Chapter 81 The Unknown Image

When the battle between He Gang and Hancock is about to come.

A skeleton named Rino Pavlov was sitting in a huge coffin buried deep in the ground.

The volume of this coffin is extremely close to the sarcophagus on the west.

But it's hollow inside.

It still maintains the appearance of a complete laboratory here.

On the huge monitor, a video marked in 1961 is played in black and white.

"'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn..."

This is how humans can imagine syllables.

The filth transformed from the vocal cords made such a sound instead of Reno.

He knelt on the ground.

Actually made some pious actions.

He was praying to something....


It is 73.85° north latitude and 53.50° east longitude.

"Today is October 30, at 11:21 a.m. Moscow time, our department has arrived at the scheduled location to record data and collect air samples for the 'Khrushchev Bronze Bell Project'."

The Russian man with a slightly green face recorded his work through some ancient and precise phonograph.

The picture on the display is on an ancient aircraft.

There are steam pipes and wires twisted together in the picture.

Only two or three people appear in the frame.

Judging from the information displayed in the form of subtitles next to them, they are located on the west coast of Xindi Island, about twelve kilometers above the Arctic Ocean.

The screen zooms out.

Bomber wings bob up and down in the windy high air, like the tail feathers of a New Zealand petrel.

Even with the naked eye, ice floes are already visible.

Those huge ice blocks drift aimlessly on the calm and foggy sea, occasionally revealing a hideous corner from the deep water.

Into the severe winter.

This year's winter seems to be very cold.

"Our leaders declared that the explosion was for scientific experiments and technical problems, but in fact you should know something about it."

The sound was violently jumping and chaotic, as well as rustling like snowflakes.

A tough and burly East Slavic man like a polar bear sat in front of a slightly thin man. The former wore a silver-gray double-breasted coat that had faded for a long time, without fringe or logo.

The exposed scars on the face and neck were slightly distorted by the unconscious squirming of muscles, like carrion maggots.

This Tu-16 Badger jet bomber has another official federal personnel dispatch in addition to the pilots and essential regular personnel.

"Although the Cold War has come, all countries in the world still have to join hands to face some non-specific life-like things other than human beings."

This video is absolutely impossible to appear in He Gang's past world, "things other than human beings with non-specific life properties".

No matter how you look at it, it seems to be talking about ghosts or demons.

The thinner man said:
"As the commissioner dispatched by the affiliated unit for this operation, I carefully read the dossier of the operation plan more than three times."

Bombers circled in clouds that looked like brown sugar and blueberry marshmallows, waiting for the Lord of the Day to descend.

The majestic East Slavic man with his indifference written all over his face that I'm a KGB don't get close to me stretched out his right hand missing a pinky finger and took out a piece of dirty-looking pastry from the lining of his coat.

He handed the pastry to the thin man, and carefully checked that their parachutes could be opened.

"The blasting mission is a V-type Tu-95 bomber. Major Andrei Durnovchaifu who drives it is from the Ninth Research Institute of the Far East in Siberia. It is almost the same as your unit."

After checking the parachute, the East Slavic man extended his right hand to the latter,
"Yakov Danilov, of the Third St. Petersburg Guard."

Another man wiped the pastry clean on a handkerchief, reached out and touched Yakov, saying:
"I remember you renamed that place Leningrad in 1924."

"The number of our army has existed for more than 200 years, and it has been working for the current cause since 1712."

Yakov Danilov couldn't see the expression on his face when he spoke.

"Attention all units, the red dragon is entering. Repeat, the red dragon is entering."

Next to the photo-recording device, a hoarse, low-pitched voice came out from the somewhat rusted speakers above their heads, but it was not Russian, but Latin.

The Soviet Union never used Latin as the official language of any official institution.

The so-called Red Dragon is the code name of the V-type Tu-95 bomber driven by Major Andrei Durnov Chaf.

In addition to this modified model that performed the blasting mission, there are at least ten Tu-16s flying in the sky, and many countries have participated in this operation.

"Khrushchev Bronze Bell Project".

Some frightening cirrostratus clouds, rendered in black, swooped down from the north, and the sea was suddenly startled by violent waves.

The screen on the display suddenly became jittery.

It looks like someone is hugging the camera.

got windy.

A flying bird with black dotted with huge red five-stars rushed out of the clouds, accompanied by a huge roar and the clouds and mist behind it.

That's not a bird.

"Red Dragon" is here!
It actually comes from the north!
This is Novaya Zemlya!

Further north, there is only the vast and endless Arctic Ocean!
Also at this time, the artificial floating islands scattered around the sea have automatically controlled searchlight beams that cast circular spots of light on the black clouds.

The light spot followed the red dragon that looked like a black flying bird.

"It is about to evacuate, and the estimated safe area is 45 kilometers. Their era has long since ended, and the Soviet iron fist of industrialization in the new era will eventually fall on the heads of demons and gods."

On the loudspeaker, the scribbled Latin just now sounded again.

The people who appear in the picture or appear indirectly are a little nervous.

They say that they are firm materialists, but in fact they are always chanting words like god or devil.

"They" is a synonym for the creatures buried deep in the bottom of the Arctic Ocean.

Under the surface of the sea, something is moving.

Slippery, ugly, hard to look at.

Part of that thing appeared.

The reason why it is a part is because this thing is too big, so big that any photo equipment in this era can't take the whole picture.

"The release altitude is 10500, the detonation altitude is 4500, and the parachute airdrop is expected to release 39 terajoules of energy within 21 nanoseconds."

"Reporter Brycent Pavlov, dispatcher of the Khrushchev Bronze Bell Project of the Third Institute of Genetics in Yekaterinburg."

Against the backdrop of black cirrostratus clouds, the wind finally subsided.

"Proofreading again, October 10 at 30:11am."

"Received, the proofreading is complete."

"It's time to let those things see the power of the iron fist of the great motherland, Comrade Durnov Chav."


The dialogue between the pilot and the Red Dragon driver came from the loudspeaker, and they were a little cross-talking.

The fuselage of the entire bomber suddenly lifted up, which was a sign that the Tu-16 was about to evacuate the scene.

The camera pans to the outside.

Suddenly, as if a pair of gigantic hands or feet swept across the dome, the clouds were directly peeled off by something appalling in everyone's sight.

A huge, dark thing dropped from the belly of the Red Dragon's cabin.

But the photography technology of that era was simply not enough to support the damn camera to shoot high-definition pictures.

But the bomb that was dropped, code-named "AN602", had a more widely known name in He Gang's original world.

(End of this chapter)

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