Dare to cook

Chapter 314

Chapter 314
After the Provence lamb chops are ready, a third of the time has passed.

Yao Yu is calm and focused. Once he enters the game state, he is rarely disturbed by the noise around him.

Next, he plans to make a sauce-flavored salmon.

Braised in soy sauce is one of the traditional Chinese cooking skills. Among the braised sauce-style dishes, the most representative ones are braised pork ribs in soy sauce, braised eggplant in soy sauce and braised mandarin fish in soy sauce.

The sauce-roasted salmon that Yao Yu is going to make at this time is an evolution and innovation from the sauce-roasted mandarin fish.

Cut the salmon into pieces, add cooking wine, salt, soy sauce, ginger, garlic, and chili and marinate for more than half an hour.

Shred the onion, the finer the better, and soak it in ice water for about half an hour.

Yao Yu took care of these two processes when he marinated the lamb chops earlier.

So at this time Yao Yu can directly proceed to the next steps.

Take a pan and pour a little oil.When the oil is heated to half mature, you can put the marinated salmon pieces into the oil for frying.

After all the salmon is fried until the surface is browned, it is necessary to pour in the special marinade, add a little chili and about 150ml of water to cook.

Drain the sauce on high heat, and when the pot is about to start, sprinkle the shredded onions soaked in ice water, and then briefly stir-fry twice, and wait until the onions are broken, then put them on the plate.

After the plate is placed, the salmon is neatly arranged, sprinkled with some chopped green onions or basil, and finally squeezed in some fresh lemon juice.This dish is done.

It is not difficult to make salmon with sauce.

As long as the fish is fresh, well-marinated, and cooked in a tasty marinade, the dish will be pretty much the same.

Pickled sauce is an essential condiment for sauce-flavored dishes. Just like chili sauce and bean paste, it needs to be prepared in advance.

Of course, you can't buy high-end compound seasonings such as pickles in Amalfi.

The marinade used by Yao Yu was brought by Lu Chenyu from home, and it was pickled by Lu Tao himself when he was free.

Needless to say, its high quality.

Using the seasoning brought by Lu Chenyu does not violate the rules of the competition.

In many cases, the seasonings used by chefs in cooking are not made by themselves.

Pickled sauce is no different from salt and soy sauce.

Has anyone ever seen a culinary competition and the chef made his own salt and soy sauce?

Except for some large-scale competitions with clear regulations, the use of off-site seasoning by chefs has always been tacitly approved by the referees and judges.

In people's opinion, being able to collect high-quality condiments is also part of the chef's ability.

When the braised salmon in sauce was ready, Yao Yu began to cook the last dish.

The main ingredient of the last course is sausage.

In this competition, Hotel Baerard served a total of four types of sausages.

One is the three-flower sausage made of chicken, which is low in fat and suitable for frying or eating with cheese.

The second is Naples' unique salami, which is suitable for eating with appetizers, aperitifs and slices of bread, and it is also more suitable for chopping and frying pasta or making pizza.

The third type is falafel, which is the kind of large sausage that is often used to make hot dogs.

The last one is Italian breakfast sausage.Thick and rich in flavor, it can be eaten alone, sliced ​​or fried. It is not much different from domestic high-quality ham sausages.

For experienced European chefs, hundreds of dishes can easily be prepared using these four sausages.

The competition does not require chefs to use all four types of sausage.

Even if Yao Yu chooses only one of them, it's fine.

At this time, Bruno chose the Frankfurt sausage among the four sausages.

At the same time, he also used a lot of cheese powder, fresh milk and potatoes, and seemed to be planning to make a German potato sausage toast roll.

Yao Yu thought for two seconds and decided to do exactly the same as Bruno.

When the onlookers found out that Yao Yu planned to cook the same dishes as Bruno, there was another burst of discussion.

Cooking competitions are not copying homework. When two chefs decide to cook the same dish in a free-for-all competition, it means that they intend to compete head-to-head.

We don't know what Bruno thinks.

But Yao Yu made such a move, in the eyes of bystanders, it was very provocative.

"This guy is really narrow-minded." Lu Chenyu pursed her lips and smiled, and immediately guessed why Yao Yu did this.

Well, a certain barbarian is indeed more vengeful.

When they ran into Bruno in the tavern two days ago, Bruno shamelessly claimed that he was Lu Chenyu's guardian knight.

Although, most of this is a joke.

But Yao Manzi was still a little upset at the time.

Therefore, taking this opportunity, Yao Yu wanted to compete with Bruno on the same dish.

Potato Sausage Toast Rolls are easy to make.

In the first step, the potatoes are peeled and steamed; the frankfurter sausage is baked until it is half-ripe; then two eggs are beaten, and a little salt is added to the eggs.

The second step is to chop and mash the steamed potatoes into puree, add an appropriate amount of cinnamon and salad, stir well, and then pour in an appropriate amount of fresh milk to adjust the consistency and sweetness.

The third step is to prepare some toast slices, and use a rolling pin to flatten and stretch them as much as possible.

It is best pressed into a dough similar to a handkerchief.

Then spread mashed potatoes on top of the toast.

Next, put the heated sausage on top and wrap the sausage in a toast wrap like a spring roll.

The rolled sausages are dipped in egg liquid, then they can be fried in oil pan, then sliced ​​out of the pan, sprinkled with pepper, salt and tomato sauce, and the work is done.

After Yao Yu finished the three dishes, Bruno also finished the dishes.

The works of the two were put on the judging table, and at this time, there were 10 minutes left in the competition.

The three judges from the Naples Kitchen Federation began to taste the dishes.

Brunolu and the onlookers also looked towards the jury, waiting for the answer to be announced.

But at this time, Yao Yu looked at the time and decided to make another traditional Chinese-style lamb chop dish - braised spicy lamb chops.

Yao Yu's unexpected move once again aroused discussion among the crowd.

The referee of this game asked in confusion: "Mr. Yao, you have already cooked three dishes, why do you still need to cook?"

Yao Yu quickly processed the mutton chops and replied:

"The previous three dishes were for the competition. Now, regardless of the outcome, I want to present another authentic Chinese dish. Please try it."

"Mr. Referee, I have no other meaning in doing this."

"It's just that I am a Chinese chef and it is rare for me to come to Europe, so I hope to take this opportunity to let everyone appreciate the charm of Chinese cuisine."

Yao Yu's answer won a lot of praise.

Many people immediately expressed that they would go to Hua Restaurant to try authentic Chinese food.

Lu Chenyu also walked into the arena at this time, and offered to help Yao Yu: "Let me help you! If you want to do it, do more."

(End of this chapter)

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