Chapter 47 The Battle
Son of Lamia, it is synonymous with madness, stupidity, and corruption.

The gray mist extending from the ground to the sky is like its curtain, and the unconscious and chaotic limbs are pulling and rippling the black, wrinkled carrion.

Numerous fat, writhing maggots emerged from the pustules all over its body.

Uneasy, huge uneasy.

Its voice was sharp and piercing, consistent with the cry of a child when he was hungry. This cry was loud and clear, and spread far in the gray mist.

He Gang and Dumbledore cast the Iron Armor Curse on the death knight from a distance. Although He Gang has the ability to instantly kill Ives with absolute strength, he is not immune to the plague.

Suddenly, my feet slipped and I almost fell.

He Gang spat lightly.

He looked down.

Only then did I realize that the streets in this entire area had been filled with organs, viscera, lungs, and flesh that had lost their vitality.

These rotting organs mixed with coagulated and dried blood are spread in every block. If the gray fog hadn't filled the entire city, there would probably be groups of crows pecking at these remains, and then they would be contaminated into something sanity-inducing. A monster worth losing.

Strange to say, the haze seems to have no effect on other animals. Migratory birds are still migrating, and there are still unpolluted fish in the water.

Even relatively speaking, the sheer quantity contrast between ordinary animals and filth is a huge advantage.

These wreckages come from the filth that roams around here.

No wonder it's eerily quiet here.

"It even eats filth..."

He Gang's voice is faint.

He shuddered.

Most filths hunt each other, but they don't eat each other, and even to filths, another tainted food is deadly poison.

Even those night-gaunts that seem to be able to eat anything don't hunt other filth for food, they generally kill the pets and rats that still roam the city in groups.

Speaking of pets, He Gang actually adopted two shepherd dogs, but they were contaminated after less than two days.

I had no choice but to strangle it by its neck and kill it with bullets enchanted with holy light.

"The reason why Lamia is full of jealousy is precisely because the mother of the gods makes her witness the scene of her child being tortured every moment."

"Hart, don't kill it."

"Take your time and cut with a knife."

"There should be no Ling Chi on Enlos' side, and you probably haven't received training, but... this thing has a strong self-healing ability, and you should make it feel enough pain."

He Gang gave orders to Hart in a moderate voice.

Since this giant baby Ives is the son of Lamia and has been officially certified by the system property panel, it must have been the individual who performed countless paid small videos on the dark web in front of Lamia.

Judging from the speculations of Lamia through various clues in the myth and during this time, that memory was very... painful for her.

I don't know if she was contaminated and became high-level filth, or if she just became half-filth like those wall rats that wandered in the sewers and ate the broken limbs.

But judging from Lamia's ability to suppress her immediate anger, this banshee should still have quite objective rationality.

If you want to use Ivis as a hook, then I will use your trick. Anyway, this thing poses no threat to me, and it doesn't matter if it doesn't work.

This is what He Gang is thinking now.

If Lamia can be enraged and forced to reveal herself, this shadowy menace can be eliminated once and for all.

The self-healing ability of the gold-level filth is simply terrifying. Its skin was cut and rotten flesh immediately gathered together, and its head was split and countless maggots stuck together to heal.

Hart also faithfully carried out He Gang's order and tortured Ives horribly.

Although I don't know why there are pain-transmitting nerves in such a pile of fat carrion, it is indeed useful.

"Travis, you and your team pull out the garrisoned teams. I'll give you the coordinates. There will be a lot of filth gathering here later."

"Yes, yes, that's it, bring the white phosphorus incendiary bomb we got, don't drive the truck, it's too loud..."

"What, the silver filth you are attacking is also coming this way?"

"Well, I just took this opportunity to clean up Manhattan."

He Gang contacted Travis, who was carrying out the raiding mission in the south. His combat exploits have accumulated nearly half, and he will soon be able to advance to All Angels.

Naturally, the filth summoned by Ives cannot be completely wiped out by Hancock in the distance with a sliding shovel, that would be too wasteful.

It's better to gather an army and use these monsters to level up and improve their attributes.

For this reason, He Gang took over all the side tasks in the vicinity, dozens of them, and if they were all completed, he could get 76 integer computing power.

This amount of currency can even be exchanged for a recruitment order with other survivors on the exchange.

But thinking about it, there should be a lot of external intervention assets similar to [The Heavens Tavern], and the price of the raising order will definitely not be compressed, and may even increase in the later stage.

You must know that everyone has their own golden fingers.

Now there are nearly a hundred bosses with single and dual attributes hanging on the external forum, and it seems that they have obtained some kind of golden finger to strengthen themselves.

The gray fog in this area seemed to be boiling, but Hart, under He Gang's instruction, used undead magic to summon an enchantment to prevent the filth that had already arrived from supporting Ives.

I don't know what these things think. Obviously the so-called son of Lamia should be their archenemy, but they flock to the latter's howling.

"Enroth's magic is very different from ours."

Dumbledore walked to the edge of the barrier, ignoring the filth of a zombie like the gray skin that was sticking his whole face against the barrier and emitting black smoke.

He stretched out his wand and touched the transparent high wall, and the tip of the old wand glowed with a trace of fluorescence.

"The structure of magic manifestation, the way of catharsis, and the means of resonance are completely different, and even the power used is different."

As a legendary wizard, he had long wanted to talk to Hart about magic.

Maybe Dumbledore's chance to be promoted to the golden rank is at hand.

"How's the intensity?"

"A very advanced method, full of magic power. But pure quantity cannot cause qualitative changes. The strength of this enchantment is probably a little worse than my Iron Armor Curse."

Dumbledore's Iron Armor Charm can even block frontal bombardment from large-caliber anti-material weapons.

And most of the filth in New York City won't be able to tear this pretty useful spell.

This also means that the barrier that Hart casually set up on this side is almost impossible to break through.

Taking advantage of this time, they can wait for the garrison mobilized from the [Great Cemetery] and some pioneers who are relatively close.

This will develop into a larger battle.

 Something's up, today's chapter
(End of this chapter)

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