Arriving alone: ​​70 billion copies of survival

Chapter 48 The Giant in the Gray Fog

Chapter 48 The Giant in the Gray Fog
The bright yellow flame after the burning of the white phosphorous bomb adheres to the dense filth that looks like an ocean.

Most of the filthy body structures are still similar to those of carbon-based animals, so open flames of up to a thousand degrees Celsius penetrate their skin and penetrate deep into their bones.

But filthy innervations are rare, and they are insensitive to either sense.

So this deadly flame actually excited them.

The lower layer of the gray mist was illuminated by flames.

Those filthy shadows attached with phosphorescent fire were hugely printed on the gray mist, they danced excitedly because of pain, and then crowded forward in this kind of stimulation that had never been seen in a lifetime.

Dozens of garrison squads have already formed formations, using metal barricades as high walls to block the impact of the filth burning with phosphorous fire.

The crying of the son of Lamia continued, and countless filth came from all directions, and all kinds of weird sounds filled the surroundings.

There is also the crackling sound of bones burning with phosphorous fire.

"I think in the past, we had to do it ourselves to get enough food and clothing. Now we just need to stand here and wait for the equipment, materials and experience to be credited."

He Gang and Dumbledore chatted happily.

There is no major filth in the Manhattan area, at most it is the Silver Steps. The Son of Lamia was obviously put here by something.

The garrison team is close to here, so it comes quickly. Other pioneer teams composed of Wolf Knights and Goblin Warriors are also coming in this direction.

Their level is generally higher than that of the garrison squad, and their mobility is also stronger. The combat effectiveness that can be displayed in this kind of battle is also much stronger.

"I always feel wrong, it all seems too simple."

Dumbledore was a little out of his mind.

He was once invaded by the concept of a black iron step, and was almost polluted, and he also knew that the fighting power of filth was not limited to this.

But these dense and crowded things in front of me... seem a little too weak.

It was as if they were deliberately sent to be slaughtered in front of them.

"You're thinking too much, professor. This is New York, where the level of filth is suppressed to the limit. Only here can we be so unscrupulous."


"Don't worry, I'm thinking about taking that giant baby back and imprisoning it, making it a machine we use to spawn monsters."

He Gang patted Dumbledore's arm.

He also felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Hundreds of power brought him not only the power to topple buildings, but also unparalleled speed and senses.

Now his intuition is quite accurate.

Something is spying here.

Is it Lamia?
he does not know.

He had no choice but to continue to torture the giant baby Ives.

The howling sound pierced through the gray fog.

More filth followed.

They are like zombies, fearless, deathless, and full of desire for raw meat.

"Something big is approaching in your direction."

Hancock communicated with He Gang through the radio. He was hiding not far away. He seemed to be doing some work in his hands. At the same time, there was the sound of a hard object being torn apart.

"They seem to be born from this gray mist...but it's not too difficult to deal with."

"Anything related to the gray mist, we must treat it with caution. It is about a polluted old god who has obtained a little purification."

He Gang realized that those big things were probably responsible for the noise he heard in Trinity Church.

They've never been seen in full, but they're frighteningly huge.

Quickly hang up the communication.

He Gang called Travis back.

他 说:

"There are things more dangerous than these filths approaching. Let our garrison team prepare to shrink the line of defense and wait for the arrival of the frontier army."

Hancock said the stuff wasn't hard to deal with.

Then there is no need to retreat.

The origin of the gray fog is related to the pollution of Nodens, the Lord of the Great Abyss. His personality and biological sequence are much higher than the "false god" of the Statue of Liberty.

And the things born in the gray fog probably won't be too weak.

Unfortunately, this is New York.

In New York, the countdown is still a week away.

During this period of time, this place is equivalent to Novice Village.

By comparison, those behemoths may not be much more dangerous than ordinary filth.

"Only relying on this, we may not be able to attract Lamia."

"Something else has to be done."

He Gang stood up. He checked the equipment and props he had acquired during this period, and the total was barely enough to make up several sets of bronze and even silver ranks.

But except for him and Dumbledore, other people basically don't need these equipments.

Hancock didn't like the rags at all, and Hart's biological sequence prevented him from wearing conventional equipment.

There are no props that can cope with the problem at hand.

A chilling sound began to be heard from the depths of the mist.

It was not a sound like a whale's cry, a cat's roar, or a woman's cry, but the roar of some horrible creature when it was hungry and angry.

That's when Hancock's video request came in.

He Gang agreed.

"I built a...slaughterhouse ten kilometers away from you."

Hancock said.

And show off your results by the way,
"I know these gray fogs are dangerous, so I captured some of those huge creatures for dissection...although I don't really understand these scientific principles."

Then, He Gang saw things lying in a huge warehouse illuminated by dim lights.

"what is this?"

he asked.

"I found these deer on the edge of the gray fog, near Middletown, some alive, some dead. And the ones that were dead, had colorful fungus coming out of every pore of their carcasses, in the Within 24 hours, the growth flourished, and the piles of corpses looked like rainbows in a gray fog."

Hancock replied that it was the carcass of an elk,

"The strange thing is that the genes of these creatures have not been changed at all when they are alive. The cause of death is allergic, suppurative inflammatory reactions and granuloma formation, including primary and secondary pulmonary fungal infections."

Wearing a white anti-bacterial suit, Hancock showed He Gang an elk that bloomed with countless fungal adults after death in a closed safe room more than ten kilometers north of Manhattan.

He has been busy investigating this matter during this time.

God knows how much information has been checked for this bastard.

The elk wasn't completely polluted, at least not while alive, and it and its herd were still herbivores.

But now, after it was infected and died by something in the gray mist, the fungal spores exploded in its body instantly, forming such a strange and beautiful flesh and blood corpse.


The sharp blade pierced the elk's fungus-covered, faintly visible abdomen, and the sound it made was the sound of inserting tight plant fibers.

He Gang frowned.

Hancock stretched out his hand to open the slashed elk belly. The texture was actually very similar to trees, connected by fibers.

A huge weirdness came from the phone screen.

In the abdominal cavity, the internal organs, intestines, and even the closely connected blood vessels have completely lost the appearance of flesh and blood.

The intestines turned into vines, the internal organs turned into platycodon, and the blood vessels turned into tiny rhizomes. The elk corpse had completely turned into something like a collection of plants.

"Under the invasion of gray fog, the death of organisms caused by fungal infection will eventually undergo specific biological essence changes. Animal cells will completely transform into plant cells within 24 hours. The most notable feature is the appearance of cell walls and chlorophyll."

Hancock said.

After he transformed himself in the last world, he went to university for a period of time and successfully obtained his diploma.

His eyes can see at the atomic level.

Cellular tissue can also be seen naturally.

"There is definitely something in the gray mist that is changing the genetic structure of creatures, making the gap between animals and plants gradually disappear,"

Hancock pointed the phone screen at himself. He has learned about this and he still hasn't forgotten it.

"This kind of change is irreversible. Now it will completely change after death, but I'm not sure if it's because of the edge of the gray fog."

"We walked in the gray fog, and nothing unusual happened."

"No, I don't think we're going to be fact, I want to remind you of what you're about to face."

Hancock then reveals a huge corpse.

It was... a combination of plants and animals, but it was not completely dead. Its huge joints were completely covered with fungi, and it was densely wrapped around its body, which looked like irregular pieces of flesh covered with moss and plant roots.

The thing was randomly thrown out the window.

The gray fog there is already very light.

"I just killed one, and now more are heading towards you."

Hancock said,
"Can it be handled?"

(End of this chapter)

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