Chapter 82 Medusa's Scales
The expansion film that has been dusty to this day looks back at the scene just now through the photographic equipment provided by the Soviet military, which seems very simple now, but was almost black technology in that era.

The radius of the fireball produced during the explosion reached 600 meters, exceeding the detonation height.

Therefore, the fireball quickly swept across the sea surface that had formed ice floes, and then spread the terrifying shock wave and thermal radiation to the sea surface.

Violent bright light and electromagnetic pulses instantly destroy imaging equipment.

But at the last moment when the strong light swept across, a hill-like back rose from the sea surface, and collided with the explosion that could be called divine punishment!

It's like a magnificent miracle!

After the image disappeared, the mottled snowflakes on the screen still branded this huge, dark spine!

In the unparalleled high temperature like the sun, this great and weird creature, which has not been revealed in its entirety, has its skin and flesh peeled off, and its spine with bony spines stands straight into the sky.

The most magnificent weapon in the history of mankind finally defeated the unknown creatures that even the Bible dared not describe.

With the explosion point as the center, a wave of red suddenly spread to the surroundings.


Waves of blood!

The vehicle carrying the photographer went all the way north and reached the vast white Arctic Ocean with no end at sight. The dirty bright red even spread here in just a few minutes.

"what is that?!"

In the turbulent camera, Bryant Pavlov suddenly got up.

His expression was somewhat panicked.

The seat belt, which is both a safety protection and a shackle, can withstand a pulling force of [-] kilograms, unexpectedly disconnected in an extremely smooth way.

It was as if a dragon-slaying sword fell on the nylon fiber, and together with the molecular structure of the fiber group, the place where it was cut was completely annihilated.

The fracture is smooth.

Danilov was also dazed by the violent bumps. Even with his well-trained reflexes, he couldn't realize in an instant that the force that could tear off the seat belt wasn't human's strange force at all.

He looked around in a daze, still adhering to the instinct from the ancient Moscow guards, and clenched Pavlov's right hand:


A violent electric current swept through the entire cabin accompanied by a crackling sound.

The plane wobbled.

Obviously, the two bomber pilots are still trying to maintain the balance of this steel giant.

But in a daze, the camera turned to the sea, in the turbulent waves of blood, there seemed to be... ghosts? !
Or, an ancient mirage that lasted tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years under some kind of ionization reaction.

He stood still in the turbulence, his feet seemed to be nailed into the steel armor of the cabin, motionless, staring at the bloody wave hundreds of meters and kilometers below like a mountain rising on the sea.

There is light in that wave!

Light as a shadow!

He looked down.

a pair of eyes!
The human-shaped light and shadow in the monstrous blood wave raised its head in amazement, its lifeless, indifferent eyes full of spots like stars and galaxies are definitely looking at someone on the vehicle!

There was a rustling noise, but at that time, there were mixed, sharp, and harsh musical instruments sounds in everyone's ears.

Like the sound of a flute.

Brycent Pavlov covered his ears.

But the voice seemed to ring directly in his head.

It can't be blocked no matter what.

The light and shadow gradually become larger.

He quickly stood up from the blood wave, his upper body was human-like, but his lower body looked like some kind of invertebrate creature with endless tentacles, arms and legs.

The light in the body actually comes from miniature stars one after another.

Is it possible that another form of life or civilization exists among those stars?
The sound of the flute was accompanied by an inexplicable roar, like the magic bottle that had imprisoned King Solomon for 2000 years was opened, and the ferocious and angry roar of the ancient king rang through the mountains and rivers, accompanied by the war songs and music of strange peoples on the battlefield, resounding inside the huge coffin.

Languages ​​that do not belong to any known human language are transmitted directly into the soul of any living creature present in a magical form.

Rino Pavlov used the flames jumping in his eye sockets to see the growing light and shadow in the video.

Now almost level with the bombers stranded in the sky.

Obviously it should feel weird and scary.

But there is only a trace of warmth.

Like the Red Square in February, the sky should be covered with ice and snow, but the sun is shining brightly.

All the glowing electrical appliances suddenly shattered.

It's getting dark here.

Everything stands still.

Reno Pavlov suddenly stood up.

His white bones, strands of twisted, squirming, and granulated flesh were slowly growing out.

"Finally, we have waited, waited..."

"The world is dead, and they should die too!"

The filth of flesh and blood, which had special activity independent of Pavlov as an individual, was squeezed out of the dead air and adhered to every one of his bones.

In just a quarter of an hour, most of the lingering breath of death and rotten stench in the air in this large area had dissipated.


"We sing praises to you..."

"Offer our skin, flesh, and heart..."

"In the mansion in the deep sea..."

"Waiting for me to fall asleep..."

"Sacrifice, it's coming..."

Pop, pop, pop.

Who is applauding.

A crisp sound resounded in the inner space of the huge coffin, and the smell of strangers surged, which quickly made the place feel a little warmer.

The dim light bulb crackled twice and came back on.

He Gang stopped applauding.

There was a play in the corner of his eye.

"Interesting, who are you enshrining?"

he asked.

Rino Pavlov's behavior is very similar to some kind of religious ceremony, and occasionally some languages ​​that he has never heard are heard in the video.

But Rino Pavlov, already filled with rotten, squirming flesh and filth, didn't answer.

He faced the two men.

Big and weird.

The sarcomas all over his body continued to explode, and the turbid liquid inside flowed out, and then new sarcomas grew again.

His features were jumbled across his face and completely out of proportion to his body type.

The small cherry mouth stuck to the forehead said:

"How long have you been here?"

"always there."

He Gang sat down on the sofa and took out an uncorrupted cigarette from the system space.


Smoke swirled around him.

"We have seen the content in the video, and we also know that you are offering sacrifices to something... I can forgive you for preparing us as sacrifices, but I need to know what is in the video."

He asks.

Hancock has blocked the door leading here.

"But you should be over there by the door—"

"So that thing is called a door?"

He Gang scratched his ears, feeling a little disdainful,
"You have been here for a long time, Old Antique, and you may have been here before that incident happened... In this era, the strength, knowledge, and experience you are proud of are so weak that it makes people want to laugh."

He Gang opened his palm.

There, a bright scale shines brightly.

【Scale of Medusa】〖Platinum〗

[Description: Medusa has died, and she gave you the power she obtained in the world.Use this power for good.

Stamina +0.5
Lower limit of sanity +1, upper limit of sanity +3
Effect 1: The user's damage to all "Old Ones" is increased by 30%.

Effect 2: The wearer gets a permanent "absolute sanity" gain, and the sanity value will not be lower than Min when affected by a non-high position.

Skill 1: Illusion 〖Create a real object with reference to a subject. This object has a physical body, but cannot fight.Create objects for up to five subjects simultaneously. 〗

Skill 2: Invisibility 〖The wearer can carry three individuals whose volume is no more than three times their own to enter an absolute invisible state, and non-friendly units whose full attribute judgment is lower than three times the wearer cannot observe it from an optical angle. 〗

Skill 3: Petrification 〖Forcibly changing the basic particles of the target's body composition, making it an inorganic dead thing.Available times (5/5)〗]

(End of this chapter)

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