Honestly, I'm going to be the villain

Chapter 15: Chrysanthemum Set Electric Drill

Chapter 15: Chrysanthemum Set Electric Drill

Azu has been yearning for the world of Master Huang for a long time. He grew up watching Master Huang's movies since he was a child.

Although Huang Feihong made by those directors later was not so Huang Feihong, but as the first work of Mr. Xu, Azu was very impressed with Top Gun.

Although Master Jie later filmed two Huang Feihong films with Old Monster Xu, he never filmed Huang Feihong with Old Monster Xu again.

But it is undeniable that Master Jie's Huang Feihong is definitely a classic among classics.

The system gives several options for villains, such as the leader of the Shahe gang, the foreign devil's good deeds, and the admiral, etc.

Although there were many choices, Azu set his target on a martial artist with a vicissitudes of life wearing a coarse cloth short shirt, with a shaved head and a vicissitudes of life.

Yan Zhendong, a man full of tragedy.

He came to Foshan with full of enthusiasm and ability, and wanted to make a name for himself in Foshan and make a name for himself.

In the end, he could only be reduced to a street performer, and suffered all the humiliation and indifference.

The scene of Master Yan drinking the leftover soup under the brothel is still fresh in Azu's memory. On the one hand, there is a hibiscus tent in the brothel to warm up the spring night, and on the other hand, the pitiful bodice outside the brothel.

The contrast is very sharp.

Master Yan didn't ask much, but he hoped that his Yan family's martial arts could be carried forward, so he later came to challenge Master Huang.

But as far as that battle was concerned, Yan Zhendong was invincible because Master Huang at that time had no intention of fighting.

The fact that Yan Zhendong defeated Huang Feihong was known, and at the same time it was widely publicized, so Master Yan became famous and called him.

Once you have a reputation, you will naturally have the money.

The members of the Shahe gang took a fancy to Master Yan's name, so they invited Yan Zhendong to be their master.In order to make the members of the Shahe Gang happy, "Master Yan" can even put down his figure and do a juggling stunt to please the public.

Obviously before this, Master Yan was just earning money by relying on his own skills on the street for his livelihood, but now he is juggling for a title.

He told Ah Kuan, who persuaded him to give up the money of unknown origin, that he would uphold justice for the people after he gained a foothold in Foshan.

Perhaps at this time, Master Yan still has a little conscience of a martial arts practitioner in his heart, but after seeing Thirteen Aunts later, Master Yan had seen Thirteen Aunts before, but for a ridiculous title, "Master Yan" Turn a blind eye.

It turns out that as long as the bottom line of a person is broken, can it be broken again and again?
The ending of "Master Yan" was also very tragic. He was killed by foreign bullets. After all, the iron cloth shirt of the Yan family could not resist the iron bullets ejected from the firecrackers.

But what I said above is the Yan Zhendong in the past, and the current Yan Zhendong, or Lin Yaozu, doesn't want to end up like this.

Using the method of iron cloth shirt, Yan Zhendong's skin color gradually changed, it turned slightly blue, and even had a metallic luster.

Picking up the big knife he was carrying with him, Yan Zhendong slashed at his arm.

When the sound rises, the knife breaks.

This is the power of the iron cloth shirt, not Yan Zhendong's Yan family iron cloth shirt, but Lin Yaozu's Gaowu iron cloth shirt.

What Gao Wu is, his behavior can be turned upside down. As a bad street iron shirt, it is naturally impossible to be like some hard qigong.

After reading the detailed introduction of this high-martial iron cloth shirt, Azu realized that he had taken advantage of it. The full-level iron cloth shirt saved him a lot of training time, and at the same time saved a large amount of genius treasures. Lots of gold and silver.

To put it simply, as far as the medicinal materials needed to purify the body for the cultivation of the iron cloth shirt, in terms of the year, the minimum is 100 years old.

In summary, blood is earned.

Azu admired his perfect body with a satisfied face. With such a strong body, not to mention the foreign guns in this world, even the rifles in the real world, Azu decided that he could block them.

Leaving aside the juggling weapons on his back, Azu wandered into Foshan alone.

Now that he has decided to start a new life, then this juggling thing is no longer necessary, it is too embarrassing.

However, it didn't take long before a figure ran out of Foshan City secretly, looked left and right and found no one, and saw the discarded weapons on the ground again.

While picking it up, the man muttered, "It's still a weapon anyway. Although it's useless, it's good to exchange for some silver dollars. I've been walking for so long, and I haven't had enough to eat yet."


