Dare to cook

Chapter 310 Today's Special Drink (Part 1)

Chapter 310 Today's Special Drink (Part [-])
Wang Haiyuan also understood Yao Yu's thoughts, saying that he would take good care of his film crew.

Both of them still have a lot of things to do tomorrow, and it is not too late.

Just had a few drinks together, shared two bottles of locally brewed brandy, and left the shop.

When Yao Yu returned to the homestay, it was already a quarter past eleven at night.

The other partners had already gone to sleep, but Lu Chenyu was still sitting under the grape arbor in the yard of the hotel waiting for him.

There is no camera in the courtyard, and Yao Yu and Lu Chenyu have already turned off their headsets.

Seeing that Lu Chenyu was still waiting for him in the yard, Yao Yu smiled and walked over, rubbed her hair and said, "Goddess Lu, why are you still awake? Are you waiting for the guardian knight?"

Hearing Yao Yu's ridicule, Lu Chenyu patted Yao Yu's hand away angrily, and kicked him twice: "What nonsense are you talking about? Let you laugh at me!"

Yao Yu dodged with a smirk, sat down beside her, and pulled Lu Chenyu into his arms:
"Okay, okay, I just don't laugh at you. Hey, in the eyes of Westerners, does guardian knight mean to protect the discriminated against?"

"You still talk! You still talk!" Lu Chenyu was ashamed and bit him angrily.

The two laughed and quarrelled for a while, and then went back to their rooms to rest.

Lu Chenyu didn't ask Yao Yu what he was doing just now.

It has been more than two years since the two met, and there is still some tacit understanding.

Some things don't need to be asked.

After dawn the next day, the partners got up one after another.

Yao Yu cooked breakfast.

However, Feng Ziyi got up early today and helped make a big glass of soy milk.

While eating breakfast, several people held a short meeting.

"Are we going to solicit customers at noon today like yesterday?" Meng Xiao asked.

"It depends on the situation. If the store's occupancy rate exceeds half, there is no need to solicit customers." Lu Chenyu thought for a while.

While peeling the eggs, Feng Ziyi asked Lu Chenyu, "Will that classmate of yours really come to the restaurant for dinner today?"

"Bruce said he will come, he will definitely come." Lu Chenyu said:
"Don't look at his lackluster appearance, but he is actually very good at cooking. When he was studying at Le Cordon Bleu, his culinary performance was often among the best."

"It's not surprising that someone who can be selected for the French national chef team is capable." Yao Yu said while cutting a sandwich with a knife and fork:
"It looks like we're going to prepare two big dishes today to frighten him."

As soon as these words came out, Feng Ziyi and Jiang Yuqi both became excited: "What are you going to cook?"

"It's not clear yet." Yao Yu said with a smile:
"After the meal, we have to go to San Lazaro to do some shopping to see what kind of ingredients we can buy. But braised lion head can definitely be made."

"If you can buy high-quality tofu in the market, you can consider making a mapo tofu or Wensi tofu."

"Then, didn't we sell a turnover of 1400 euros yesterday? Now that we have enough money, we can also consider buying a dishwasher first."

"If the refrigerator is not too expensive, you can also buy the refrigerator together."

"We don't have enough refrigerator space in the kitchen."

"I agree. You must buy a dishwasher. If you wash hundreds of dishes every day, you will be crazy." Jiang Yuqi raised her hands in support.

After breakfast, a group of people gathered with the filming members of the program group and headed to San Lazaro again.

After arriving in San Lazaro, Yao Yu and the others first went to Huaxia Supermarket, where they purchased the ingredients for today's use, and then took a fancy to a fully automatic dishwasher.

But that dishwasher was the latest model, and the price tag was too high, and several people thought it was too expensive.

Yao Yu had no choice but to find Boss Lin of the supermarket again, wanting to bargain.

Boss Lin is quite enthusiastic about these compatriots from the motherland.

He knew that Yao Yu and the others were doing a show, and he also knew that Yao Yu and the others had insufficient funds to buy too many things.So he suggested that Yao Yu could rent the dishwasher in his shop.

Boss Lin is not only the owner of Huaxia Supermarket, but he also opened his own small restaurant next to the supermarket, and the business is booming.

The dishwashers used in his store are all [-] to [-]% new.

Boss Lin told Yao Yu that if they are willing to rent, they only need to pay a deposit of [-] or [-] euros and a rent of [-] euros to take the dishwasher away.

At present, the cheapest fully automatic ultrasonic dishwasher on the market costs [-] Euros.

After seeing the goods, Yao Yu and the others discussed it, and felt that this plan was feasible and could greatly relieve the current financial pressure.

Therefore, Yao Yu bargained with Boss Lin, and rented a dishwasher and a refrigerator from Boss Lin with a deposit of [-] Euros and a rent of [-] Euros.

However, Yao Yu still had to subsidize Boss Lin’s delivery fee of [-] euros.

After negotiating the business, Yao Yu made another list and entrusted Boss Lin to help him purchase some ingredients that cannot be bought locally, such as dried bamboo shoots, duck feet, duck necks, chicken feet, sheep's feet, etc.

These ingredients are the same as hot pot ingredients, which were difficult to buy in Europe before.

Later, with the gradual increase of Chinatowns and Chinese business districts in various parts of Europe, suppliers began to specialize in the supply of such ingredients.

But in places like San Lazaro and Amalfi where there are few Chinese people, it is still impossible to buy such ingredients.

Boss Lin told Yao Yu that if they really wanted these things, he could contact the supplier in Milan to ship them.

However, the cost of ingredients will be much higher. The cost of duck feet, chicken feet, etc. may reach 5-8 euros per pound, and the cost of sheep hooves may even reach 10 euros per pound.

Yao Yu made some calculations and said to Boss Lin:
"We are sure that these ingredients are all available. Brother, please help us order ten catties of each!"

"Okay. Since you want these things, I'll help you get in touch. In about four or five days, what you want will be delivered." Boss Lin patted his chest when he saw Yao Yu's straightforward words.

Yao Yu knew that Europeans prefer to share meals.

Therefore, a catty of duck feet can be made into at least four dishes for sale.Generally speaking, there is still a certain profit margin.

Of course, Yao Yu didn't want to make these dishes to make money.

Mainly to promote Chinese cuisine.

It is now the seventh season of Hua Restaurant.

Those Chinese dishes that are usually familiar to everyone, such as Kung Pao Chicken, Braised Pork, Egg Fried Rice, Braised Shrimp and other dishes have appeared many times in the program.

Yao Manzi is not uncommon for cooking dishes that he has cooked in previous episodes.

So he wants to innovate and enrich the menu recipes of Hua Restaurant.

After purchasing, everyone returned to the restaurant to start preparing dishes.

Today's menu has been determined.

They are: Braised Lion Head, Stir-Fried Vegetables with Mushrooms, Steamed Sea Fish in Bean Sauce, Cheese Oysters, Old Yanjing Fried Noodles and Zucchini Egg Pancake.

Today's special drinks are ice orange lemon tea, frozen yogurt and pink lady cocktail.

The methods of these three special drinks are very simple, and they were also proposed by Meng Xiao and Jiang Yuqi.So today, the two of them will be in charge of the wine supply.

(End of this chapter)

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