Dare to cook

Chapter 307 Luncheon (Part 1)

Chapter 307 Luncheon (first update)
"Phew, I can finally rest. I didn't expect cooking food to be so hard, even more tiring than filming." When the last table of guests left, Feng Ziyi directly spread out on the chair.

Meng Xiao also hammered his waist and said, "Oh, my 82-year-old waist is so tired that I'm sore."

Jiang Yuqi was also very tired.

While wiping sweat with a tissue, she carefully checked her makeup.

At this moment, Yao Yu came out wearing a scarf and asked, "What do you want for lunch? I'll make it for you."

Seeing Yao Yu and Lu Chenyu's composed look, Jiang Yuqi couldn't help being surprised: "Aren't you tired?"

"I'm a little tired, but it's okay." Lu Chenyu said.

Yao Yu smiled and said:
"We probably received less than 180 guests at noon. This level of busyness is nothing to us who work as cooks all year round."

"Hiss, you are really ruthless!" Feng Ziyi gasped in awe.

Lu Chenyu pursed her lips and smiled:
"Don't listen to his bragging. The main reason is that today's dishes are easy to cook. The glutinous rice and cold preserved eggs are all prepared in advance."

"The other dishes are also simple and easy to prepare."

"It's not easy. If we were in charge of the back kitchen, we would have been exhausted long ago." Meng Xiao said, "Yao Yu, don't bother you too much. We will eat whatever the back kitchen has. .”

"Yes, yes, yes. I want a West Lake Beef Soup, nothing else matters." Feng Ziyi spread out on a chair and said.

Yao Yu nodded with a smile, turned around and entered the back kitchen.

After a few minutes, Yao Yu called Lu Chenyu in to help serve the dishes.

Feng Ziyi and Meng Xiao quickly put the two dining tables together, and Jiang Yuqi also poured a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice for each of them.

Soon, a large bowl of peas and glutinous rice, a large bowl of West Lake beef soup, a plate of ants climbing a tree, and a fish-flavored eggplant stew were placed on the table.

Several partners took their seats, and Meng Xiao suggested toasting to celebrate today's opening.

Everyone clinked glasses with orange juice, and Meng Xiao asked while eating: "Have you counted it? What dish sells best at noon?"

Yao Yu said:

"The best-selling dishes are glutinous rice, braised duck, and hibiscus shrimp. There are also more cold preserved eggs."

"The sales of Ants on the Tree and Fish-flavored Eggplant Stew are about half of that of braised duck. West Lake Beef Soup is slow to sell, with only five copies sold in total."

"Why so little? The beef soup is obviously delicious." Feng Ziyi, who was slurping up the second bowl of beef soup, was very puzzled.

"Could it be that the price is too high?" Meng Xiao said.

"Probably not." Lu Chenyu thought for a while and said:

"The portion of West Lake Beef Soup is quite large, and one serving is enough for three or four people."

"Many customers who come to the store at noon spend at a table of two or three people. If they order beef soup, they will not be able to eat other dishes."

"It seems to be true." Jiang Yuqi said:

"When I was cleaning up the dishes, I found that three tables of guests hadn't finished their soup. I thought it was because they didn't like it."

"It may also have something to do with the tasting dishes we provided." Feng Ziyi said, and began to serve himself a third bowl of beef soup:
"In order to attract customers, we served out all other dishes except beef soup. Almost half of the guests came for the dishes they had tried."

"They haven't tried the beef soup, so they ordered less."

"Well, it makes sense. I'll reward you with a piece of braised duck." Yao Yu saw that his analysis was logical, and gave Feng Ziyi a duck with chopsticks.

"Brother, don't throw away my soup bowl." Feng Ziyi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and quickly ate the duck meat soaked in the beef soup.

Several people continued to eat, Lu Chenyu thought for a while and said:

"How about we change the West Lake Beef Soup into a regular soup? Just order a small bowl for anyone who wants to drink it. This will not be wasted, and sales will be guaranteed."

"I think it's okay." Yao Yu said:
"I marinated seven or eight catties of beef when preparing vegetables today. If I don't want to sell them, I can only chop them up and make beef balls."

