Chapter 34 Rolling
It's hard to tell what kind of weird appearance the statue of the Goddess of Distortion standing quietly on the sea now has.

Its right hand holding the torch, which originally broke off and fell into the Hudson River, was replaced by a thick, mottled tentacle with countless branches. The countless small arms and legs branched out toward the sky, at least three to forty meters high. Subsequently, these orders The restless organs of man writhe into containers.

The originally clean exterior was cracked inch by inch, exposing the scarlet, randomly distributed organs filled inside.

That face was extremely ferocious, all the three-dimensional outlines disappeared, and became smooth and sharp arcs, and the originally kind facial features were all sharp and seemed to be madly angry.

Numerous tiny circles in the shape of jellyfish are attached to the law in the left hand of the Aberration Goddess.

Hancock looked intently, only to feel uncomfortable all over, and couldn't help shivering.

On the tops of those tiny jellyfish, tiny human faces with different expressions grow one after another.

It seems that the internal organs and flesh are forcing its body to expand, so that the cracks seem to be still expanding.

"From the top of the head to the foreseeable soles of the feet, the length should not exceed 110 meters, but there should be a symbiotic base under the feet that may be polluted and become dirty, or it may just be a dead thing."

Hancock observes from the coastal road.

He's ready to go.

A strength attribute of more than 300 is not just the sum of three hundred ordinary people with a strength of 1.

The greater the value of the power attribute, the reflected power will also increase in an upward arc function.

For example, if you simply look at the increase in strength by 1 kilograms for every 50 point of strength, Hancock's strength of 15 points is only [-] tons.

But even if Hancock easily throws a whale weighing 33 tons into the sea hundreds of meters away with one hand in the movie, and it seems easy to calculate, his one-handed strength is definitely hundreds of tons.

It is even likely to reach the level of thousands of tons or even thousands of tons. After all, judging from the movie, he is capable of terraforming the entire moon.

In contrast, the power attribute of the Goddess of Distortion is at most close to 150.Although the formula for calculating the dual attributes of filth is different from that of humans, no matter what species the reference base of the calculation formula is, it cannot match the high attribute value of Hancock.

It is speculated that the power of the Aberration Goddess may reach at most a quarter to a third of Hancock's appearance.

Hancock stomped on the ground.

The entire highway collapsed.

This huge movement, as well as Hancock's unparalleled powerful biological essence, made the Goddess of Deformation feel a biting threat.

It comes alive.

All buffs are added.

The unseen pedestal finally floated up, and it turned out to be an accompanying filth that was also a gold rank!

【High Position of the Goddess of Distortion】〖Gold-level filth〗〖Associated〗〖Down〗

[Description: The base of the Goddess of Aberration was also polluted by those "meme prevention", becoming the lowest accompanying filth even in the filthy world.

Rating: 30
Power: 1
Stamina: 199
Stamina—Durability: Max+
Sanity: 0
Talent 1: Immortality
Talent 2: Touching the bottom (the owner can use it to connect to the earth and ocean, and obtain unlimited energy from feedback.)
Talent 3: Movement (It can move within a range of 10KM per hour.)
Skill 1: Counterattack (Counterattack against any approaching hostility through countless pale tentacles around the body. Although the damage is limited, the visual effect is full.)
Skill 2: Float (violate all rules, perform a [-]-meter to [-]-meter float, but this will temporarily lose the talent "bottoming out".)
Skill 3: Devouring (It can absorb the same dirty energy through metabolism and expand its size.)]

Well, it's a large vase.

So much stamina, so little strength.

It's useless, purely decorative.

But when the pedestal covered by countless off-white tentacles that seemed to be dead emerged from the sea, the entire Hudson Bay shook.

It seems that something is gushing from the ground.

In the huge shock, something finally exploded.

A nascent submarine volcano, born of some filth, erupted not far from Hudson Bay.

Fortunately, it was not a truly unstoppable huge volcano. The magma and toxic substances it ejected could only reach a few thousand meters in the air, but even so, the sky with a radius of several kilometers was still filled with dark clouds, and the violent friction of volcanic ash produced roaring waves. lightning.

In the thick black smoke below, the sharp roar of the Aberrant Goddess was interspersed with the crackling sound of Hancock flying through the sky.

It seems that the pedestal was originally absorbing nutrients from the ground through the volcano to feed back the Goddess of Distortion.

Thick black smoke made the visibility around here almost zero.

Hancock's speed is several times faster than the speed of sound, and his strength can even overturn mountains. He cuts the shell of the Goddess of Distortion like a sharp blade in the sky.

The Goddess of Deformation roared in pain, and the tips of its raised arms and legs flickered with dazzling red light. The black smoke was like an egg about to break its shell, and the red light burst out along the gap.

Flames with a temperature of thousands of degrees Celsius enveloped this weird statue from top to bottom. The skill called "torch" ignited all combustible substances in the air and fell on it.

It's like a flame monster coming out of hell.

The sound of sea water being boiled suddenly sounded——

This flame is the secretion of a higher being.

Not to mention sea water, if there is time, even the entire Atlantic Ocean will be evaporated dry.

So far, Hancock has not even taken off his sunglasses.

He plunged into the dreadful flames over and over again, easily tearing off one tattered tentacle after another.

The arms and legs of those deep-sea creatures began to rot the moment they separated from the statue of the distortion goddess, and then quickly turned into fly ash.

Then, Hancock actually used his own strength to easily lift the [-]-ton Goddess of Distortion!

He exerted force with both hands, and the huge monster struggled in the sky and landed in New York City.

Everything around is like hell on earth.

The Goddess of Aberration struggled among the buildings. It was badly injured, and a wide and deep ditch was plowed out of the ground.

On this road, all the buildings were crushed to pieces.

The city ignited a monstrous fire, and all kinds of filth were scattered and fled.

The statue of the Goddess of Deformation, separated from the base, collapsed on the ground.

It starts to get scared and wants to run away.

But the arms and legs that supported its movement were all dismantled.

"You're kind of weak, to be honest."

Hancock lands on a ruins.

It had been a long time since he had used his power so recklessly, and now he was happy physically and mentally, and even prepared to reward himself after returning.


His answer was a growl.

(End of this chapter)

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