Honestly, I'm going to be the villain

Chapter 16 Uncle, I'm Really Getting Angry

Chapter 16 Uncle, I'm Really Getting Angry

In the evening, Yan Zhendong walked to the pier.

With the scorching heat during the day, the pier at night is a little quiet.

Here, not only a large number of freight and passenger ships dock and transship here, but also rely on the city's extremely favorable terrain, and the thriving employment industry.

During the day, dense crowds of people crowded together, and the pier was a naked battlefield for survival.

It's not like in modern times, where one unit can't afford employment, and if you switch to a few more, there will always be a position that is more suitable for you.

On the pier, these people who count money by the day, whether they have a job for a day, determines whether the whole family will go hungry, and whether they can let their mother-in-law do less laundry for others.

It is crowded with people during the day, but there are not many people here at night.

It's not that there is no one there at all, at least Yan Zhendong can still hear some chant sounds with his ear, probably because someone is working overtime.

No matter so much, Yan Zhendong's goal is on the big ship docked by foreigners beside the pier.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the imperial court was weak, and the imperialist powers opened the door of the Qing Dynasty with strong ships and guns. At that time, China was once reduced to a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, and the people's life was very difficult.Under such circumstances, the imperialist powers have endlessly plundered our country. In addition to plundering land and resources, they have also done such inhumane things as human trafficking. His behavior was aimed at our country again.

"Hehe! After selling out Nico and selling Chinese, I, Yan Zhendong, won't uproot your Citigroup, and I will write Yan on the horse backwards." Thinking of the current situation of the Chinese, Yan Zhendong felt a burst of unexplained anger.

As for Nige, you can sell it casually, but Yan Zhendong can't accept selling Chinese.

The Chinese laborers who were sold to the European and American markets were collectively called "piggies". Most of these Chinese were deceived by the lie of going abroad to work with high wages, and then they were imprisoned in a centralized manner.When the ship to transport the "pigs" arrived, they were all imprisoned in the cabin and transported away.

For example, in the original plot, there are so-called lies about going to Jinshan to dig for gold.

This wishful thinking is really clinking, you have cheated people away, and even cheated you of money.

Because of the "maritime ban" policy implemented by the Qing government, in order to prevent the workers from escaping or making noises to arouse suspicion, the dead foreign devils also blocked all the gaps in the cabin.

Eating leftovers, getting sick without medical treatment, and being pulled out and abused by foreigners, and this harsh life will continue until the end of the drifting at sea. This kind of drifting usually lasts for several months. When the drifting life of several months is over, There are not many laborers left on this ship.

The foreign devils not only sell "piglets", but also "pig flower".

"Zhuhua" is different from "Zizi". "Zhuzi" is taken to work as a laborer. Before being cheated, she went there voluntarily, but "Piggy" was deceived, abducted, kidnapped and taken on board, and then all of them were forcibly taken away. The conditions in the cabin were as bad as those of "Piggy".

The foreigner's garrison is very conspicuous, with a towering bamboo wall, and foreigners with guns patrolling the wall.

With a ghostly figure, he dodged all the way to bypass the inspection of foreigners.

Daoist Ling really has two brushes, this hand Yu step is really good, his inner strength is poured into his legs, his figure is erratic, and he can sneak into the enemy's camp under the eyes of others, which is really good.

But even if he is discovered, Yan Zhendong is not afraid. At worst, just kill the person who discovered him. Doesn't the correct sneaking posture mean that he was not discovered?It's also a reasonable infiltration to take out the enemy who finds itself.

After twisting off the head of a foreign devil who found himself, Yan Zhendong put on the military uniform of a foreign devil, lowered his head, and pretended to be a foreign devil and sneaked into the cabin behind the station.

Holding his nose, Yan Zhendong entered the cabin, the scene in front of him made his eyes tear open, and he even had a killing impulse rushing in his chest.

Inside the cabin, thirty or forty girls in ragged clothes with large skin exposed were imprisoned in an iron cage.

These girls had dull eyes and numb expressions, and they only reacted when they saw Yan Zhendong appear.

It cannot be said that there was a reaction to Yan Zhendong, it should be said that there was a reaction to the clothes Yan Zhendong was wearing, and a reaction to the clothes of the foreign devils, and this reaction was a reaction of fear.

As Yan Zhendong approached, the girls started to retreat like frightened rabbits, all the way to the edge of the iron cage, until there was no way to retreat.

The girls were terrified, and even kept muttering as they backed away.

"Let me go, let me go, I won't run away."

"Don't hit me, don't hit me, I didn't mean to bite you."

"I'll give you money, can you let me go, woo woo woo!"


Very angry!
What kind of abuse did it take to become what it is today?

An angry Yan Zhendong punched the railing of the iron cage, and the railing was directly bent ninety degrees by this angry punch.

"Fuck, who are you and where are you from?" The loud noise attracted foreign devils patrolling outside.

"Hehehe!" Anger made Yan Zhendong sneer.

Looking at the foreign devils who entered the cabin, Yan Zhendong smiled and spoke in an interpreter's voice: "Oh! I can't believe that this is how you believers treat our future believers? I bet you didn't accept it. I have given you the teachings of the priest, and I promise to the Virgin Mary. I will teach you well and let you understand what it means for God to love the world."

