Arriving alone: ​​70 billion copies of survival

Chapter 63 [Resurrection of the Dead - Weeping Angel]

Chapter 63 [Resurrection of the Dead - Weeping Angel]

The mountain of blood and sea of ​​corpses that had not yet completely rotted, whose bones had been stripped, and whose internal organs had been dug out, slid out of the building that Hancock had raised like a torrential rain.

The strong smell of corpses filled the entire wasteland.

"Something's coming out—"

Zou Wu seems to be responding to He Gang's words, the hair on its body emits colorful light, its face adopts the expression of an angry cat, and its two front paws are madly scratching on the scorched ground.

With the violent sound and the tremor of the whole earth, the buildings that were uprooted like mountains were easily thrown by Hancock for several kilometers.

The huge kinetic energy was comparable to a small nuclear explosion, and the extremely dry ground was overturned, and even the ground tens of meters deep was lifted into the sky.

The ground is cracked.

From these cracks, one after another, small and dense light spots flickered, which were countless tiny filth buried in the ground, and it was unknown what it was.

"You should really see this."

Hancock appeared next to He Gang in an instant, he took the latter with him, and appeared above the big hole in the uprooted building in less than a second.

"Oh my God……"

Even if he had seen the truly horrible, bloody, cruel and filthy natural disaster, He Gang was still shocked by the scene below.

Stomach spasms wildly with violent vomiting.

Dead body.

Countless corpses.

These corpses have begun to rot, and they are crowded together, crushed and placed at will, and embrace each other in strange postures.

It seemed that they had experienced the pain of peeling off their bones before they were alive. The muscles all over their bodies were squeezed together, and their facial features, which were no longer visible, still maintained painful expressions.

The stench of corpses rolling in like sea water and dense haze like dark clouds falling from the sky lingered at the bottom of the entire pit.

Compared with the corpses of the flesh and blood natural disaster that were crushed and assembled together forcibly, the tragic situation here is also unbearable to look directly at.

Countless human beings have been deprived of their bones and suffered extreme pain, and then abandoned here at will to wait for death.

He Gang seemed to be able to hear the screams at that time.

Can see the scene at that time.

Also at this time, from the rising smoke and dust in the distance, several dark brown shadows floated out like ghosts in a qualityless posture.

Yes, it is floating.

Not flying.

They seemed to ignore the obstacles of the ruins of the building, penetrated the matter and quality, and floated straight towards the two of them.

The light from unknown sources cast the shadows of these monsters on the scorched earth. The shadows were thick and huge, and more than 20 shadows overlapped and almost occupied a range of several kilometers.

There is something twisting and struggling in the shadow, as if something is imprisoned inside, and it is accompanied by howling and moaning one after another.

"I should have brought the professor with me if I had known earlier."

He Gang looked solemn.

He paid more attention to the shadows that covered the whole world, as if they were infused with endless vitality.

If I guessed right, it should be those souls who have been polluted, imprisoned, and tortured forever with the most terrifying pain...

More than 20 monsters approached the two people from every direction in a manner similar to Zuowu's flashing skills.

They only have a gap from top to bottom that is full of facial features. The vocal organs on the face come from nowhere, and the wailing that I heard just now came out.

It's not like howling.

It's more like the roar of an irrational beast under crazy surprise.


A huge stone weighing at least several tons was thrown by Hancock. With such a volume and such a weight, even the real golden filth had to give way.

But they didn't back down.

The stones just passed through these monsters directly, without posing the slightest threat.

"That's exactly what worries me."

Hancock said.

His strength is the top even in the entire world, but there are always some weird guys who are not affected by the material world at all.

"I may not be able to do anything with these things, or... let's slip away first, and let Professor Hart and Dumbledore try it later?"

"I think I can try it."

He Gang checked the panel of this thing, pouted and said,
"One of us just has the power to restrain them."

As he spoke, he glanced at Zou Wu who was pacing impatiently because of the strong evil.

【Resurrected Dead—Weeping Angel】〖Silver-level filth〗

[Description: His believers from "Meme Stop" tortured and slaughtered any life that saw a sanity value higher than 0, and let their souls be polluted and mixed with terrifying methods, and finally became these eternally immersed In pain, it is a monster that continuously emits the wailing sound formed by the combination of countless voice lines.

Rating: 35
Power: 22.5
Stamina: 41.25
Physical Strength: Max
Sanity: 0
Talent 1: Ethereal (Weeping Angels have no entity, and the body you see is not made of the matter of this universe, it hides forever in the evil "meme block", unless attacked by pure, light, benevolent forces .)
Talent 2: Depravity (Individuals close to a certain distance will be affected, and the sanity will swing up or down.)
Talent 3: Shadow (Each Weeping Angel is a container used by Memetic Block to torture and imprison souls. Their shadow is that prison. When necessary, it can even control some completely corrupted souls in the shadow to serve it. combat.)
Skill 1: Flicker (The Weeping Angel's ability is not supported by any existing scientific theory at all. It can make short-distance space jumps in a virtual state.)
Skill 2: Hatred (Beware, the Weeping Angel's hatred will increase its full attributes by 30% in a short time.)]

Very luxurious panel.

It is even stronger than the deformed idol seen and killed in Trinity Church in New York a few days ago.

However, considering that New York belongs to the system-designated novice village, and that the distorted statues, which are filthy bronze ranks, are actually supermodels, they are not enough to be a reference for these weeping angels.

More than 20 weeping angels just floated in the sky, surrounding the two without any dead ends.

Now, they see the true appearance of these things.

Hard to describe.

Dry and ugly.

Some kind of organ that rotted like an angel's wings and completely became a skeleton grew out of the back.

The upper body that has been completely turned into a skeleton, which seems to be still wrapped in broken cloth after death, is paired with countless lower bodies that look like tree roots made of bones and enlarged nerve fiber bundles of the human brain.

Their heads are also skeletons, but they are covered with scarves of unknown material, with only a narrow slit exposed.

Those chaotic wailing sounds came from this gap.

 There will be another chapter later.

  During this period of time, it is on the recommended position. You can read it a little bit, and try to read the latest chapter every day, about a week or two will be fine.

  I will post the prototype and pictures of Weeping Angel later.


(End of this chapter)

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