born, and the girls in the Goulan all thought that Uncle Yan would patronize them a few more times.

Let’s not say that Mr. Yan is strong and strong, the most important thing is that he is rich, he also knows how to love girls, he can speak with his mouth, and he can talk about love while cultivating land. Those love words make the girls in the Goulan feel moved when they hear them No end, even when facing other guests, the girls said such fresh and refined words, which made the guests leave a tip before they left.

Regarding this, Yan Zhendong smiled disdainfully, and it was just a mere love story, Yan wanted as much as he wanted.

Coincidentally, Liang Kuan and Zhang Wei were wandering the streets that day, and they happened to meet a boss, who was also surnamed Huang, and his name was Liger. His ancestors left two courtyards, and they planned to start their own business together. Another piece can be rented out to others.

When Huang Shihu heard that Liang Kuan was actually an apprentice of the famous Huang Feihong, he said excitedly on the spot: "My biggest wish in this life is to learn a few tricks from Master Huang. Wu Gong, my piece of land allows you to open the museum for free."

In order to achieve this, Liang Kuan only picked good things to say when he reported to the master. As for any other problems, he didn't say anything.

Of course, Huang Feihong was also willing to change the venue to a bigger one, so he nodded in agreement. After all, the rent was too high for him to afford, and he couldn't bear to ask Master Yan for help.

If you want to save face and suffer, who is to blame for Master Huang?

Just when Huang Feihong decided to move his home to a new location and prepare to open the museum on a certain date, he suddenly heard that the magistrate sent someone to summon him, saying that he had something important to discuss.

Admiral Nalan is no longer here, so for the time being, Guangzhou is once again owned by the prefect.

As soon as Huang Feihong walked into the government office, he heard the sound of martial arts training. Judging from the sound of that person's breathing, this person has a long internal energy, and he has practiced hard work for at least 20 years.

After entering the inner hall, he saw a shirtless man wiping his body. After he changed his clothes, Huang Feihong clasped his fists and said, "See Mr. Qian."

Then I saw Mr. Qian Zong laughed: "Hahaha, I just took office and was in charge of local law and order. I know that Master Huang was the head coach of the militia, and all the people he taught were martial arts wizards. So I want to meet Master Huang , I need a lot of help in the future, hahahahaha."

As he said that, he wanted to hug Huang Feihong, how could Master Huang bear this, a woman could hug, but a man couldn't.

Backing away with clasped fists, Huang Feihong said, "My lord, you are too serious."

After laughing, Mr. Qian sat down for a few seconds, bounced up again, clasped his fists to Master Huang and said: "I have heard for a long time that Master Huang was in Shaolin. But I don’t know what kind of fist it is, the I-shaped tiger, the double-shaped tiger and the crane, or the ten-shaped fist..."

Mr. Qian Zong listed a lot of boxing techniques.

It can be seen that Mr. Qian may not understand Master Huang very well. Both martial arts and feet are in the past tense, and now they are four masters. Of course, Master Huang can be called a master of fists and feet. Let's count marksmanship, after all, muskets can be used by people, and they can't be used on the table, and the same goes for medical skills, which are not valued by people in the martial arts world.

Huang Feihong couldn't help laughing and said: "Mr. Qian, the name Feihong was added indiscriminately to save face by people in the martial arts circle. Please forgive me."

Mr. Qian then turned around, and while the police were serving the tea, he pulled hard on the carpet with his feet, causing his subordinate to fall down, wanting to splash Huang Feihong with tea.

Master Huang had been prepared for a long time, knowing that the comer was not good, so he kept concentrating on it. When he saw that the arrester was about to fall, he sat on the chair and pushed hard with his feet to drive the chair to turn, preventing the arrester from rushing forward. The tray was placed on the coffee table, and the chair returned to its original position with a strong foot.

When Mr. Qian turned around, Huang Feihong was drinking tea.

Feihong was swayed by him, knowing that this person is not a kind person, so he dealt with it carefully.

Mr. Qian said with a strange smile: "Master Huang is really good at it, Lei admires it."

Master Huang replied: "Master Qian's martial arts are not weak?"

Hearing what Huang Feihong said, Mr. Lei Qian looked confused: "Me? I can't do it. I can't develop muscles no matter how hard I practice. I can't compare to Master Huang."

Turning his eyes, Lei Qian finally paid attention, and said with a characteristic strange smile: "By the way, I caught a gangster yesterday. Two cups of yellow soup, hahahaha, we still can't catch him, I wonder if Master Huang has a way to deal with him?"

His subordinates had already brought over a burly man with disheveled hair, Lei Yixiao retreated to the side of the man, secretly opened the chain, and pushed the big man in front of Feihong.

The man was extremely manic, and immediately attacked Feihong who was closest to him after he was able to move his hands and feet.

But Huang Feihong's sense of proportion has experienced hundreds of battles, and this time he was extremely well-measured in this battle. He neither hurt the strong man with his shots, but also properly blocked the strong man's attack.

Lei Yi smiled and looked at it for a long while, knowing that Feihong's martial arts were profound, he couldn't try anything if he continued to test, and the robber saw the magistrate, and prepared to hurt the magistrate.

Lei smiled and saw, where is this going?The magistrate is still useful for the time being and cannot die, so he suddenly shot the prisoner to death.

Huang Feihong could see clearly that this Lei Yixiao's martial arts were not weak, and this person's attacks were extremely fierce, and he was never soft on the enemy.

Lei Yixiao knocked back the yelling big man with a few palms, and then kicked his heart-piercing legs, directly smashing the big man's Tianling cover.

There was a crisp bone cracking sound, and the big man vomited blood and died.

After getting out of the government office, Huang Feihong couldn't help wondering, why did Mr. Qian have such deep hostility towards him?I didn't know this person before, and I am a citizen and he is an official, there should be no connection between the two.

After thinking about it, Huang Feihong still decided to tell Master Yan what happened today, maybe he can see something.

In the evening, when Huang Feihong and Yan Zhendong talked about today's events, Yan Zhendong immediately recognized the true identity of the newly appointed President Qian.

Huang Feihong didn't know, but Yan Zhendong did.

This Lei Yixiao is a pseudonym. This person's real name is Lei Fei. He is the core figure of Yihequan. He has been in the officialdom in Guangzhou for many years. The magistrate has already become his puppet. He will replace him when the time is right, and then control Guangzhou city.

But since Huang Feihong and Yan Zhendong came to Guangzhou, they have united all kinds of civil forces and taught them martial arts and sticks. They have become a large armed force, posing a threat to the rebellion of Boxing Boxing, so they took advantage of their official status , wanting to drive Huang Feihong and Yan Zhendong out of Guangzhou.

This meant that Nalan was not here, otherwise Lei Fei dared to jump around like this in front of Nalan, Nalan would have to ask Lei Fei to eat a full set of cloth sticks.

Unlike Huang Feihong who has a family and a business with a fixed location, Yan Zhendong's family business is everywhere, and he is not sure who he is. Unless he shows up in person, he can go one by one to find him.

So now Lei Yixiao can only test the depth of Huang Feihong's kung fu, not knowing the depth of Yan Zhendong's kung fu.

Knowing the ins and outs of the matter, Yan Zhendong didn't plan to tell Huang Feihong for the time being, after all, if he wanted to see Master Huang's drunken fist, he couldn't do it himself.

Yan Zhendong tried to take Huang Feihong to a brothel before saying goodbye, but was rejected by Master Huang. After cursing that Master Huang looked down on re-employed women, Yan Zhendong took four steps to find a brothel for the night.

(End of this chapter)

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