After lunch, everyone took a rest.

Afterwards, Feng Ziyi and Jiang Yuqi wailed again when they saw the mountains and seas of bowls piled up in the back kitchen.

"My God, how come there are so many bowls!"

"When are we going to wash..."

"Stop whining, wash it quickly, or you won't have any bowls to use until nighttime." Feng Ziyi was dejected, with an expression of resignation.

Yao Yu looked at the piles of bowls in the pool, and said to Feng Ziyi and the others:
"Well, let's make a little difference when cleaning."

"Don't wash those with a lot of oil stains and those with less oil stains in the same sink. It will wash faster."

Yao Yu and Lu Chenyu also had to prepare dishes for dinner, so naturally they didn't have time to wash the dishes.

The heavy responsibility of washing dishes can only fall on Jiang Yuqi and the three of them.

Meng Xiao saw the piles of bowls in the kitchen and said, "Leave these to me. You go upstairs to rest first."

"No need, I'll be fine." Feng Ziyi hurriedly said.

Things like washing dishes are the most annoying.

Although everyone is reluctant to wash the dishes, they still take the initiative to do the work when facing the camera.

In the end, Wanchi's job was claimed by Feng Ziyi and Meng Xiao.

Jiang Yuqi returned to the front desk and began to count the sales at noon.

Several people were busy for a while, and they didn't have time to take a good rest until four o'clock in the afternoon.

While several partners were resting, the program team members who had been following the filming in all directions were also able to rest for a while.

All cameras in the restaurant have been temporarily turned off.

Feng Ziyi, Jiang Yuqi and Meng Xiao's assistants all came in to help their respective bosses touch up their makeup and massage to relax their muscles.

Reality TV is still a show after all.

It's impossible to really follow the actual restaurant operation.

Celebrity guests will not be willing to suffer those hardships.

Take washing dishes as an example. All actresses who have shown their faces in Chinese restaurants have washed dishes, but no one can really wash hundreds of dishes a day from beginning to end.

Actresses, especially popular ones, spend thousands of dollars on skin care every day.

How could they really roughen their slender hands just to film a show?
While the assistants were touching up the makeup of the celebrity guests, the on-site director Wang Haiyuan also walked into the restaurant.

Wang Haiyuan sat down next to Yao Yu and said with emotion: "It's amazing. It's really different when a famous chef takes action! The whole place was full on the first day!"

Yao Yu smiled and said:

"Brother Hai is amazing, it's all the result of everyone's joint efforts. Come, drink a cup of Poria cocos tea to relieve the heat."

With that said, he picked up the teapot on the table and poured Wang Haiyuan a cup of tangerine peel and poria tea.

Wang Haiyuan is the on-site director of the program team and the general person in charge during the overseas filming of Chinese Restaurant.

When several partners were busy running the restaurant, Wang Haiyuan had to sit in front of the monitor in a house near the restaurant to take care of the overall situation in order to ensure the recording effect of the images.

Wang Haiyuan's job is no easier than Yao Yu's.

Especially when facing a group of celebrity guests.

Once there is a conflict between celebrity guests, he, as the overseas manager of the Chinese restaurant, will have a huge headache.

During the filming of the first two seasons, Wang Haiyuan was often troubled by some shitty things.

He originally thought that letting the two chef partners serve as store managers would not be able to hold the scene, and some people would be dissatisfied.

For this reason, I squeezed a cold sweat.

But now it seems that both Feng Ziyi and Jiang Yuqi give Yao Yu face.

Meng Xiao wanted to poke secretly to fight for the dominance a few times, but Yao Yu calmly resolved it.

What made Wang Haiyuan even more relieved was that Yao Yu was really good. He didn't need the help of the program group to attract customers, but they managed to open up the situation by themselves.

Of course, today is only the first day of Hua Restaurant's opening, and it is still unknown how the plot will develop later.

But this does not prevent Wang Haiyuan from using the rest time to deepen exchanges with Yao Yu.

After all, it is also one of his jobs to build a good relationship with all the main guests.

(End of this chapter)

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