After entering Foshan, Yan Zhendong sold all his weapons, exchanged some money, bought some small gifts, and planned to visit local snakes.

Pulling over a peddler on the side of the road and asking about the location of Baozhilin, Yan Zhendong walked towards Baozhilin with some small gifts he bought.

Ren'an Street, Huang Jiabao Zhilin.

Huang Feihong's family has a long history, he studied art in Shaolin when he was young, he is a lay disciple of Shaolin Temple, he is known as a master of both fists and feet in martial arts, plus his ancestral medical skills, here in Foshan, Master Huang still has a lot of face, he can enjoy it everywhere.

Therefore, if you want to get ahead in Foshan, you have to visit Master Huang no matter what.

Arriving at Baozhilin, led by Zhurou Rong, Yan Zhendong stood in front of the living room.

Zhu Zhurong walked in and said to Huang Feihong, "Master, there is a strict master looking for you outside."

Huang Feihong nodded slightly, and then said to the old man with his arms folded in front of him, "old man, relax, I'll treat you."

As soon as the words fell, Master Huang shook his hands with both hands, and with a click, the old man's arm returned to its original position.

"Okay, old man, go back and rest for a few more days, and don't do farm work in a short time. I'll prescribe you a prescription for external application and internal use, and you'll be fine in a few days." Master Huang asked the old man, and at the same time started Write a recipe.

"Thank you, Master Huang." The old man stood up and walked out the door.

After seeing off the last patient, Huang Feihong got up from the table and came out to greet him. Seeing Yan Zhendong's bunt and bulging muscles, he was slightly startled: "Ah Rong, who is this?"

Yan Zhendong handed the gift to Zhurourong, and then smiled and clasped his fists: "Shandong Tiebushan Yan Zhendong is going to open a martial arts gym in Foshan. He heard that Master Huang is good at both fists and feet. Today, I am here to compete with Master Huang."

Master Huang was a little embarrassed: "Master Yan, let's change another day, you came at a bit of an inappropriate time today."

Master Yan looked stern, waved his hand and said: "Where is Master Huang, since I, Yan Zhendong, have come, I just want to learn from you, Master Huang. The two of us are just having fun. It won't take long, and we are behind closed doors. Let’s learn from each other, no one else will know the result of winning or losing.”

Master Huang Yile: "It's not about winning or losing, it's because I want to eat."

Yan Zhendong snorted, and said, "Then Master Huang, you eat first, and I'll wait for you."

Master Huang was a little helpless, and invited Yan Zhendong into the house.

Yan Zhendong glanced at the food on the table, and his stomach let out a growl.

It's not that Yan Zhendong is greedy, it's true that people who practice martial arts have a lot of food, and they spend a lot of energy practicing martial arts on weekdays, so they naturally get hungry quickly.

Hearing Yan Zhendong's stomach growling, Huang Feihong was slightly taken aback, and asked with a smile: "Master Yan, have you eaten, and if not, eat together?"

Yan Zhendong nodded slightly, came to the dinner table and sat down, talking about some current affairs with Master Huang while eating.

After a meal, the sky has darkened.

Yan Zhendong glanced at the sky outside, stood up and cupped his fists at Huang Feihong: "Master Huang, it's getting late, I'll come back tomorrow."

Huang Feihong also got up: "I will send Master Yan off."


After Yan Zhendong left Baozhilin, he wandered aimlessly on the street.

The money from selling weapons has been turned into gifts and given to Master Huang. Now Master Yan is penniless.

The pocket is cleaner than the face, and Master Yan can't live in the shop at all, but fortunately, Master Yan also has his own goals, so this night can't be wasted.

The system released a task during the day, and Yan Zhendong is now going to pave the way for this task.

[Main task: A generation of grandmasters (have their own beliefs and carry them forward)]

[Reward: Lucky Coin X2]

I am already familiar with it, the system is no longer secretive, and the location is not written, it is directly a lucky coin.

[Sub-task: The Uncrowned King (This world is ruled by the Han people, and this Foshan is my Foshan, Yan Zhendong)]

[Reward: Super Super Great Redemption]

Hey?I didn't expect that there would be a side mission with specific rewards.

Needle does not poke.

Having a task means having a goal.

Since you want to be the uncrowned king of Foshan, you have to patrol your own territory and be ready to start rebellion.

The first stop is the port occupied by foreign devils.

(End of this chapter)

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