Chapter 64
"If these things are just us, it will be really tricky."

He Gang said.

There is no gray fog here, so there is no need to lower your voice, but the haze covering the entire sky weighs heavily on their hearts like living flesh and blood.

Weeping Angels are really hard to deal with for them.

Although He Gang can be regarded as a half-baked wizard, his spells are still at the stage where he can barely satisfy the trivial matters of life and clean up minor filth that is less than ten levels.

I'm afraid that even Dumbledore, who has already raised his level, can deal with one alone.

"It's a good thing Zou Wu is here."

The Weeping Angel's talent [Aetherial] is indeed the best for warriors like Hancock who have pure physical output, but it's a pity that it has an extra suffix——

"Unless attacked by pure, bright, benevolent forces."

This means that under this form of attack, the Weeping Angel's virtual state will be broken and appear in this world in a material body.

When the time comes, won’t you let me choose whether to make it round or flat?

Let's look at Zou Wu's attribute panel after leveling up after this period of hard work.

【Zouwu】〖Silver Level Creature〗〖Magic Part Level Category XXXXX〗

[Description: *** (Check the previous text by yourself)
Status: Baby, Full, Healthy, Angry

Rating: 27
Strength: 24.5 (+1)

Stamina: 19.25
Physical Strength: Max
Sanity: 2—4.7〖The decline rate of the San value of the beast is reduced by 80%, and the sanity is always greater than (Max+Min)÷2〗

Talent 1: Eliminate Evil and Eliminate Yi

Talent 2: Travel thousands of miles every day

Skill 1: Blink

Skill 2: The Benevolent is Invincible (Zouwu is one of the ancient four benevolent beasts in the East. It has the power bestowed by "Meme Blocking". It can summon the phantom of the other three benevolent beasts in a short time. The phantom has part of the body's power .)]

Even this big cat's own attributes are that of a legendary beast and a benevolent beast. Its attacks are definitely pure, bright, and benevolent.

Not to mention that it can also summon the phantom of the three benevolent beasts.

Isn't that the weeping angel nemesis?

So He Gang waved to Zou Wu in the distance.

The big cat walked cautiously into the circle surrounded by the weeping angels.

Zou Wu seemed to turn a blind eye to those giant monsters floating around.

"Try and see if you can bite them."

He Gang asked Zou Wu to attack the Weeping Angel.

But it's also a mythical beast that hunts purely with claws and teeth, and its body actually passed through the bones of a weeping angel.

The movement in the shadow was a little bigger.


"Pure physical attacks have no effect on these skeletons. Maybe you can try the bullets enchanted by the Holy Light?"

Hancock made a suggestion.

"Well, I'm afraid not."

He Gang took out the M1216 that he used frequently in the past. This powerful shotgun has been hidden for a long time.

Since the opening of the [Great Cemetery] and the summoning of combat units such as Hart and Travis, there have been very few opportunities for He Gang to fight in person.

He said no, because the power of the Holy Light was not benevolent at all.

Sure enough, as the large-caliber shotgun was fired, violent explosions echoed throughout the wasteland.

In the cracks in the scorched earth, the dirty eyes as small as ants lit up again.

Unfortunately, the bullet passed through the body of the Weeping Angel.

It just brought up a handful of black mist.

"It's useless."

He Gang said.

More than 20 Weeping Angels have not yet launched an offensive. They are floating at a height of [-] meters, and the gaps on their faces open, revealing a skeletal face that looks like a deep-sea brachiopod climbing.

A dead gaze emerged from beneath the clinging, shapeless brachiopod.

They were staring at He Gang.

"Although I don't want to say it, why don't we fly in the sky like them."

"Because the sky is not clean now, don't we just fly close to the ground even when we are on the road?"

Hancock said,
"Honestly, if there is no way to decipher their current state, I suggest that it is better to leave first... There is still something in this pit that hasn't come out yet."

He glanced at the mass grave.

The teeth bite together.

Even if it was him, he felt a little terrified when he was about to face it.

This feeling is like when facing a natural disaster of flesh and blood.

Weird and bloody.

The cold wind from the south blows here.

He Gang shivered.

"Try that trick we practiced before?"

He asked Zou Wu for his opinion.

The invincible skill has a shameful name, but its effect is very good. Although the summoned phantom can only last for less than 10 minutes, its attributes and combat power far exceed Zouwu itself.

Just using this trick will make Zouwu fall into a weak state for a certain period of time.

This weak state means that its attributes will not decrease, and its physical strength will not decrease, but it is a psychological effect.

This effect cannot be expressed through the property panel, but it is indeed very painful.

Dumbledore can understand Zou Wu's language, he has talked about this feeling.

Just like... I had a dream at night, and it turned out that I had been working for seven consecutive days without a day off.

Probably that's how it feels.

Zuowu nodded.

It takes two steps back.

A huge, white, and pure light appeared on its forehead.

The moment this light cluster appeared, it seemed as if the gray fog and gloomy oppression of the whole world had been completely dispelled, even the haze disappeared for a moment.

The wails and screams coming from the mouths and shadows of the Weeping Angels suddenly stopped, and then turned into shrill roars.

The wild wind blowing from all directions made it difficult to tell the direction of the wind.

They showed ferocious, sharp forelimbs, and human corpses that had been stripped of bones were wrapped around each withered phalanx.

It's just that the corpse has begun to rot, and the dark corpse water flows down the finger bones to the weeping angel's skeleton.

Those sharp roars gradually seemed to be covered by the wind from all directions.

All the Weeping Angels spring into action.

Their target is clearly Zuowu who is using his skills.

He Gang and Hancock glanced at each other.

They dodged thousands, each bombarding a Weeping Angel at a speed comparable to a rocket.

But the blurred state is not canceled at all!
"No, use your spell!"

Hancock growled.

He pulled out a large boulder and blocked the progress of a Weeping Angel.

"I have arranged 12 layers of Iron Armor Curse!"


The weeping angel's voice gives goosebumps.

They have already arrived in front of Zuo Wu.

Teeth and claws, bloody brutality!
From the gaps in their bones, countless eyeballs, hearts and lungs fell out.

The violent stench accompanied by the plague-like green gas wanted to cover the light sphere that had expanded to a diameter of ten meters!

The moment those sharp and polluting claws touched Zuowu's body.

The light cluster exploded!

Three incomparably huge phantoms of miraculous animals came out of the light cluster.

The moment they appeared, the colorful rays of light emitted and expanded one after another like apertures.

Light warmer than the sun instantly filled the earth.

Even on the scorched black waste soil that has completely died, tender grass is sprouting again.

(End of this chapter)

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