"Shit, what are you talking about?" Several foreign devils listened to Yan Zhendong's translation voice, a little confused.

Yu Bu started, Yan Zhendong disappeared in place, and his figure flickered, and he came behind the first foreign devil.

"I said, on behalf of Jesus, I will teach you what is called benevolence. If you don't understand, I, Uncle George, will kick your ass hard with the leather boots made by Old John himself." It's still the same translation accent, only this time , Yan Zhendong said it in the ear of that foreign devil.

Danger! !! !!

The foreign devil suddenly had a creepy feeling, as if a beast was crawling behind him, ready to pounce on him at any time and bite his throat.

Iron shirt!
launch! ! !

Yan Zhendong used the method of the iron cloth shirt, the inner energy surged, the color of the body surface became a little dark, and at the same time, metallic light shone.

Yan Zhendong raised his left leg and kicked the ass of Foreign Devil No. [-] hard.

The iron legs are like knives, unparalleled in sharpness.

Foreign devil No. [-] only felt a chill in his lower body, and then he felt severe pain.

what! ! !
The screams rang out, waking up the dazed girls and the dazed foreign devils.

"Shoot!!!" A foreign devil shouted.

In the narrow hatch, several foreign devils raised their guns and aimed at Yan Zhendong.

Yan Zhendong's figure flickered again, and he came behind the No. [-] foreign devil.

I saw Yan Zhendong's compassionate face: "God forgive me, these stupid groundhogs don't want to listen to my teaching, so I can only let them listen carefully under the weight of strength."

Yan Zhendong became shorter, squatted down, and then shot out suddenly, clasping the foreign devil's hips with both hands, one hand on each side, channeling his inner strength into his arms crazily.

"Walter, Falk, what are you doing?" The foreign devil was shocked when he was attacked on his private parts. This method, this kind of strength, was the posture he often used to face the big girls and the young wives.

Yan Zhendong grinned: "Uncle, I am really going to be angry."

Use your arms hard.


cough!It's a show.

Under Yan Zhendong's tremendous force, the No. [-] foreign devil broke apart.

There is nothing to thank you foreign devils for everything you have done to me, just let you split your fork!

Throwing the bad No. [-] aside, Yan Zhendong stared at the remaining three foreign devils.

Two people were killed in a row, and the foreign guns of the three foreign devils aimed at Yan Zhendong.

Snapped! X3
Ding! X3
After a round of salvo, Yan Zhendong was unscathed. Except for three holes in his clothes, he didn't even leave a mark on his body.

"Oh my god."

"Satan, he's Satan from hell."

"The devil, he is the devil, go find Father White."

The three foreign devils want to run away?
That's no good, Uncle Yan still wants to continue playing with them.

Iron Palm Skull Smashing!

The two palms clapped together, and the watermelon on the [-]rd burst.

Fight the tornado!
Putting palms together, using Prajna energy, Yan Zhendong spun through No. [-]'s body.

No. [-] has already escaped from the hatch and walked to the deck while the two people behind were procrastinating with their lives.

But No. [-] didn't heave a sigh of relief, as if it came from hell, some cold satanic words sounded in his ears: "people BBQ."

The Chinese name of this trick, Yan Zhendong called it human meat skewers.

A foreign gun flew out from the cabin, and instantly penetrated the back of No. [-]'s head. The powerful force led No. [-] to rush forward until it was nailed to the mast, and the foreign gun pierced three points.

After finishing the five foreigners, Yan Zhendong looked back at the girls in the iron cage and smiled slightly: "Oh, my dear girl... Uh, big sister, don't worry, I, Yan Zhendong, will come to rescue you."

Regardless of the reaction of the big girl in the iron cage, Yan Zhendong walked out of the cabin and faced the foreign devils on the first deck.

What Yan Zhendong didn't see was that after he left, all the girls in the iron cage knelt down and kowtowed to thank him.

"Thank you benefactor." xN
Looking at the foreign devils on the first deck, Yan Zhendong looked around and found himself surrounded, surrounded by foreign devils with foreign guns, and these foreign devils had their hands on the triggers!
A foreigner wearing a gray suit and holding a cane came to the center, looked at Yan Zhendong, and asked, "Who are you? Want to..."

Before the question was finished, the foreigner saw Yan Zhendong's frightened expression, pointing his finger into the distance.

"Look, there's a bomb." Yan Zhendong pointed into the distance with a terrified expression, as if seeing the end of the world.

It's just that when the foreigners turned their heads, they found that there was nothing, the night was as dark as ink, and the sea was calm.

There was a sound of falling into the water, and Yan Zhendong, who was standing there just now, had disappeared.

In an instant, the foreign leaders on this deck realized that they had been tricked.

"Fake, catch that damned yellow-skinned pig for me, and I'll take him to Jinshan and sell him as a coolie for 100 years." The foreigner in a suit yelled.


After finding a place to land at random, Yan Zhendong left behind his ripped foreign military uniform, steamed his clothes with internal energy, quietly found a thatch-covered shed, and began to sleep with his eyes closed, preparing to go to the foreigner again tomorrow night. on the warship.

(End of this chapter)

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